High Magic Earth

Chapter 1001: Over the sky

"It turns out that you are the leader." Xuan Yeji's expression remained unchanged, and his voice said coldly, looking at Yi Chou floating in the air.

"But there is no difference, you will all die here."

Xuan Yeji put away the gravity gun. The gravity gun is a U-shaped. Both ends of the U-shaped opening are quantum compression muzzles, and the closed part is put on his arm.

The huge gravity gun is as thick as his three arms, and it fits on the arm of the Xugeno Ji, almost turning his right hand into a giant shield.

Although the gravity gun is powerful, it still continues the consistent style of gantz weapons.

The attack is delayed.

Unlike the positioning delay of the gantz combat pistol, the gravity gun is due to the immature technology, and it cannot take a few seconds for instant air compression.

Xuan Yeji realized that although the gravity gun was powerful, it was not necessarily good for the guy in the sky.

After all, those aliens are very fast. As their leader, this guy deserves to have super speed capabilities. The heavy armor gives Xugeno a lot of confidence, but they are only on the melee. With the speed of human reaction, He still couldn't lock his opponent with a gravity gun.

In this case, it is better to give up this weapon.

He put the gravity gun on the single-handed aircraft, and the huge gun body immediately stuck on the inside of the aircraft without any gap, just like it was one.

Xuan Yeji opened his palm with the size of half a basin. When he touched it from the waist, he held the gantz special katana knife handle in the heavy combat uniform.

When he flicked forward, the sharp and wide samurai sword extended along the arm of the heavy combat uniform, with a length of more than two meters.

However, this samurai sword, which is longer than the human body, still seems to be a little small for the gorilla-like heavy combat uniform.

The situation is a bit unfavorable.

Twisting the samurai sword in his hand, Xuanye Ji's eyes moved slightly.

Perhaps the Xuanye plan is not excellent in other aspects, but fighting alone, he has an extraordinary intuition that will always prompt him to make the most appropriate judgment. This is his innate talent and fighting instinct.

Opposite in mid-air, obviously has the ability to operate in the air, compared with those who rely on individual aircraft to climb up.

Although it is also in the sky, the single-handed aircraft is not a real flight after all, and it is not comparable to the ability of the other party to fly.

After all, humans are not a flying race.

Damn aliens.

Xuanye Ji's gaze moved again, to find a way to let these people down, otherwise, if he fought in the air, sooner or later he would lose, saying that his level of close combat in the air has dropped by more than one grade.

While Xuanye continued silently thinking about his inner plan, Yi Chou suspended in the air suddenly showed a sneer.

"I find that you gantz, besides being very loyal, like to talk big."

"You are right, you will all die here, but this does not refer to us, but to yourself."

Yi Xiao stared at Xuan Yeji, "Originally I thought that I could work with you, but the plan didn't change quickly. Some things didn't even come to my mind. It seems that I think too much."

"My people saved you before the loss, how did you report it to me?"

"Huh!" a graduate standing on a solo aircraft chuckles, "We don't need you to save at all, you want to cooperate with us? It's simply impossible, we don't need aliens."

"Alien?" Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. "You call me an alien?"

"Well... in a sense, you are not wrong."

Ichiro Nishijo finally got rid of that gray hooded hoodie because he couldn't put on his beloved little coat when wearing heavy combat uniforms. Although he was very arrogant, he was not stupid. To some extent, heavy combat uniforms must be equipped.

Otherwise, just a few unlucky ghosts that have disappeared in the heat are the best example.

But he was still an arrogant expression at this time, with his arms crossed on his chest, the expression looked like who owed him hundreds of millions. But in his eyes, from time to time he also pondered.

Because there was no one in front of him in his memory.

Perhaps this should not be called a memory, but a certain segment. When you see some specific things or people again, or when you are in the scene, you will feel very familiar.

But Ichiro Nishijo will remember correctly.

