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Chapter 864: Revisit the old industry

Cheng Mengying had no objection after listening. She knew that she could not directly ask family members for help, otherwise it was very likely that they would also be implicated in it, and the matter would be big.

After having breakfast and packing up, Cheng Mengying pondered for a while and brought the invincible dog. Its strength is now very high, if there is danger, maybe it can help a little bit.

Before Tang Tang returned to the Tang family, he bought the place where he lived. After all, it left her and Xiao Chen with a lot of good memories, so there is no one living at present, and it has always been vacant.

Xiao Chen opened the door with strength and walked in.

"Here ... how long hasn't anyone lived? And it's just a room and a toilet, how do we live together?" Cheng Mengying followed Xiao Chen, looked around, couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

Looking at the aisle covered with spider webs, and the dusty desks and beds, the young lady was almost rushing.

On the way, Cheng Mengying saw this dilapidated community on the outside, and she felt a little worried. She had been praying secretly. Now it is a special time. It ca n’t be too much. As long as the place you live in is clean and bright, then it ’s ok , I did not expect the real situation was so terrible.

"Eh ... it's not that bad? But it's really dirty. It's okay, you can wait for a while, I'll just clean it." Xiao Chen scratched his head, took the initiative to pick up the broom, and started in the guest room. Do hygiene inside and out.

Cheng Mengying first stood by and looked around for a while, seeing that Xiao Chen was busy, and felt a little sad. She made a mental construction for herself for a long time, and finally gathered the courage to put on the rubber gloves and apron from the villa. Then he picked up the rag and bucket and started helping Xiao Chen clean it together.

Busy for about half an hour. The two finally cleaned the whole house, Cheng Mengying looked at the clean house. Appreciating the fruits of his labor, he nodded with satisfaction. In the past, when she was at home, she basically did not do housework, so now she rarely does it once, and her heart is full of sense of accomplishment.

"Ah, Miss, your face is stained with dust, like a big cat. If you stand still, let me wipe it for you!" Xiao Chen said as he took out a wet tissue and carefully wiped Cheng Mengying's face. Stains.

"Oh. Thanks ... Thank you." Cheng Mengying closed her eyes embarrassed, and let the wet paper wipe her cheek gently, a strange sense of happiness suddenly appeared in her heart, feeling that she and Xiao Chen were like a pair Loving young couple.

Yeah! What are you thinking! Cheng Mengying's heart fluttered and she held her breath quickly, afraid that Xiao Chen could see what was coming.

"Well, they're all cleaned up!" Xiao Chen threw wet paper towels into the wastebasket, then took out the mat brought from the villa, and spread it on the narrow aisle.

"You ... what are you doing?" Cheng Mengying, who just enjoyed her happiness. Seeing suddenly asked.

Xiao Chen pointed to the room and said, "In the room where you sleep Tang Tang, I will sleep here to make it up!"

"Ah? How about that? It's so narrow here that I can't even turn over. How can you sleep? You ... you'd better sleep on the floor in the room, it's better than crowding the aisle!" Cheng Mengying didn't expect Xiao Chen Will take the initiative to pave the floor in the aisle, a little unbearable in my heart. Hesitated.

"Isn't that good? You are the young lady, of course, you should sleep in a large room. I'm just a maid. How can I sleep in the same room with you? That said, others thought I'd kick my nose on my face!" Xiao Chen laughed He shook his head.

Cheng Mengying was a little hesitant. But when I heard Xiao Chen say this, the cow temper suddenly came up, and crossed his hips, "Miss Ben let you sleep, you just sleep! A big man, less tortured, no servant or servant, I'm still you Fiancee! "

Cheng Mengying stared at Xiao Chen with a grudge, and did not know if this guy had deliberately kept it in a good room, but had to sleep in the aisle!

"Oh? You let me sleep ... you?" Xiao Chen teased pretendingly.

"You ... How dare you! Believe me or not I kicked you into the sky? Just like that dragonfly!" Cheng Mengying's face flushed redly, Xiao Chen glanced angrily and said with teeth. Demonstrators raised their feet in general.

"Uh ... I'm just kidding, why are you taking it seriously?" Xiao Chen laughed.

He picked up the mat again, put it in the room, laid it out, and then walked out with a basket of vegetables. He walked and instructed: "Meng Ying, I'm going to buy some daily necessities, and I will use the stalls tomorrow. Then buy some vegetables and prepare for today ’s dinner. Stay at home and play with invincible dogs! "

"Wait for me, I will go! There is nothing here, and I will be bored to death just by staying there!" Cheng Mengying quickly followed, and she wanted to watch a few episodes of "The Master of School Flowers" on iQiyi. As a result, this broken place didn't even have one.

