High Magic Earth

Chapter 1000: So-called spaceship

"They are not dead?" Yi Huo couldn't help but be surprised.

By the way, Miss Tao said that the Gantz team still intercepted them in the future, so the Gantz team was already fine...

No, it's not right... Yi arrogantly shook his head. The future they saw didn't have their own, so no one threw a compressed plasma bomb, and it was natural that Xuenye Ji and others were fine.

The **** time cycle really disturbed my thoughts.

Yi Xiao shook his head vigorously, as if to shake out these useless ideas.

But how did these guys survive in the concentrated plasma blasting environment? It is very difficult for you, even if you are yourself, to resist hard without using the power of the silver tongue.


"What are you still doing in a daze!" Zhang Junyun's voice passed in awkwardness, and it seemed a little bit far and near, "Don't os Governor Beckett at this time!"

Well, now is not the time to consider these issues. Yi Biao's eyes captured Zhang Junyun, his spaceship swaying like a ball, which is why his voice sounded far and near.

Zhang Junyun still holds Tan Qing in his arms, relying on the strong body of the werewolf. Although Zhang Junyun was hit with bruises and bruises, he protected her to the greatest extent.

Rao is so, Tan Tan still looks a little embarrassed, because of the rapid shaking of the spaceship, Zhang Junyun sometimes can't rely on it at all. If Tan Qing is accidentally disengaged, she even needs to clamp her with her legs.

Kinosuke is not much better. Although he is fast, he can't always use speed to find a balance. There is no foothold, even if the speed is fast, it is useless.

Kinosuke tried to insert the short blade into the spaceship wall, but unfortunately he underestimated the alloy of civilization that entered the interstellar age, and it was not pierced by a short knife smelted by a ninja village in Koga in the middle ages.

Ding Ding Dang Dang used countless times, and even a white seal did not appear.

This is true of Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhisuke, not to mention other people.

This time Miss Tao responded quickly. While feeling the shock of the spacecraft, she took a step back and opened her black wings behind her back. Her hands and feet curled up. In less than a second, she turned into a dodo form.

But she still had many questions to ask. After sniffing her lips, Yi Chou saw that Miss Tao had flown to a safe corner, hanging upside down, letting the spaceship shake, she also stood still.

Is this a bat or a dodo?

Looking at the Gantz squads still attacking on the light curtain, the cold light appeared in Yi Chou's eyes.

"Console." He whispered, "Why not fight back."

"The escape spaceship is not equipped with weapon equipment."

"Why don't you leave here soon?"

"No. 3 engine is damaged, and it takes an estimated 412 seconds to reset the power line."

"So what can we do now?" Yi Biao's tone brought a trace of impatience.

"Warning! Warning! It is recommended to pop up the safe house! The main body of the spaceship is damaged! It is recommended to pop up the safe house!" The intelligence of the spacecraft from the iron-blooded civilization still replied with this inflexible rigidity.

At the moment when its voice fell, the spacecraft suddenly tilted at an amazing angle, and with a few bursts of sound, the huge hull suddenly began to fall freely to the ground.


Zhang Junyun and others screamed in increasing numbers. The acceleration of the spacecraft instantly made them weightless, and then was thrown onto the ceiling of the spacecraft.

Zhang Junyun, holding Tan Qing, slammed into the back with a loud "Boom!" loud noise, and it was not bad to be hit this time.

"Don't expect you anymore." Yi Xiao turned off the virtual light curtain of intelligent projection.

Zhang Junyun and others were tumbling in the air behind Yi Xuan, but Yi Xuan was holding his feet firmly on the floor, as if the glue had taken root and remained motionless.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Junyun, who was infinitely tumbling, could not help but shouted angrily, "You can't help us?" But Yi Chou was deaf.

He rolled up his sleeves and drew with his fingers in the air in front of him, "At the critical moment when the spaceship is about to crash, I temporarily demagnetized half of my physical power into fiery red solid energy, which can directly act on the matter."

"Because the color of this energy is very obvious, and the form is also close to a certain figure in my mind, I call it... Crimson Energy."


Just after Yi Ao read the burning text in the air in front of him, his body seemed to spread out an invisible, invisible and powerful wave, which seemed to force the surrounding air away instantly.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's whole body ignited a red mist, and then slowly drifted towards the spaceship.

Since the escape ship of the iron-blooded civilization can't count on it, then he will do it himself. ...

Xuan Yeji and others were hanging on the single-handed aircraft, still roaring uncontrollably, "Fire! Fire!" They used the huge iron-blooded spaceship as a target, and the Gantz combat pistol and the weapon transplanted into the heavy palm of the heavy Gantz armor cross fired. .

