Chapter 2641: Mother-in-law sees son-in-law

Luo Qianqian holding his own mother's arm swaying and screaming.

"He is afraid that he will not perform well in front of you. He has been very nervous. Don't scare him any more."

Zou Fang sneered at him. "What can he scare like a big man?"

However, my heart is not a bit of a good feeling.

After all, tension shows that he attaches great importance to this meeting. He values ​​this meeting and also attaches importance to her daughter.

"Mom, in order to prepare gifts for you, he has chosen thousands of choices and picked them for half a month." Luo Qianqian tried his best to help Gu Yunche to brush his face in front of his mother.

Zou Fang listened, and there was a slight invisible smile in the eyes.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"In any case, you can't be embarrassed today." Luo Qianqian said seriously.

"I know, go to the dishes and clean up the table." Zou Fang urged.

Luo Qianqian only washed his hands and went to pick up the table and serve the dishes.

Gu Yunche saw her busy, and also got up and came to help.

Zou Fang fired two vegetarian dishes, and prepared the soup to prepare for dinner.

Although Luo's father has been greeted by Gu Yunche, he still waited until Luo's second old man was seated before he finally sat down.

Luo father poured wine, said with a smile.

"It's all homemade dishes, don't be surprised."

"No, Auntie's craftsmanship is so good that it is comparable to the chefs in the restaurant."

Luo Qianqian, who just picked up the chopsticks, trembled slightly, and was still worried about the tension. This turned her eyes on her mother’s flatter.

Zou Fang listened, and smiled quite well.

She has given the Lord two years of cooking, and I have not seen them praise a few words.

"Okay, move the chopsticks and eat hot."

Gu Yunche tasted a dish for every dish, and he ate his lips with a steamed ribs.

Zou Fang has been paying attention to it and asked.

"What's wrong, this dish doesn't suit your appetite?"

Luo Qianqian smiled, this is another play.

Gu Yunqi was silent for a while, a little red-eyed.

"When my mother was alive, I liked to cook this dish. It tastes... I haven't eaten for many years."

He said that Luo and Zou Fang were all soft in their hearts.

Luo father gave him another piece, and Zou Fang directly exchanged the steamed pork ribs in front of him.

"Like it, eat more."

"Thank you." Gu Yunche gave his face two more.

Luo Qianqian was so troubled by them, and also stretched the chopsticks to prepare for a piece of cake.

When the chopsticks just reached, they were glanced at their mother.

"Eat anything else."

Luo Qianqian grinned, just said that he turned his elbows out, now he, a rib is not for her to eat.

Zou Fang had a question about her stomach. It can be seen that Gu Yunche’s mother who had eaten a steamed pork ribs and remembered her death would not be able to poke the heart of the family and ask about the situation at home.

So, a dinner was very smooth.

Even after dinner, Gu Yunche took the initiative to help clean up the table.

"Auntie, you are resting, I am going to clean up."

"The door is a class, how can you let me clean up." Zou Fang laughed.

"Then I don't eat white food, isn't it?" Gu Yunche said, putting his hands and feet into the kitchen.

Luo father pulled his wife. "Go by them."

Zou Fang thought about it and didn't stop it anymore. She watched her daughter and Gu Yunche clean up the table and cleaned the kitchen.

"What do you think now?" Luo asked whispered.

"This is the effort to eat a meal, can you see what?" Although Zou Fang was satisfied with the heart, but did not say it straight.

At present, people are still good, but after all, she does not know much.

Therefore, there is no way to determine how this person is.

(End of this chapter)

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