"Wang!" The invincible dog who had slept in the corner also barked, and ran over, and followed behind them, seemingly unwilling to stay at home.

"Okay, let's go together." Xiao Chen shook her head with a bitter smile. It seems that after selling early to make money, the first thing to do is to install one.

Now that the price of broadband has dropped and speeded up, he can still install it ...

The two walked around to the morning market street, walked into the vegetable market and began to hang out. They looked like a young couple. The appearance of a talented woman attracted a lot of envious eyes.

Ms. Cheng is so big, it is the first time for me to visit the vegetable market. I walk around and look at the west. No matter what, I feel very fresh.

Xiao Chen has been here many times, so he is already familiar with light cars. He first bought some vegetables and meat for dinner, then bought a pocket of flour and a pocket of soya beans as ingredients for selling tomorrow, and finally added some daily necessities.

Feeling that things were almost bought, Xiao Chen took several large bags, and left Cheng Gengying with Cheng Mengying and Invincible Dog.

The process of buying things went smoothly, but Xiao Chen was surprised that although the young lady was visiting the vegetable market for the first time, the bargaining skills were very sophisticated, just like the inherent skills. Sometimes just for the price of a few cents, she had to fight for red ears until the other side had no choice but to compromise.

"Hum! How about this, Miss Ben? I can save you a few bucks on this trip!" Cheng Mengying also held two bags of fruit in her hand, looking very proud. I did not expect to bargain with those hawkers, it seems quite interesting, it seems that in the future, I can often come and practice hands!

"I said, Miss, although we really don't have much money now, but you don't need to compete with others for a few cents? Those hawkers selling vegetables are actually not easy, and we still have that money." Xiao Chen laughed helplessly, recalling the scene where Cheng Mengying and the hawker were just arguing, she still felt a little incredible.

Who would have thought that the young lady of the first family of Songning actually bargained in the vegetable market for a little bit of profit and a hawker selling vegetables? Saying it is an individual who will not believe it.

Cheng Mengying didn't wait for compliment but instead heard a criticism. She suddenly burst into flames and glared at Xiao Chen: "Wow, Xiao Chen, when you were down, you bargained with people for a few packets of instant noodles. Hour, not only saved three cents? Now you actually say me? "

"Uh ... well, it seems that our bargaining efforts are not good, it really is not that the enemies are not together!" Xiao Chen shook her head and joked, took one of the bags of fruit in the hand of the young lady, suddenly Turning a corner, instead of walking into the neighborhood where they lived, they walked to a grocery store not far away.

"Cut! Whoever is the enemy of you, lift yourself so low!" Cheng Mengying pouted her lips, preparing to debase Xiao Chen again, and suddenly saw him walking to the grocery store, thinking that Xiao Chen was going to buy something again, Quickly caught up and asked, "What else do you buy? Today we have already spent a lot of money!"

Xiao Chen had no time to explain to Cheng Mengying, and greeted the old aunt sitting directly outside the grocery store: "Aunt, do you remember me?"

The old woman who was in the sun looked up, looked at Xiao Chen carefully, and nodded, "Remember, remember! Aren't you Tang Tang's boyfriend?"

Xiao Chenshun put the fruit on the table, smiled and said, "Thank you for helping me and Tang Tang to look at our tricycle and equipment. These fruits are for you to eat. Please don't dislike them."

After Tang Tang left, the old lady at the grocery store kept her tricycle and equipment that she had sold earlier well. In order to prevent it from getting wet in the rainy day, she also took a piece of plastic cloth to block it. Xiao Chen had already seen it sharply.

The old lady waved her hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and said a little embarrassedly: "Hi! Can you remember to visit my wife, why do you spend money on fruit? It makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"Oh, it should be! I've troubled you for so long, but it's me ... and Tang Tang's heart!" Xiao Chen replied with a smile.

In fact, Xiao Chen originally wanted to give the old lady a sum of money so that she could enjoy the happiness, and no longer had to get up early to open a shop. However, he considered that he didn't have much money on hand, so he had to give up the matter temporarily, or wait until he made money later.

Cheng Mengying stood by for a while, then she understood Xiao Chen's intentions. Although she was satisfied with Xiao Chen's humility and politeness towards the elderly, she was not angry when she heard "Tang Tang's boyfriend". Get in here.

Since even the oldest mother said so, it means that the two men have been engaged in the back! This ... this Xiao Chen clearly did not take his fiancee into account!

Cheng Mengying, who was not in the mood, gave Xiao Chen a stern glance and snorted coldly from her nostril. (To be continued ...)

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