High Magic Earth

Chapter 997: Back-time bird

"Back... what bird?" Zhang Junyun's voice stuttered.

"Back to the bird, back, back, back, time, come with me..." Unexpectedly, Miss Tao immediately put on an attitude of educating children.

Zhang Junyun couldn't stand it. He quickly hid behind Yi Huo, and this made Miss Tao stop sorrowfully, realizing that the people in front of him didn't understand anything and needed care.

Why are these people around you one-by-one unreliable, Yi Chou's face darkened a bit, interrupting the childish interaction between Zhang Junyun and Miss Tao.

"Miss Tao." Yi Xiao cleared his throat and attracted the young Victorian lady's attention to herself again. "If it wasn't for you that you didn't wear eyeshadow, I thought I saw Miss Pei, then...Why not Miss Perry Green comes to pick us up."

"I thought the message was very clear." Miss Tao shoved her scarf and then stepped back elegantly with her hands on her hips. "Wait... Miss Pei, do you know us?"

"No... I just know that Perry Green is alone, and I'm not sure if she really exists..."

"It's the old woman again, why do you all know her." Miss Tao complained, seemingly jealous.

"old woman?"

"You don't think that when we go back, the birds will not grow old." Faced with the surprising clamor, Miss Tao's tone was even more surprised.

"I'm actually only curious about your time view when you return to the bird." Yi Chou's voice was calm. "But now, I feel a little disappointed, because you may not be the kind of things I imagine."

"If it's not that we still need your help, maybe you can never wait for the next second now." Miss Tao said angrily, "How do you know us?"

"It's a strange question." Yi Ao looked directly at Miss Tao's eyes, "If I don't know you, why should I come to see you."

"...Of course it is." Miss Tao raised her long eyebrows. "Because of the note we left."

"But I didn't see any note you left..." Yi Chou's voice was hesitant.

"You just said that you saw the content on the note?"

"...That's not the note you left..."

"That's..." Suddenly, everyone including Zhang Junyun and others realized that things weren't good.

When she returned, Miss Taotao took out her pocket watch, gently knocked off the cover, and snapped it on and said, "We'll leave here first. It's too late, but we have an extra hour of buffer time."


Zhang Junyun, who is most sensitive to hearing, turned his ears sideways. He always felt that some kind of electric current echoed around him, but whenever he listened carefully, it would disappear again.

After several repetitions, he couldn't help but interrupt Miss Tao.

Just outside the hutong separated by a wall of several people, dozens of brilliant blue lights appeared out of thin air. Then, like a 3D printer, the figures of Xuan Yeji and others were transported out of thin air here.

Start from the beginning, and then gradually spread to the feet.

The body cannot be moved until the overall delivery is complete, but all people, including those who have just joined in the previous battle, are silent and shut their mouths in silence.

Like ghosts, the Gantz players watched the empty wall in front of them, waiting for the next moment of battle.

The interrupted Miss Tao was very impatient. Her attitude towards Zhang Junyun was very different from Yi Huo. After listening a little, she took out her pocket watch again, glanced at it and said, "I didn't hear anything. "

"Okay, don't waste any more time, then let's go round..."


Just before Miss Tao’s voice fell, a loud noise came from all directions, trapping them, or the walls protecting them broke apart, and the broken stones seemed to be meteors blasted by the sky, and they were surrounded by an instant. stand up.

"Ah!" A brick with such a big fist went straight to Miss Tao's head, and this young bird was obviously the fledgling chick, facing the shatter that almost surrounded and woven them. Shi Yu, she didn't have time to respond at all, just an instinctive scream, and even forgot her ability to change back to the dodo when she returned.

Of course, other people are not much better than her.

Zhang Junyun let out a roar, his body skyrocketed for a few laps. He intended to use the werewolf's powerful qualities to resist hardly. Anyway, this gravel could not hurt the werewolf, and he could only be said to be drizzle.

Daisy's response was not slow, her hands waved, and the iron armor curse was already in front of her.

