Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 118

Sonia walked out of the warehouse only to find that there were no troops surrounding her, and she didn't hesitate to make her way to the core control area. When she walked to the gate of the core control area, she found that there was no one guarding it. The core area is a towering building, directly connected to the 18-storey dome, and the more than 200-meter gate looks grand and dignified, with a cool tone, which makes people feel very oppressive. Sonia walked in to inspect the large metal gate, and found that the blood had not dried, as if it had just been splattered.

At this moment, the floodgates slowly opened, and Sonia was greeted by dozens of mutilated corpses. All of these corpses looked as if they had been tortured with cold weapons, some were hit with blunt objects, and some were hacked to death with sharp weapons. Sonia looked forward, and in the darkness, there was a hysterical howling sound from the Iapetus' core control area wrapped in a cold metal shell, followed by a series of screams that echoed through the eerie confined space.

Sonia probed the front with a miniature reconnaissance aircraft, and after confirming that there were no enemies, she continued to advance. The passage was littered with corpses, but these weren't firefighters, they were all Pluto rover soldiers. Sonia looked around vigilantly as she walked, there were various large-caliber automatic weapons all over the place, but they had apparently not been used for a long time, and they were covered in dust. Suddenly, she spotted a dying officer beckoning to her.

Sonia hurriedly stepped forward and took his hand and said, "Brigadier General Aziz!"

"Sonia ...... Long time no see...... I didn't expect to see you again, it would be such an embarrassing scene. I couldn't help you this time......" Brigadier General Aziz apologized to Sonia weakly.

"Don't talk about it, I have healing medicine, you've lost too much blood. Sonia took out the hemostatic tool to help Aziz temporarily stop the bleeding from the wound in her abdomen.

"Sonia, the garrison on our side has been killed, and there is only one unit of the 'Tianyin Sect'. They've been completely transformed into beasts, they're not human!".

"You mean Colonel Shukla?".

"Not only him, but several, they have been transformed into biochemical monsters that can generate blades and giant axes by biochemical technology. He almost killed all of my people. I'm sorry, we've been undercover here for so many years just to wait for this moment, but we can't fulfill the instructions given to me by Lieutenant General Richter. "

"It's okay, you've done your best, and I'll avenge your dead soldiers. With that, Sonia picked up Brigadier General Aziz and led him to a corner. When Sonia placed Brigadier Aziz and was about to leave, Brigadier Aziz reminded him loudly: "Be careful!".

Sonia felt something big coming behind her, so she hurriedly dodged and looked back at the same time. Sonia looked up to see a giant snake-like alien creature coiled over the power grid pipe that connected to the core control area. Looking closely at this strange snake, it turned out to be a human face, the face was covered with scaly cuticles, sharp and angular, the eyes were sharp and narrow, and the cracks at the corners of the mouth extended directly to the ears, and she opened her mouth to reveal her terrifying fangs, and at the same time, the nails of her hands gradually lengthened and converged into one, forming a pair of scimitars. Then he lunged at Sonya.

Sonia pulled out the "blue amber", dodging the snake's attack first, and then slashed off one of the snake's scimitars. Seeing that the assault was unsuccessful, the strange snake slapped its body on the ground, jumped up and pounced on Sonya. Sonia lunged at the snake, dodging her scimitar and slashing at the snake's scales, but Sonia was surprised to find that she hadn't slashed through it.

Sonia immediately turned around and distanced herself from the snake. The snake looked at the wound on his chest, and there were traces of the ionic blade burning on the crack. Sonia judged from the knife just now that the scale armor of this strange snake needed at least two more slashes to break through the armor.

Brigadier General Aziz on the side said to her, "This strange snake's knife is relatively fragile when it is first generated, you have to cut it quickly, otherwise it will get harder and harder." "

Sonia nodded, and rushed towards the snake again, and the snake had another scimitar in its arm, and she swung her twin knives at Sonya. Sonia fired a close-up shot from her pistol at the rift, then swung her "blue amber" towards the wound. The strange snake used a scimitar to protect the vital point, and Sonia suddenly strengthened the two knives of the strange snake to cut off together. The snake that had lost its twin knives hurriedly turned around and fled, and Sonia rushed up and took out an automatic rifle and fired 10 shots in a row to knock off the scales on the snake's back, and then rushed up and stabbed the snake through with a knife.

After dealing with the strange snake, Sonia walked up to Brigadier General Aziz and asked him, "This is the latest experimental result of the 'Tianyin Sect'?"

"They've been doing it for more than ten years, but only recently have these results come out. These are soldiers who have been modified with biotechnology, but they can easily get out of control. It's not so much that we rashly launched a rebellion, but that this group of monsters of the 'Tianyin Sect' is out of control. An hour earlier they had suddenly gone insane, and many soldiers loyal to the archbishop had been killed by them. "

"How many such monsters are there?".

"There are more than 300 more, and we have eliminated more than a hundred. It happened suddenly, and we weren't prepared. The forces of the Tianyin faction did not care about us, they were said to be guarding the perimeter and completely abandoned this place. "

"What about the rescue pods that were transported? Do they want to use the people inside as the host computer in the core control area to control all the automatic weapons in Titan?"

"Yes, yes. They don't want to use their valuable intellectual class as human brain computing power. He captured a commodore of the firefighters, as well as more than 100 crew members. There have been some researchers who have put them all into the control bin of the core host. However, these automatic weapons had not been activated for more than ten years, and they were just about to set up the program when those Tianyin monsters got out of control. "

Sonia covered her mouth when she heard the news and said, "What......! All of them were amputated and their spines and nerves were cut?".

"Yes, are there any people in there who are important to you?"

"Yes...... I'll get him out. With that, Sonia lifted her knife and headed deeper into the core control area.

Sonia made her way through the corridors of the Core Control Area, killing more than twenty oddly shaped Celestial Sounds. Finally, they came to the gate of the core control area, and just as Sonia wanted to crack the gate key, the gate opened.

In the center of the core control area, a large humanoid creature appeared in front of Sonya, who at first thought it was a new type of hoplite. Wait until the humanoid creature emerges from the darkness, revealing its strange and handsome face. Sonia only found out that it was Colonel Shukla.

"Huh, Shukla, it's been a long time. "

"Hahahahaha! you can't run away this time!!" Colonel Shukla didn't respond politely, he had now been transformed into a fighting monster covered in hard keratin. Compared to before, he seemed to have lost a lot of his mind, and his originally obedient voice became more distorted. He was more than twice as tall as before, and his arms were as thick as a bucket of iron and covered with rough hard keratin. He quickly spawned a warhammer and a long knife from his arm, lunging at Sonya.

Sonia took out her automatic rifle, adjusted to grenade mode, and fired three fragmentation grenades in succession at Shukla. Shukla didn't slow down after being shot, and rushed straight towards Sonya. Sonia didn't dodge, and pulled out "Blue Amber" to block Shukla's long knife. Shukla pressed the blade towards Sonya's face with almost overwhelming force. He let out a smirk, but Sonia didn't respond to him. She deliberately unloaded, pulled the knife out and then flashed quickly towards Shukla's side. Shukla smiled smugly, but it didn't take long for him to suddenly feel something unusual in his left waist, and when he looked down, he saw that his left waist had been cut open by Sonya.

"The keratin structure on my hands is hard, but my waist seems to be soft. Sonia sneered behind his back.

Enraged, Shukla swung his long knife at Sonya, who took it head-on with both hands. However, the sledgehammer in Shukla's left hand was raised high at this time and smashed into Sonya.

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