The sudden strange phenomenon in the sky attracted the attention of everyone present.

The audience looked up and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"What's going on? It was sunny just now."

"Is a typhoon coming?"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling."

Woo -

While the audience was talking, a shrill alarm sounded over Jiangcheng.

They had just heard this familiar alarm during the beast tide five days ago.

Everyone's face suddenly changed.

They rushed out.

"Come with me."

The Minister of Education grabbed Qin Ze's shoulders and took him out of the examination room in two or three steps.

"What happened to your kidney? Qin Ze couldn't help asking

"The tide comes, and it's still five swirls." The Minister of Education smiled bitterly:"You are such a miserable number one."

"Originally had a bright future, but today will perish here."

Qin Ze heard the meaning of the other party's words.

This tide cannot be resisted.

Today, everyone in the city will die.

"What exactly is the tide?"

Qin Ze asked the question he had always wanted to ask in the group.

"A strange beast���Carnival party."The Minister of Education pursed his lips and said.

Hearing this answer, the clone cursed.

"It's as good as not saying anything"

"All the riddlers, die!"

"The King should give him an electric shock."

"Should we call the King of France and the others to join us?"


Qin Ze thought for a moment and said,"Let them hide at home."

Before he could figure out the situation, Qin Ze decided to observe secretly.

A few minutes later, the Minister of Education brought Qin Ze to the gate of a shelter.

The shelter was located under the Jiangcheng office building. The entrance was an inconspicuous remote door. At the door stood fully armed soldiers from the City Defense Department.

Hundreds of people lined up in a long queue, anxiously waiting for security checks to enter the shelter.

These people were dressed brightly and beautifully, and at first glance, they were either rich or noble.

"There is a shelter here?"

Qin Ze thought there were only four shelters in the city.

"They are all family members of high-level warriors. You will be with them later."The Minister of Education instructed.

Through the half-opened small door, Qin Ze saw the interior of the shelter.

The door outside was just a cover, and the real door was inside.

The alloy door with a giant mechanical gear lock was exactly the same as that of Shelter No. 10.

Compared with the public shelter, it was simply a world of difference.

Soon, Qin Ze found several buses coming over.

All of them were the top 256 candidates for this year's martial arts exam.

In the crowd, Qin Ze saw Xie Xueying who was a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, everyone was confused and had no idea what was going on.

The Minister of Education led Qin Ze straight to the soldiers at the door.

"This year's top scorer in the military exam must be kept safe."

The soldier nodded:"Yes."

The Minister of Education immediately looked at Qin Ze:"Try to survive."

Looking at the other person's back as he left, Qin Ze suddenly felt a sense of wind whistling and Yishui cold.

""Top scholar, don't stay outside, go in." said the soldier.

Qin Ze nodded, opened the shelter space the moment he entered the half-open door, and then walked out of the shelter with a swagger.

The five whirlpools in the sky were getting bigger and bigger, and gradually turned red.

The whole sky was burning, extremely gorgeous.

Qin Ze didn't stop at all and ran quickly to the city wall.

With the experience of resisting the beast tide five days ago, everything on the city wall is now proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the old place, Qin Ze saw Niu Niu and his group again.

Several people were frowning and sighing, and they were obviously forcibly recruited.

They were unlucky enough. They had just experienced a beast tide and now they have to face the tide again.

Niu Zhida couldn't help sighing:"It's all my fault, we should have set off yesterday." The baby-faced man said in a deep voice:"It's useless to say anything now, let's think about how to survive first."

Looking at the whirlpools in the sky, Xigou's voice was calm:"Survive? How is it possible, that's the five-whirlpool tide."

Qin Ze stood beside them, looking at the sky with them.

Five whirlpools with a diameter of nearly 100 meters were slowly rotating at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

A bright colorful light suddenly appeared in the center.

The light gradually expanded and soon spread to cover the entire whirlpool.

The outer edge of the whirlpool was as red as fire, stretching all the way to the distant sky.

The whirlpool itself was a constantly flowing seven-color glow.

The colorful light cast on the earth was even more beautiful than the aurora at night in the north.

"It's so beautiful." Baby-faced man couldn't help but sigh.

Thin Dog nodded:"It's worth it to see such a spectacular view once in a lifetime."

Qin Ze was also intoxicated by this rare view.

Niu Zhida's voice woke everyone up:"Get ready, the exotic beasts are about to be released."

As soon as the voice fell, the vortex cast a brilliant light curtain in the open space in front of the city wall.

The earth was decorated with colorful spots of light, like a concert stage.




With a deafening roar, thousands of alien beasts rushed out of the light curtain at the same time, and the subsequent releases were still continuous.

In the vortex in the sky, one after another hideous flying alien beasts turned out with brilliant light on their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, a beast tide of hundreds of thousands was formed.

They roared, fanatically, and rushed towards Jiangcheng like a tsunami. Densely packed, overwhelming, like a swarm of locusts, all the hairs on Qin Ze's body stood up.

At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of the tide.

The colorful and bizarre sky and earth became the stage for the alien beasts. The breathtakingly beautiful scene, countless charging alien beasts.

The combination of the two is like a beautiful nightmare.

The warriors guarding the city couldn't even hold their weapons in their hands. They wanted to wake up from the nightmare.

Even the beast tide released by the void beast was not comparable to what was in front of them.

There were nearly 200,000 alien beasts, and low-level alien beasts were only a minority.

Most of them are intermediate-level beasts from A to C.

Qin Ze has not seen any S-level beasts yet.

This is one of the few good news.

"Are you still looking at me? Have you forgotten what Brother Yuanzi said? Run!"

"The King of France and his people are on their way here."

"The tidal force is too high. No one can defeat it unless they have administrator privileges."

"You've been yelling about increasing the intensity all day, and now the intensity has increased."

"This can't be the way to go. We're asked to fight the BOSS before we even leave the Novice Village?"

"To be honest, the fact that the human race has survived to this day is something special."

"Damn it, could you please stop talking? The hunting beast will be here soon!"


The clones were panicking.

Qin Ze had asked the Dharma King and the others to come and join him.

After they arrived, he was ready to drive the shelter space to leave Jiangcheng.

He was not a savior, and the tide in front of him was no longer something he could resist.

As the beast tide approached the city, the fire control commander gave an order.


(Thanks for the reward, nothing to say, I'll kowtow first Orz)

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