Silent spells and instant spells, Daisy’s strength is not as weak as she had imagined. Before, she hid some power, but under the leadership of Yi Chou, the enemies they faced were obviously not as simple as before, so Daisy also Can't keep it anymore.

It's just... Yi Chou is not sure if such a thin spell can protect Daisy under these stormy gravel.

Susuke Kanosuke is not worried because he hasn’t heard that the Flash is killed by bullets under high-speed movement. Although the speed of Susukesuke is far less than that of Barry Allen, these splashed rubbles don’t have to be. bullet.

The sudden attack really scared a few people, but they did not let them mess up. In order to avoid, Zhang Junyun and others can be said to have shown a variety of abilities.

But there is no other way, such as Tan Qing and Yang Yan, they did not fail to respond, but even if they did, they did not have the ability to resist.

"Be careful!"

At this time, Zhang Junyun roared and directly protected Tan Qing, protecting her in his arms.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched slightly, and then a dazzling yellow light gleamed in his palm, and then flicked at Daisy's position. "Iron Armor!" he shouted loudly.

Daisy, "..."

Well, although it is still an iron armor curse, but it can finally help herself to resist these rubbles, Daisy also knows that her iron armor curse is not reliable, but this is her most skilled spell.

The invisibility curse and the iron armor curse are the two most familiar spells of Daisy. The latter Daisy can be instantaneously silent, but the effect is very effective, but if it is replaced by Yi Huo, then the effect is obviously different.

Daisy also wanted to transform her mastery magic into a phantom, but her magical talent is not outstanding, she can only come step by step, and her mentor is not in a hurry to let her master it.

The yellow light instantly spread from Daisy's head, covering her whole body like a layer of golden armor radiating light.

"leave here!"

Yi Chou shouted to others, "We'll gather there!"

As Yi Biao's words fell, the tallest building in the city burst into a dazzling light, just like the whole building became a street lamp in the night.

This kind of magic gloss can only be seen by Zhang Junyun and others who are marked by Yi Huo, and ordinary people can't see it.

These things only happened in a short moment, just after Yi Chou threw the Iron Armor Curse to Daisy, the attack on Xiangyang and Miss Tao almost reached their faces.

Although the gravel is not enough to be fatal, if you are unlucky, the final result is not easy to say.

And not just the splashed gravel, the real fatal crisis came from the attack of the Gantz squad that hid in the shadows, hiding under the gravel.

The sharp samurai sword is mixed in the gravel, the broad blade is even more than one meter long, the surface is dark, exudes a matte dim, like a bloodthirsty soul from hell.

"Slow." A small line of burning flames appeared in the air in front of Yi Ao's eyes. Only Yi Ao could see it, staring at the words that came into his eyes, and Yi Ao whispered.

Then at the next moment, everything around it slowed down, as if the twisted spring was terminated, and the whole world became weak.

Yi Xiao's pupils slightly enlarged, and in an instant, he finally saw what was suddenly attacking them.

Gantz combatants!

Their styling has changed dramatically compared to before. It seems that the thin tights disappeared, replaced by a set of strong armor. Although the appearance is still a tights style, it looks like a set of exoskeleton armor. general.

The gas valves and bulging muscles all over the body make this combat uniform look extraordinarily intimidating, but it looks a little like a... gorilla.

These armours seem to be more difficult to deal with than before, not to mention that its speed has even exceeded the limit of Yi Huo's ability to react in the state of ordinary people, to the extent that it can't be captured without magic.

This is an upgraded version of the original combat uniform, and each Gantz staff has a set, only a small number of people still wear the original combat uniform.

Although it looks a little ugly, these combat uniforms... are very valuable.

But this time is not the reality with them, there are two guys beside Yang Yan and Miss Tao who are unable to protect themselves.

Everything around him was slow motion in Yi Biao's eyes. A small line was reflected in Yi Biao's eyes again. He quickly whispered, "As a companion, the poison of Yangyan can't hurt me."

At the next moment, Yi Chou violently turned Yang Yang, which had been turned into silk, into the ground, and pulled it out of thin air again.

Yang Yan apparently hadn't experienced such a situation. She exclaimed, and was hugged by Yi Chou, twisted to the side, and then ran again to the confused Miss Tao.

