High Magic Earth

Chapter 999: Back to the Bird (3)

Sitting on a throne made of white bones... In fact, in the driver's seat in front of the console, Yi Chou crossed his hands, and the thoughts in his head fell into chaos.

Because he wasn't sure whether the peach girl in front of him, that is, Huishiniao, was real.

If she is using magic, Yi Yi can also be judged by whether the hourglass has activated her own time magic, but it seems that the back time bird belongs to a magical creature.

Yi Chao's magic is strong, but he is also limited to the wizard-related fields. The ability of magic creatures, he can not be directly obtained through the hourglass.

Of course, he can also use his own means, such as finding a werewolf to bite himself, etc.

The time gyration ability of the time-returning bird is out of instinct, that is, the talent of the magic creature itself, then there is no most accurate, that is, the hourglass certification.

Magic creatures are easy to distinguish, but it happens that almost all supernatural beings encountered recently seem to be classified as magic creatures.

It seems like some kind of deliberate man-made.

It's... a very uncomfortable situation.

Yi Biao controls the iron-blooded spacecraft quietly suspended above the third new Tokyo city, without moving. After all, the spacecraft exists only to protect Zhang Junyun, who can’t fly. Since everyone is together, the tallest building There is no point in gathering there.

It is true that a spaceship with such a sci-fi appearance will certainly attract attention, but Yi Chou threw a concentrated bomb from one of the highest achievements of the Plasma weapon in the cloud. Presumably, there must be a mess below, even if you notice the existence of the spaceship. , The reaction will definitely not be fast.

Even the ability to send an airplane is a problem.

This is not really the third new Tokyo city. Not only does it have no EVA, but even weapons like airplanes may be scarce.

However, Yi Biao will not forget the existence of Gantz. According to Zhang Junyun, it is entirely a man-made product on the earth. The satellites that support Xuan Yeji's global operations are also launched by the earth.

The technological force represented by Gantz is definitely not low.

The first time she rubbed her eyebrows with a headache, Yi Huo whispered to Miss Tao, "You still tell me first... Let's go on our journey."

By the way, he signaled to Zhang Junyun several people, "Boring can walk around, but this is the spaceship of the Jagged Warrior. I am afraid there is nothing interesting in it. If you want to listen, you can stay."

"Anyway, we will all act together next."

"And it's better not to be too far away from me, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late."

Zhang Junyun directly ignored Yi Bao's last sentence, because he couldn't understand it, and it was normal to understand it. Yi Bao often said something that he didn't understand.

So Zhang Junyun is used to it. When he encounters strange words and phrases that he does not understand, he automatically skips them. Anyway, Yi Chou might suddenly pick them out at some later time and then explain them.

However, Zhang Junyun is interested in this spaceship. After all, men like such things, battleships, spaceships, future technology, etc. "Is this really a spaceship for Jagged Warriors?" he asked.

Yi Chou nodded.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Junyun was immediately surprised. "Where did you get it? Doesn't it mean that we only have magic movies here, technology and other categories of movies seem to be in that source world."

"Isn't it grabbed from a free man in a certain source world."

Thinking of Yi Chou's style, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but feel a bit of a chill. The natural undercover is natural black, that is, he is indifferent to anything. If he needs it, maybe it can really rob this kind of thing.

And more importantly, he really has this ability!

"No." Yi Chou shrugged indifferently. "It was originally sailing in the universe, and then happened to fall. It happened to fall on the continent where I was, and then I went to find it."

"Haha..." Zhang Junyun gave a laugh, "That's a coincidence."

Yi Xiao ignored Zhang Junyun, but nodded again to Miss Tao. "Let's talk about your things first."

Miss Tao patted the seat behind her elegantly, then frowned in disgust, and then sat down gently, "I have nothing to say, not all on the note."

"I didn't receive your note." Yi Xuan said blankly.

"Who is that?" Miss Tao thought of the question again and was startled.

"We are not discussing this now." Yi Chou interrupted again.

