Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 119

Sonia pretends to slash Shukla in the abdomen, making Shukla mistakenly think that a flaw is exposed. Shukla swung the hammer in one direction, only to be in the air. Sonia took the opportunity to jump to the side. Shukla's blow slammed straight into the ground, and the huge shock slowed him down for a long time before he came to his senses. At this moment, a small black shadow attacked him, and then he was hit by fragmentation explosives. On second look, Sonia had distanced herself from him, bombarding him with grenades.

Colonel Shukla was furious, and he lunged at Sonia with blades and hammers. Sonia ran out of grenades, and then fired at the torn parts of Shukla's armor. After running out of a magazine, Sonia tossed her rifle aside, drew her "blue amber" and rushed towards Shukla. In a state of rage, Shukla bowed his body into a crescent, and the knife and hammer in his hand smashed towards Sonya. However, in order to accumulate strength, Shukla bent his body too hard, and before he could hurt Sonya, he was slashed twice by Sonya. He simply danced the sledgehammer with the long knife, but revealed a lot of flaws, and was slashed by Sonia 8 times.

Shukla's armor was scarred, but it still didn't break the defense. Instead of fighting, Sonia quickly distanced herself from Shukla and prepared to retrieve her rifle. However, just as she was about to touch her gun, someone shot it away.

Sonia looked to the side, and a group of monsters approached a red-haired woman.

"Anastasia, have you been transformed too?" asked Sonya.

"Yes, but only arms. Anastasia flashed his left arm, covered in biological armor.

"Lieutenant Colonel Shukla, please untie us from battle!" Anastasi pleaded.

"No! I'm going to kill her myself! I'm going to penetrate her! tear her up! crush !!," Shukla screamed, and Anastasi fell to the ground screaming as he seemed to be under his control. Shukla's lower body suddenly gave birth to a drill-like foreign object, which grew larger and larger, twisted and rotated.

"It's disgusting!" Sonia said, charging at Shukla again. Shukla no longer blindly pursued brute force this time, he suppressed Sonya's offensive with the drill bit under his crotch as the center, and attacked Sonya with two weapons on the left and right at the same time. Sonia barely fended off the frenzied onslaught. Without paying attention, Sonia was stabbed in the shoulder, shattering her armor and bleeding.

Seeing that he had finally hurt Sonya, Shukla began to laugh wildly, and resumed his undisciplined attack, and he swirled his weapons in a whirlwind, turning the ridiculously obscene drill and rushing again. Seeing that the blade and the hammer were about to approach her, Sonia suddenly dodged and turned to the side of Shukla, Shukla's drill bit was very long, he was eager to attack Sonya, so he twisted the drill first, Sonia saw the opportunity and cut the drill off with a knife. Suddenly, blood gushed out from under Shukla's crotch.


"Lieutenant Colonel Shukla, untie us and let us kill her!" Anastasia, who was lying on the ground, had just said these words when a sharp pain came from his skull. She twitched on the ground, and the other monsters were in extreme pain, their bodies contorting into all sorts of weird shapes.

"No!! I'm going to kill her with my own hands! Kill her! X kill her!!" Shoukra cried hysterically as he rolled on the ground in pain.


Suddenly, the monsters returned to normal, and Anastasia seemed to come to his senses. She shouted, "Sonya, today is your time to die!" Anastasia spawned a sword in his hand, spear in hand, and lunged at Sonia with the monsters in hand.

Sonia put on her pistol and fired several shots at Anastasia, who fended off with her sword, but the sword was broken after a few hits. However, Anastasia quickly spawned armor that covered his entire body and rushed to Sonia with two four-legged centaurs, who barely fended off them with a "blue amber". However, more and more monsters surrounded her, and Sonia gradually felt overwhelmed. Her armor was scarred, and Sonia felt like she might die here, torn apart by the monsters.

At this moment, the automatic weapons in the central control room suddenly came into operation, and they were constantly firing at the monster. Under the fire of laser cannons, grenades, and large-caliber electromagnetic guns, the monsters turned into a cloud of blood mist. The monsters were stunned by the sudden blow, and Sonia swung her sword and slashed ten monsters. Shot several times, Anastasia said to the monsters, "Don't panic!

But not long after she finished speaking, her thigh was cut off by Sonya. The automatic weapon then smashed her hands and feet into a bloody paste, and the massive impact of the electromagnetic gun pierced her chest. Seeing a dozen monsters running towards the core control chamber, Sonia rushed over and slashed at the monsters with a knife. One of the monsters barely opened the core control bin under the cover of its companions, and just as it was about to stretch out its spear and stab the people in the core control chamber, Sonia caught up and stabbed it.

Sonia was out of breath after the scuffle, and she leaned against the hatch as if she was going to fall down. But when she saw the people in the cabin, she seemed to recover immediately, and she ran over to hug the man in the center of the control module, crying and saying to him, "Casto, I'm sorry, I'm late." "

"It's okay, I'm sorry for the fact that I just shot and hurt you......" Sonia looked at Casto, his hair shaved and covered with wires and conduits. Casto's limbs were amputated, connected to a network of wires as thick as his limbs, and blood dripping from under him that had not yet coagulated.

Sonia looked at Casto's tragic situation and couldn't help but hug him and cry. Casto laughed at himself: "These guys are very neat and quickly connected me to the Internet." They put a control chip in my head, and I pretended to be submissive, but they weren't completely controlled. As a result, before they could be adjusted, there was civil strife. It took me a long time to understand how to control it. I'm sorry, I'm too stupid and too weak. Unlike you, that Shukra can't help you at all. "

Sonia stroked Casto's face and said, "You are not weak at all, your spirit is holding up." It's not like the guy Shukla, who gained strength that didn't match his own, and let his body and spirit completely lose control. I can't live without you, so why should you blame yourself...... I'll take you out, what about your arms and legs?" Sonia looked around.

"I don't know where they threw it. But before you take me away, I'm going to do one thing. "


"Activate all the automatic weapons of Titan and annihilate all enemy forces!".

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