"Bring me all your special dishes!"

As night fell, the four people in Qin Ze's dormitory found a random restaurant outside the school.

The fat man was rich and powerful.

He always regained his confidence at such moments.

""Have you four just arrived in Haidu?" the boss asked.

Qin Ze said calmly,"Haidu Academy."

The boss said seriously,"Sea beasts are the characteristics of our Haidu."

"It is used as food, and ordinary people eat it to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives."

""If a warrior eats it, he can strengthen his body and bones, and increase his blood."

Qin Ze was surprised.

Are you sure it's not a strange beast?

The meat of strange beasts cannot be eaten, it contains poison. A ninth-level warrior can't stand it even if he eats one bite.

"Then give each of us one portion." The fat man waved his hand.

The boss explained:"One portion is enough for the four of you, and you may not be able to finish it all."

"Moreover, the price……"

The fat man looked unhappy:"Why so much nonsense, just do it if I tell you to."

Isn't it just money?

My dad has plenty of it.

The boss nodded and happily ran to the kitchen to order the fire to start.

"Boss, sea beast meat is really good."

"My family gave it to me before, and after a few bites, my blood would boil."

The flat-headed man said.

Under pressure, he and the long-haired man both recognized Qin Ze as the boss.

The flat-headed man was named Huai Xu, 1.3 level, and the third in the dormitory.

The long-haired Wen Jing was 1.5 level and ranked second.

The fat man was the fourth.

After all, he was a weak chicken who was not even at level one.

"Your boss is a big eater." Qin Ze said indifferently.

Wen Jing suddenly said:"There will be a welcome party tomorrow, shall we prepare for it?"

Qin Ze replied:"I can't sing or dance, so I won't participate, you guys can do whatever you want."

Wen Jing and Huai Xu were stunned.

The fat man explained in a low voice:"Brother Ze, the welcome party is not about singing and dancing."

Qin Ze waved his hands:"I can't tell crosstalk either."

The fat man pulled the corner of his mouth:"It's not crosstalk either. In fact, to put it bluntly, it's just for us to get beaten unilaterally."

Qin Ze:"What the hell?"

The fat man figured it out.

Before Qin Ze enrolled, he really didn't check any information about Haidu Academy.

Wen Jing said in a deep voice:"The welcome party is an old tradition of Haidu Academy"

"Sophomores vs. freshmen, one on two"

"They call it honing the fighting spirit of the freshmen."

Huai Xu snorted coldly:"It's just that the old birds want to show off and intimidate us."

The fat man added:"Registration for the welcome party challenge is voluntary. For example, your top-ranking class, Brother Ze, almost all students sign up every year."

Huai Xu raised his head proudly:"A real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and inferior to others for a long time?"

"We are all proud and not inferior to others, don't you think so, boss?" Wen Jing was speechless.

You are really a man of steel.

Qin Ze asked:"What level are you, old bird?"

Wen Jing:"No more than three levels."

Qin Ze immediately lost interest.

Bullying a few rotten garlics is really not interesting.

"Brother Ze, do you want to go?" the fat man asked

"We'll talk about it later."

Wen Jing pondered for a moment and said,"Whether you win or lose, I suggest you participate."

"You are the most famous freshman in our class, breaking the record of the Tower of Babel"

"Whether you are a senior or a freshman, they are looking forward to your performance in the Orientation Challenge."

"If you don't show up, they will think you are a coward, which is bad for your reputation."

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows:"Do I bring a star?"

Huai Xu clenched his fists:"Boss, when the time comes, we will be together, and the loss will not be too ugly."

Qin Ze felt funny in his heart.

Is it difficult for a sophomore to kill the tide?

"The sea beasts are coming~"

The boss brought four plates of delicious sea beast meat to the table.

"We have made it clear in advance that you can't return the food if you can't finish it."

The fat man said,"Don't worry, I won't owe you any money."

"Let me try it first."

The fat man couldn't wait to take a bite of the meat, and his face turned red instantly.

"No, I can’t eat anymore."

The fat man looked like he was about to die of fullness.

Huai Xu ate three mouthfuls.

Wen Jing ate two mouthfuls.

The two put down their chopsticks and immediately began to meditate.

The boss gloated:"Just say you can’t finish it."

Rich people are very face-conscious, and they won’t pack up even if they can’t finish it.

The remaining four dishes can be processed again and sold again.

It’s a great profit.

""Let me see what's going on."

Qin Ze became interested.

The moment the sea beast meat entered his mouth, his blood and qi began to boil.

The meat was chewy and contained a lot of blood and qi.

However, this blood and qi was extremely violent and had to be refined immediately, otherwise it would cause blood and qi disorder.

Qin Ze did not have this concern.

When the devouring ability was activated, even the most violent blood and qi had to be obedient like a little wife.

"It tastes good."

The effect of this thing is comparable to that of the Qi Gathering Pill. Qin Ze can feel that his Qi and blood have increased by a pinch.

【The source of the world has been detected. Should we recycle it?】

Qin Ze was stunned.

Holy shit!

There is the source of the world in the meat of sea beasts?


【The source of the world has been recovered, one unit per million】

Qin Ze looked at the sea beast meat in front of him, frowning.

The source of the world is produced by the world, and the world hunters obtain and preserve it through the key.

Why do sea beasts exist?

"Boss, you can't eat anymore?"

Huai Xu was a little surprised.

Qin Ze had just taken a bite.

He was a level 2 warrior, this shouldn't happen.

Qin Ze shook his head and finished the whole plate of sea beast meat in no time.

The three people in the dormitory and the boss' eyes almost popped out.

"Are you guys still eating?"

The three shook their heads.

Qin Ze took the remaining sea beast meat and ate it all in less than five minutes. He picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.

【Recovering 2 millionths of the source of the world]

Four plates of sea beast meat, together providing 2 millionths of the source of the world.

In other words, the content of the source of the world in the meat is not fixed.

"Boss... are you okay?"

Huai Xu looked at Qin Ze as if he was looking at a monster.

Even a level three warrior couldn't eat four plates of sea beast meat by himself.

Qin Ze shook his head and asked the boss,"Where can I buy sea beast meat?"

The boss came to his senses and said,"Fisherman's Wharf. Warriors who go out to sea come back every morning, and they will sell the sea beasts they hunted on the way."

Qin Ze immediately gave instructions to his clones in the local area network.

"Go to Fisherman's Wharf."

After dinner, the foursome went to the nearby night market.

It was the beginning of the new semester, and the street in front of the school was very lively. Senior sisters who were looking for a good deal could be seen everywhere.

Late at night, the foursome returned to the dormitory.

Fatty and Huai Xu were already arm in arm, like a pair of long-lost brothers.

One was openly hot, the other secretly hot.

The two of them were quite a match.

Wen Jing was a taciturn person. Although he looked like he had no masculine energy on the surface, his gestures did not give people the feeling of being effeminate.

In short, they were two interesting new roommates.

Qin Ze had some questions about sea beasts.

After lying down on the bed, he opened the chat group to ask.

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