Is Chapter 2640 my own?

Here, Gu Weiwei is busy scheduling work, and Luo Qian, who is resting on the other side, is worried about bringing her boyfriend to see her parents at night.

She was not nervous at all, and the result was also strained by Gu Yunche.

She just took him back to eat dinner. He made it more grand than going to meet with the national leaders. She didn't dare to take him back.

After eating lunch, the man changed three sets of clothes and asked her again.

"Is my hair long, don't cut it."

"No," Luo said, sighing.

Gu Yunche checked the gift to bring the past and asked.

"That silk scarf, will your mother not like that color?"

"That's her favorite color, rest assured." Luo Qianqian has been troubled by his similar problems since the morning.

Gu Yunche listened to her answer and was slightly relieved.

"What time have we passed?"

"It’s only a little now, what are you anxious?" Luo screamed.

Gu Yunche looked at the time, and it was only a little bit.

Luo Qianqian saw that he was sitting uneasy and could not laugh.

"Can you sit down and take a break?"

Gu Yunche sat down on the sofa and silently recalled the various conditions of their exercises yesterday and Gu Weiwei.

"Do you want to... call them together?"

"Who are you?" Luo Qianqian asked.

"Fu Han and his wife." Gu Yunche said.

He is worried that he will not be able to cope when there is a situation.

Luo Qianqianfu, "My mom wants to see you, not Wei Wei and Fu Zong, and people are very busy, okay."

What he thought, with a couple of people to accompany him to see the parents.

Gu Yun stunned his lips, "I am a little nervous."

"See it." Luo Qianqian laughed.

He was a little nervous and obviously very nervous.

The two spent several hours at home until they arrived at Luojia at six o'clock.

Because they are not far apart, they arrived home in less than ten minutes.

Gu Yunche parked the car and took something down from the car. She did not follow her into the elevator.

Luo Qianqian glanced sideways. "You relax, my mother is not that terrible."

This person does not even swear by the great demon of Fu Hanyu. When he comes to see her family at home, she is scared.

Gu Yunche looked at the elevator floor and was about to take a deep breath before she followed the elevator.

Luo Qianqian went to the door of the house, pressed the doorbell, turned his head and glanced at the person who was still hiding at the corner.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Yun took a deep breath and walked away. Just walked to her side, Luo’s door opened.

Zou Fang and Luo Fu stood at the door, full of smiles.

"Come in, come on."

Luo Qianqian took her into the door and made a serious introduction to her parents.

"Dad, Mom, this is my boyfriend Gu Yunche."

Gu Yunche listened and immediately followed.

"Dad, Mom, I am Gu Yunche."

After the call, the air was silent.

He realized that it was wrong, and he quickly changed his mouth.

"Uncle, aunt."

Luo Qianqian Fu, explained.

"He is a little nervous."

Scared to death, this is not what it is, just call the parents when you enter the door.

Zou Fang stunned, but did not say anything, Luo father was smiling.

"It doesn't matter, how to call it is good."

"You can sit down and have two dishes to open the meal." Zou Fang said, got into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Gu Yunche saw her entering the kitchen, some uneasy, and some relaxed.

Luo father poured tea on him and whispered.

"Don't be so nervous, just eat a meal."

Luo Qianqian slipped into the kitchen and greeted his mother.

"Mom, don't catch him when he asks him to ask the West. What are you going back to ask me."

Zou Fang listened and turned her head and gave her a look.

"Hey, I haven't done anything yet. You turned your elbows out. Is it my own?"

(End of this chapter)

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