Chapter 2606, a shameless miracle


Gu Yun was quietly and carelessly, but his heart was inexplicably relieved.

Luo’s father took a sip of tea and said, “Small, you will be jealous.”

There was no wave in the ancient cloud, and he got up and went to the living room to take the chess out, ready to pass the time with the next person.

Luo’s father glanced at the maid who was cleaning the living room. “It’s all afternoon, how can it be cleaned?”

"Dirty." Gu Yunqing said calmly.

Nie Linlin has been to every room, and I have touched a lot of places, of course, I have to clean it thoroughly.

Moreover, she also broke the instruments of thousands of studios.

Luo father did not ask too much, mixed in here for two hours before returning home.

Zou Fang is preparing dinner, watching him come back and rushing out of the kitchen.

"You asked no, what did he say?"

"It’s Nie Sen’s brothers and sisters who have been locked for a few days and went to the door.” Luo’s father did not say that he would retaliate against Nie’s family. He just said, “He didn’t know the inside story, thinking that it was your friend who saw it.”

Zou Fang listened to her heart for a while. "Let him not see it in the future. It’s all uneasy."

"Nie Sen went to talk about cooperation with the Fu Group. Nie Linlin went to not to be an outsider, turned the house inside and out, and broke thousands of instruments." Said.

Zou Fang listened, and she came up with anger.

"They have to be shameless, they can't beat them with their eight poles, and they run to the door to climb the relationship."

"Of course it is shameless, otherwise who can do it." Luo Fu is much calmer than the angry Zou Fang.

Zou Fang wants to get more and more angry, and she has known each other for so many years. How she has seen it so far, they are so skinless.

Luo father shouted as he found the dog food for the dog.

"In these years, when you treat others as sisters, when Chen Ying’s husband’s career is defeated, she can harass me with complaints, and it is your heart."

Chen Ying’s husband was originally a small entrepreneur. Later, the company’s investment was lost, and the career was not as good as one year.

Later, because of work, the family moved to the south.

However, in the past few years, Chen Ying’s husband’s career has not improved, and the family’s living standards have gradually declined. Chen Ying has not contacted Zou Fang’s excuses to contact him.

He also mentioned it to his wife, but Zou Fang was too trusting Chen Ying, and he has never been taken seriously.

Zou Fang listened to her husband's words and almost did not feel a cold sweat.

This is not only Nie Lin is now trying to dig thousands of wall feet, I am afraid that Chen Ying wanted to dig her feet, but her husband was not confused by her.

"In those years, she contacted you, you have no idea?"

"I have to move my thoughts. Will I still be with you now?" Luo father shouted as he fed the dog.

Zou Fang smiled gratifiedly. "You ask thousands of messages, she will come back."

Finished, went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

However, after going in for a few minutes, I came out and asked.

"That... Gu Yunche live alone?"

"Yeah." Luo father should have a voice.

"Is it a meal?" asked Zou Fang.

Luo father turned his head and glanced. "Why, want to call someone to eat?"

Zou Fang thought about it and said that he waved his hand.

"Forget it, there is no food at home today, you let thousands go in the past."

Luo father laughed, "Know it."

I’ve been watching it so tightly that I don’t want my daughter to have time to date someone, but I’ve figured it out.

"Dining for dinner, not allowed to stay overnight, come back after eating." Zou Fang cautioned.

(End of this chapter)

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