Almost every of these aliens has a faint sense of familiarity. Except for the guy in front of him, he is very strange and has no impression at all.

Hearing the conversation between several people, Ichiro Nishijo frowned even more. He felt that things seemed a bit wrong, and seemed more complicated than all of them thought.

Because once gantz itself is involved, the problem will be complicated countless times, but this is also the field that Ichiro Ichiro has been exploring.

"You killed the island!" Compared with other graduates, Xuan Yeji was not so good-tempered when facing Yi Huo. He gritted his teeth directly at Yi Huo.

"Island?" Yi Huo was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand what Xuanye Ji was talking about.

"Kojima Duohui." Xuan Yeji stared at his blood-red eyes, and his blood-filled eyes stared at Yi Chou.

If the alien leaders are not very strong, they will certainly not be able to do it on their own, Xuanye Ji has long gone up desperately.

Hearing Xuan Yeji's name, Yi Biao finally remembered it. It seemed that Zhang Junyun had mentioned it with him. The name of the heroine, they didn't seem to have met in the section where the train gathered innocent passengers not long ago.

"Some impressions." Yi Huo said lightly, "Is she right on the train, is a very cute girl."

Looking away slightly, Yi Biao seemed to understand the source of Xuan Yeji's anger. "Sorry." He shrugged insincerely. "She should be ashes with the subway station."

Having said that, the surrounding gantz players finally understood what was going on.

Fortunately, their family is not near the city center, but Xuan Yeji is obviously not so lucky. His girlfriend is on the two trains.

In an attack that razed half the city to the ground, no one survived in the explosion center.

The surrounding atmosphere immediately re-emphasizes the tasks assigned by tz and the feelings of hatred mixed together, and the war seems to be triggered.

Xuan Yeji stared at Yi Chou fiercely, gnawed at the teeth in his mouth, and he must cut off his head to avenge Kojima.

And Yi Biao seemed to be unaware of this tense atmosphere, and still said lightly, "But if, I remember correctly, before Kojima died, it would be your first move."

"If it wasn't for Miss Tao, Yang Yan was already dead."

"So you let people from half of the city bury her for her?!" Xuan Yeji's deep voice suppressed a kind of anger that roared like a beast.

However, Ichiro Ichiro suspended in the sky above the battlefield, his expression at this time is even more weird, as if there are countless clews stuffed in his head.

"It seems that I have to admit a mistake." Yi arrogant shrugged. "You guys are not only stupid and big-mouthed, but stupid besides stupid and big-talk."

"Like I said, you don't know anything at all."

"You believe the facts you see in front of you, so do you think Kojima Duohui... is really dead?"

Yi Chou's last sentence seemed to be rhetorical, but also like indifferent taunt.

But this made Xuan Yeji completely shocked, and even the samurai sword in his hand was loosened in two copies. "You... what are you talking about?" he shivered.

"I said...as I said, you don't know anything at all."

"You're talking about...you're talking about... Kojima, she's not dead yet?"

"What did you say? We don't know anything." At this moment, the female graduate wearing goggles said disdainfully, "It's not good to laugh at us without saying anything."

"Don't think of fooling past easily, we are not idiots. If you just say a few words, you will be in trouble and betray our boss."

"Shut up!" Xuanye Ji suddenly shook her head and shouted at her when she heard her casually interject.

"Ji Jun, don't listen to it nonsense." The female graduate said to Xuanye Ji with a self-righteous expression that had seen through everything. "It just wants to disintegrate your fighting spirit! It knows nothing!" "

"I tell you to shut up!" Xuanye Ji shouted at her like a wounded beast.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, and then the female graduate silenced and retreated, "Well, then." She stopped speaking and shrugged her eyes to look elsewhere.

Xuan Yeji turned around again, "You said she is not dead on the island?" His voice was a little excited.

"I didn't say that she wasn't dead." Yi Xuan was still indifferent. Xuanye stunned for a moment. When he was about to rush to the next moment, Yi Xuan continued, "I just said, She really can't live?"

