High Magic Earth

Chapter 995: Goal (2)

Shan Mujun has been paying attention to these strangely dressed guys. He is not very young. In addition, this is a country where anime is popular. Naturally, it will not be strange for a few. He has not seen role-playing.

Even if they are in the cab of the train, there is nothing wrong with it.

Maybe they have people who have experience in train operation, otherwise how this train stops, it is impossible to wait for it to stop on its own.

Because once the train is completely out of control, then only this kind of ending will be overturned.

Just instinctively, Shan Mujun always felt that there was something wrong with these people, but he couldn't tell.

However, the train stopped slowly, and Shan Mujun was too late to think about these issues, so he and his colleagues quickly rushed toward the middle of the train with first aid equipment...


The iron gate made a loud noise and hit the wall of the tunnel heavily. Zhang Junyun took the lead and led other mermaids out of it, but when they left the shadow, they found that the busy crowd outside did not seem to notice themselves. people.

Zhang Junyun gestured to Yi Chou with his eyes, but Yi Chou shook his head. "I didn't hide it with magic." He said.

Sure enough, before waiting for a few people to take a few steps, some people wearing bright orange life jackets hurried over and hurriedly asked them, "Are there any injuries? Are there any injuries..."

Yi Chang, who was behind Zhang Junyun, snapped his fingers, and the lifeguard immediately silenced, made a sharp turn in front of them, and the whole person turned back again.

Zhang Junyun glanced at Yi Chou with envious expressions. Muggle expulsion spells like this are really tricks to cover up whereabouts. Even if they do something bad, they will never be discovered. The most important thing is that there will be no slightest. The flaw, "It's really convenient." He couldn't help but envy.

Of course, although Zhang Junyun is not a wizard, when the werewolf's strong physique also brought him a very affordable effect, such as night clubs every night...

After dismissing these enthusiastic ambulance crews, Yi Chou still did not fill them with magic spells such as the invisibility spell or the Muggle expulsion spell, but they sneaked in the shadows, except for the first time they came out, it was more conspicuous Some, soon the scene was messed up, and no one noticed them again.

Following the shadows quietly, the messy scenes on both sides of the train were seen by several people.

I have to say that the departments in this unfamiliar movie seem to be very fast, and unlike other movies, the police often come last.

At this time, the ambulance personnel from the rescue center had pulled the cordon and opened a passage to rescue the remaining passengers who were staying in the rear train compartment. It seems that the policeman called Zhengguang still listened to Zhang Junyun finally gave Suggestions.

Many people helped each other, and then slowly walked out of the car. Of course, more of them were carried out, because the passengers with several carriages were directly slaughtered by the black star submachine gun.

Emergency personnel hurriedly lifted the corpses down from the carriage. Countless corpses were placed on a stretcher and then transported along another path. Many corpses were broken into pieces by submachine guns, and even splicing was difficult.

Even most of the survivors were stained with large bloodstains, and almost half of their bodies were stained with red. I don’t know if they were their own or they were contaminated by falling on the body halfway.

Wailing and crying hovered over the dark tunnel, and Zhang Junyun heard frowns frequently. Although it is this country...Although the incident has nothing to do with them, it is still very uncomfortable.

This is human nature, and seeing such a miserable situation in person, most people will have this kind of performance.

Of course, it's just most of it. For example, Yi Chou, there is no response at this time, but he can't keep looking around, as if he's looking for something.

"this way."

Soon Yi Chou chose a direction. He came to the wall of the tunnel, took out his wand, and tapped it lightly. In an instant, as if a door was opened, the tight and seamless cement began to flow like liquid. Finally, slowly along the sides, revealing a passage for three people in parallel.

Opening the body sideways, Yi Chou let Zhang Junyun take the lead.

They did not think too much, only when Yi Chou was to eliminate the channel formed by magic, to stay at the end.

While walking through the tunnel, Daisy also curiously touched the wall in the passage, thinking that she was very interested in the magic used by Yi Chou. This is a good spell to take a short cut.

Hogwarts's knowledge taught her to open the door curse, but she didn't teach her to make the door. Is this an advanced application of transforming magic?

After everyone entered, Yi Biao flashed and stepped into the passage. Before leaving, he looked outside. Because the passage is in the shadow, everyone’s energy on the scene was concentrated on the train that caused the accident .

Looking inadvertently, Yi Chou seemed to see that one of the wounded was leaving the crowd, stumbling away to the distance, further and further away from the rescue center.

It's that female star in Zhang Junyun's mouth...

And the policeman who saw him on the train also saw this scene, and also followed up quietly. Yi Chou was not interested in these things, shook his head, and disappeared into the passage.

It's a pity that Zhang Junyun guessed wrongly that after Yi Biao left, the passageway was not closed, but remained stuck in place. It looked as if waiting for something...

Of course, it's not that nobody noticed this scene at all, because Yi Chou didn't hide the relationship with magic at all, ordinary people can still see them, as long as they are careful.

However, most of the people are around the train, and no one cares about them, but one person, Shanmu Jun, has been devoting some energy to paying attention to this group of strangely dressed guys.

He deliberately chose a side-by-side position so that he could see more clearly.

When discovering that Yi Xiao and others did not come to the rescue, but left directly, Shan Mujun was shocked that there seemed to be something wrong.

After all, as long as it is an ordinary person, after suffering such a big accident, even if there is no harm, it will not immediately go home like no one else, at least stay in the scene until the heart calms down.

He wanted to go up and stop a group of people, but he had already done so by his colleagues, but the next moment, his colleagues inexplicably turned back again, even as if he could not remember what he had done before.

