High Magic Earth

Chapter 996: clue

In the empty subway corridor, the firm voice of Ono Mushiren sounded. The unsolved cases in the past years are about to be solved and the honor of the first person of the alien is tempting him, making him temporarily forget the danger of these people.

And until Yi Xiao walked in front of the police, Ohno Mushi talents remembered their horror, such as...the video where Yi Xuan was able to resist bullets.

Although he wanted to catch alive, but reason told him that this is probably very difficult to do.

Therefore, the Ono Mushiren can only start first, because from the previous monitoring, these people have different abilities, and it is inevitable that they can survive the submachine gun salvo.

Of course, a serious injury is the best situation, and it is also the situation that Ono Mushiren most wanted to see.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

With the order of Director Onomu, all the policemen did not hesitate to pull the trigger in their hands. The tongue of the submachine gun was like a heavy rain in the sky, instantly forming a dense firelight, which will include Yi Chao and Zhang Junyun behind him. Wait until everyone is covered.

The sound of gunfire was like rain, and the fire was like lightning.

These policemen obviously have the commonality of absolute execution of orders, and they do not even hesitate, which can be said to be an advantage or a disadvantage.

The advantage is that they will execute the command without any downside, and the terrible thing is that even if it is in front of them, even if the command directs them to point the gun at the innocent citizens, they will not hesitate to execute, or even will not Be suspicious of the target in front of you, and doubt the correctness of the order.

The bullets that swarmed over covered several people in an instant. At the moment when the fire came out, Daisy was almost instinctive. She raised her hands slightly, and the iron armor curse was ready, and then she remembered the next moment. A teacher far from Dumbledore is here.

But compared to Daisy’s overreaction, Zhang Junyun and Tan Qing were much indifferent. Zhang Junyun believed in Yi Chou’s strength, or his judgment of Yi Chou, and then he stepped forward slightly, blocking Tan Qing Behind him.

Of course, Tan Qing did not accept his love, and she was not stupid.

Like the policemen on the opposite side, Yangyan Yuxansuke retains their unique character, and has no doubt about Yi Chou's order, that is, the order of the strong who they believe.

Two ninjas from the Edo period did not understand guns, but they had already seen their power on the previous train.

These small thumb-sized bullets are definitely enough to make them into a honeycomb, but not only the strings, but even the Yang Yan did not take a step back, but the pupils contracted slightly, which is human instinct when facing danger.

The bullets swarmed, just before the bullets of the former servants and the subsequent bullets were about to pass through them. Yi Chou lifted his hands upwards, and a huge magic book instantly appeared, turned open, and stood in front of everyone.

Then at the next moment, Yi Chou's voice echoed in the long tunnel of the subway station.

"What I see is still..."

As if the picture at this moment was frozen, all the police, including bullets in the air, were stagnate in place at the moment Yi Biao said the words.

Even... the high-ejection bullet can still see the white spiral cyclone pulled out at the back, and the short and small airflow formed by the front warhead.

The magic book began to shrink, and finally exposed Zhang Junyun and others who were behind it, and they also saw the police and the bullets that were frozen in place.

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but swallow a spit. Although he had long realized the power of the magic book in Yi Xuan's hands, he still couldn't help but panic when he really saw this frozen picture.

The ability to solidify time.

This is not the effect of using the mental power to stagnate the object in the ability, but the real stillness.

Because the sharp vision of Zhang Junyun werewolf can let him see that almost all the police pupils on the opposite side have stopped turning, and even his breath has disappeared.

They were frozen, in the true sense.

This also means that if Yi Biao is willing, his enemies will not even know what happened, and they will die unconsciously, because everything is only born in a moment.

Um... Zhang Junyun felt like he missed something, wait...

At the next moment, Zhang Junyun suddenly shouted, "Wait! You are not going to..."

It's a pity that it was too late. When he realized it was too late. At the moment when he said it, it was almost too late, because Yi Chou had spoken gently again without hesitation.




As Yihou's voice fell, there was a popping sound in the air like some kind of flash, and then all the bullets that were stuck in the air were all back like arrows.

Some bullets even returned to the gun in the hands of its master even when the police were too late to respond.

But reflecting the bullet back is not such a safe thing, the return of the bullet is not as simple as the bullet, but fatal.

"Boom! Boom!"

In front of several people, there was a series of blasts again, accompanied by several screams and wailing, just in the blink of an eye, the police block in front of them had all arrived.

But at this time, Zhang Junyun just asked, "...kill them all..."

The fire and the white smoke splashed on the ground dispersed, exposing the corpses on the ground, and the blood flowed across the ground, slowly spreading on the residual limbs on the ground, connecting them to form an abstract oil painting that seemed to be the most terrible in the world.

The whole body of the oil painting is composed of dark red, accompanied by and dotted with dim light.

The bullets that bounced back killed all the police at the moment of the explosion, and the intensive bullet storm tore them into pieces without accident, even screaming and reaction time.

The sound in the tunnel finally stopped, because there was no other living creature besides these people.

Zhang Junyun opened his mouth, and finally closed it in vain.

He originally planned to stop it, but since the matter was born, there is no need to raise it again. In terms of human relations, Zhang Junyun is much more proficient than Yi strange, this strange guy.

Of course, this is just Zhang Junyun's wishful thinking.

While Zhang Junyun was in a daze, Tan Qing took the opportunity to step sideways from behind him and immediately saw the scene in front of him. In fact, he didn’t need to see it. He could only guess what he had born by listening to the sound. It's just that Tan Qing wants to confirm again.

"You killed them?" she asked incredulously.

"I thought you saw it clearly." Yi Chou tilted his head and seemed puzzled.

"You..." Tan Qing looked a little angry, "They are just ordinary people, why do you want to kill them?"

