Chapter 2639, you have more topics

Gu Weiwei frowned and looked at each other in a weird look.

"Are you so busy?"

At the premiere, I invited some film critics, as well as professionals and experienced fans in the industry.

But obviously, neither of them is.

"There are some." He Chi said with a smile.

Gu Weiwei smashed the driver to take Kaman Dolans to the car first, and he left a suggestion to He Chi.

"It's not that I have any prejudice. Lu Hao is now in a career upswing, and what bad news is going to happen will ruin his future."

"What bad news will there be?" He Chi looked inexplicable, he just went to support a child.

Gu Weiwei caressed the amount of money. This kind of person thinks that he is bent. He still thinks that he is straight. He really doesn't know what to say.

"Let's see it, there are more tickets to arrange for you to go."

This guy’s concern for Lu Hao has clearly exceeded the boundaries of fans to idols and even friends.

However, he can still say so fresh and refined.

"Don't look at it, scorpion, you have to give me a word." Hechi is obviously not satisfied with such an ambiguous answer.

"Yes, I will arrange for you, arrange it for you, but there is a little bit of interference that will not interfere with the day of the premiere." Gu Weiwei said seriously.

Hechi is satisfied with this, "Thank you for your nephew."

Gu Weiwei looked at him strangely. Is this guy's orientation really no problem?

However, strangely strange, she was not too curious to ask.

She took Karman Dolans home, and after sleeping two children in the afternoon, she communicated with Qiao Lin about the propaganda arrangement behind the movie.

After talking about a few arrangements, Qiao Lin said.

"Actually, several programs hope to invite you to participate with the stars."

After all, it’s more topical to count the male and female stars in the show.

"Important is the starring, I am a director when I join in the fun." Gu Weiwei laughed.

The movie propaganda starred in the actor, and her director was not suitable for the limelight.

"Of course, because you have more topics than them, but I know what you mean, I have rejected them for you." Qiao Lin knows that she doesn't like these things, and she simply plays the game.

In a few starring roles, only Ling Xiao is the most famous. Lu Yan has a good popularity recently, but it is less topical than she stood up.

After all, looking at the entire entertainment circle, acting well and having a talented director, or a wealthy wife of the wealthy valve, she can't pick a second one.

"You know, this movie is a big improvement for Lu Hao, give him a good arrangement." Gu Weiwei shouted.

In this circle, she has always valued actors who are acting and willing to go forward.

Lu Hao has been delayed for a few years in the original company. In this industry where he eats youth, he has to stand firm as soon as possible.

"He is now the artist of the billion-dollar culture, and the resources will definitely not be able to lose him." Qiao Lin promised.

Now that the three young people have slowly retired, the company has only the strength and strength and the big production is only Lu Hao, who is not good enough to hold him.

"You will be responsible for the promotion of the film behind you. Other things I will see with Fu Shizhen." Gu Weiwei said.

He has to bring a few artists in his hands, and he has to help them in charge of the propaganda of the film, as well as the coordination of various departments. It is really too difficult for people.

(End of this chapter)

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