As usual.

Every time they arrive at a new place, the clones will keep asking for a while.

But now the clones have no response.

Not only that, Qin Ze found that he couldn't contact Brother Swallow and the others.

In other words, the local area network was blocked.

Qin Ze frowned.

For the first time, he felt a little panic.

This strange world is really strange.

Why would it cut off the connection between him and the clones?

【Please prepare yourself, students.】

【The guard beast will start to be released in thirty seconds】

【Countdown begins……】

Qin Ze didn't have time to think about it, and the reminder of the start of the alien test sounded in his mind.

As the countdown ended, a red light flashed, and the gatekeeper appeared.

Qin Ze's eyes widened:"Is this... the director of the anorectal department?"

The gatekeeper was a hyena nearly two meters tall.

The moment it was thrown into the room, the hyena immediately attacked Qin Ze.

Qin Ze threw a punch reflexively.

"With a muffled bang, the director of the anorectal department exploded into a cloud of blood in the air.

"That's it?"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

The director's strength is only 0.3 level at best when converted into a warrior level.

After getting rid of the gatekeeper beast on the first floor, Qin Ze quickly went to the second floor through the stairs.

The red light flashed again, and a short flat-headed brother was released.

Brave flat-headed, not afraid of difficulties.

The flat-headed brother was more powerful than the anorectal director on the previous floor.

He came up and started to attack Qin Ze's lower body.

Qin Ze raised his foot and"snapped", and the flat-headed brother instantly changed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional

"Is this the martial arts exam?"

"The strength is too low.

Qin Ze shook his head.

The flat-headed brother is slightly stronger than the director, at the level of 0.4.

Looking at the stairs leading to the upper floor, Qin Ze's eyes flashed with lightning.


"Let's get through it quickly."

Although Qin Ze always felt that his clones were nagging in his mind and were very annoying.

But now they suddenly stopped moving, and Qin Ze was not used to it.

With thunder wrapped around his body, Qin Ze turned into a ray of lightning and rushed to the third floor quickly.

As soon as he passed the threshold of the third floor, the gatekeeper was immediately released.

However, before this unlucky guy could stand firm, he was smashed to pieces by Qin Ze who turned into the god of thunder.

Qin Ze did not stop at all and continued to accelerate all the way up.

The fourth floor, the fifth floor, the sixth floor...

Qin Ze would not stay on each floor for more than five seconds.

The gatekeeper could not withstand the power of thunder on him.

Just a face-to-face encounter, the body was instantly torn into pieces.

In this way, Qin Ze rushed directly to the ninth floor in one breath.

Only two minutes had passed.

"This is the last level. Can we increase the strength a bit?"

Qin Ze extinguished the lightning on his body.

At the same time, in the meeting room of the big guys, everyone was paying attention to the situation at the martial arts exam.

The reason why all the masters in the city were waiting here was because they were worried that they would not be able to solve the unexpected situation in time.

"Do you think there will be anyone who can pass the ninth level this year?" The judge asked curiously.

The deputy minister of education nodded and said,"Fang Songhua and Zhang San have great hope, after all, they are already official warriors."

"I think it's going to be tough." The City Defense Director said,"Even if they are formal warriors, they haven't seen blood yet. The ninth level is not as simple as just fighting strength."

"The Tower of Babel will read the spiritual world of the people who challenge it and transform them into the things they fear most."

"The little guy who has never seen blood is still too immature. He will be in a mess on the ninth floor, and may even piss his pants."

Everyone nodded when they heard this, thinking that what the director of the City Defense Bureau said made sense.

Warriors in a greenhouse will never grow up. They can only go through countless bloody battles.

【Qin Ze, a candidate from No. 2 Middle School, passed the exam successfully. Candidate number: 203507269327】

【Clearance time: 2 minutes and 17 seconds]

Everyone in the conference room was stunned when they heard the announcement from the examination room.

Especially the city lord, who spit out the tea he had just drunk.

"How many?"

"Two points and seventeen?"

"Did I hear wrongly?"

The expressions on the faces of others were equally incredible.

In the fifty years since the emergence of the selection system of the Tower of Babel, no one has ever been able to pass the test in less than three minutes.

In other words, there are very few people who can even successfully walk out of the ninth floor.

The city lord said excitedly:"Quickly ask the Minister of Education, is there a problem with the Xuanmeng Yijing?"

If there is a problem with the Xuanmeng Yijing or the Tower of Babel, just take the test again.

But if this result is true, then Jiangcheng will have a peerless genius.

Two minutes and seventeen seconds will become the fastest pass record in history.

The deputy minister immediately made a phone call and soon got the result.

"The minister said that there is no problem with the alien world and the Tower of Babel, and this result is real and effective."

Hearing this, everyone in the meeting room breathed faster, and the city lord couldn't help but waved his fist.

"What was the fastest clearance record before?" the city lord asked

"Six minutes." The deputy minister replied,"This achievement was created by Yao Yuan, the first swordsman of the human race, twenty years ago."

The city lord laughed,"Hahahaha!"

"Our Jiangcheng's genius is half as fast as the executive officer's record of twenty years ago!"

"It has to be the executive officer who never makes a mistake in anyone!"

"Report this news to the education headquarters immediately!"

Everyone in the conference room was very excited.

What they saw was not some peerless genius, but four big words - promotion and wealth.


Qin Ze was stunned when he heard the announcement that he had passed the level. He had passed the ninth level?

But he hadn't done anything.

He looked down at the"Black Cthulhu" in front of him, who had seven or eight arms and legs, three eyes, and a face that kept changing like a kaleidoscope, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

When Qin Ze just arrived at the ninth level, he felt a force probing his spiritual world.

He thought this level was a test of his spiritual power, so he didn't stop it, because he also wanted to see where his spiritual power limit was.

The probing power disappeared quickly, and then the red light reappeared, casting such an abstract and distorted gatekeeper. As soon as the black Cthulhu appeared, it fell because several legs were tangled together, and then its body squirmed like a maggot to stand up.

After trying several times, it finally failed.

Then, a scene that made Qin Ze dumbfounded appeared.

The gatekeeper's arms fought with themselves.

One eye shot out lightning, and the other shot out a destructive red light.

Not only did they not attack Qin Ze, but they all fell on his waist.

In just a few seconds, the guard beast was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and committed suicide.

Qin Ze did not move from beginning to end.

As the guard beast disintegrated and disappeared bit by bit, Qin Ze's mind sounded the reminder of the strange world.

【The assessment is over, and the transmission begins.

Qin Ze's eyes went dark for another second.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had been teleported outside.

At the same time, the local area network was finally unblocked.

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