At 7 o'clock the next morning, Qin Ze arrived at the examination room on time for security check.

There were 256 participants in the second round of the martial arts examination.

The winners would advance to the next round until the champion was decided.

There was an hour between each battle, so that the candidates could get enough rest.

After Qin Ze had drawn his opponent, he was warming up before the exam. At this moment, the key suddenly vibrated. Qin Ze saw the content in the chat group and frowned.

【Yao Yuan: The tide has begun. @Beast Tamer @Yoyo Luming, you haven't entered the abyss. If the tide really appears next to you, you must open the shelter space as soon as possible.】

【Yao Yuan: Also, be careful of hunting beasts. If you find a hunting beast, kill it immediately, otherwise it will find and lock the shelter space.

Qin Ze was shocked.

It turns out that the shelter space is not completely hidden.

There are actually strange beasts that can find it.

Qin Ze looked at the balance of the World Source in his hand.

There are more than 20 left.

It is enough to save the dog's life.

【Yao Yuan: The hunter beast is a humanoid black panther that specializes in hunting us hunters.】

【Yao Yuan: My suggestion is, if there is a tide around you, open the shelter space immediately and run quickly, staying alive is the most important thing.

Qin Ze has never seen Yao Yuan say so many words in a row in the group.

It is enough to prove that the situation this time is very serious.

【Fairies Don't Shit: I've never seen so many strange beasts in my life……】

【Passerby A: Is this the first time the fairy comes to Penglai City?】

【Fairies don't poop: First time during tide】

【Scholar: I am about to break through. I hope I can gain some insights from this fight against the tide.】

【Edge paddling: I am so fed up, one old man is annoying enough, and now there are a bunch of hunting beasts added】

【Passerby A: A group of hunting animals? Brother Shui, you can only pray for the best.】

【Fairies don't shit: Xiaolu, come on today and get the top prize. The tide is coming randomly, you won't be so unlucky.】

【Yoyo Luming: I will do my best(•̀⌄•́)】

The exam bell interrupted Qin Ze's thoughts.

How terrible is the tide that can make Brother Yuanzi shudder?

And the hunting beast.

What is the purpose of the strange beasts constantly invading the myriad races?

While Qin Ze's thoughts were flying, his first round opponent had already stepped onto the stage.

"" You dare to be distracted during the competition, don't you think of me as a human being?"

The man with glasses who was standing not far in front of Qin Ze was furious.

Qin Ze came back to his senses and said quickly:"I was just thinking about something just now."

The man with glasses snorted coldly:"Don't think you can be arrogant just because you are ranked first in the Tower of Babel."

"I tell you, there are always people who are better than you, and there are always better things than you!"

Qin Ze nodded in agreement:"So what rank are you?"

The man with glasses puffed out his chest and raised his head, like a proud rooster.

"Two hundred and fifty-six."

Qin Ze was speechless.

Good fellow.

How could you shout out two hundred and fifty-six in a tone that was even more arrogant than the first place.

The man with glasses continued:"In a way, we are the first against the first, it's fair."

When - the gong of the duel sounded.

Qin Ze moved his wrist

"Come on, then."

Lions fight rabbits with all their strength.

Qin Ze did not underestimate this idiot.

The other party looked very confident, and he probably had some killer moves.

Qin Ze's blood circulation, just as he was about to exert force, the man with glasses did a backflip and jumped off the ring, landing steadily.

The whole process was extremely smooth, as if he had practiced it countless times.

Qin Ze, who was just trying to get lucky, almost sprained his waist.

No, where is your killer move?

The man with glasses looked at Qin Ze and said proudly:"I will not fight with people who don't respect me, you are not worthy."

After speaking, the man with glasses turned around and left.

The referee immediately announced the result.

"The winner is Qin Ze.

Qin Ze walked off the stage speechlessly.

"This old man is so funny."

"You know what, this kind of shameless energy is quite similar to us"

"Don't take me with you, I have to save my face"

"You don't need a shitty face. You were the one who enjoyed licking the giant last time."

"Licking your own brother is called licking? You know nothing."


The clone was also amused by the man with glasses.

The LAN was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Qin Ze's opponents in the next four rounds gave up before they even started fighting.

Casualties were allowed in the martial arts exam.

If he could enter the second round of the ring duel, his admission to Wuda was a foregone conclusion.

In addition, Qin Ze was the fastest and most ruthless person to pass the Tower of Babel.

Fighting with him would result in serious injuries at best, or even death.

It was not worth it.

In this way, Qin Ze successfully advanced to the quarterfinals without even raising his hand.

On the ring, Qin Ze was stunned when he saw his quarterfinalists.

"I really got it right."

Xie Xueying on the other side of the ring couldn't help but smile.

Qin Ze said calmly:"I really didn't expect to be the squad leader."

Xie Xueying's blood burst out, and a layer of reverse fate technique was running.

"I actually really want to fight with you."

Qin Ze nodded:"Then come on."

As the gong sounded, Xie Xueying quickly pounced on Qin Ze.

It must be said that the squad leader's physical skills are really good, and she is the best among her peers.

It's a pity that her opponent is a pervert.

Seeing that Qin Ze has been perfunctory, Xie Xueying said in a deep voice:"Can you let me see your true strength?"

Last time at the Black Mountain Research Institute, Xie Xueying had a superficial understanding of Qin Ze's strength.

This time Qin Ze broke the record of the Tower of Babel again, and she felt that she was getting farther and farther away from this boy.

Qin Ze practiced with the opponent for more than ten rounds, and said lightly:"Squad leader, watch out, my move of connecting and transforming can be a powerful move."

Qin Ze pushed his right hand forward in the air, and Xie Xueying felt a gentle and huge force coming, and the whole person quickly retreated uncontrollably and fell off the ring.

"The winner is Qin Ze."

Xie Xueying came to her senses after hearing the referee's voice.

Is this Qin Ze's strength? He could push her out dozens of meters with just one hand.

Xie Xueying was filled with regret.

""Squad leader."

Xie Xueying raised her head and saw Qin Ze giving her a thumbs up.

She was stunned at first, and then a carefree smile appeared on her face.

"I will catch up with you!"

The list of the top four was soon released.

Fang Songhua vs. Ge Pengfei.

Qin Ze vs. Zhang San.

Zhang San won all the way and knocked out his opponent in less than three moves in each match.

"Qin Ze, I have been looking forward to fighting with you since yesterday"

"Although I am not as skilled as you, I will never back down!"

"Come on, let me fight you!"

Zhang San's blood was boiling.

A warrior can only grow by fighting against the strong.

He couldn't wait.

Shua - a shadow suddenly rushed in front of him.

Zhang San only felt a burning pain on his face, and then he flew high up, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated.

Bang -

Zhang San fell to the ground in a big letter shape, and he was dizzy and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Too much nonsense."

Qin Ze shook his wrist, turned around and walked off the stage.

Zhang San, who was lying on the ground, looked up at the sky and sighed heavily.

He felt that he was treated differently.

(Another chapter of the martial arts exam is over. I will create a group later. I guess not many people will join the group at this time)

(Can you waste a few seconds of your life to give me a love-generated electricity, I wish everyone will never die)

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