High Magic Earth

Chapter 1002: Span

"!" Xuan Yeji sees that the situation is not good, the individual aircraft makes a roar, and instantly drags him to glide far away.

The battlefield is in the air, they can only rely on the aircraft, and the other party can flexibly flex, which is too bad for the gantz players.

The crimson energy that ran away immediately before, even Xuan Yeji was not sure to completely avoid the past, which means that if they continue to stay in mid-air, it is equivalent to putting their lives on the opponent's home ground and letting them control.

But how to say that the gantz squad is also a team with a hundred battles, and there are many graduates in it. They not only have extremely high personal combat power, but also can determine the combat plan in minutes.

Before they took off, they had three simple plans, and now one of them can be used.

Yi Huo turned his head slightly, not knowing what Xuye plan suddenly meant in English. Did he think that the aliens of the entire universe were speaking Japanese, and they couldn't understand it when they became English.

But it does not matter, the plan does not change, that is, everyone will die here.

Just when Xuanye Ji's voice fell, everyone controlled the aircraft to fly away. Although the state of Xuan Yeji seemed a bit wrong, he was still the captain after all.

Experienced graduates will no longer be in conflict at this juncture.

"What a troublesome group..."

Yi Biao complained in a low voice, but suddenly, he suddenly sensed a dangerous breath, vaguely sounding, like a special aiming sound when the gantz combat pistol was locked, he didn't think about it, the figure burst into the side instantly After flashing, the position was changed several times in an instant, like a Wanhua mirror, leaving a series of dazzling afterimages in the air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Sure enough, just after Yi Biao left his original position, bursts of explosion immediately appeared in the place where he floated. The strong fluctuations generated by the explosion and even the nearby crimson energy were dissipated. After a while, it will be renewed. Aggregate and recover.

The attack from a very far distance, Yi Biao thoughtfully glanced at the gantz who were flying around, and even landed on the ground. They had no time to attack, "...Is it a sniper rifle."

Yi Xiao did not remember that Zhang Junyun mentioned the gantz and sniper rifles. If it wasn’t for the wizard’s instinct, he might just hit himself in those few moments.

And with the power of this weapon, once it is hit, it will directly become fragments.

It seems that it is not so convenient to put the memories in the meditation basin.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and suddenly the air in front of him burst into flames. The burning magic fire exuded blue flames, gradually twisting and changing in the air, and then formed a line of small characters.

"...The fixed portal was opened." Yi Huo whispered.

At the next moment, his figure flashed, hidden into the sky's crimson energy, and was completely hidden.

"Ji Jun! We didn't hit the target... wait, the target lost its figure!"

On the ground about nine hundred meters away from their battle center, several slender figures were covered in roaring sand and endless ashes.

The bulky and huge heavy combat uniforms were covered up, and they only wore the original tight combat uniforms.

This is the sniper team left by the gantz first, except for a small number of particularly belligerent women, most of the gantz female players are here.

They are a plan, once launched, they will carry out long-range sniper to help Xuanye plan them.

At this time, Xuan Yeji also reached the ground safely. He jumped off the single-handed aircraft and turned to look at the sky. "That's right..."

The sky is surrounded by a large piece of crimson energy, just like blood spreading to the sky, soaking the whole world into the color of blood red.

At this time, in this piece of energy, the figure of Yi Chao has long been lost.

Xuanye Ji looked into the sky, the sky was crimson like a bright sunset, empty, even a trace of clouds were clean, and the ground was the same. A large area of ​​ruins blowing up endless dust, half of the city was destroyed in Under the violent explosion not long ago, there was only endless loess and gray sand at the foot of Xuanye Ji.

And Kojima’s life is here...

A trace of pain and confusion flashed in Xuan Yeji's eyes, but soon he settled down. He looked up at the sky again and then shouted loudly, "Fire!"

In fact, these graduates have been prepared for a long time, even if there is no Xuan Yeji's order, they plan to do so.

The distant sniper squad went into hiding again, and this time the large-scale shooting was replaced by Geno plan. All the gantz players raised their gantz combat pistols, or g-gun gravity guns, held up the sky, and then kept on. Pulling the trigger towards the crimson energy that pervaded the entire cloud.

Several satellites distributed over the island of Japan turned an imperceptible arc at the same time, and then radiated an energy-like light on the surface. With the sound of "Boom!", the satellite didn't even vibrate, but it was invisible. The fluctuation seemed to be jetted out violently, hitting the ground in an instant.

Quantum blows came in an instant, and with it came the collapse of gravity. The interlaced radiance of the sky was like the brilliant fireworks in full bloom, dyeing the colorful and colorful sky that was originally crimson.

Numerous holes like wormholes appeared in the sky, soaked with scarlet energy.

However, seeing their attack effect, Xuan Yeji frowned deeply. Although most of the aliens looked like humans and were very powerful, their actual intelligence was not high.

Even in many cases, they will rely on their attack and toughness to ignore everything. This is the only place that can be proud of being a human on earth.

But the aliens facing this time are obviously not the case.

Not only is he very similar to humans, but he seems to have a very high degree of intelligence.

Xuanye Ji is not sure if these strategies that have no plans at all are of any use to it. If the other party does not plan to chase it down, what will happen to it?

But at the next moment, Xuan Yeji realized that his worries were redundant.

Because the crimson energy of the sky suddenly moved quickly, as if pulled by an invisible big hand, and quickly sink to a point on the ground.

Crimson energy finally converged into a piece of wind that floated behind the wind like a cloak. It was a huge piece of uncontrollable magic energy. Under the change of Yi Xiao's silver tongue, it could directly act on the material.

