Dozens of city defense cannons fired in volleys.

The beast tide was endless.

The shells were like pebbles thrown into the sea, unable to stir up any waves. In just a few minutes, the beast tide had already begun to surge onto the city walls.

The siege beasts kept hitting the tightly closed city gates.

After one siege beast was killed by concentrated fire, another one soon took over.

On this bright and dazzling stage, warriors finished their closing performances with blood.

"It's over. If no support comes, we can't even last ten minutes."

"Did the King of France and his family go to the toilet?"

"Shall we go down and help?"

"I do not mind"

"Too lazy to move"

"There are too many monsters, we can't kill a few of them"


Looking at the blood-stained city wall, Lezi's clones felt mixed emotions.

Qin Ze suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

It was as if he was being stared at by some great terror.

A hundred meters away, on top of a five-meter-tall beast, Qin Ze found a black upright cheetah looking at the location of the shelter space.

Hunting beast!

The appearance was no different from what Yao Yuan described.

"The hunting beast arrived so quickly, is this the treatment of the protagonist? Love it"

"Your Majesty, am I pretty? It takes less than half a day to write!"

"Fuck it! You coward!"

"That's right, we can kill it with a sliding tackle each of us."

The dog-headed military advisors kept giving Qin Ze advice.

At the same time, the hunting beast on the head of the strange beast moved.

It bent forward and pounced, and disappeared in an instant.

Qin Ze frowned slightly.

The palpitation was still there.

Crack, crack, crack - suddenly, a faint crack appeared in the shelter space in front of Qin Ze.

As the crack continued to expand,"crash", a large hole was torn in the shelter space.

The hunting beast's head squeezed in and grinned at Qin Ze.


Qin Ze was caught off guard and was shocked. He raised his hand and slapped the other party in the face.

The hunting beast flew backwards and fell into the herd.

This weird thing was weaker than Qin Ze imagined. At best, it was only at the level of a second-level warrior.

The hole in the shelter space torn by that guy did not heal immediately.

Black gas continued to emanate from the edge of the crack, like bacteria infected on the wound.

The beast tide that was originally attacking the city suddenly stagnated.

The strange beasts turned their heads and looked at Qin Ze's position.

The next second, the beast tide boiled.

They roared and ran towards Qin Ze, like fanatical fans.

Even the strange beasts that had already climbed onto the city wall jumped down and headed for the section of the city wall where Qin Ze was.

Qin Ze's scalp numbed.

The hole torn by the hunting beast leaked Qin Ze's breath, or the breath of the key.

No wonder Brother Yuanzi said that the hunting beast is extremely dangerous.

Although this guy has no combat power, he will light you up.

【A crack in the shelter space has been detected. Do you want to spend five points of World Source to repair it?】

""Repair, repair, repair!"

Qin Ze did not hesitate at all.

He should have told me earlier that there was such a function!

【Start Repair】


Qin Ze's face was full of black lines

"Who invented the progress bar? Let me know he's in big trouble!"

Seeing the strange beasts rushing towards him from all directions, Qin Ze knew he couldn't stay on the city wall any longer.

Otherwise, this section of the wall would be broken by the beasts in a few minutes.

Qin Ze opened his arms, jumped down, and glided quickly out of the city.

The beast tide that found the scent changed direction and began to retreat out of the city.

The warriors guarding the city were confused when they saw this.

"City Lord, the tide... seems to have receded."The Minister of Education was in disbelief.

The city lord blinked.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that the tide would actually recede on its own.

This was just as weird as the void beast that suddenly disappeared five days ago.

The city lord sighed silently in his heart.

Even if it retreated for a while, what would it matter?

This is the tide.

If you don't annihilate them, they will come back.

""City Lord, the reinforcements should be arriving soon, right?" said the Minister of Education.

Upon hearing this, the City Lord gave a bitter smile and looked up at the five whirlpools in the sky that were as gorgeous as rainbows.

The five-whirlpool tide was unprecedented.

"Let everyone take a rest as soon as possible."

The city lord's voice was hoarse.

Qin Ze was still gliding slowly in the sky.

The strange beasts on the ground couldn't touch him, so they could only jump anxiously.

The flying beasts surrounded Qin Ze layer by layer.

However, the opening of the shelter space was not big, so they couldn't get in, and could only use their claws to keep scratching the cracks.

But they don't have the ability to hunt beasts, and can't cause any impact on the shelter space.

Qin Ze held the dragon tightly and kept an eye on the situation outside.

The previous blow didn't kill the hunting beast.

If this guy dares to appear again, Qin Ze will give it a big blow.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the pair of black claws stretched into the crack again, and kept scratching to both sides, trying to expand the crack.

"It's endless, isn't it?"

Qin Ze aimed at the crack and pulled the trigger hard.

"With a"bang", the bullet condensed by blood and qi burst out of the barrel.

At such a close distance, if the hunting beast is hit, there will be only one result.

However, the hunting beast suddenly disappeared again, and the dragon missed.

Qin Ze frowned.

Very annoying.

This beast not only has the ability to fold through space, but also has a strong sense of danger.

Kakakaka - cracks appeared in the shelter space behind Qin Ze again.

Seeing that the frontal attack was not working, the hunting beast actually started to steal chrysanthemums.

The countdown for repair is less than three minutes.

But if the hunting beast is not solved, even if it is repaired this time, it will still be destroyed by it.

Qin Ze gritted his teeth and released the shelter space.

The flying beasts that were originally wandering around and only determined the approximate location saw Qin Ze suddenly appear, and instantly pounced on him from all directions.

Without the shelter space, the hunting beast and Qin Ze looked at each other.

It seemed very surprised, surprised that Qin Ze dared to release the shelter space in the tide.

Are you sure this is not a gift?

"You're called the hunting beast, right?"

Qin Ze's eyes flashed with thunder.

While the other party was stunned and hadn't made a space jump, the little green dragon quickly crashed into its brain.

The hunting beast tilted its head, looking dazed.

Zilala - the violent thunder in Qin Ze's body surged around.

A lightning net covering the sky and the sun was woven in the sky.

The level of flying beasts is generally not high. The moment they touch the lightning net, their whole body is paralyzed.

Qin Ze condensed his blood and fanned out a big force pocket again.

This time he was at full strength. The hunting beast's head exploded directly, and the headless body fell to the ground.

Qin Ze quickly opened the shelter space.

Several intermediate flying beasts that broke through the blockade of the lightning net happened to pounce, but they pounced empty-handed.

【Repair completed]

At the same time, the countdown ended and the crack was repaired.

The beasts that lost Qin Ze's aura became headless flies, and their instincts drove them to rush to Jiangcheng again.


Qin Ze, whose back was already soaked with cold sweat, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

The key vibrated, and Qin Ze opened the chat group and saw Brother Yuanzi talking.

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