High Magic Earth

Chapter 1003: Assault

The crimson energy of the sky has been taken back by Yi Chou. As Yi Chou fell, Xuanye Ji stepped forward and surrounded Yi Ciao faintly. They fell slightly at the muzzle and knew that it was difficult for them to lock each other.

"It's really trouble..." Retrieving the memory, Yi Chou could not help scratching his head at this moment.

Heavy combat uniforms are far more powerful than tight combat uniforms. They were able to kill a Gantz player unexpectedly just because they beat them unexpectedly.

To be honest, in the face of the Gantz's collective salvo, even Yi Chou had to avoid its edge, and then opened the attack remotely.

"Tell me the truth." Xuan Yeji looked at Yi Chou with a somber face. "Can you revive the island."

"The method I'm talking about doesn't mean resurrection at all." Yi Chou said helplessly. "Why don't you understand, but I can resurrect her, but why should I do this."

"Because of this, maybe we can let you go."

"I think what you said may not be counted." Yi Xuan motioned Xuan Yeji to look aside. Sure enough, almost everyone did not listen to him. Although the gun was slightly down, he still aimed at Yi Xuan. .

Even those newcomers have no reason for Xuan Yeji, compared with the friendship between companions, the points are more tempting.

This is the real world, not comics. Who would give up points for these so-called things?

"And... you think you are not right." Yi Chou shrugged again. "It's not that you let me go, but I should let you go. To be honest, I'm not going to attack."


"Don't talk nonsense to him!"

A graduate wearing sunglasses raised his hands directly, pointed the attack weapon on his palm to Yi Chou, and directly launched the attack.

These graduates had their own small groups before. Of course, they did not mind temporarily obeying the leadership of Genojo, but in this case, they obviously would not obey Genoki.

The Sunglasses man hasn’t heard the nonsense of the two. As soon as he started, several graduates immediately followed, including four men and three women, accounting for almost one third of all Gantz, just before and after. Both left and right are occupied, besieging Yi Xiao in the middle.

"Boom! Boom Boom!"

The easy-to-carry, but undiminished combat pistol immediately lifted the dust, exploded the grayish yellow ground, and the gravel was scattered everywhere.

If Yi Xiao is still standing in the same place, he will definitely be blown into pieces by this attack. Although Yi Xiao's magic is strong, the unique weapons from the black ball are not weak.

It is equivalent to swapping, but unfortunately... Yi Chou is not here.

"The target is gone!"

The sunglasses man's fighting intuition is very good. Although he is wearing sunglasses, his eyes are sharp. He immediately noticed the abnormality of Yi Chou's original location, and then shouted loudly.


Everyone was shocked when he heard the man with sunglasses. A female graduate retreated. The huge heavy combat uniform was like a huge steel monster, ramming on the ruins after the explosion, and then shouted, "That Where did the **** guy hide?!"

"you guys……!"

Xuanye Ji was surprised, but he was too late to stop it. He was originally swaying between the two. Since these people have already made a decision for him, Xuanye Ji is not hesitating.

He immediately entered the state of battle, and when he saw that Yi Chou disappeared, he was also surprised, but he reacted more quickly than Sunglasses.

"Be careful!" he shouted loudly at the communicator in the heavy combat uniform.


When no one near Xuanyeji had responded, the other end of the communicator, the sniper teams responsible for Project A had already realized what.

"Flash away!"

The sniper team is not only newcomers and weak women, but also a few experienced graduates who are very proficient in shooting.

As a graduate who is proficient in long-range shooting and customs clearance, Tano Lingzi not only has great shooting ability, but also has rich experience in dealing with his position exposure.

After hearing Xuanye Ji's warning, she yelled for the first time, and then immediately threw the sniper rifle behind her, and then the appearance of heavy combat uniforms all over her body was gritty and cruel.


"It's late." Yi Chou's voice appeared coldly in her ears, and the blushing energy followed, slipping in through the gaps in the mask that she hadn't put on her head, and then she was completely imprisoned. .

Tako Lingo only felt a tingling all over her body, as if a huge water pressure would wrap her around in a flash.