Immediately, Shan Mujun's heart converged, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​joining up. He didn't want to get strange and troublesome.

For people of Shanmujun's age, relative to anime, he believes in listening to the urban legends he grew up in.

There are all kinds of weird things in this world, and they are often more terrible than strange and weird.

But when he saw Yi Chou’s wand waving a large hole in the tunnel wall, he almost glared his eyes, "Harry... Potter?" He lowered his mouth in blunt English. Shouted.

Shan Mujun is not a serious old antique. He naturally knows Harry Potter's movies very much and he likes it very much. When he saw this scene, he immediately instinctively thought of magic.

Of course, because people in this country have bigger brain holes and a bigger heart.

It’s just...just... even if it’s not Harry Potter, Shan Mujun didn’t think there was actually a person with special abilities in reality, and why that person’s wolf suit of Onmyoji wears such a chaotic feeling that made him Feeling confused in his head, he almost couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

Although the surroundings were messy, a colleague who was very close heard Shanmujun's whisper, but he didn't hear it clearly. When he saw that his movements slowed down, he quickly said with dissatisfaction, "Don't be dazed, Shanmu! There are many casualties."

Shan Mujun recovered, and he didn't say much. Instead, he lowered his head and started to get busy again.

And seeing this scene is not only Shanmu Jun, for example, directly came to the aliens, and has been watching the Daomu Shishi and others who have been watching Yi Yi and other people through the monitor, and also saw the whole process clearly. .

After more than two years, countless outstanding cases finally have key evidence, and he will soon become the first person to discover aliens in the world. Ohno Mushiren is very excited, but as an old policeman, he still makes him Press the inner excitement, and then quickly begin to give orders.

"Everyone keeps up." He commanded through the intercom.

At the next moment, countless policemen swarmed out of the several vans parked next to them, jumped off the platform, and rushed into the passage left by Yi Chou along the edge of the tunnel.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Here too, the cordon was quickly pulled up, and the cordon formed a closed area, blocking the others from the outside, as if forming two worlds.

Shanmu Jun, who was crouching next to the trauma first aid for the wounded, only heard a few bangs when the door was pushed open, and then a group of heavily armed police officers rushed down from above. They ran quickly, following the strange ones. Behind the person, rushed into the channel opened by the Onmyoji.

The movements of these policemen are very large. It seems that because those people have left, they have no intention of covering up their whereabouts. Such a large movement not only noticed Shanmu Jun, but as long as he was not blind, he could see it.

The figures of the police soon disappeared in the passageway, and there were also whispers of whispering around. I did not know what happened when so many police forces were dispatched.

Only Shan Mujun lowered his head. He felt that today... he seems to have a new understanding of the world...

When Shan Mujun saw Yi Biao using his magic and abilities, in a distant space he didn't know, a near-Earth satellite had captured this scene through ubiquitous network equipment.

His appearance and information were immediately uploaded to the detailed network, and a figure standing still suddenly jumped up.

Then immediately, the number began to rise frantically, and jumped up forty or fifty numbers in one breath, and then stayed still on 51 again.

The explosion of this series of numbers happened when the police entered the channel immediately afterwards, and if one of the rising numbers was removed, it would be the number of police who kept up.

Ohno Mishiren thought he was an observer, but he didn't know that he was the object of observation.

At the next moment, the figures and the data of these people all disappeared, and only a few lines of gray characters.

"Informers break through fifty"

"The value has exceeded the standard"

"Implement the removal task immediately"...

At the other end of the passage is still the subway platform, but through the exit of the other subway, the formation has once again changed to the arrogant and slow walk at the forefront, while others follow.

Because of the train accident, almost all the staff of the subway station were mobilized in the past. The subway station was closed and the empty white tile exit corridor was quiet. Only the footsteps of a few people were quiet.

But a moment later, Yi Chou stopped because, right in front of them, he was quietly waiting for a group of heavily armed policemen with transparent shields.

"I thought we were walking the short way." Zhang Junyun twitched his face and whispered to Yi Xuan. He walked forward, but Yi Xuan held his shoulder.

"Do you want to be beaten into a sieve." Yi Chou's voice was flat.

He spread his hands forward, spread his five fingers, and a pocket watch appeared out of thin air. Then, with a snap, the pocket watch's cover popped up, revealing the ticking pointer.

"And... we don't seem to have much time." He said again.

"Hour...time?" Zhang Junyun's voice was puzzled. "Are we in a hurry? I remember we have no specific goals..."

"Originally, I wasn't in a hurry." Yi Chou once again "snapped!" He closed his pocket watch, and then put it in the lining of the garment, "But now it's in time."

"Why..." Before Zhang Junyun asked the question, Yi Chou had pushed him aside, and then walked to the group of heavily armed policemen who were waiting for him.

"No movement!"

A loudspeaker sounded immediately across the street.

"Place your hands where you can see!"

"Click! Click!"

The front row of policemen held a translucent explosion-proof shield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and all the policemen at the back heard a click and pointed the submachine gun at his hand.

Yi Xiao's expression was plain, and he frowned slightly. "Not long ago, there was a director who threatened me so much. It was the New York Police Department."

"Do you know what their consequences are...?"

"Stop right away! No one is allowed to move forward! Otherwise we will shoot!"

Yi Xiao stopped and looked sideways with a blank expression, as if recalling, "I left a Statue of Liberty at least nearly ten thousand meters high in New York."

After thinking for a while, he added, "It is alive." And at the moment when the voice fell, Yi Chou raised his foot again, and then stepped forward step by step.


The Ono Mushiren in the rear shouted loudly. (To be continued.)

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