Chapter 2607 asks her to give birth to her to die.

Luo Qianqian just got off work, and said goodbye to Gu Weiwei, sitting on the ancient Yunche car.

Then I got a call from home.

"I didn't buy food at home today, so don't come back to eat."

"Ah?" Luo Qianqian frowned.

What happened to her mother's adult today, and the meal was not given to her.

"Oh, you go to Gu Yunche to slap a meal, and come back after eating." Luo father saw that she did not understand what I meant, and added a sentence.

Luo has been squatting for a few seconds. "This is what you mean, or what my mom meant."

"She meant that she didn't do your meal at all," Luo said.

Luo Qianqian can't laugh, "Okay, I know."

Gu Yunche looked for a while and wondered for a while, and asked her when she hung up.

"The phone at home?"

"My mom said that I didn't make my meal, let me go to your meal and go home again."

The implication of this is to allow her to meet with him for a while.

Gu Yun was surprised to pick an eyebrow. "Go back to eat, or eat outside?"

"Go back and eat." Luo Qianqian said directly.

She knows that he doesn't really like the kind of people in the restaurant.

In particular, it is now the peak season for meals. Maybe you have to wait in line and wait until you have a meal.

Gu Yunche did not object, drove him home directly, and the housekeeper who had asked from the Fu family had already prepared dinner.

Moreover, he received a phone call saying that he brought his girlfriend back to dinner, and even prepared a candlelight and red wine.

Luo entered the door and looked at the exaggerated table.

"Just just eat a meal, do you want to be so exaggerated."

"Not me, the housekeeper prepared." Gu Yunche explained.

Luo Qianqian laughed. "You are a housekeeper, there are so many plays."

She came over to eat dinner, and he also made so many tricks.

Although spit on the mouth, but the face is still difficult to hide joy.

Gu Yunche looked, thinking: "Well, you don't have to change your housekeeper."

Although they have met every day since they came back, because the family is watching tightly, Luo Qianqian has a lot of work.

Basically, he only sent her to work in the morning. When she was free at noon, she gave her some drinks. In the evening, she took her off work and sent home. There were few opportunities for them to sit down together for dinner.

Luo Qianqian tasted the taste of the dish and asked in amazement.

"Where did you find the housekeeper, the craftsmanship was so good, and it was obvious that he didn't see anyone, but he took care of such a big house."

"From the Fu family to come." Gu Yunche said.

After all, if he finds someone himself, he has to find out the details of the people, and he has to test the ability of people to work. It is too much trouble.

Luo Qianqian: "..."

Gu Yunche saw her expression weird, "What's wrong?"

"Fu family has owed you forever, you are looking for them in everything, and Fu is really forbearing." Luo Qianqian ate while eating.

With her understanding of Fu Hanxi, this person has to be patient with Wei Wei and two children.

He went to work for Fu Hanzhen, and even the housekeeper of the house was in charge of the family.

"He has to bear it." Gu Yunqing said calmly.

Fu Hanzhen can really turn his hand over the clouds in China, but he can't do it right with him.

After all, Gu Weiwei’s little life was under his control, and she was asked to die for her, and it was only between him raising his hand.

He always thought that Gu Sizhen did not hesitate to change her back, and finally he was the one with her.

But I don't want to, it's a cold and cold, and Gu Sizhen not only didn't get what he wanted, but he also fell into such a bleak end.

(End of this chapter)

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