At the next moment, darkness filled her eyes, and she gradually lost all feelings.

With a bang, Yi Duo made a dull loud noise inside the heavy combat uniform, and then immediately, Tanoko's head seemed to be weathered and disappeared in front of Yi Duo instantly.

The blood mist filled, and a complete heavy combat uniform was stripped out by Yi Chou again.

But as Yi Xuan said, heavy combat uniforms are far more powerful than ordinary combat uniforms. If Yi Xao wants to confront him head-on, he can only rely on his surprise.

The death of Tasano Lingzi is not meaningless. The death of this temporary captain gave other people reaction time. The heavy combat uniform exerted extraordinary power, just like a giant monster that rushed, and ran out of a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

At this time, everyone pulled away from Yi Huo, and then raised their arms again.


Hearing the fighting sounds from the communicator, including Xuanye Ji, everyone secretly screamed badly, and then quickly ran towards the location of the sniper team.

But this time is enough.

Although the graduates are very strong, the pure rookies in the sniper team are still very easy to hunt.

The two are actually very different. Otherwise, how did Yi Chou find Tano Yezi? This guy threatened Yi Chou the most, so he solved her first.

And now... the guys who only care about running and panic, even the palm weapons in their hands are not right, are obviously the newcomers who have not experienced a few rounds.

"Don't even want to go..."

Yi Xiao whispered and underestimated his eyes, with a slight crimson light, and the countless crimson energies floating around gathered together instantly, like the whistling snowflakes, slowly forming in his hands, and finally gathered into a giant. Sharp long knife.

Its blade is more than five meters long.

But it is gathered by crimson energy, and it doesn't have any weight in Yi Chou's hands.

"Catch up with you..." Yi Chou held the long knife in his backhand, and then swung forward violently. The sharp blade instantly cut the air and issued a sharp roar, and then caught up with the slowest unlucky newcomer. .

"No! I don't want to die!"

Perhaps Yi Biao has not realized it yet, but he is indeed a very terrible existence in the eyes of these Gantz. Unknown alien leader, no Gantz can fight him alone.

People killed by aliens are often very miserable. Such a long sharp knife looks terrible.

Between life and death, this newcomer who has not experienced a few times has erupted with amazing potential, and the heavy combat uniform that could not be fully driven at all has erupted the same veins and veins as Tanoko, struggling and wanting to resist .


"It's still far away." Yi Xuan continued to mutter, after the sharp blade of crimson energy touched him, he didn't pierce him like a sharp weapon, but just like a permeable liquid, he immediately followed the protective clothing mask The gap in the area spread again.


A muffled noise appeared, and the scene of Tako Lingo was reproduced again.

The figure flew by quickly, and while passing by this heavy combat uniform, Yi Chou directly reached out and threw it into the shadow.

Without stopping, Yi Chou looted again to the next newcomer.

It seems like a fast killing machine, even when there are not a few breaths, there are already three, have not experienced a few battles, less experience, plus the female newcomer who is in a vulnerable position is killed by Yi Chou Exhausted.

And their deaths were almost the same, all of which were infiltrated into the combat uniform by crimson energy, and then they were squeezed into blood mist.

Putting up three combat uniforms in a row, Yi Biao's intention was soon discovered by the nearby graduates, "It is collecting our weapons and equipment!" They were shocked at the same time, and they immediately discovered Yi Biao's attack method.

"Hurry up with a mask!"

At a distance of more than 100 meters away from Yi Huo, someone shouted wildly.

Yi Biao glanced at him slightly, but did not change direction, but still rushed to the nearest one, seeming to hear his teammates prompting the masked guy who was in a hurry.

Another unlucky newcomer.

Heavy combat uniforms are completely enclosed. Once they wear a mask, there is no gap that can be used by Yi Chou. It is undoubtedly more difficult to kill them with crimson energy.

It is even impossible to completely deprive combat uniforms.

But...Forget it, there is one more thing, so thinking, Yi Chou quickly ran towards the busy prey.

