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Chapter 865: She can you

"Huh? Are you ... Tang Tang?" The old woman heard the voice and turned to look over, but after seeing Cheng Mengying's look, she stunned and asked with some doubt.

"I'm not!" Cheng Mengying replied angrily. Isn't your eyes good? Tang Tang was so fat then, how could I be her? Miss Ben is the school flower!

The old woman seemed to hear Cheng Mengying's muttering, looked her carefully and shook her head: "No! Tang Tang is even thinner than you! Hey, what's going on? Seeing that you and Tang Tang are a good match, how can you empathize? "

"You ... hmm!" Cheng Mengying got so angry that she wanted to say something to refute, but didn't know how to speak. She couldn't get angry at an old man, right? So she could only stand there sulking.

"Uh ... what, aunt, I came here to tell you that my friend wants to do a small business in this morning market and needs to borrow Tangtang's tricycles and equipment, so I will still bother you to take care of it in the future." Xiao Chen was also a little embarrassed, shifting the topic and saying the purpose of her coming.

He was also reluctant to talk too much with the old aunt. After all, the aunt was just an ordinary person in the mundane world, and even if it was necessary to explain Tang Tang's encounter, it would not be clear for a while.

"Oh, okay, I know." The aunt changed her enthusiastic attitude before, and responded with a salty and salty expression, apparently not satisfied with Xiao Chen's "abandonment" of Tang Tang, and her face was not very beautiful.

"Thank you so much. I'm leaving now, see you aunt." Xiao Chen left with a bitter smile. He can also see that the aunt doesn't wait to see herself, but this matter can't be handled properly, so she has to leave with Cheng Mengying.

"Well, young people now have a little money in their pockets. I forgot about it! I must post this to Weibo and condemn him!" The old woman looked at Xiao Chen's back and shook her head. Sighed. Take out the old smart phone and press it. If Xiao Chen knew about it, he might have vomited blood, right?

It was night when the two returned home with a dog. Xiao Chen went straight to the kitchen and made a few dishes for dinner with what I bought today. Although the dishes are still delicious, Meng Ying is a little bit unhappy without the process, and obviously still minds the previous events.

"Abominable ... actually said that Miss Ben is not as beautiful as Tang Tang, and that old lady is too blind-sighted? Xiao Chen, are you okay to go to her for nothing?" Cheng Mengying muttered and kept talking. Poke the rice in the bowl with chopsticks, complaining unhappyly.

"I have to borrow something! Tomorrow I can't use my original look to set up a stall, isn't it waiting to be caught? If I change my look, then the old lady doesn't know me and won't lend those things to I use it, wouldn't it be troublesome? "Xiao Chen explained helplessly.

He originally wanted to explain to the old aunt, but he did not expect that the aunt was still a candid temper, and the result was so awkward.

"Huh! Then you feel your conscience, who is more beautiful than Miss Tang?" Cheng Mengying, despite knowing why Xiao Chen did this, still asked indifferently.

"Uh ... Honestly, both of you are beautiful, Miss, your temperament is better. Tang Tang's figure is better, anyway ... each has its advantages!" Xiao Chen thought for a while, and answered with a serious face. He didn't want to say too much. So much more wrong.

"Well, that's pretty much the same." Cheng Mengying nodded with satisfaction. In fact, she also knew that her **** were not as good as Jinbeibei and Tangtang, but at least they could beat them. That was enough!

After dinner, Xiao Chen finished packing the tableware, and began to make the materials needed tomorrow. Cheng Mengying was very boring and wanted to help Xiao Chen. After trying several times, he couldn't figure out the way. Angrily returned directly to the room, teasing invincible dogs to play.

No words overnight.

At four in the morning the next day. Xiao Chen got up on time and turned his face into another person's appearance. Then I prepared to go to the stall early.

"Xiao Chen, wait, I want to sell with you earlier." Hearing the sound, Cheng Mengying also woke up, struggling and got out of bed.

The young lady especially wanted to help Xiao Chen. She couldn't just let him do it alone. After all, two people became like this now, and she also accounted for most of the reasons.

"No, it's too hard to sell it early, and the fume is very big when fritters are fried. It's not good to smoke your eyes again. I can handle it myself, you can sleep for a while! Wait for me to sell things, then Come back to make breakfast for you. "Xiao Chen waved her hand and motioned for Cheng Mengying to go back to sleep. He didn't want the young lady to suffer with him.

"You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, what Tang Tang can do, Miss Ben can do the same, I am not worse than her!" Cheng Mengying said stubbornly, Tie Xinxin would go with Xiao Chen. Yesterday, the old lady said that she was really stimulated, and she was full of energy to do something.

