The ones who finally advanced to the finals were Qin Ze and Fang Songhua.

Qin Ze was undoubtedly a bright dark horse in Jiangcheng's martial arts exam this year.

The top floor of the tallest building in Jiangcheng is now full of grief-stricken gamblers.

They greeted Qin Ze's eighteen generations of ancestors cordially and warmly.

The finals are scheduled for two o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to ensure the safety of the candidates and enable them to get enough rest.

The examination room specially arranged a lounge and lunch.

Every year, the finals of the martial arts exam, together with the final award ceremony for the top scholar, will be broadcast live to the public.

Simple spectator stands are also built around the examination room.

Qin Ze was warming up off the court.

I flipped through the chat group out of boredom, and found that Xiaolu's martial arts exam was over

【Yoyo Luming: I got the first place in the martial arts exam.

The excited little deer did not get any response from others.

Even the water group dragon king and fairy were not online.

No one shared the joy, and the little deer felt a little disappointed.

【Tamer: As expected of a little deer, you are amazing!】

【Yoyo Luming: Hehe~ It's okay, the opponent is not very strong, I won in one minute.

Qin Ze couldn't help but twitch his lips.

He said the most tough words in the softest tone.

It's you.

【Yoyo Luming: Senior, didn’t you go to the abyss either?】

【Beast Tamer: My little one is taking the martial arts exam and he insists on me accompanying him. I have no choice.】

【Yoyo Luming: He must be very powerful】

【Animal trainer: Of course, I can’t compare to the deer.】

【Yoyo Luming: I feel embarrassed by your praise, everyone seems to be very busy today】

【[Beast Trainer: Everyone is busy, please be busy]

Bang, bang, bang— on both sides of the ring, a series of colored strips flew into the sky.

The gongs and drums were loud, and the firecrackers were blasting. The audience burst into warm applause and cheers.

The last round of the martial arts exam began.

Qin Ze pulled himself together and walked onto the ring.

This was his performance.

"I never thought that one day I would be on stage."

"Passing the imperial examination, having a wedding night, and meeting an old friend in a foreign land are the three great blessings in life. Cherish them well."

"Protest, why does the real person always appear in person every time?"

"Alas, who made us workers?"

"I am pretty……"

Qin Ze could no longer hear the chatter of his clones.

The breeze, the warm sunshine, the attention of the crowd...

He was enjoying the highlight of this moment.

"Qin Ze, although your previous performance was very impressive"

"But I can tell you clearly that I am the champion of this year's martial arts exam."

Fang Songhua, who walked onto the stage, suddenly interrupted Qin Ze's thoughts.

Qin Ze was quite unhappy:"Hasn't your family ever taught you that interrupting others is a very impolite behavior?"

Fang Songhua said coldly:"I don't understand what nonsense you are talking about."

"Since we are from the same school, I can give you a piece of advice."

"When the duel starts, you'd better get off the stage by yourself, otherwise you will miss the opening ceremony of Wuhan University by lying in bed for several months."

Qin Ze said impatiently:"Stop talking, hurry up and start."

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't take him seriously at all, Fang Songhua vowed to teach him a lesson later.

When - the gong of the competition sounded.

Qin Ze's 160 acupuncture points were instantly opened.

Boom -

Qin Ze turned into a residual image and flashed quickly on the stage, and the violent air waves rolled to both sides of the stage.

Everyone in the audience was caught off guard and was blown to the ground.

""So fast!"

Fang Songhua couldn't help but flash a hint of surprise in his eyes.

But soon his surprise was replaced by confidence.

"So what if it’s fast?"

"I don't believe you can break my trump card!"

Qin Ze wanted to make a quick decision.

Xiaolu took one minute.

Thirty seconds for him, a peerless genius, is not too much?


Qin Ze punched Fang Songhua in the chest, so fast that the other party had no time to react.

This punch was Qin Ze's pure blood and physical strength, without any fancy moves.

However, Fang Songhua, who was standing in the same place, did not move.

Qin Ze frowned slightly, and immediately retracted his fist and stepped back.

He felt like he had hit the door of the shelter with that punch just now. Is the body of a first-level warrior so hard?

Fang Songhua grinned.

He slowly took off his coat, revealing a silver soft armor

"Level 1 defensive weapon, able to block attacks below 1,000 HP"

"You haven't even reached the first level of martial arts. You can't break my defense."

"I am already invincible."

This is Fang Songhua's trump card.

The martial arts exam only prohibits offensive weapons, and defensive weapons are limited to level one.

Since weapons are expensive, ordinary people cannot afford them.

And the children of the family have always been powerful and disdain to use them.

But this year, facing Qin Ze, the dark horse who suddenly came out, the Fang family was a little panicked.

They risked their old face and gave Fang Songhua a layer of skin.

The city lord in the observation room looked unhappy.

"Old Fang can't play anymore."

Is it against the rules to do this?


But it's too embarrassing.

The Fang family is a martial arts family in the city.

Wearing martial arts equipment to fight with children from ordinary families is a bit of bullying.

The others were silent.

They thought Qin Ze would lose this time.

If he couldn't break the defense, he would be beaten with his head.

Xie Xueying, who was off the court, was full of worry.

She felt that Qin Ze's best choice at this time was to give up and admit defeat.

Compared with his safety, the top scholar was no longer that important.

The audience also sighed.

"No more"

"Sure enough, ordinary children can never catch up with children from martial arts families."

"Damn, that’s not fair!"

"Haha, it's fair to give you a chance to go on stage."

Fang Songhua was very proud on the stage.

"Family background is also a kind of strength"

"You should thank me for teaching you a lesson today."

Qin Ze shook his head:"If being a cuckold is your trump card, then you are disappointing me."

I thought I had finally stepped up a level.

That's it?

Fang Songhua was about to retort, but a violent sense of oppression suddenly hit him, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.


If you don't run, you will die!

A faint tiger roar came from Qin Ze.

In Fang Songhua's field of vision, he saw a white tiger with hanging eyes slamming into him.

The software on his body was instantly full of cracks, like a piece of glass about to break.


Fang Songhua suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew off the stage.

His head tilted, and he fainted.

Qin Ze calmed down his blood and turned around and walked off the stage.

The whole audience was silent for a second, and then burst into thunderous cheers and applause.

The top scorer in the martial arts exam has always been monopolized by martial arts families. This year, an ordinary person defeated a martial arts family.

"Is this the real you?"

Xie Xueying looked at Qin Ze's back and congratulated him sincerely.

The city lord in the viewing room clapped his hands excitedly. Jiangcheng is going to rise.

"Next, the Minister of Education of Jiangcheng will present the certificate and prize to our top scholar Qin Ze."

Qin Ze stood on the podium.

The Minister of Education patted him on the shoulder.

"Your performance today is amazing"

"Work hard, there will be a place for you in the future."

The prize for the top scholar is ten blood crystals.

"I will."

Qin Ze secretly said stingy, I thought he would give me a soul bead

"Yeah, we are the champions.~"

"It took forty-seven seconds, faster than a deer!"

"Do you want to have a party tonight?"


"It just so happens that the memorial service for the brother who died in the alien world has not yet been held, let's go together."

The topic of the clones quickly shifted from the championship to the memorial party. At this time, Qin Ze suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked up. The sky, which was originally clear and blue, suddenly appeared five huge cyclones. The Minister of Education, who found something strange, turned pale as paper.


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