Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 156

"Sort of, we're actually senior X girls. With that, Emilia threw away the filter in the atomized smoke, rubbed it vigorously with her hands, and then threw it aside.

"In such a family, gold, silver and goods are not luxuries, but freedom. Sonia sighed.

"You're right, in a sense, I'm the greediest woman in our family, and I'm after the most precious thing in the world. "

But then, Emilia changed her mind again: "But I suppose my patriarch has been pursuing this thing for hundreds of years, right?"

I think so, she wants to gain the power to dominate herself, but in such a society, she must first obtain the power to dominate others before she can guarantee the power to dominate herself to a certain extent. "

"Yes, and we're at her's mercy. With that, Emilia begins to recount her memories of her teenage years to Sonya.

In the Savannah family's mansion, 18-year-old Emilia is learning aristocratic manners with six sisters of the same age. They are taught by Orfina, a senior who retired 10 years ago, and she constantly corrects the posture of the seven girls.

"Your necks must be relaxed, but never slackened, knowing that natural uprightness is very different from strong haughtyness, the latter will be seen at a glance. We are celebrities, not those low-grade reformers who want to blend in with the circle. At the end of today's study, you must meditate and recover for more than half an hour, nourish your spirit, and make yourself full enough!"

While Orfina was adjusting the others' postures, Emilia twisted her neck and pinched her shoulders slightly with her hands. But suddenly, someone poked her in the back with a finger, and Emilia exclaimed, "Ahh

Orfina reprimanded: "Amilia, you are lazy again! You are the least enlightened of these sisters, your body is the most stiff and uncoordinated, you need to work harder! Okay, this is the end of today's training, you go back to your dorm room, remember to take medicine before meditating." "

Emilia looked back to see Sister Margaret standing behind her. It was a woman with a beautiful face, long brown hair, almond blossom eyes, a high nose bridge, slightly upturned lips, and plump cheeks that did not look bloated, but gave people a sense of wealth. A turquoise dress exudes a light and elegant atmosphere. "Ah~ Didn't you just go out? I thought you weren't there. Emilia grumbled to Cordelia.

Kdelia smiled, "Hehe, the patriarch just called me out, and I came back without saying a few words." "

"Well, Sister Margaret, isn't it tiring that you have to take care of the noble circles over there, and also have to come to assist guide us newcomers?"

"What's the matter, you don't want me to watch you here, you want to drive me away?".

"No, I think you're too tired to run over here, I want you to stay by my side all the time. "

"Heck, I'm not here to retire early, I haven't earned enough family points yet. "

"Sister, you're already very powerful, I heard that you arbitraged hundreds of millions of Proxima coins from a certain company a few years ago. You shouldn't be far from going ashore. "

"Hehe, go ashore, if I was just to pursue the ashore, I would have been married a long time ago. "

"Then you ......".

Margaret said, "I seek freedom, which is more precious than great wealth and a stable life. Our family already has so much property. Obviously, we are already sitting on the mountain of gold, so why fight for that little benefit. If marrying into a wealthy family results in nothing more than continuing to intrigue inside, I'm already annoyed. I am after something more precious, freedom is priceless, and I am willing to sacrifice more for this. With that, she looked out the window.

"Is there a conflict between freedom and money?".

Yes, the pursuit of money means the pursuit of certainty, but freedom means uncertainty and possibility. When you embark on the path of pursuing money, it means that you have to sacrifice countless possibilities to work in a direction that you may not like at all. I'm tired, tonight should be my last 'work', and after getting that thing, I'll leave our family. "

"Sister Margaret, can you take me with you? Emilia said to her.

Margaret laughed, "Hahaha, are you going to elope with me?".

"Yes, I want to be free too, and I don't like the exercises and tutorials of our family at all. I also want to live a free life. I've been playing with you since I was a child, and in the past few years you've been busy messing around, and the chances of seeing you have become less and less. I've been feeling less and less comfortable with training in the past few years, and I'm feeling a little better because you've been guiding me intermittently for the past few months. "

"Haha, I'll consider it when I'm free. There's a car to pick me up, so I'll go first. Margaret left the hall.

Emilia watched Margaret walk towards the car at the door of the mansion, and after a moment of exchange with the man who got out of the car, she returned to the mansion.

"Did you forget something?" asked Emilia to Margaret.

"Well, he had to let me wear the same dress I had dated him. It's really troublesome, you go back to the dorm room to rest, I'm probably going to be back late. Margaret said.

