"We are still late."

The middle-aged man frowned as he looked at the city that was almost reduced to ruins.

He turned in the wrong direction halfway, otherwise he could have arrived five minutes earlier.

What surprised the middle-aged man was that he didn't even see the shadow of a strange beast.

The destroyed city was right in front of him, and the beast tide couldn't go far.

They must be killed before the beast tide reaches the next city.

The man swept his eyes around, looking for traces of strange beasts.

Suddenly, he saw a large group of people walking out of a shelter with the roof lifted off.

Not only that, he also saw warriors on a dilapidated city wall.

What's going on?

Did the strange beast show mercy and let this city go?

The middle-aged man was confused and landed on the western section of the city wall.

The warriors who were celebrating their victory quieted down when they saw the man appear.

The city lord recognized the middle-aged man and hurried forward to greet him.

"Lord Sword King, aren't you in the Abyss?"

Hearing the word"Sword King", the surrounding warriors stood in awe.

Sword King is the only high-level warrior who has walked out of Jiangcheng.

Back then, he was holding two swords and was almost unparalleled in the world.

This warrior, who is admired by all the people in Jiangcheng, has not been heard from since he went to the Abyss more than ten years ago.

Sword King said lightly:"I heard that the five-vortex tide appeared in Jiangcheng, so I hurried back. After all, this is my hometown."

Hearing this, the Lord of Jiangcheng was very moved.

Others may not know, but he knows very well that the high-level warriors stationed in the Abyss cannot be transferred at will without orders.

Especially at this special time of tide.

Leaving the Abyss without permission means disobeying orders, and even high-level warriors will be severely punished.

At this time, the Lord of the City suddenly noticed the golden dragon embroidery on the right chest of Sword King's clothes.

"You... have broken through?"

The golden dragon is the unique symbol of a ninth-level garrison commander.

He remembered it very clearly.

When the Sword King left Jiangcheng, he was only at the eighth level.

The Sword King nodded slightly.

The city lord immediately knelt on one knee:"Jiangcheng City Lord Zhao Wuji, awaiting the arrival of the garrison commander."

The surrounding warriors were shocked and knelt on one knee.

The human race garrison commander, a legendary ninth-level warrior.

Today, we are fortunate to see him alive.

The Sword King said in a deep voice:"What about the beast tide?"

The city lord looked up and narrated the whole story.

The Sword King frowned:"You mean, the space vortex that suddenly appeared swept all the strange beasts in?"

The city lord nodded:"Five days ago, the rift released a void beast"

"That void beast triggered a beast tide of tens of thousands, and later disappeared for the same reason."

Knife King felt incredible.

He had never heard of such a bizarre thing.

There must be a reason for everything.

He never believed that the space vortex would appear by itself.

The knife king looked up at the sunset in the distance.

Since he was back, there were some things he would check on the way.

"The important task of rebuilding Jiangcheng is entrusted to you."

After he finished speaking, a crack appeared behind Dao Wang, and he turned and walked in.

The city lord said in a deep voice:"I will definitely live up to your expectations."

On a mountain a hundred miles away, Ma Yan stood on the top of the mountain and looked towards Jiangcheng, his brows full of unconcealed worry

"I knew you were here." Aries suddenly appeared:"You broke the rules again."

Ma Yan was silent

"Only some warriors died in Jiangcheng, and ordinary people were fine."

"Your friend is the champion of this year's martial arts exam, and he is the most important person to protect."

After hearing what Aries said, Ma Yan was relieved.

"I want to go back and take a look."

Aries decisively refused:"No"

"You also saw the guard just now."

"The disappearance of Chao Xi this time is very strange, and I don’t know how many eyes are staring at Jiang Cheng now."

Aries's implication is very clear.

Going back to Jiang Cheng at this time is equivalent to sending him off.

Aries continued:"Don't you want to be promoted to the 12 constellations quickly?"

"There may be a place for you in Haidu."

Ma Yan looked at Jiang Cheng deeply and turned away.

Aries shrugged his shoulders:"What a hot-tempered person."


Circus headquarters.

In order to save money, Brother Devourer chose a place on the edge of the city.

As it was far from the city center, it happened to escape the destruction of the giant octopus.

Qin Ze collapsed on the sofa with soreness all over his body, and the sage time had not passed yet.

In this wave of war, more than 200 clones were lost.

The crematorium was running at full power.

Some seriously injured guys were brought back and directly killed and thrown in front of the furnace. With so many people dead, there was not only no sad atmosphere in the hall, but a party was held instead.

"So cool!"

"Who should be awarded the MVP this time?"

"I vote for Big"

"The French king, air defense depends on him"

"Are you not taking my brother Swallow seriously?"

"Thousand faces shivering in the corner"


After a heated discussion, the clones finally agreed that Qin Ze was the MVP this time. The last wave of his show of strength in front of the crowd was really amazing, and the intensity was directly pulled to the maximum.

At this time, Qin Ze, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

The crisis was resolved and there was nothing to worry about.

Listening to the clones chattering, Qin Ze felt sleepy.

"Very cold"

"Where is this?"

Qin Ze hugged his arms tightly and shuddered.

Snowflakes were flying in the sky, and the ground was covered with silver.

Qin Ze walked forward in confusion, leaving a series of shallow footprints on the snow.

"What a big tree!"

After climbing over a small snow hill, Qin Ze was stunned by the scene in front of him.

A hundred-meter-high ice tree stood on the ground.

Leaves like snowflakes kept falling.

The spectacular scene was breathtaking.

"Very beautiful, isn't it?"

Qin Ze turned around suddenly.

An old man in a white robe appeared out of nowhere.

Qin Ze stepped back cautiously.

"Lao Deng, where is this?"

If he remembered correctly, he fell asleep on the sofa.

So... is this a dream?

The old man did not answer Qin Ze's question, but looked at Bing Shu with a smile.

"That is our world tree, and it is also the concentrated embodiment of our world will."

World will?"

Qin Ze looked up at the tree.

As the treetops swayed gently, a faint voice sounded in Qin Ze's mind.


Qin Ze:"Very polite."

World Tree:"……"

Qin Ze probably understood his situation.

This old Deng and the tree entered his dream.

Since it was in a dream, there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Master, what do you do for a living?"

The old man replied,"You can think of me as a gardener who waters and fertilizes trees."

Another riddler, Qin Ze was speechless.

"Is everything alright?"

"It's okay, but I pinched myself awake."

The old man smiled and said,"You are a wonderful person."

Qin Ze rolled his eyes and said,"Your whole family is wonderful."

The old man explained,"Being brought here means that you have been recognized by the will of the world."

Qin Ze said calmly,"I have been recognized a long time ago."

The old man replied,"Unlike the identity of a hunter, being summoned here means that you have been 100% recognized by the will of the world."

The old man turned his head and looked at Qin Ze with his deep eyes.

"You are the chosen one."

(Thanks to the great certification of"石块一个", the second chapter will be released a little later)

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