The western section of the city wall.

The warriors who saw this scene felt extremely heavy in their hearts.

"He is a hero."The judge suddenly said:"He faced an enemy he could not defeat, and he did not retreat a single step." An extremely sad atmosphere permeated the city wall.

The city lord, whose blood and qi had recovered a little, said in a deep voice:"He has demonstrated to us, and now it's our turn."

Looking at the endless tide of beasts below the city wall, everyone's eyes became extremely firm.

Since the ending is already determined, let it burn!

The clones were confused when they saw this.

"What's wrong with them all of a sudden?"


"It seems that Qin Ze's dog is dead."

"Hahaha! Qin Ze is dead? Dad is laughing to death"

"To be honest, that guy was indeed a little handsome."

"Damn it, why not me!"


At the same time, as the giant fell, the strange beasts rushed towards the shelter again.

"Fight these beasts!"

People in the shelter stood up one after another, protecting the old and the young behind them.

Looking at the gradually approaching herd of beasts, their faces were no longer filled with fear.

Boom - a red light plowed into the herd of beasts, blasting the beasts close to the shelter into pieces.

"It's just a high-level beast, nothing more than that."

The giant Qin Ze stood up slowly.

Half of his body was gone.

His breath was extremely weak, but he was not hurt at all.

The flesh and blood constructed by blood and innate abilities, gone.

The octopus' pupils dilated slightly.

The ant was still alive?

It felt that its dignity was challenged.

This time, it would use 30% of its strength to crush the ant to death.

"I have already won." Qin Ze pointed to the sky:"If you don't believe me, look there."

The big octopus turned his head suspiciously.

But there was nothing in the sky.

【The countdown is over, the space channel has been built, and the space door has been opened】

【Remaining time 00:04:59】

【It will automatically close when the time is up.

Qin Ze let out a long sigh of relief, and finally dragged until the time was up.

I saw a space gate several dozen meters high slowly opening above Jiangcheng.

Then, countless strange beasts fell into the city through the space gate like dumplings.

The big octopus looked at Qin Ze in great shock.

Void beast?

Could it be a friendly force?

In its impression, only void beasts have this ability.

But it has never seen a void beast with such a strange appearance.

For a moment, the big octopus put down the tentacles that were just about to shoot out.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the space gate, the city lord and his people frowned.

What's going on?

Isn't the tide over? Why are there more strange beasts being released?

"Holy shit, what are you doing?"


"Is this the big surprise you mentioned?"

"You think we're not dying fast enough?"


The clones had a warm and cordial exchange with Qin Ze.

Qin Ze smiled faintly:"Let the bullet fly for a while."

Looking at the space door that was still making dumplings, he communicated with the key and said:"Close the door."

【Do you want to consume five points of World Source to force the shutdown?】

Qin Ze's face was full of black lines.

Still charging?


【[The space gate has been forcibly closed]

The gate in the air disappeared instantly, and several alien beasts that had just been released halfway were divided into countless pieces.

Immediately afterwards, space turbulence blew up at the location of the space gate, and a vortex with a diameter of nearly 100 meters appeared.

The vortex emitted a strong suction force and began to forcibly recover the alien beasts that only had access rights.

Hundreds of thousands of alien beasts all flew into the sky and were ruthlessly swallowed by the space vortex.

The big octopus, half of its body buried deep in the ground, was also pulled out.

Its tentacles were firmly tied to the building, trying to resist the rules of space.

However, it only lasted for a few seconds, and the big octopus was pulled up like a carrot.

In the last second of being sucked into the vortex, the big octopus let out an unwilling roar and stared at Qin Ze with resentment.


You are not a void beast at all!

As the big octopus was pulled into the space vortex little by little, the vortex disappeared.

At the same time, the five vortex tides in the sky also shrank into the last bit of starlight and disappeared.

The sky lost its colorful embellishment, leaving only a rolling and dazzling fire cloud.

The sun was setting in the west, and the warm evening sun shone on the dilapidated western wall.

Jiangcheng saw the warm sun again.

The survivors who were guarding the city could not recover for a long time after seeing this scene.

"We... won?"

After a moment, someone asked cautiously.

"We won!"

Someone shouted.

Then there was a burst of jubilation.

"We turned back the tide!"


"Is this the end of the tide?"

Some people were laughing loudly, some were crying, and some were kneeling down and kissing the ground.

The city lord wiped his wet eyes and said in a hoarse voice:"We won."

Without any support from high-level warriors, Jiangcheng defeated the unprecedented five-vortex tide.


"Full, full"

"Are you sure it's not on?"

"Jiangcheng should build a golden statue for us and worship it."

"I'm afraid there's no chance. We are just a group of saviors who don't want to reveal their names."


Qin Ze, who had returned to his normal size, lay on the ground, listening to the noise of the clones in the local area network, and couldn't help but grin.

When the work was done, he left, hiding his merits and fame.

Qin Ze was about to open the shelter space and leave, when a little girl's face suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ze.

""Brother, your mask has fallen off."

The little girl handed over half of the black mask.

Qin Ze touched his face and only the other half of the white mask was still on his face.

"Thank you."

Qin Ze sat up weakly and took the mask.

The little girl blinked her big eyes and asked curiously:"Brother, how did you become a giant?"

Qin Ze raised his hand and touched his head:"When you are fearless, you are a giant."

The little girl thought and said firmly:"I will become a giant."

"Yaya, come back quickly!"The woman ran out of the shelter and shouted anxiously

""Mom, I'm talking to the giant brother, he said I can become a giant too." The girl said seriously.

The woman came forward and hugged her:"Where is the giant brother?""

"He is just... Huh?" The little girl turned around and found that Qin Ze had disappeared.

On the other side, the clones were already preparing to retreat.

Brother Devourer, the King of Law and the Giant Tyrant also returned to normal. The city lord who witnessed this scene was very surprised.

He could control the changes at will.

Unheard of.

The city lord wanted to go forward and communicate with Brother Devourer.

After all, this group of people appeared at the critical moment of Jiangcheng and turned the tide.

However, the other party jumped off the city wall without saying a word, carrying the bodies of their companions and disappeared into the ruins of the city.

"Wait a moment……"

The city lord wanted to say that he had no ill intentions.

Unfortunately, the other party did not give him a chance to communicate.

""Do we need to find them?" the judge asked.

The city lord replied,"Since the heroes want to remain mysterious, let them do it."

The judge nodded.

Looking at the setting sun in the sky, the city lord couldn't help but mutter to himself,"In less than a week, I have avoided two crises in the same way. Is it the protection of the world's will?"

A space rift was torn open in the sky above Jiangcheng, and a middle-aged man with two swords on his back walked out.

(The end of the first volume, sprinkle flowers~)

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