The North.

Yunluo Mountain, 8,000 meters above sea level, is covered with snow all year round.

This is the entire North, and also the forbidden land of the entire human race.

On the top of the peak stands a hundred-meter-high ice crystal snow tree.

The roots, branches, and trunks are all made of solid ice.

The leaves are crystal snowflakes.

Under the tree, an old man in white clothes and with white hair and beard sat on the ground.

Snowflakes and leaves kept falling from the dense tree canopy, but they would actively avoid the old man, and no one fell on him.


A young man ran over in a panic.

"The tide has arrived in Jiangcheng"

"It's Wu Xuan!"

The old man suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were as calm and clear as an ancient well.

"Have you informed Penglai City?"

The old man's voice was flat.

The young man nodded:"We have already informed"

"The garrison commander, Lord Gu, is returning to the surface to help."

The old man said softly,"He is still so impulsive, but it's too late."

The young man lowered his head.

Five whirlpool tides, Jiangcheng is now probably turned into purgatory

"Yao Yuan is in Penglai City?"The old man changed the subject.

"Yes." The young man said,"When the tide ends, he said he can break through to level eight."

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up.


"Pay close attention to the situation in Jiangcheng"

"Tell me when Gu Zhenshou arrives."

"In addition, let Yao Zhenshou, who is stationed in Haidu, go to the Abyss to temporarily guard the defense line."

"Yes. The young man bowed and left.

The old man slowly stood up and raised his hand to catch a falling leaf.

"Cough cough cough——"

He suddenly started coughing non-stop, and his breath became extremely weak.

The treetops moved without wind.

Countless transparent ice crystals fell on the old man, and his breath quickly stabilized.

He looked up at the tree and said in a deep voice:

"The Five Whirlpool Tides have all appeared"

"Do we still have time?"

Huahuahua - the branches swayed gently, as if in response.

The old man was silent for a long time, and finally let out a helpless sigh.



The beast tide that had retreated not long ago has returned.

The strange beasts are still being released continuously.

Now the scale of the beast tide has reached nearly 500,000.

Every warrior defending the city is desperate.

Qin Ze returned to the city wall and looked at the group chat with a frown.

【Yao Yuan: The Five Whirlpool Tide descended upon Jiangcheng. It is preliminarily speculated that it has anchored the void beast from last time.】

【Passerby A: How much? Five swirls?】

【Fairies don't poop: This time everyone in the city is going to die】

【Tamer: Where are the reinforcements? Are we just going to watch Jiangcheng fall? Why don't the warriors from the nearby cities go to support us?】

【Fairies Don't Shit: Before the tide, there were at most two whirlpools, and five whirlpools were unheard of. This is no longer something that ordinary warriors can resist. Even if they go, it will only increase casualties.】

【Yao Yuan: Currently, most of the high-level warriors are in Penglai City and cannot escape. We can only wait for the tide to end and then let the high-level warriors go to clear the area.】

【Yao Yuan: If the high-level warriors leave Penglai City at this time, part of the defense line is likely to be lost. Then it will not be as simple as losing Jiangcheng.

Qin Ze understood what Brother Yuanzi meant.

Jiangcheng was abandoned.

There will be no support.

From the overall perspective, this is the best decision.

【Yao Yuan: Gu Zhenshou just disobeyed orders and has left the abyss. I wonder if he can catch up.】

【Tamer: How long will it take?】

【Yao Yuan: A quarter of an hour]

Qin Ze twitched his lips.

If he came to collect the body, he would have time.

【Tamer: How many hunters are there in a typical tide?】

【Yao Yuan: One at most.

Qin Ze heaved a sigh of relief.

This beast is too hard to deal with.

Fortunately, they are not in groups.

【Yao Yuan: There are infinite possibilities when you are alive】

"Did you say that to me specifically?"

Qin Ze smiled and left the chat group.

A big hole had been broken in the city gate.

A smaller monster rushed into the city through the hole.

A team of city defense soldiers rushed to fill the hole.

But there were too few people, and the soldiers were torn to pieces by the monsters after just one encounter.

""Xiao Cao, use martial arts quickly!"

Niu Zhida chopped off the head of the strange beast with a knife and shouted loudly.

More and more strange beasts have climbed up. If they don't slow down their speed, this section of the wall will be lost.

The baby-faced girl was pale, and it was obvious that her mental strength and blood were at the bottom.

She forced herself to launch a round of martial arts, and the thorns grew rapidly, weaving a carpet full of barbs on the wall.

Then, the baby-faced girl's eyes went black and she fell to the ground.

A big lizard saw this and pounced on the baby-faced girl, and the knife man chopped it with a knife.

Not only did he fail to stop the strange beast, but he flew out instead.

"I'll go help!"

Xigou hurried to support, and Niuniu fought three strange beasts alone.

The roar of the strange beasts and the killing shouts of the warriors echoed everywhere on the city wall.

Qin Ze watched all this with an expressionless face.

"Here we are"

"A shop on the east side of the city wall."

The voices of Brother Swallow and the King of Law were heard in the LAN.

Brother Swallow has recovered after recuperation.

Qin Ze said in a deep voice:"What do you mean?""

King of Law:"What do you mean?"

Brother Swallow said lightly:"You already have the answer in your heart, why are you still asking us.""

Juba:"That's right, don't we stinky workers listen to your boss?""

Qianmian:"Me too."

Qin Ze took out the exclusive mask for the leader and slowly put it on his face

"I didn't feel like I belonged to this world."

"The so-called warriors are just a bunch of idiots in my opinion."

Qin Ze looked at the unconscious Xiao Cao, the knife man whose life and death were unknown, the little dog and the cow who were desperately protecting their teammates, and the soldiers who rushed to block the gate one after another.

"Now it seems that some silly people are still cute."

"If I don't do some things now, I may regret it later."

Brother Devourer smiled and said,"Do whatever you want. We come to this world to have fun."

The King of Dharma agreed very much:"Just be happy!"

The Giant Tyrant was already gearing up:"I'm already hungry and thirsty!"

Thousand Faces:"Me too."

The other clones were also chattering.

"Who hasn't dreamed of becoming the savior one day? Now the opportunity is right in front of you. It would be a pity to miss it."

"To be honest, the best we can do now is to extend the death time from five minutes to ten minutes."

"That's enough. Isn't the human guardian already on the way?"

"Tata Open——"

"Although I am a runner, if you want to go crazy, I will go crazy with you."

"gkd, wear your mask!"


Qin Ze straightened his clothes and raised the corners of his mouth.

"In that case, let's go on stage and show our faces."

"Show the world a little circus shock"


"City Lord, we can’t hold on any longer. The strange beasts have entered the city!"

"More than half of the brothers were killed or wounded"

"Jiangcheng... is about to fall."

The head of the city defense department looked at the monsters pouring into the city with despair on his face.

The city lord who had just killed a B-level monster looked pale.

It's over.

Everything is over.

When he saw the five whirlpools in the sky, he guessed the decision of the human race's top leaders.

Jiangcheng has been abandoned.

"Go Duck——"

Suddenly, deafening shouts of killing rang out in the city.

The city lord looked up suddenly.

A large group of warriors wearing various beast masks and black suits rushed out.

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