There are four high schools in Jiangcheng.

Together, there are over a thousand martial arts exam candidates.

The martial arts exam is divided into two parts.

The first is the audition.

More than a thousand candidates will be selected to be the top 256.

These 256 people will then compete in a one-on-one duel, and the winner will enter the next round to finally decide the champion of this martial arts exam.

The audition method is very simple and is applicable throughout the country.

Climb the Tower of Babel.

The Tower of Babel for the martial arts exam has nine floors.

There are gatekeepers stationed on each floor.

The strength of the gatekeepers increases with the number of floors.

In the end, the top 256 will be ranked according to the number of floors climbed and the time taken.

In a large conference room in the examination room.

The Lord of Jiangcheng, the Judge of the Law Enforcement Department, the Minister of Education, the Director of the City Defense Bureau and other Jiangcheng bigwigs gathered together

"Have you arranged all the defenses inside and outside the city?" the city lord asked.

"Everything has been arranged according to your request." The city defense director replied.

The city lord nodded and said,"Don't take it lightly."

"Every year when the military exam comes, those bastards from the Fair Association will come out to cause trouble."

Everyone's expressions were relaxed.

Jiangcheng is just a remote small town.

The Fair Association will never waste its energy and resources on such a place.

What's more, the Alien Land was closed not long ago, so it was even less likely that the Fair Association would come.

The Minister of Education glanced at the time, stood up and said,"The time is up, I have to go open the door."

After the minister left, the director of the City Defense Bureau asked curiously,"Are there any results from the investigation into the Void Beast?"

The city lord shook his head,"It's not our turn to worry about this kind of thing, we just need to do our part."

There is no doubt that this repulsion of the Void Beast has added a very brilliant chapter to the resumes of Jiangcheng's senior executives.

In the next two years, they only need to follow the routine, and if there are no accidents or incidents at work, promotion is a matter of time.

"The quality of our Jiangcheng martial arts students this year is very high, and there is even a person with natural ability."The judge said lightly.

The city lord laughed happily.

What is this?

It's all his credit.

"How many prodigies are there this year?" the city lord asked.

A prodigy is one whose fighting power and potential far exceed those of his peers and is expected to become a high-level warrior.

The deputy minister of education glanced at the list and replied:"Sun Chenghao from No. 1 Middle School, Fang Songhua and Xie Xueying from No. 2 Middle School, Ge Pengfei from No. 3 Middle School, Zhang San and Luo Zheng from No. 4 Middle School"

"Among them, Fang Songhua and Zhang San both broke through to the first level of warriors, and the others reached level 0.9."

The city lord's eyes flashed with a little surprise:"So many people this year"

"By the way, where is Qin Ze from No. 2 Middle School?"

He had a deep impression of Qin Ze, after all, he was someone that Brother Yuanzi took special care of.

"Let me see." The deputy minister flipped through the list again:"The result of the most recent blood test was 703, which is mediocre."

The city lord sighed:"It seems that the executive officer can also make mistakes." While the bigwigs were chatting, the top scholar Qin Ze had passed the security check and entered the examination room.

The examination room for the martial arts exam was actually a training ground of the City Defense Bureau, which was as large as five football fields.

In the center of the venue was a stone tablet more than five meters high, engraved with crooked patterns, which was quite mysterious.

The moment Qin Ze saw the stone tablet, he felt something in his heart.

"Is that... a void beast?"

The faint aura fluctuations emitted by the stone tablet were exactly the same as the void beast five days ago.

The only difference was that there was no loli sound on the stone tablet in front of him.

Qin Ze frowned slightly.

What's going on?

The void beast entered the city?

He quickly opened the chat group to ask

【Tamer: I felt an inexplicable palpitation from a stone tablet at the martial arts examination site, just like the time I faced the void beast a few years ago.】

【Passerby A: You actually survived the tide of void beasts, amazing!】

【Fairy Doesn’t Shit: You are talking about the Gate Sealing Stele, right? What does it have to do with the Void Beast?】

【Beast Tamer: Sealing Gate Monument?】

【Fairies Don't Shit: The Xuanmeng Alien Land in Haidu was transformed into a special alien land for the martial arts exam 50 years ago. On the day of the martial arts exam, the gates to the alien land will be opened at the same time across the country, and the Tower of Babel is inside】

【Fairy doesn't shit: The stone tablet you mentioned is where the space door is located. The gate-sealing tablet is usually used to block the door.】

【Scholar: I remember that the animal trainer was not the top scorer in the martial arts exam, so how could he not know about the Sealing Stele?】

【Fairies Don't Shit: Maybe it was the top scholar 50 years ago, when there was no Babel selection system】

【Tamer: I am indeed accompanying my younger generation to take the martial arts exam, but the gate-sealing stele... makes me feel very uncomfortable.】

【Passerby A: It turns out that the animal tamer is also a hidden super boss, and he must be at least a level seven warrior, right?】

【Tamer: Keep a low profile]

Qin Ze didn't expect that they would actually believe his casual pretense.

【Yao Yuan: The Gate Sealing Stele is the Void Beast, or a part of the Void Beast.】

【Fairies Don’t Shit: Huh?】

【Yao Yuan: That void beast was killed by the current Minister of Education fifty years ago, and its crystal core was broken into hundreds of fragments.】

【Yao Yuan: Professionals have found through research that each fragment can open a space door leading to the location of any fragment.】

【Yao Yuan: It so happened that the Xuanmeng Realm was completely developed not long after, and a piece of the largest fragment was placed inside, and a piece was also placed in each city with a population of 100,000.】

【Fairy doesn't shit: Why not use this function to evacuate the people when the beast tide appears?

Qin Ze was about to ask this question

【Yao Yuan: The space channel opened by the crystal core fragments is extremely unstable. The upper limit is 2,000 people at a time. It will take several months to recover. If the number of people exceeds the upper limit, the channel will collapse.

Qin Ze's doubts were all solved.

The moment he saw the gate-sealing monument just now, he had a scene of countless strange beasts jumping out of it.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

"Qin Ze, come on~"

The class monitor not far away made a cheering gesture to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze gave a thumbs up.

The Minister of Education walked to the gate-sealing monument and said loudly:"When the gate-sealing monument is opened, the students will be teleported to the Tower of Babel in the Xuanmeng Secret Realm."

"Defeat the guarding beast to reach the next level. The audition will be ranked according to the number of levels and time passed."

"Don't worry, there will be no death or injury in the Tower of Babel. Death will automatically spread out of the alien world, so feel free to fight."

After he finished speaking, the Minister of Education took out a light blue stone and embedded it into the groove of the gate-sealing monument.

The next second, the patterns on the gate-sealing monument lit up one by one.

As the last pattern was lit up, a huge space vortex appeared, exactly the same as the space vortex that swallowed the alien beast five days ago.

Qin Ze found that his admission ticket lit up, and then all the candidates on the scene were pulled into the space vortex by the huge gravitational force.

The Minister of Education, who was closest to the gate-sealing monument, and the soldiers who were maintaining order around him, were not affected at all.

The vision was dark for only a second.

When Qin Ze opened his eyes again, he found himself in an empty room.

There was a staircase going up on the right side of the room, and a big number was painted on the wall.

"It seems that this is the Tower of Babel."

However, at this moment, Qin Ze found that all his clones were gone.

(I can only say that this chapter is full of foreshadowing)

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