It was just that when the scarlet energy constituted a sharp knife that was about to hit his body and reproduce the previous scene again, the Gantz rookie who was tried by Yi Huo as a prey suddenly showed a grim smile, and then snapped the mask, An angry growl was made.

"I should have caught you this time!"

Dashi MCC is a senior graduate. He even resurrected three companions before graduation, which means he earned 400 points.

He stayed in the sniper team not because of his weak strength, but because his strength was too strong, especially in shooting. He and he are good at long-range sniper. The first few shots were fired by him, and they almost broke Yi Chou into fragments.

And his combat experience is far more than the current mysterious plan. He soon noticed that Yi Xuan was intentionally hunting newcomers. After discovering this, he quickly adjusted and took advantage of Yi Xuan's failure to notice himself. Disguise yourself as a newcomer.

He should take advantage of Yi Chou to relax his vigilance and make a counterattack in one fell swoop!

Dashi Zhongye is confident of overcoming Yihuo in close combat. After all, this alien looks like a red mist and speed in a dangerous place, and his physical quality does not look strong.

As long as it escapes these red smokes, its speed will be useless when it is locked in close quarters by heavy combat uniforms.

Of course, Boss is generally not simple, even if it can be transformed, Dashi Zhongye is also confident to escape.

As the mask of the heavy combat uniform was buckled up, the liquid valve of the Dashi combat uniform spouted a burst of white mist instantly, as if to cover his entire body of vision like water vapor.

Just before the white mist was completely closed, Yi Chou vaguely saw that the layers of gluten flesh bulging on the appearance of the combat uniform looked like a trumpet gorilla.

Yi Biao slammed on the ground with his right foot and stopped instantly, but at this time it seemed too late to think about leaving.

Originally, his distance from this Dashi Zhongye was very short. After Dashi put on his mask, he quickly rushed to Yi Chou, and the distance between the two was shortened to a few meters.

"go to hell!"

Dashi wearing a heavy combat uniform is like a wild beast, with thick shoulders like a mallet, whipping a gust of wind and striking Yi Yi instantly.

Dashi Shiye is good at sniping, but it does not mean he is not good at melee. He may spend more time playing heavy combat uniforms than Ichiro Ichiro. After all, he is a guy who has scored four hundred points.

Yi Xiao’s look remained the same, and the extended crimson long knife collapsed instantly, and countless energy instantly fell like smoke to the ground. At the next moment, they began to rotate and converge like a vortex again, and finally in front of Yi Chao Formed a huge shield with spikes, firmly in front of Yi Xiao.

The power of the silver tongue makes these crimson energies come out. They are not only still energy, they are very easy to manipulate, and can directly act on the matter. It is one of the dozen practical changes of the silver tongue ability.


"This is useless to me!"

In the heavy combat uniform, Dashi Zhongye made a crazy roar, like an injured beast, screaming and rushing towards Yi Chou.

In the face of the grisly giant shield, he did not hesitate and raised his right hand directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ slammed into a fist, which was originally turned down at a right angle, and it looked like a combat cone at the shoulder of an inverted cone. The huge body is like a siege hammer.

As a graduate, Dashi Zhongye is obviously different from the other newcomers. The heavy combat uniform exerts a 100% effect in his hands. The fierce gang wind set off even directly blows the crimson energy that Yi Chou condenses. Scattered most.

Yi Xiao's face changed, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​using crimson energy to block him, and then whispered, "Mirror, get up!"

At the next moment, the fist of Dashi Zhongye's whistling has instantly smashed the giant shield composed of crimson energy. The crimson energy fell like a crystal and shattered everywhere, and then the huge fist went to Yihou without slowing down. Smashed.

"Get up!"

However, with the second call of Yi Huo, the silver tongue strength constructed at the scene has successfully played a role. I saw in front of Yi Huo, under the fist of Dashi Whistling, in the middle of the two, an abruptly raised side could The wearing mirror in which Dashi Zhongye, who is wearing heavy combat uniforms, is reflected by the whole person. The thin mirror stands in the middle, as if falling down. (To be continued.)

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