Qin Ze frowned slightly.

Lao Deng knew that he was a hunter.

It felt bad to have his privacy exposed to others.

"Do the chosen ones get paid?"

The old man was stunned.

Why would he ask such a question?

What about the pattern?

"That means there is none." Qin Ze curled his lips:"It doesn't matter if this person is not the chosen one."

Facing Qin Ze who did not play by the rules at all, the old man had a headache

"Aren't you curious about what the chosen one does?"

Qin Ze shook his head:"Not at all."

The old man said in a deep voice:"Although I don't know how you solved the Five Whirlpool Tide, this is your real achievement."

"It is for this reason that the world will recognize you"

"With the body of a mayfly, he fulfilled the duty of a god. This is the chosen one."

Qin Ze said with a nonchalant look on his face.

"So what? What does it have to do with me?"

"I am not fighting against the tide for the sake of the chosen one, nor for the duty of the gods."

The old man is increasingly unable to understand Qin Ze.

"What are you doing for?"

Qin Ze grinned and said,"Because I am happy. Money can't buy my happiness."

"Lao Deng, if you are alright, I will wake up.

Qin Ze pinched his thigh hard.


It hurts!

But he didn't wake up.

The old man looked at Qin Ze with an idiotic look.

"It was the will of the world that called you here. You need her permission to leave."

Qin Ze looked at Bing Shu and waved.

"Can I go now?"

World Tree:"……"

The old man said lightly:"Stand under the tree."

Qin Ze thought there was a teleportation array under the tree, and ran over quickly.

It's already annoying enough to have the identity of a hunter.

Now he has to add a buff.

How can he have fun in the future?

Qin Ze stood under the tree.

The tree crown shook, and countless starlight fell on him.

Qin Ze seemed to feel a powerful force sinking into the depths of his soul.

After a moment, the starlight disappeared.

In the depths of the tree crown, a white fruit the size of an adult's fist slowly condensed.

Qin Ze seemed to feel something, and as soon as he raised his head, he disappeared from the spot.

The old man sighed:"You really chose a strange guy."

The tree crown fanned gently, as if it was extremely happy.

The old man pondered for a moment and said:"I don't understand, why is it not Yao Yuan?"

The World Tree did not respond at all, and only silence responded to him.

""Sir, Gu Zhenshou has arrived."

Soon, the young man reported from a distance.

The old man returned to the tree and said,"Let him come over."

The sword king, carrying two swords, came to the tree. He saw a series of footprints left by Qin Ze in his peripheral vision.

"Junior Gu Hongchang, I pay my respects to Mr. Xu."

The old man said softly:"You have worked hard to guard the abyss over the years."

The Sword King shook his head:"It is my duty as a junior."

"This time, I have only one request."

The Sword King looked at the old man with a firm gaze.

"I have already done what you asked me to do. As for the chosen one, I hope you can answer my question."


Qin Ze opened his eyes and found himself still lying on the sofa.

The clones were still dancing happily, the sound was deafening.

Qin Ze searched his body carefully.

Nothing was missing.

The key was also the same.

"The Chosen One……"

Qin Ze muttered to himself.

He traveled to this world with a bunch of clones. He is already the chosen one, right?

Qin Ze opened the chat group and found that the group chat had exploded. Everyone was discussing the sudden disappearance of the beast tide in Jiangcheng.

【Fairies Don't Shit: Strange things happen every year, but this year there are more. The five-vortex tide is unheard of, and the five-vortex tide that disappears by itself has never happened before.】

【Passerby A: No matter what the reason is, it's a good thing after all.

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

It seems that no one suspects him.

Knowing that he is in Jiangcheng, Brother Yuanzi will definitely connect the two things together.

But as long as he doesn't ask, I will pretend to be dead.

If he asks... then I will continue to pretend to be dead.

【Fairies Don't Shit: The Abyss Tide will end in two days, and we can finally leave Penglai City.】

【Edge paddling: Oh my god, I was almost at Penglai City when I encountered a group of hunting beasts. Now I am getting farther and farther away from Penglai City.……】

【Passerby A: Brother Shui is indeed a wanderer from the abyss】

【Scholar: A lost dog】

【Edge paddling: You are a bookworm, what do you know? I will say it again. I am making a strategic shift.】

【Fairy doesn't poop: I haven't congratulated Xiaolu for winning the first place yet. So which Wuhan University is Xiaolu going to apply to?】

【Yoyo Luming: Haidu Academy】

【Fairy doesn't shit: Call me senior sister, I graduated from Haidu Academy】

【Yoyo Luming: Hello, Senior Sister.

It's no coincidence that Qin Ze is also going to Haidu Academy.

Looking at dozens of Wuhan Universities, Haidu Academy is the top one, no doubt about it.

And with Qin Yu here, he can also use the back door.

Next, the fairy began to introduce Haidu Academy to Xiaolu in all aspects in the group and recommended several teachers.

Qin Ze, the peeping dog, also got a certain understanding of Haidu Academy.

A few days later, the reconstruction of Jiangcheng began, and the lives of the residents in the city returned to normal.

Those who went to work went to work, and those who went to school went to school.

Except for the half-collapsed city wall and most of the city turned into ruins, it was completely impossible to see that there had been a beast tide of hundreds of thousands of people here, and the streets were still crowded.

Qin Ze signed up for Haidu Academy.

As the top scholar, the admission consent letter was delivered to him by someone every two days.

Fatty also followed Qin Ze to apply for Haidu Academy.

If nothing unexpected happens, the two can continue to be deskmates.

Speaking of which, Fatty's luck value is also full.

Whether it was the beast tide of the void beast or the five-vortex tide, this guy avoided them all when traveling outside.

The class monitor's grades are actually good enough to go to Haidu Academy, but she chose Shi'an College.

Although it is also a top martial arts university, it is still a little worse than Haidu Academy.

Qin Ze heard that Shi'an College seemed to have offered her good conditions.

For nearly two months of summer vacation, Qin Ze has been hiding in Jiangcheng and developing.

He has accumulated a small wave of clones, and at the same time he has broken through to the second-level warrior.

After the breakthrough, Qin Ze's combat power has not only increased a lot, but the number of clones produced has also increased. Now he can have two and a half clones every day.

This time when he goes to Haidu, he also plans to bring all his clones with him.

Jiangcheng is already boring, and it's time to start exploring the new map.

As school is about to start, Qin Ze received a call from Qin Yu and learned a bad news.

"Qin Ze, the back door can't be opened. I gave some gifts to my friend a few days ago. I hope he can take care of you."

"As soon as I left, he was taken away by the school's academic affairs department."

Qin Ze couldn't help but curl his lips:"You are really his good friend."

Qin Yu asked weakly:"When will you arrive?"

Qin Ze looked at the time on the ticket:"Tomorrow afternoon."

My sister repeatedly assured me that she would pick him up at the station tomorrow and take him to experience the customs and people of Haidu.

Qin Ze cleaned up the house, stood at the door and looked inside, then locked the door.

"Haidu, here I come!"

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