"Okay..." Miss Tao finally returned to the topic, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then slowly said, "Next I should take you out of this time and space maneuver, find the time and space door, and then break it."

"The space-time gate leads to Japan in the seventeenth century. The place... is still here."

"We are going to a temple, but at this time, the Gantz are also chasing here, here... we are dead with two companions." Her gaze paused on Kanosuke and Tanqing.

"The strongest one and the weakest one." Yi Chou stunned. "How did Gatnz chase past? Don't tell me that they are sometimes empty."

The focus of Zhang Junyun's attention is obviously more normal. "We are dead?" He was also stunned. "No, no, don't wait, you mean... we have already died?"

"How is this possible?" Zhang Junyun couldn't believe it, and his tone seemed a bit confused. "They both clearly..." He gestured beside Tan Qing, as if looking for a suitable adjective, "... alive..."

Then Tan Qing escaped Zhang Junyun's paws.

"And... he's not the strongest." Finally Zhang Junyun looked at Xuan Zhijie and complained to Yi Chou.

These things, Yi Biao seems to have not seen, still staring at Miss Tao.

Facing Yi Jiao’s gaze, Miss Tao shrugged easily. “First of all, I want to correct a point. The space-time door is different from the space-time maneuver we created. The space-time mannequin requires us to control time, and the space-time door, as long as it finds people, can use."

"That won't be very chaotic." Yi Xiao frowned.

"We have defenders." Miss Tao faced a mysterious smile when she faced the problem.

"Then what comes next."

Miss Tao has a positive look, "Because of the relationship between the two dead, we have little power to continue to the shrine in the face of Gantz's interception."

"In the end we failed."

The scene calmed down for a while, and no one said anything, because Miss Tao, but time, this ability sounded very high, but the final result seemed like an abrupt turning point, the end seems to have some anticlimactic feeling.

And Zhang Junyun even asked directly, "Uh... is this over?"

Both Tan Qing and Daisy have always been silent models, but although they did not speak, it does not mean that they can accept such a result and fail. Whatever the word is used in, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

As for Yangyan Chordsuke, uh...they can't understand English, so they don't understand what Miss Tao is saying.

Yi Chaoding was not surprised, but asked doubtfully, "Why... will it fail, er, I mean, how can it fail if I am here."

He pointed to the city underneath as if washed by a nuclear bomb, "I can wipe them out, for example, look at them now gone."

"So how could we fail."

"Because you are not here at all." Miss Tao said bluntly, "This is the first time I saw you... I have never seen your existence before."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, "You mean... we are still in time wandering, but only a few of them are in it."

He pointed to Zhang Junyun and others, "Again...another cycle, has it been circulating countless times?"

Miss Tao nodded seriously, "Yes, this is exactly the roundabout I created. Don't forget, I'm a back-time bird, and my task is to take them to the shrine successfully, but unfortunately... so many years have passed, The cycle has never been broken."

As for what was pointed out by Yi Chou, Zhang Junyun and others, who acted as human flesh background walls, had long been pretending to be wood.

Anyone who suddenly learns that he is just an insignificant member of an infinite time loop will always have such a reaction. Whether this kind of time loop movie has been watched by many people, both Daisy and Zhang Junyun, they know the so-called Time cannot be broken.

This kind of thing sounds very interesting, and when viewed as a movie, it is also very exciting, but when it really happens to yourself, it is not so beautiful.

You can think about it from another angle. One day you walked on the street as usual. Suddenly, someone came over and told you that your next life would be taken away by a car flying in three minutes.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened hundreds of times, and he tried to stop it hundreds of times, but failed once.

This sounds not just crazy, but ridiculous.

Fortunately, after the baptism of this series of supernatural events in the Second World, Zhang Junyun and others have already resisted this, otherwise Ms. Tao will definitely be regarded as a lunatic.

However, Rao is so, their psychology will certainly not be comfortable, and simply will not make any statement.

Yi Yan nodded when he heard the words.

If you don’t have yourself, Zhang Junyun and several others want to fight against Gantz’s Xuan Ye Ji and others. It is indeed difficult. Although not impossible, the danger of death is even greater.