In Xuan Yeji's hand, he carried a weapon as large as his arms and shoulders.

H-GUN gravity gun.

It was also after the full score that the weapons were exchanged for points. Obviously, Gantz knew that the enemies faced by Xuan Ye Ji were difficult to deal with this time. Even if he didn’t open the back door, it gave him some convenience.

Because this gravity gun is more powerful than others, it is obviously adjusted.

The gravity gun is completely different from the Gantz combat pistol. The combat pistol can be said to be only a satellite locator. There is no attack capability in its structure. It is only responsible for positioning the target, and then the satellite performs global fixed-point strikes and quantum compression.

But the gravity gun is completely different. It can be seen from its thick shape that it is complete, and it can crush all the previous targets without the assistance of satellites.

Its destructiveness is many times stronger than the Gantz combat pistol.

Xuan Yeji's strategy is obviously correct. They can't see the interior of the spacecraft, but they can see that the shell of the spacecraft is peeling off under the attack of themselves and others.

It looks like the crusty bread that was destroyed.

The people inside will never be better.

There seem to be many aliens that are just ordinary aliens. Most ordinary aliens are even inferior to humans on Earth. The consequences of the plane crash for ordinary people are obviously a fatal disaster. And the crash of the spacecraft will only be high and low.

Even if those aliens have a super speed that humans did not have, it has no effect, because if there is no foothold, even if the speed is fast, it will not make sense, and it will still be dragged down by the crash of the spaceship.

Even the fast-moving Barry Allen, while stopping the singularity vortex, also used the debris that was rolled up by the whirlwind in the air as a landing, otherwise he could not fly out of thin air.

These aliens are absolutely dead on their own.

Xuan Yeji's mouth sneered. If it wasn't for the spacecraft to suddenly take off, they haven't had such a good chance to destroy these guys. This spaceship is the best target and the coffin of their choice.

I believe they have never thought that they and others can survive the previous big bang, otherwise they will not expose the flaws so carelessly.

And the thought of the compressed plasma bomb thrown out by Yi Chou before, even the guy who is not afraid of the day, Xuan Yeji, couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

But they did not suffer a little damage, thinking of this, Xuan Yeji's eyes instantly turned red.

Those companions who did not wear full-scale heavy combat uniforms needless to say, the bones disappeared at the moment of the outbreak of the plasma bomb, and were directly evaporated into gasification, and even these graduates wearing heavy combat uniforms were not necessarily Can bear it.

No... It should be said that it can't be carried.

Xuan Yeji's heavy combat uniform resisted for more than ten seconds, and then began to decay and fail, becoming precarious. He was able to survive because Kato Sheng threw himself on him.

Use your own combat uniform to protect the Xuanye plan against the high temperature and waveform attacks emitted by the plasma.

The final result is that Kato Sheng's combat uniform has exhausted the last trace of energy. After being damaged, Kato Sheng instantly disappeared under high temperature.

Xuan Yeji survived.

Most of the surviving graduates survived in this way. As graduates who can accumulate a hundred points in the Gantz mission, each of them has a partner who can live and die.

At the juncture of the crisis, it is precisely when the partner of life and death takes effect.

These people left their chances of life to them, and I believe they will still resurrect themselves as these people after accumulating a hundred points again.

And not only that, the explosion of compressed plasma bombs vaporized half of the city in an instant. The center of the explosion was near the subway station, and Kojima Duohui did not leave the subway station.

Xuan Yeji didn't see Kojima Duo Hui, which was discovered by Ichiro Ichiro.

The strange appearance of these aliens, as a senior graduate, Ichiro Ichiro keenly smelled the unusual breath. After instructing them to equip them with heavy combat uniforms and new weapons, he exchanged some information with Gantz.

The matter of the subway station was exposed. There were too many witnesses, and Gantz would issue cleaning tasks later.

And among the targets being cleaned, there are many islands.

Ichiro Nishijo didn't know that it was Genojo's girlfriend, but Genoki recognized it at a glance. Even if Gantz's style was very simple, he could still recognize his girlfriend's head.

Xuan Yeji was not stupid. After a little bit of association, he realized that Kojima Taehui was also on the train at the time, but he didn't encounter it.

But she still spread in.

Originally, Xuan Yeji was also grateful to a few people who were easily arrogant. Although he did not have them, Xuan Yeji estimated that he could solve the black star in the end, but those newcomers would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

The arrival of Yi Chou and several people at least avoided the tragedy of the newcomer's death.

These fresh blood will become the mainstay after a few battles, they need this blood.