"Because... they want to kill us?"

"They can't hurt us at all." Tan Qing took a deep breath. "You can totally stun them. They also have their own family. They also have their own lives. He..."

Tan Qing took a deep breath again, then calmed down, "Sorry." She said, "I shouldn't say that."

She was a little too excited. Tan Qing knew she didn't have a position to say so easily. Because if she insisted on maintaining her opinion, she seemed to be a virgin, so she stopped immediately.

Tan Qing has passed the age of the Virgin Mary. Although she is not a house lady, she still has seen a lot of them. It is because of this that she realized that she was doing something wrong and then backed away.

It's just... so many innocent people died in front of her, Tan Qing could not be so calm, but she knew she didn't seem to have any position to blame.

Zhang Junyun was also stunned. When he saw Tan Qing himself stopped, he felt relieved. Although he was not sure that Yi Chou would be detrimental to Tan Qing, Zhang Junyun did not dare to guarantee that he knew the man Yi Chang completely.

He quickly said again, "Sorry, she..."

Yi Xiao waved his hand and stopped Zhang Junyun from continuing to say down. He turned his head to look back. Tan Qing had walked silently to Daisy's side at the end of the team, and then remained silent.

"It's nothing." Yi Xuan said, "That's not what she saw."

Yi Chou's soul energy is already functioning, otherwise what is waiting for Tan Qing is not an answer, but a sentence of Awada.

Shaking his head, Yi Xuan said again, "Let's leave, it's too late." Zhang Junyun nodded, but smiled at Yi Xuan with an apologetic smile, and then ran back to find Tan Qing.

In this way, Yi Xuan was behind Yang Yan and Xuan Zhisuke. He pouted at the two, Yi Xuan again found a direction, and then opened a passage on the wall...

After three minutes.


With a loud bang, the gate on the back street of the most prosperous bar above the subway station was heavily kicked open, and even the **** piled up in front of the door was blasted off. The closure was closed for a long time. The gate flew to the opposite wall, raising layers of dust.

Looking at Zhang Junyun, who was turning his ankle, Yi Xiao said lightly, "Not all doors are suitable for kicking open." After he finished, he took the lead to go out.

Zhang Junyun, who appeared next to him, covered his nose and asked in disgust, "Where is this?"

"I don't know." Yi Xuan shrugged. "I didn't choose the place."

"Who is that?"

"You have too many questions."

"Okay." Seeing Yi Chou didn't go to the exit of the back lane, but continued to go in, and finally took them to the dead end of this back lane. Zhang Junyun shrugged, "I will say the last sentence again ."


"I think this is a dead end."

"It's not true."

Yi Xiao took out his wand again. The wand was lightly dotted on the wall. Suddenly, the bricks began to flow like liquid like the wall in the subway tunnel before.

Zhang Junyun was a very difficult general. It seemed that a strong sense of diagonal lane swallowed back the words, because he was afraid that the other end of the wall would really lead to a magical world.

Although the magical world sounds wonderful, he did intend to go around, but not now, a sense of urgency has already appeared in Zhang Junyun's heart, and this journey is already chaotic enough, Zhang Junyun just wants to end it as soon as possible.

The wall was gradually peeled off, and it appeared in front of several people...

It's still a wall or a dead end.

"What am I saying." Zhang Junyun shrugged and said again when he was about to leave his words behind his head.

However, Yi Biao was treated as if she hadn't heard it, and she continued to walk inward as if she was blind. The other few people were helpless and could only follow Yi Biao.

As all of them entered, the door on the wall was closed again, and no trace of stone door could be found. The wall and the opposite wall formed a square, which just included them.

Yi Xiaodang didn't have many surprised expressions. After standing, he took out the pocket watch again, looked at it in his hand and snapped it again with a click!

At the next moment, a black bird with a slender body suddenly appeared above the square alley. It wandered around in a circle and looked like a dodo.

After two and a half circles, it began to descend slowly, and finally landed on the wall above the dead end.

He tilted his small head, and it jumped off the wall, and the wings flew across the open space in front of several people.

Yi Chao, who had never shown any fierce expression fluctuations along the way, became very strange at this moment, like surprise, like joy and unbelievable, until the end, he calmed down again.

Because sometimes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

At this time, Zhang Junyun and others also realized the abnormality of Yi Chou. As long as they were not idiots, they all understood that the strange thing was the bird on the ground.

Although he is not a wizard, Zhang Junyun, who has stepped halfway into the magic world, will naturally not regard this bird as an ordinary bird.

He tentatively asked Yi Chou, "It's..."

Not waiting for Yi Chou to answer, the dodo made a clear cry, and then his wings rose in the air, her body flipped in the air to reveal the state of humanity, and finally when she landed on the ground, she had become a Victorian man Times-style clothing, wearing a scarf and hat, tall women.

She didn't know where to find a pocket watch, opened it with her right hand wearing long black gloves, her gaze fixed, and then said to Yi Xiao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are a minute late, which is unforgivable. "

"As a person who is here for the first time." Yi Chou's voice is still very calm, "I think I can find it, it is already very difficult."

"No." The Miss Victoria obviously didn't think so, "You shouldn't be late, time...what went wrong."

"Perhaps because of the note I received."

"Oh, is that true." Miss Victoria was stunned again. "We forgot to take into account the factors outside the maneuver. Fortunately, only one minute this time, we will write this down."

Zhang Junyun heard the conversation between the two men confused, and he turned his help to Yi Chou, and then asked, "This bird...Miss?"

"I'm not Miss Bird," the Victorian-style lady directly took the topic for Yi Huo. "You shouldn't call me by such a strange name. I have my own name. You can call me Miss Tao."

"And even if it is a bird, I am not an ordinary bird, I am a return time bird." (To be continued.) 8

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