High Magic Earth

Chapter 998: Back to the bird (2)

The pointer of the pocket watch in Miss Tao's hand ticked back and forth, Yi Yi's eyes were sharp, and he clearly saw the scene where the pointer turned.

As the time of the pocket watch goes backwards, everything around him also starts to go backwards quickly.

The blood splattered in the air in the air, like a sharp arrow, shrank back quickly, like a sharp arrow, and shuttled back to Yang Yan's body again. The samurai sword that pierced her also shrank back, and the broken wound contracted and healed Yang Yan's pale face turned red again, but the shock in her eyes could not be concealed.

And not only that, to break apart, blasted out, like raindrops of gravel, manic, all the combatants of the Gantz squad like giant monsters were pulled back, and in a flash, everything went backwards.

Back in time, everything returns.

This is the power of the time-returning bird, the time of turning, creating an infinite time cycle, and in this time cycle, they are absolutely safe.

"The power of time..." Yi Chou whispered, looking at Miss Tao in her arms flashing a scorching frenzy, but quickly calmed down again.

Time has always been an unreachable area of ​​Yi Chao. The few magics and experiences related to time are completely separated from the essence of time. Therefore, time knowledge has always been what Yi Chao wants to obtain.

The appearance of the bird at the time of return obviously brought a huge surprise to Yi Chou.

Seriously, before entering this err... this unknown world, Yi Chao didn't expect that there will be a Huishi bird here. The appearance of Huishi bird is completely unexpected.

This can be considered a surprise.

But so far, it just looks a lot like time backtracking.

The time converter of Yi Chao seems to be able to convert time, but it is a illusion of accelerated thinking. At this time, Miss Niaotao seems to restore all the time around her, but Yi Dao is not sure, Is this some other unknown magic.

Before everything is proven, no one can say that this is the power of time.

But the power of the birds back to the time is still very peeping, after all... even if it is not time, this is also a rare and powerful magic.

After two minutes.

When Miss Tao pressed her finger on the time-rewinding button of the pocket watch, the minute hand stopped immediately, and then the second hand began to tick forward again.

At this time, the surrounding walls that had been blown up had been restored as they were when they were born, and Zhang Junyun and others who rushed out with Tan Qing were dragged back by the power of time retrospectively.


Zhang Junyun was dumbfounded and couldn't help but stunned.

"Time is..."

Yi Xiao thought that Zhang Junyun understood the meaning of the name of the bird in the time back, but did not expect that he actually didn’t realize anything, but now it’s not the time to talk about it. People, then whispered.

"Don't be dazed, hold on!"

"Hold on..."

Zhang Junyun instinctively questioned, but unfortunately did not wait for a second, a huge floating spacecraft appeared in place, directly propping up the narrow square walls.

Yi Chou's wand waved and took Zhang Junyun and several people directly to the interior of the spacecraft. At the next moment, the already prepared spacecraft instantly rose into the sky, and the unstable Zhang Junyun people were immediately thrown to the other side of the spacecraft by inertia. Crashed into a patty on the wall.

"Be careful!" Zhang Junyun complained loudly before he could think about the spaceship's power.

He didn't want to die under Gantz's attack, but he died in the bad driving skills.

It is a pity that this spaceship is left by the Jagged Warriors, not the main body of that warship, but the existence of an escape ship.

It didn't take much damage. The dead Jagged Warrior didn't use it at all, probably because there were only Jagged Martians who died in battle, and there were no Jagged Humans who fled.

However, although Yi Xiao studied and understood how to operate this spaceship, the bumpy and rough feeling was inevitable, because this was the style of the blood-blooded planet.


At the next moment, Xuan Yeji and others hadn't had time to get out of Gantz's black ball teleport, and a huge blast wave flew them out.

Almost did not break their bodies.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Gantz seemed to be aware of the danger and directly threw out Gengenji and others.

Except for a small number of rookies, almost everyone reacted. Even a few newcomers, they also hide at the last moment. After all, the time has just been redeployed once, and there is no memory of a few people with Xuanyeji. disappear.


Xuan Yeji issued a rant, and the combat clothing of two people directly jumped a distance of half a person here. The swollen muscles took Xuan Yeji to the side, and even took a few to evade, still wearing the original The companion in tights ran into a relatively safe zone.

Sure enough, this time the enemy is not simple. Not only is it very fast, it has a lot of weird abilities, and even time can be reversed.

But fortunately, the time for retrogression does not seem to be long.

Quickly retreating to a safe distance Xuan Yeji breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, the graduates of the Gantz squad also jumped to his side. Similarly, the locks of the companions without helmets could also be seen on the faces. Brows.

"We..." Ichiro Nishijo looked cold.

It was just that he hadn't finished speaking, and Gengenori waved his hand directly, and then interrupted him, "Wait... did you hear any sound."

"Drip-drop-drop -"

Although it's because of Gantz's control, Xuan Yeji's behavior, even if it is not ungrateful, is absolutely ruthless. In the face of such a guy, Yi Xuan did not intend to let him go easily.

After he left the spaceship, he left a big gift for Xugeno on the spot, hoping he would like it.

Immediately after Xuanye Ji said this sentence, Kato Sheng and others immediately fell silent and looked down at the sound. They soon saw a flash of unknown gloss in the flying dust raised by the spaceship and the gravel. Small box.

It's about the size of a TV.


Xuan Yeji reacted for the first time, grabbed Kato Sheng without looking back, and ran wildly. While running, he still shouted, "It's a bomb!!"


A ray of light that seemed to explode from a nuclear bomb instantly included the position of Xugeno Ji and others, and then rose straight into the sky, forming a huge semicircle that encompassed the ground, and then spread outwards instantly.