"Hurry up!" Yang Yan called out anxiously.

It is not because of other reasons, but Yangyan is a poisonous person. Her body contains a lot of speed, which is almost fatal, and the toxin can be no matter whether you are an acquaintance, so no one can touch Yangyan, even her. Deeply in love with Kanosuke cannot say it, because the two of them cannot be together.

Simply, Yang Yan has never been clear.

However, Yang Yan soon discovered that holding his own clamor did not appear to have a blue face. Although it was still a cold expressionless face, it looked very normal.

There was no time to explain to Yang Yan, Yi Xiao directly grabbed Miss Tao again.

Yang Yan's ability looks a bit blurred, turning himself into a layer of tulle, but this is not the case.

Unlike the super speed of Kanosuke, in addition to poison, the ability of Yang Yan's endure is not mere satin, but an eye-blocking method, which only makes himself seem invisible.

This may be useful to humans, but in the face of the previous range of attacks, it will still attack Yang Yan.

Yi Biao's figure rose and fell, and with floating energy, he was like a **** bird, and instantly pecked Yang Yan and Miss Tao on the ground.

The black shadow enveloped Miss Tao and took her panicked into the air directly.

But at this moment, Miss Tao who calmed down a little suddenly shouted loudly, "Be careful!"

Although Yi Chao can slow down his surroundings, the essence of time has not changed, but Yi Chao’s thoughts and thoughts have flowed faster, time is still passing, and one second cannot be split into two seconds.

When Yi Piao took Miss Tao and Yang Yan away, several of the fastest giant Gantz fighters had rushed to his side, and the weapons with azure blue luster in their palms were slightly aimed at the three Yi Peng.

This is the kind of satellite positioning combat pistol mentioned by Zhang Junyun. Once locked by the attack, there is no way to avoid it.

There was a sense of danger in Yi Ao's heart that made him palpitate. He slammed to the side and immediately hid several locks from the positioning pistol.

But at the next moment, the whole body was wrapped in the orangutan combat uniform, and the mysterious plan that only exposed one head had suddenly appeared behind Yi Chou.

The sharp samurai sword crossed a distance of more than one meter and stabbed at Yi Chou without hesitation.

There is no hesitation or guilt in Xuan Yeji's eyes. Some are just determined to complete the task.

Miss Tao, who was held in her arms by Yi Xao, saw this scene behind Yi Xiao. She shouted loudly, trying to remind Yi Xiao, but it seemed too late.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's skin change has felt the tingling sensation from the sharp cold light of the blade.

If it is stabbed, it will directly penetrate through herself and Miss Tao.

Miss Tao, who is a Huishi bird, is more important than herself in a sense. Of course, Yi Chou will not just let the Huishi bird that was found be killed by someone.

A string of magic words popped up again in front of Yi Ao's eyes. He whispered, "Void."

In the next moment, the samurai sword passed through Yi Xiao and Miss Tao, but they didn't hurt them. It was like stabbing a ghost.

But just like on the train, Xuan Yeji was not satisfied with his record. He turned the blade in the air and instantly stabbed at the sun that could not dodge. Yi Chou only had time to protect Miss Tao, and did not put too much energy. Concerned about Yang Yan, and she did not have time to respond to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Plus, in order to prevent Miss Tao from being poisoned by Yang Yan, Yi Xuan placed Yang Yan far away. When he came, he couldn't give back.

"No!" Miss Tao peached this scene angrily, and at the next moment, the samurai sword came out through the body and directly stabbed Yang Yan's back heart.

Xuan Yeji showed a smile, and his body immediately fell down, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Seeing her companion die in front of her again, Miss Peach stretched out her slender palms with black gloves, and a delicate pocket watch appeared on her palm. Then, she wanted to slam next to her.

At the next moment, the smile on Xuan Yeji's face froze, and everything around him froze.

As if time had been suspended.

Miss Tao continued to dial the pocket watch. She dialed back the minute hand of the pocket watch and dialed two full turns.

And in an instant, everything around them also began to follow backwards. (~^~)

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