Xuan Yeji suddenly froze.

In an instant, countless pictures were rotating in his mind as if they were walking lights, one scene after another came into his eyes, and finally stopped at the beginning of this mission, when transmitted twice.

Yes, send twice.

After the first teleport, he had already started the battle and even killed an alien, but he didn’t know what happened, everything was restored, and then back to the time when he was teleporting, and then immediately , That horrible big bang appeared.

It's like... it's like time is back!

Back in time...

Xuan Yeji froze, "You...can...resurrect Kojima..." he said dryly.

"Okay." Yi Xuan shook his head helplessly again, "Your understanding seems to have deviated again, but the method you said can indeed revive Kojima Duohui."

"But I won't do it. Time... isn't your toy. It's dangerous. Any easy change will cause unpredictable changes."

"Any magic has a price, and I always keep this in mind."

"I beg you... to save Kojima Duo Hui..." Xuan Yeji's complexion seemed to be struggling. He didn't realize what Yi Chou was talking about, but he took care of himself and struggled to say this sentence.

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes and felt that he could not communicate with these gantz. "Why should I do this." He asked strangely.

"I can... do it for you...any..."

But before the Xuan Yeji was finished, he was severely interrupted by the gantz next to him.

"Ji Jun! Do you know what you are talking about?" asked a middle-aged graduate with a vicissitudes face, "Are you going to betray us, or are you going to betray this... the earth!"

Xuan Yeji looked around and saw that most of the gantz players looked at themselves with uncomfortable faces, even including many old players.

In fact, Xuan Yeji's heart is also very struggling, whether it is his lover, or this world.

But... if it is only once, it does not seem to cause too much damage to the world. After all, even gantz cannot accurately block every alien appearance.

It was only at this time that Yi Biao spoke again faintly, directly blocking Xuan Yeji's choice.

"You may not understand one thing." He said, "I already said that I will not change the time, there is no possibility."

"And I don't need you to do anything and anything."

"I thought the real enemy was a third party, so I plan to unite with you and deal with it together."

"But I found that I made a mistake, there is no third party at all, the real enemy... it is you."

"Now...the only thing I need to do is to destroy you!"

As Yi Biao's words fell, the red mist filled the sky like a tide, like an octopus' tentacles, and began to spread instantly.

Unconsciously during the conversation, these mists seemed to become transparent, and then quietly went around behind these gantz, which had surrounded them.

As Yihou started, they suddenly had very little space to fly around in a single-handed aircraft.

However, Xuanye Ji still seems to have no intentions. This is the case of human beings. When they have choices, they will hesitate to weigh and weigh, but when the final choices are gone, they will be like gamblers with red eyes. After thinking about everything you thought about before, you want to choose at any cost.

Xuanye Ji's eyes were red, and he shouted at him while avoiding Yi Chong's crimson energy. "No! No! This is wrong! You must have something you need! Otherwise why did you tell me these things!"

Yi Biao's attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said softly, "Oh... The answer to this question is naturally... In order to avoid my worries."

He waved his hand back again, suspended in the air, and the huge, tattered escape ship suddenly disappeared. The iron-blooded spaceship and Zhang Junyun and others had been quietly moved away by Yi Chou while they were talking with Xuan Yeji. Here, it's just that Yi Chao Magic has made a phantom.

At the next moment, Yi Biao suddenly appeared in front of a gantz player wearing a heavy combat uniform. The blushing energy immediately followed and instantly wrapped the unlucky guy in a deadly package.

"Boom!" With an explosion-like muffled sound, the hapless body instantly turned into powder, leaving only a complete heavy combat uniform in the air.

In the rich crimson energy and the flying blood foam, Yi arrogantly continued, "After all... even if I don't dare to guarantee that everyone will be safe under your life-changing play."

"Their lives are more valuable than yours."

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