Yi Xiao reached out and flicked the crimson energies in front of him gently, then shook his head, suddenly inserted the other hand directly into the air, and disappeared into the air.

"You nasty guys..." he complained plainly...

Scene switching.


As a member of the house elf, Blossoming is always very busy every day, although she doesn't want to be idle, because idleness is very shameful for a house elf.

But there is really not much to do in the castle, and even far less than what she had to do in the previous family estate.

Although it sounds incredible, this is the fact.

Most of the maintenance work of the Red Castle is carried out by the magic left by Yi Chao, such as brooms and mops that can be automatically cleaned, but in the eyes of the house elves, these are very evil guys.

Moreover, there are too many house elves in the castle. One of the important reasons is that there are dozens of house elves in a castle, which is far more than it should be.

You know, a pure-blooded family can only have three or two house-elves at most.

But... the most important reason is that this castle has no owner, and even its only owner often stays in the castle.

Lord Wizard has disappeared again, and blossoming is not surprising at all, because she has become accustomed to it.

But the cleaning work still needs to be done. The daily task of Dodo is to clean the labs and study rooms of Yihuo. In fact, nothing needs to be cleaned. Dodo just sweeps the dust gently with something like a duster.

There are many places where Yi Huo does not allow house elves to release magic. The study and laboratory are in it, and the laboratory is often banned from entering.

In addition, there are a lot of terrible things in it. Over time, most house elves will choose to skip here.

But Dodo didn't do this. She still insisted on cleaning it in her work schedule, although it was a very quick and quick cleaning.

But this is my responsibility, isn't it?

The blossoming dumb humming song suddenly froze, and her huge ears flickered twice. She seemed to feel vaguely what she heard.

Looking down with doubt, she lowered the tool in her hand, and she lay quietly behind the door.

He tilted his head, blossoming out of her big eyes in the gap behind the door, and then looked at Yi's study.

A hand appeared out of thin air in the study. There was no arm behind it, only the palm and five fingers attached to the wrist. It quickly climbed onto the table like a spider, and then gently pressed something.

The desk sank, and a huge stone platform slowly floated up with a stone basin.

"Thief!?" This was Duodo's first reaction.

As a house-elf, blossoming itself, a member of the magical creature, would not be surprised by the supernatural phenomenon that appeared. She thought about it with her head tilted and finally came to such a conclusion.

Big eyes rolled around, and her eyes fell on the convenient duster. Then she gently picked up the duster and moved towards the meditation basin crept along the door.

The spider-like hand squeezed the wand, and a silvery white light had been extracted from the meditation basin. It placed the wand next to the stone platform, and then put the light into the glass bottle, watching it flow like a liquid.

However, it obviously has no visual energy. After holding the glass bottle with its backhand, it didn't realize that the blossoms had come to its side.

"Put it down! You thief!" Duo Duo shouted sharply, hitting a duster on her hand, and then she rushed up, trying to take out the contents.

He was stunned for a moment. Obviously he didn't anticipate this situation. He struggled for a while. He really couldn't get rid of the desperate **** of the house elf. The house elf is also a magical creature. To be honest, its strength is not small.

Fortunately, this is a magic study in itself.

The magic wand standing next to her suddenly stood out of thin air, and a ray of light hit the blossoms. In an instant, her body seemed to be paralyzed by some electro-optical light.

The hand flinched back angrily, the fluctuations in the air disappeared, and a special guardian magic covered the study again, and the room returned to calm again.

The stone platform of the meditation basin crashed down, and the desk turned over again.

No one found that Yi Biao had just crossed the infinity space, and then retrieved a temporary useless memory from the meditation basin.

No... maybe there is one.

The black shadow hovering in the void has been peeping all the time, and then suddenly disappears like a shadow, as if finally found a certain direction...

After a long time.

After a long while, the blossoming blossoms stood up confused, staring at the big eyes, touching their heads, and then their eyes fell on the wand at the table.

"It looks... somewhat familiar..." she whispered strangely...

The third new Tokyo city.

Above the ruins.

Yi Xiao dragged his hand out of the void, then touched the back of his hand, "Which idiot." He couldn't help whispering.

He didn't expect to be attacked in the study room of the Red Castle, but soon realized that it was not an attack, but should be blocked by a house-elf.

Didn't you tell them, you need to go to your study room, there is no need to clean up.

Sure enough, with the exception of Alimond, most domestic elves are idiots!

Turning his eyes to Xuan Yeji and others again, Yi Yao shook his head, and then poured the silver-white liquid memory directly into his mouth.

Xuan Yeji they did not stop, because by virtue of the speed of the other party, they did not make any sense of shooting. If it was a close fight, when they leaned over, the other party had finished drinking.

These graduates have rich fighting experience, and after judging it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not do meaningless things.

The moment the liquid memory was poured in, the memory temporarily stored in the meditation basin by Yi Chou reappeared instantly. This memory is about the plot of the killing city. Yi Chou watched it at the time, but did not care much. Now, Zhang Junyun tells His scattered things are not enough, he must get back the temporary memory.

Sure enough, those memories about the gantz black ball and these combat members emerged again, and many unnoticed details were also noticed by Yi Chou again.

"Heavy combat uniform..." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and set his eyes on Xuan Yeji and others.

This thing did not show up in the movie. It appeared in the comics. Yi Chou has seen the comics, but only because of his uninterestedness.

Fortunately, his memory is already good. In addition, there is a meditation basin that can be used for storage adjustment. These remaining memories are very deep.

Although intermittent, Yi Chou still knew a little clearly. In terms of close combat, these heavy combat uniforms are actually not as simple as they seem to be. (To be continued.)

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