Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 155

"Hello, Brigadier General Cavendish ......," Muminov replied blankly, and then his expression showed a hint of sadness. This made Casto feel a little baffled, and he then said to Sonya: "You get busy first, I also have something to attend to on my fleet, remember what I just said, I am a man of my word, please never doubt this." "

Sonia was silent as she watched Casto leave the oxygen bar. After Casto left, Muminov suddenly said: "Am I a stand-in?"

Sonia replied, "Of course not. "

"Hmph, you don't need to lie to me, he's your former lover, right? and I'm just a phantom of him, by your side instead of him. "

"Don't think so, you are yourself, you have your own independent spirit, you have ......".

"I don't think I have any independent spirit, and only under God's guidance can people be happy. What you call freedom is actually willfulness!".

"You don't understand what I'm thinking. Sonia was a little angry, and she immediately changed the subject: "How long has Emilia been waiting for me?".

"3 hours. "

"Okay, take me to her. After that, Sonia and Muminov came to the "Cinnamo Monks' District".

Emilia was reading literature in the theological hall of the Friars' quarter, and when she saw Sonia coming, she got up and trotted over to her, hugged her, and said, "Sonya!

Sonia replied, "It's okay, it's nothing, it's not as good as the time Titan had in the previous months." What about you, how are you doing?".

"Well, not so good. Emilia sighed, "My patriarch is still trying to control me with all kinds of powerful people, and more importantly, through my connections, she has allowed several of her girls to climb to the top of the army. I feel a headache now, I came to the army to avoid the control of the patriarch, and now I feel like I am sinking deeper and deeper. "

"How is your patriarch going to control you? You are now a colonel, commanding a regiment, thousands of people obey your orders, and you are afraid of what your patriarch will do, she will have nothing to do with the military circles, right?"

"Hehe, she really didn't have anything to do with the military before. But she implanted the virus through me to get some high-level contact information, and then let a few of my sisters hook up with a few lieutenant generals and generals. I can't prevent her from using me, it's disgusting!".

After hearing this, Sonia asked alarmedly, "Has the military investigated you for leaking information about senior officers?

Emilia shook her head and said, "No, but this is what makes me more angry, and the fact that I was not punished was because of the patriarch's bribed relationship." She went so far as to let Yelena completely capture a general with a medicature. The admiral was almost obedient to her, hmph, it was said that he was still a Martian nobleman, phew!

"So, you are actually controlled by the patriarch now?, the admiral obeys her, so if you are disobedient, she can let this admiral directly pinch you?"

Emilia sighed: "Alas, that's right, I discussed a solution with Winston, and he said that his family is not small enough to cover me, and then he proposed to me, this stupid brother ......


"Did you promise him?"

"How can I promise this? If I marry him, my patriarch will continue to be a demon, and it will bring a lot of trouble to his family, won't this harm him?"

"You are stupid, Winston's family is not better than your patriarch, your patriarch is disgusting and disgusting at most, what does she compare with the wealth of social relations and material wealth inherited from ancient aristocratic families?"

"Then I'll marry? Won't I be a canary again? I don't think Winston will let me live freely. I made myself laugh, I became very humorous, very funny, in an attempt to eliminate the sense of luxury of the celebrity, so that the aristocratic men would stop chasing me. But it didn't work, the men still coveted my beauty and wanted to conquer me and change me! I fled into the army and turned myself into a thug, with rough skin and a burst personality! But in this way, the patriarch will turn me into a heroic goddess of war and sell me to the powerful and become a plaything for them to conquer. Why can't I be like this?Why don't they care about my heart when they like me on the surface?Why do they want to turn me into what they don't want!??What kind of woman do I want to turn myself into so that I don't become a canary!?" Emilia grew more and more resentful as she spoke.

"Winston cares about your heart, he's not a heartless person, I've been in contact with him. He won't limit you. "

"But he would fear for my safety and restrict me on the grounds of protecting me. "

"It's out of love. "

"It's a bondage of love, but I don't want a bondage, Sonia, let me join you, I'll be a battalion commander!" Emilia finally stated the purpose of the trip.

"What? That's not overkill. No, no," Sonia waved her hand.

"What's the matter, I was a battalion commander when I first saw you, it's okay, I'll demote myself one level like this, the high-level should agree, I can also hide from my patriarch, and I can fight with you, killing two birds with one stone, how good!".

"Don't you think the relationship between the Fire Extinguishers and the Pluto Revival Army is complicated? You can be clean when you come, are you too naïve, Sister Emilia?".

"Huh, tell me about it, how complicated is it?"

Sonia shook her head and said, "I just have a feeling, and I can't say for sure, it looks like the 'Pluto Revival Army' has become a pawn in some high-level wrestling. "

"Alas, it seems that there is no place for purity. Oh, our patriarch is used to fighting, she has been fighting with the powerful for three or four hundred years. Emilia finished and lit a cigarette.

"Three or four hundred years? Is she still a human being? How did she live so long? Even with cell senescence removal technology, she can live about 250 years old, right?"

Who knows how she managed to do it, she still looks like a young woman, after saying that, Emilia found her photo and projected it with AR. "

"Wow, is she really over four hundred years old?" Sonia looked at the woman in the photo in amazement, she had a slender and plump figure, delicate and firm skin, and even the vitality of a 20-year-old girl. But her thick eyebrows and angular heart-shaped face make people feel that it is difficult to get along with, and the tall and fleshy nose bridge and slightly thin lips also seem to suggest that this is a domineering, mean and unkind guy.

"What kind of technology did she use?" asked Sonya.

"Who knows? Anyway, hundreds of years ago, she made her way up the hierarchy by selling her body, but she found that her wealth could never be gathered?".

"Why?" asked Sonia curiously.

On the one hand, if she wants to contact people at a higher level, she has to buy expensive luxury goods and package herself, and on the other hand, she is indeed brainwashed by consumerism and can't save money at all. Later, she was determined to marry into a wealthy family, however, every time she gave birth to a child, she died inexplicably. It was as if the artificial womb she was using was cursed. "

"And what about later?".

She later realized that it was impossible for this group of nobles to accept her, and instead of doing so, it was better to use her own power to subvert them. So she bought off the underground market and used her own eggs and the sperm of many elite men to give birth to the first batch of members of the Savannah family with genetic modification technology and cloning technology. Since then, she has continued to use these beautiful women to seduce the upper class and obtain great wealth. But sadly, every time she thinks she has enough wealth to shake the powerful, she suffers a huge setback. "

"Why? Did she get scammed out of her money?"

"Hahahahaha, sort of, to some extent, I was indeed deceived. Whenever she has enough wealth, she always wants to kill the powerful through business warfare and financial means. But the financial markets are always changing, and all kinds of new technologies and traps are emerging. The financial markets that ostensibly create wealth are actually the fastest places to wipe out wealth. Our family has accumulated countless wealth in the development history of hundreds of years, but every time the patriarch wants to invest in a certain place, the investment will fail, and the wealth will disappear in an instant, and then the girls of our family have to exchange their beauty and body for capital, and this process has been repeated for hundreds of years. It's not that the patriarch doesn't have a long memory, but every time there are new tricks beyond her cognition, which makes her annoyed. "

"Well, you have to have more practical chips. Sonia said.

"That's right, she later understood that only politics and military are the real backers of wealth, so she infiltrated these two directions, however, politically she can only contact some small shrimps, and whenever she comes into contact with big people, most of those girls ......" Speaking of this, Emilia's mood was a little unstable.

"Did you have someone important to die because of this?" Sonia seemed to guess something.

Emilia asks Sonya, "Do you want to know why I have to leave our family?".

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