Even if it is a mass extinction, it is not surprising.

After sorting out the approximate things in his mind, Yi Chou raised his head again, looked at Miss Tao, and then asked the most important and core question.

"Why are we going to that shrine?"

"Because there are **** stones." Miss Tao replied without thinking.


"What it is."

"Shenshi is naturally the stone with the seal of God."

Miss Tao's answer made Yi Huo roll his eyes secretly, but he still had to be patient and continue to ask carefully, "Seal... God, what God?"

"It has many forms." Miss Tao also took a serious breath, and she took a deep breath. "There are also many names. Because of the different shapes, humans have put different names on it, Baqi, Great Tengu. , Even Jiuwei."

"But its real name is always only one."

"That's... eight million."

Yi Xiao was silent after listening to it, and the same was true for Zhang Junyun. They were not unfamiliar with this name, and they were even quite familiar with it. Not long ago, this **** lord tried to kill them. Of course, its strength is indeed very strong, but Finally, it was sealed by Yi Xiao.

Tan Qing opened her mouth and tried to ask Miss Tao about her doubts, but Zhang Junyun, who was turning around next to her eyeballs, was quick and covered her mouth directly.

"Is that god... dressed as a human female witch with a mask of evil spirits."

"No." Miss Tao shook her head with certainty. "It has no human form. Even if it is the closest form to humans, it is the identity of the Tengu."

"However, it is still very different from human beings. The Great Tengu is eight feet tall, has wings, and its limbs are not hands, but bird-like catches. It is a true monster."

"But compared to the appearances of Baqi and Kyuo, it is the closest to humans."

Yi Chou nodded his head clearly, then stood up, and the Onyang Master's wide kimono sleeve waved, and in his backhand, the old elder wand was held in his hand, and then he calmly pointed at Miss Tao's brow.

"But I want to know more now... who are you."

The face of Zhang Junyun next to him changed greatly, but the pointed Miss Tao was more like being pointed at than herself, and she asked very calmly, "What do you mean."

"I mean, I want to know who you are." Yi Xiao looked at Miss Tao, her expression was more bland than her, "exact monsters, eight feet, nine tails and eight Qi, this term is not yours. ...What the British can say."

"You mean, it's weird to say this in my Victorian clothes, right?" Miss Tao shrugged. "Then I can wear a kimono. I have dark hair and black eyes, although it looks Western. It’s a little bit, but I’m not sure you can’t be sure, and you don’t know if there are birds in this area in Japan.”

"Why should I be so troublesome."

Yi Xiao took a slight inhalation and wrestled forward. "There are already two guys in front of me trying to lie to me, but they are all locked up by me. Do you want to be the third one?"

"I'm telling the truth, without the first cycle, I have lived in Japan for decades, and the tone and vocabulary of learning here is very normal." Miss Tao has a relaxed tone, "Aren't you magical, you can test it yourself , But I want to remind you that when we returned, the memories of the birds were very large. You need to be more careful."

"If you really understand me, you must know the existence of the meditation basin."

Miss Tao is undeniable, still a plain expression.

After a long time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xiao's wand is slowly put down. The ability of the back-time bird is really important. Under the temptation of time, Yi Xuan does not want to make the relationship too rigid.

"I believe in you." Yi Xiao squeezed out a perfect smile. Zhang Junyun next to him looked at the corner of his eyes again, "I'm afraid the next thing is..."


Before Yi Biao's words fell, there was a loud noise outside the spacecraft, and then the entire spacecraft began to shake violently.

"What's wrong!" Yi Huo shouted loudly.

The intelligent core of the humble spaceship on the blood-blooded spacecraft immediately emerged, and then the external detection equipment screen was switched out, and the answer was given, "We have been attacked." It said concisely and clearly.

Under the gaze of a few people, the light curtain showed the outside situation. At this time, the spaceship was surrounded by densely packed individual aircraft, and the driver of the aircraft was the combat team of Gantz! (To be continued.)

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