The huge light is like the sun, dazzling and crazy, even a few miles away.

"Mom, what is that?"

A mother with her daughter, who had just gone to school, walked on the street, and the dazzling sphere of light rose in the center of the city. The ignorant young child asked, pointing curiously at the midair.

Her mother's complexion changed immediately after she lifted her head, and even before she screamed, she hugged her child back, but the next moment, the huge sphere of light did not stop, and the whistling spread instantly.

The blooming light skipped the two people's bodies, did not stay for a second, and melted them away directly, the skin, muscles, then bones and internal organs, and finally turned into ashes.

At the same time, this scene took place in all areas shrouded in light, not only human beings, cars running on the ground, plants and billboards standing on the roadside, even buildings standing on the ground.

All the moments were melted away by the scorching heat, like ice cream held high in front of the sun.

Not even half a second, there is no liquid left to melt.

"Oh my god!"

"what is that!"

"Is the end of the world coming?"

"Did the war break out!!"

At this moment, countless people have seen this scene, they don't know what happened at all, they can only curl up in fear and continue to pray.

The blooming light is like a blooming death lotus. Wherever it goes, it melts everything back to the original face of the earth.

This is the hometown of Kaineng and Gu Mo, the highest technology of Yunxing, and the most frightening weapon, the concentrated bomb of high-energy plasma. They used this thing to clean the entire hometown of Mao Wen, and even to The entire planet is ploughed into a wasteland charred.

Although the number of such weapons on the colonial ship is not large, Yi Xuan also found dozens of them, and Yi Xuan left one of them as a gift for Xuan Yeji.

Fortunately, it is only one, and the power is not too big, otherwise the entire city will be destroyed by it.

Looking at the scene below as if ruining the world, Zhang Junyun stretched the height of the spaceship, and then stood at the window and looked down. Zhang Junyun could not help but stand beside Yi Chou's side and said, "This... what is this ..."

Compared to mysterious magic, this explosion from technology looks more deterrent, and Yi Chou has always appeared as a wizard, linked to the mysterious powers of magic, and suddenly throws out such things, Even for a while, Zhang Junyun couldn't even speak.

"As you can see." Yi Chou is still a very calm voice, "This is not a nuclear bomb."

"But...but how do you..."

"I'm a wizard, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to live like a primitive man." Yi Chou clapped his hands, and then said to an intelligent projection that appeared out of thin air in an unknown language, "Enter autopilot mode."

"Yes, agent."

The rudimentary intelligence from the Iron-Blooded Planet responded to Yi Chou in the language of the Iron-Blood Warrior. If it was not the talent that the hourglass brought to Yi Chou, I am afraid that he would still use this spaceship.

Seeing the seemingly mastery of countless foreign languages, Yi Biao was proficient and talking with the existence of artificial intelligence. Zhang Junyun could not help but twitched his mouth. This is no longer a problem like the original people. It completely spans several times from modern times. This era has jumped into the future.

At this time, Yi Chou had thrown them aside, and then slowly came to Miss Tao, "Now, dear Miss Huishi bird, can you explain everything from beginning to end."

It’s just that Miss Tao didn’t answer immediately, but stood up, and seemed to touch the spaceship with some nostalgia. “Although I’ve seen it many times in the video, but really see the real spaceship, I still feel very... incredible. ."

"This huge battleship doesn't look like a product that can appear in this world at all. I really feel shocked every time I look at it."

However, Yi Xiao grasped the information revealed in her words keenly, "You... have seen this many times?" he asked in disbelief.

What does this mean, this means that the bird has created a roundabout, and he is already in the time loop, and he does not know yet.

Even more, it is possible that you are actually already in time wandering at this time, time and time again, but you have not noticed the truth at all.

At the thought of this possibility, Yi Chou felt shudder all over, even more terrified than knowing that the enemy was an angel and a demon.

Fortunately, Miss Tao's next sentence dispelled Yi Chou's doubts.

"I haven't really seen it," she said, shaking her head. "It was always on that old videotape."

"Videotape?" Yi Xiao frowned, instinctively thinking of something bad, such as the two guys who were locked in a small black room by him.

And...the Victorian era, there should be no video tapes.

However, Miss Tao may just like Victorian-style clothes. After all, the time concept of the time bird is very strange, and even if she is really a Victorian, the time bird can also enter the future world through time.

If the ability of the birds back... is really time.

Yi Ao quickly tossed aside these details and grabbed another point of her attention.

"That is to say... all this has happened now, and at least it happened again before it can be recorded by the videotape, right."

But unexpectedly, Miss Tao shook her head again, "We are not sure if it was recorded by one of our kind, because we don't know where the video tape came from."

"You know... I have met many special people, and there are many special people who can meet the future, or dreams can show that something will happen in the future, maybe they are left."

Special people... Yi Chao frowned slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ means literally, refers to those who have special abilities.

Backward birds come from a very special and strange world. There are many people like abilities and mutants, awakening a variety of strange abilities. They are collectively called special people.

But since they appear in the second world where they are, they are not new humans, but a kind of magical creatures.

Because the bird has the ability to cycle time, it can create a completely safe area, so it has always been responsible for caring for the cubs of special people, that is, young special people.

And these peculiar people sound from characteristics... obviously they are not Green creatures.

You know, in the previous Edo era, in addition to the land at the foot of Yi Chou, the far west was also a time when magical creatures were prevalent.

Green creatures are the most numerous species.

And now... Yi Chou couldn't help rubbing his head. Although the general situation of the matter still didn't deviate much, it was clear that the appearance of the bird back in time made the complexity of all things countless times. (~^~)

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