"You can do what Tang Tang can do? She can help me ... you seem to ... can't you?" Xiao Chen didn't help but whispered quietly.

"What did you say ?!" Cheng Mengying's eyes widened and she looked at Xiao Chen inconceivably. If she changed someone else, she would have slapped her.

"Eh ... I didn't say anything, I said you look good today." Xiao Chen touched her nose a little awkwardly, and she almost missed it.

"Huh! No wonder you like Tang Tang so much. It turns out she seduce you like this every day, really ... shamelessly!" Cheng Mengying rolled her eyes and mumbled indignantly.

"How can I ... Don't blame others Tang Tang, it's all very late, okay? Before that, we were really pure buddies!" Xiao Chen justified in a hurry, but she felt a bit weak in what she said .

Anyway, Tang Tang did hint at himself several times at that time, but he didn't care about it at that time.

"Cut, you have no truth in your mouth, the ghost believes you!" Cheng Mengying said anxiously when Xiao Chen was still speaking for Tang Tang.

"Then ... Are you ready to learn from Tang Tang?" Xiao Chen didn't want to entangle this matter, and smiled and interrupted.

"I only learn her good places, not bad ones! I just want to sell earlier, and all the money I make is at my disposal! Did you hear?" Cheng Mengying said aggressively with her arms folded.

"Actually, Tang Tang's ... It was also very good ..." Xiao Chen muttered secretly again, but saw Cheng Mengying's face sink and said quickly: "Well, if you really want to go, I I need to put on makeup for you, otherwise you'll probably be showing the filling in a few days. "

Cheng Mengying had no opinion at this point. So Xiao Chen took some of the cosmetics used by the young lady, made her look like a village girl, and chose a relatively simple dress for her to put on.

After everything was done, the two picked up what they had prepared yesterday and went out to the morning market.

When he came to the grocery store, Xiao Chen put the things away, and Cheng Mengying sat on the back, skillfully pedaled the tricycle and rode to the stall on the morning market.

Since he and Tang Tang's stall had sold Lin Ke'er's beef plate noodles before, Xiao Chen didn't plan to return anymore, so he drove directly to the original Lin's stall.

Although the original booth of Lin Ke'er's family is relatively backward, the location is not very good, but Xiao Chen believes that with his own skills, he can quickly make the business flourish again. After all, the former grand occasion is placed there, the true person The ability is not blown out!

Cheng Mengying was sitting carefully behind the tricycle, watching Xiao Chen riding the tricycle leisurely, and she couldn't help expressing her emotions: Whether it was millions of high-end sports cars or hundreds of thousands of scooter economic vehicles, she almost sat all Yes, but I can't think of myself, and now I am actually sitting behind such a broken tricycle.

Recalling a snippet I saw on the Internet before, I said that I would rather sit in a BMW car and cry than sit in the back of a bicycle and laugh, but now that I really sit in the back of a bicycle, how can I feel like I ca n’t laugh? !!

Xiao Chen had no idea what the young lady was doing at this time. He came to the previous booth of the Lin family familiarly and jumped out of the car. He removed the oil pan, gas tank, and noodle case from the tricycle. Lay it on the ground, set aside a fire and warm it up. I took out the dough prepared yesterday, and started to knead the dough skillfully, kneading the dough into the shape of churros and fried cakes.

"Xiao Chen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I remember that the stall before you and Tang Tang was quite lively. It didn't seem to be so remote? Didn't you come to the morning market stall for too long and misplaced the location?" Cheng Mengying He also jumped off the tricycle, rubbed his painful ass, looked around at the few passersby around, and asked with a doubt.

"Oh, the stall was sold to Lin Ke'er's beef noodles before. Now this stall belongs to their family. Because the location is not good, the flow of people will be less." Xiao Chen kneaded the dough intently, head He answered without raising it.

"What! Lin Ke'er?" Cheng Mengying jumped up and said angrily: "So good stall, why give it to her? I ordered you to go and exchange it with her at once! There are too few passers-by here, business is sure Very bad! We can't make money! "

It's no wonder that the young lady was soaring. She felt very upset whenever she heard Lin Ke'er's name. At first Xiao Chen ignored his beautiful fiancee and had to run to pursue Lin Ke'er. Now she even gave her the booth. It seems that these two people really have problems in private!

"What can I do? Everything is given. There is no reason to come back." Xiao Chen did not agree with Cheng Mengying's request, but carefully put the long churros into the pan, and said, "Fell. Now, that stall was given by Tang Tang to Lin Ke'er, and I have no right to ask it! "(To be continued)

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