Originally Gengenji was still struggling with whether or not to deal with several people. The speed of Kanosuke was quickly on the one hand, and on the other hand, they did help Xuanyeji, but Gantz did it for them. select.

The matter of Kojima Duohui directly defeated Xuan Yeji's favor for them, because Gantz had to die once the target of the cleaning mission was issued, and no one could stop it, which meant that Kojima Duohui was dead.

Although Kojima Duohui found that the existence of the Gantz black ball was not directly related to Yi Huo and others, Xuanye Ji still hated them. If it were not for their multi-tasking, Kojima might not have discovered it.

This is the case for human beings, as long as there is a hint of possibility, it will be considered as fact.

For example... Although Xuanye Ji knew that Kojima Taehui was listed as a cleaning target, although he was a bit worried, he did not despair because he still had a hint of hope in his heart.

I feel that as long as I talk to my companions, maybe they will let go of Kojima.

too naive.

However, when fighting, Xuan Yeji was not at all soft. Just after leaving Gantz's teleport, he directly launched a lore-like attack on Yi Xiao and others.

Faced with aliens, Gantz has always been merciless.

Because in this scene there is no right or wrong battle for aliens, only survival and destruction.

However, what happened next made Xuan Yeji's eyes bloodshot. After the time was reversed inexplicably, the aliens directly flew out a missile, and then razed half the city to the ground.

Not only did most of their team members be killed, including his newly resurrected friend Kato Sheng, but even Kojima Dohui was in the scope of the explosion.

Fighters who are not Gantz cannot choose the resurrection option from Gantz, and can only use Gantz to make them a newcomer.

But Gennoji didn't think that Dao Hui on the list would be selected.

This means that Kojima Duohui is dead.

Really dead.

Dead forever.

So Xuan Ye Ji would be so crazy at this time.

Kato Katsuki is dead, and Genojo’s best friend is not there. No one notices his abnormality. He just feels that his look is not right. The battle is even more crazy. No one understands his feelings.

"Hah!" A graduate who was sitting on a solo aircraft and dressed like a street screamer gave a free roar and laughed loudly, "This is just like an alien!"

"Always let us fight some dinosaur stars, green onion stars and the like, I have forgotten that we are fighting aliens and think that we are fighting monsters."

"It's still a battleship with a sense of fighting, and indeed the aliens still have to match the battleship!"

"Yeah." said a woman with black goggles beside her. "Wait until the city communication returns to normal, I don't know if we will become world heroes."

Ichiro Ichiro whispered beside him, and returned to the heroes of the world. At that time, Gantz washed you up the first time.

But at the next moment, the sudden change happened suddenly!

As if an invisible big hand tore the spaceship apart, the spaceship surrounded by Xuan Yeji and others instantly split in half, and a plume of red particles of smoke poured out of it like a locust.

"Be careful!" Xuan Yeji shouted immediately.

But the graduate who was on the street obviously didn't take it seriously. He grinned and continued to laugh loudly, "Hah! The boss is coming out, is this enlarged from the beginning!"

As graduates, they have dealt with countless aliens. Naturally, they will not put an alien leader in their eyes. Even if it is a so-called boss, it is not necessarily the case that the deer dies in the end.

It is a pity that the enemies they face now may not be the same as those they once faced.

The next time, the red smoke seemed to hear the words of street gangsters, as if he had long eyes, and swarmed directly to him.

The graduate's face changed, and he did act loose, but he was not stupid. No member of Gantz could resist the attack of the leader-level aliens, even heavy combat uniforms, or at least serious injuries.

So he quickly controlled the individual aircraft to start swimming.

It's a pity that the red smoke seemed to span the distance of time and space, directly reaching his eyes, and immediately surrounded him.


He has just made a sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~People have been drowned in red.

When the red faded again and became slightly visible, the figure of the graduate had completely disappeared.

The surrounding Xuanye plans to stop attacking, and their faces are all obvious. Wherever he goes, he can think of it without using his brain. Obviously, his bones are gone after the unknown attack.

Not only individual aircraft, but also heavy combat uniforms could not leave him a whole body.

At the next moment, countless red smoke receded like a tide, lifted the falling spaceship, and then slowly stood still in the air.

Yi Xiao slowly floated out of the ripped tear of the spaceship, his eyes radiating a crimson flame, so he stared so calmly at the Xuan Yeji under the solo aircraft.

Xuan Yeji felt like he was being stared at by something inexplicable, instinctively shivering.

The red tide kept rolling behind Yi Chou, he stood still in the air, and then said, "In order to prevent you from going to Edo to make trouble, I will give you... kill here!" (~^~ )

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