[Beast Trainer: Have you ever eaten sea beast meat?】

【Passerby A: I haven’t eaten it, but I heard it’s a specialty of Haidu】

【Fairy doesn't poop: I ate it when I went to Haidu last time. It was crispy after being fried and can slightly increase Qi and blood.】

【Edge paddling: Sea beast meat, the last time I ate it was the last time】

【Edge paddling: I will be able to reach Penglai City in less than half a month, then I will go to Haidu and have a big meal】

【Passerby A: Brother Shui finally escaped from the Moon Clan's pursuit, it's a cause for celebration】

【Fairy doesn't shit: Why don't you stay with the Moon Clan members who are chasing you? They stay with you during the tides, which is so nice.

Seeing that the topic was about to go off track again, Qin Ze quickly got it back on track.

【Trainer: When was the last time you ate sea beast meat?】

【Fairy Doesn't Shit: About half a year ago, I returned to my alma mater and recalled the taste of my student days.

If Qin Ze remembers correctly, Fairy is the key I got a year ago.

【Tamer: Apart from the increase in energy and blood, didn’t you feel anything else at that time?】

【Fairies don’t poop: Is it okay if I feel like pooping after eating too much?】


【Edge paddling: Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, don't fairies not poop?】

【Fairies don't poop: Even my poop smells good】

【Passerby A: Uh... let's change to a boring topic.

Qin Ze frowned slightly when he saw the fairy's reply in the chat group.

Obviously everyone has the key, why is he the only one who detected the origin of the world?

Or is the fairy lying?

Judging from the answer of the marginal paddler, he also did not extract the origin of the world.

Qin Ze was thoughtful.

Haidu, sea beasts, the origin of the world... what is the connection? Hey, bald head

【Fairies Don’t Shit: Has the deer arrived?】

【Yoyo Luming: I'm already in the dormitory. My roommates are all very nice people. We even had dinner together.】

【Yoyo Luming: @Beast Tamer, I also eat sea beast meat. I feel a little full after just three bites.]

Qin Ze suddenly thought that the little deer was also the top student, so shouldn’t they be in the same class?

【Fairies Don't Shit: Just broke through to the first level of warrior, being able to eat three bites is already very strong】

【Tamer: Besides Qi and blood, are there any other feelings?】

【Yoyo Luming: No]

Qin Ze murmured to himself:"Strange, it seems that I am the only one who can sense the source of the world in the sea beast meat."

【Fairies Don't Shit: Tomorrow night there will be a challenge between veterans and freshmen, so don't participate.】

【Fairies Don't Shit: They are all level 2 warriors, they have at least been to the abyss and have combat experience. If you go on the field, you will only be beaten.】

【Yoyo Luming: But... I have already signed up.(╥﹏╥)o 】

【Fairies don’t poop: Huh???】

【Yoyo Luming: My roommate said that we can’t let those old students look down on us, and we have to lose with honor.]

Qin Ze exclaimed,"What a guy."

Could your roommate be the iron-willed man Huai Xu?

【Fairies don't poop: You can only pray for the little deer.]

The keys can only sense each other in the hunting environment.

However, Qin Ze still plans to go to the scene tomorrow night to see if he can find the little deer.

【Edge paddling: Old birds bully freshmen, what kind of silly tradition is this? It must be our Shian College, where old birds and freshmen are united and friendly, helping each other】

【Fairies don't shit: Unity and friendship are useless, warriors are forged through tempering. In the last Hundred Schools League, Shi'an College was beaten to the ground by Haidu College.】

【Edge paddling: Bullshit, it's clearly you guys doing something tricky.】

【Fairy doesn't shit: Pan your sister, the way of war is also treacherous.

Fairy is worthy of being a"keyboard fairy".

In the time it takes for Edgewater to say one sentence, Fairy can say five sentences.

After a few rounds, Edgewater stopped moving.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Shui is being beaten unilaterally."

Qin Ze smiled and left the chat group.

Brother Swallow and the others are already investigating the sea beast.

I believe it won't be long before we can find out.

The next morning, at Fisherman's Wharf

"Can our boat go out to sea?"

The King of France looked at the small sailboat with dozens of patches in front of him and was skeptical.

Several clones holding hammers and saws on the side of the boat were very dissatisfied.

"We made it in one night. Be content."

"Are you doubting my skills?"

"Don't worry, I'm following the blueprint one-to-one, there won't be any mistakes."

The clone who was looking at the blueprint suddenly turned it upside down.


It seems... I'm looking at it the wrong way around.

"Depend on!"

"No wonder there are so many patches, you built it in reverse according to the blueprint?"

The King of France lived in Bengbu.

The blueprint clone scratched his head awkwardly:"It's not a big problem, I guarantee it can float."

The King of France was speechless:"Can't we buy a boat?""

The Giant Tyrant:"Qin Ze said, save where you can and spend where you can""

"A good boat is not worth hundreds of thousands, let's DIY it ourselves."

The King of Fa cursed:"It turns out that he is not the one who should sit on it."

Brother Devourer had found the new circus headquarters last night and was working on the infrastructure with a group of clones.

The task of exploring the sea beasts was given to the King of Fa and the Giant.

The two carried the boat and walked into the sea.

Thank God, the boat really floated.

The blueprint clone was proud:"I told you, it will work."

The King of Fa and the Giant jumped on the sailboat and took ten clones with them.

"Let's give our ship a name."The Jumbo suggested.

The Pope thought for a moment:"The Thunder Pope?"

The Jumbo rolled his eyes:"Not as good as the Invincible Jumbo." The clone next to him had a flash of inspiration:"Flying Circus."

In the end, the Flying Circus passed unanimously.

The Pope stood at the bow, with his hands on his waist:"Flying Circus, set sail!"

The white sails slowly unfolded, and the tattered boat swayed at a snail's pace towards the deep sea.

It was time to go out to sea.

At Fisherman's Wharf, dozens of ships of all sizes left the port.

The Flying Circus was the first to set off, but was constantly left behind by other ships and soon became the last one.

"Oh my god!"

"How can you hunt sea beasts with such a broken ship?"

The King of France's eyes flashed with thunder, ready to attack the"super ship" in front of him that blew the horn.

"Calm down!"

Seeing this, the giant rushed to stop

"We are here to investigate the connection between sea beasts and the source of the world, so keep a low profile."

The King of Dharma snorted coldly, and two weak currents spurted out of his nostrils.

After an hour's long voyage, the group finally arrived at the sea beast hunting area.

There were more than a dozen large ships with a displacement of several thousand tons around, and special weapons and cannons were set up on the side of the ship.

They first sprinkled hundreds of kilograms of bait, and when the sea beasts came to feed, all the cannons fired at the same time.

It didn't take long for the sea beasts that were hit to float up.

The King of Dharma and others witnessed the true appearance of the sea beasts for the first time.

The so-called sea beasts are marine creatures that have grown in size, with a body length of at least ten meters.

"Just like fishing, it's quite simple." The King of Dharma said calmly.

The clone next to him suddenly said:"We didn't bring any bait to bait the nest. These sea beasts usually live in the deep sea. It's hard for us to catch them if they don't float up."

The King of Dharma looked at him and grinned:"Who said we don't have any bait to bait the nest?"

The clone's face suddenly changed:"My pretty……"

Before he could finish his words, he was kicked off the boat by the King of France.

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