"Otherwise, you can take me with you, I also want to see high society. "

"What kind of upper class, there is actually no difference between this and the bottom society, although there is no shortage of noble people, but there are also animals everywhere. They are just more refined, more focused and empowered. Don't have any unrealistic illusions about high society, the pain after disillusionment is hard to bear, remember my words. Okay, I'm going to change my clothes, you go back to your room and rest. With that, Margaret walked to the changing room.

However, the young Emilia is not reconciled, she is full of curiosity about high society, and she especially wants to see what the future of the elders is like. So, she quietly slipped out of the hall, called a car with some electronic money that Margaret had given her a few years ago, and followed Margaret to the place where she had been going to her appointment that night.

It was a black-and-red building, and Margaret got out of the car and was taken in a robe that was black on the outside and red on the inside. Amilia's driver stopped alarmingly near a mall about 50 meters from the building. When Emilia got out of the car, she caught only a glimpse of Margaret's terrified look as she was brought into the house.

Emilia hurriedly set off to save Margaret, when the driver who brought her stopped her and said to her, "It's not a place where ordinary girls should go, and they can't come back if they go." "

"That's my sister......" Before Emilia could finish speaking, the driver covered her mouth. He whispered to her, "Don't speak loudly, letting others know about your relationship with that girl will only put you in a more dangerous situation." "

"She's my sister and I have to save her. Emilia whispered.

"You probably won't be able to save her. There's a flesh carnival going on there. "

"What...... Flesh and blood?".

Inside the black-and-red building, Margaret and five other women were ushered into the center of the hall. The middle-aged man in the golden mask sat in the center, and he spoke, "Margaret, long time no see. "

"Are you...... Gloucester President of the Earth Circle Chamber of Commerce?".

"Hehe, I have a good memory, I can recognize me just by my voice. Then you must know him, too. With that, he threw a square box at Margaret.

Margaret screamed in fright as soon as she opened the box, and then Gloucester said coldly, "You are such a greedy woman, you are not satisfied after getting rich, and you will pay for it today." "

The driver, named Raymond, was a retired military officer. After leaving the army, the investment failed, and he had to work as a black car driver to make a living. Two hours later, he took Emilia to a garbage disposal station near the house. Emilia asked, puzzled, "Why did you bring me here, it's ...... here" The smell of carrion mixed with chestnut blossoms was fishy, which made Emilia sick. Emilia saw some human stumps exposed in some of the unprocessed garbage parcels around her.

Frightened, she asked Raymond, "These...... What is it?".

"It's a consumable for celebrity desires. Raymond replied.

It didn't take long for several men in protective suits to throw several large black bags at the sorting area of the garbage recycling station. Raymond waited for them to register and walked over with Amilia, the owner of the garbage station seemed to know him well, and they struck up a conversation: "Another batch of consumables?".

"Yes, I heard that there is a high-end product from the Savannah family this time. "

"Yes? I'd like to see it. "

"Hehe, don't be disgusting, what a beautiful beauty can be tossed into a mess in this group of beasts. "

Emilia kept shaking her head when she heard their conversation, and said silently, "No...... No, it won't. "

That is until Raymond opens the bag, revealing the bloody limbs and entrails. Emilia tried to cover her eyes, but the familiar plump face and brown hair caught her eye, and the blood and stains on her face were like daggers stabbing her inside. Emilia suppressed her fear, picked up Margaret's head, and wiped the blood from her face with the corner of her clothes. The rain was falling, and Margaret's half-open eyes seemed to be weeping. Emilia couldn't hold back the pain in her heart any longer and burst into tears.

Returning to reality, Emilia took a deep puff of her cigarette and then said, "I later learned that Margaret had an aristocratic young man who was fascinated by her, and this person rose through the ranks of the army at that time and had access to some high-ranking people. The patriarch wanted to rely on him to win over the high-ranking officers and train him to be our descendant. Moreover, Margaret was supposed to get a list of important intelligence officers from him that night, as a bargaining chip for our future transactions with other cosmic forces. But unexpectedly, our actions angered the higher-ups, so Margaret and her friendship were destroyed. Maybe the patriarch didn't expect that some nobles in the earth circle would be so vicious, and even their own family members could be chopped into minced flesh and discarded with us. I was so scared that I felt like I was going to run away from this Vanity Fair anyway. I'm going to be in control of my own destiny and not at the mercy of someone else. However, now, I find that power is still playing tricks on me. "

"Margaret wasn't the first to be killed, was she?" asked Sonia.

"I guess, Sister Margaret should know the risks of doing this, but the temptation of freedom is even greater. So, Sonia, I must not continue to stay in the current army, I will have to cut off the nobles, the high-ranking officers, and my family. Sonya, let me join you!".

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