High Magic Earth

Chapter 994: aims

Gantz's singing means that new tasks are coming again, because this is the standard process at the beginning of each task.

"No." Someone in the room exclaimed in a low voice, "We just finished a task."

Each time Gantz in the black ball space gave them tasks, they were almost a dozen days apart. Even if they were ahead of schedule, they would not be long in advance, leaving them enough time to rest.

But now, let alone rest, there is not even time for rest.

Having just experienced a war, many people are exhausted at this time.

Gantz obviously wouldn't take into account the thoughts of these people. The songs in the room were still hovering, but at this time, they were so harsh in their ears.

As the last graduate, Ichiro Nishijo, who has not left after having enough scores, is very experienced, but only a little thought to understand the reason for the low atmosphere in the room.

But his natural character is not flattering, not only will not comfort others, but also like to spread salt on wounds.

Ichiro Ichiro embraced his arms with both hands and returned to his usual cold posture again, staring coldly at the others, then showing a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

He was too lazy to talk to these people.

But his sneer conveyed a meaning well.

At least in the eyes of Xuanye Ji, who had partnered with him for a while, it was very clear.

The idiot is the idiot. It won't work if you go through two battles in a row. Apart from using your own brute force, won't you use your brains any more?

Ichiro Ichiro is not worried because he has just been resurrected and his energy is still full of energy. Even if it is very likely that these people will be beaten and then defeated, then he is also one of the most likely people to survive in the end.

Not to mention... there are many graduates here.

Ichiro Nishijo glanced at some familiar faces in the team. These people's memories haven't been restored yet, but sooner or later they will be restored. Once the memories are restored, those fighting skills and instincts will be intensified and reproduced.

The strength of the graduates cannot be underestimated. Every graduate comes out of countless battles, and even some people have gathered more than one hundred points for the resurrection of their fallen companions.

Coupled with the previous battle, they did not exert much force as a pure newcomer, they were still full of energy, and they still had the power of a battle.

The thoughts of these people cannot shake Gantz in the middle of the house. No matter how many complaints and ugly faces, Gantz still completes his tasks step by step.

At the end of the song, a flash of light appeared on the surface of the black ball.

Numerous light spots surged in the black ball, and then converged toward the center, and the last pixels overlapped together, using the black surface of the black ball as a backlight, forming a different image.

It was a series of reduced images of people.

"Task Release"



"Features: Apart from being indifferent, it looks like an ordinary person."

"Like: Walking around aimlessly."


"Features: hospitality."

"Like: Full Moon."

"Tengu Girl"

"Characteristic: You will find her very violent after getting familiar."

"Like: shopping and Korean drama."


"Characteristics: You never know if a transparent person is around you."

"Like: everything transparent."

All the members of the Gantz team in the room were gathered. The black ball release task was not surprising, but it rarely listed a series of so many goals, and it could even be said that it had never happened.

Most of the time, it will only give the main goal, and then let the members of the Gantz squad look for themselves. Xuan Yeji they can’t know all the aliens every time, and it is easy to be disguised by the aliens. , Something that is not easy to notice is attacked.

This is the first time such a good treatment.

Xuan Yeji came to the black ball, arms folded, frowning at the words on the black ball. The bad feeling in his heart had not disappeared, but became stronger.

But the problem is that he doesn't know where this feeling really came from.

Ichiro Nishijo also leaned in, still an arrogant face that no one should enter. The rookies who had just watched had just completed their first mission. They had no experience and could not see anything. The old man was just surprised that the black ball gave so many goals at once.

But Ichiro Ichiro knew that things were not that simple.

Only when the mission goal is extremely difficult to deal with, and the strength of the team is too large or even disparity, the black ball will give the details of the information as much as possible, because Gantz is not so easy to collect detailed information, if it is not necessary, it is not Will waste energy to do so.

Even Ichiro Ichiro has only experienced such a situation twice. In the first time, they nearly destroyed the team, and the second time...the memory is already before the decisive battle.

It's just that these people's faces... why they look so...

Wait, memory?

"I've seen these people." A graduate with a shaggy hair murmured like a sleepwalker, "I remember."

Ichiro Ichiro narrowed his eyes, and suddenly his heart was suddenly shocked. Because of this sentence, some of the memories in his head seemed to flash again, and they also appeared, but the memories that came to mind at this moment made his heart look like To stop the beating, even the whole body of blood was cold, it was a terrible memory.

But Xuan Yeji obviously did not know these things.

He glanced at the black ball for a long time with his eyes open, only to realize that the targets emerging on the black ball were the people whom he had seen on the subway not long ago. They followed the fast-paced warrior and looked Are ordinary people.

It's no wonder that Xuan Yeji has bad eyesight. After all, the pictures displayed on the black ball are pixel images, which look very abstract, and these nicknames are also very strange, it is difficult to get the right number.

"I've seen these people too." Xuan Yeji rolled his eyes angrily. "I don't think I can remember the ones on the previous train."

When he was talking, Xuan Yeji couldn't help but worry again, because the speed of the warrior was too fast, and few people could keep up with his speed, not even Ichiro Nishijo.

Although the warrior warrior is not marked here, since these people are aliens, this warrior warrior will not be an ordinary person.

It would be very difficult for him to follow these people and want to kill these aliens.

But Xuan Yeji didn't notice that the graduate didn't continue to care for herself after muttering to herself, but turned her attention to the face of another graduate.

Not surprisingly, the graduate saw the same look.

Everyone's memories are restored.

Ichiro Ichiro took a deep breath, his face was still ugly, and he was not happy because he had a lot of fighting power.


"I said that I met these people because I knew them, not on the train." The fellow with his memory that gave him a high-five, the graduate with disheveled hair said again.

Because of the memory recovery, his temperament is different than before, and even his speech has a little more energy.

Because he is a graduate himself, after hundreds of battles, and rich combat experience, he is even better than Xuanzano plan, and it is hard to say who wins or loses.

"You... know?" This time, not only was Genoki surprised, but even Kato Katsu and others looked back strangely.

At this moment, Ichiro Ichiro turned around, then looked at these people and said the answer lightly, "Because we fought them before."

"Before the battle day."

"We killed them, and they... also killed us."...


With a low whistle, the train slowly stopped at the reserved position, and Shan Mujun had prepared all the necessary first aid items and measures, and only needed to find the injured person, he could quickly enter the rescue state.

Similarly, Ono Mushiren has the same emotions as Shanmujun, but the difference is that Shanmujun wants to rescue the wounded as much as possible, and Ono Mushiren is fortunate to finally have the opportunity to find evidence of the existence of those aliens.

The train came from the dark tunnel.

As it slowly stopped, Shan Mujun also saw the train clearly.

Fortunately, there is not much damage to the whole, so there is no danger of overturning along the way. In this way, it is possible to avoid damage to personnel as much as possible. After all, even if it is a terrible attack, it will not die more than the train overturning. People.

It's just... the train driver...

Shan Mujun was surprised for a while, because he seemed to see something strange in the cab of the train. He originally thought he had misread it, but after looking at it for a while, he realized that...it was something strange.

Onmyoji, wandering warrior, is that a witch? ...

"Huh..." Wiping the non-existent Khan, Tan Qing took a breath, "Finally stopped the car."

Zhang Junyun beside him also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that there would be no problems, the tension was still inevitable. I looked at the front of the train and other medical personnel who had been waiting for me in the background and the policemen who were hiding in all corners. Zhang Junyun was low The voice said, "We should go."

Yi Xuan nodded, and he did not intend to entangle with these people, but the next moment, Yi Xuan suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He swept to a corner of the cab, but there was nothing.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Junyun noticed Yi Chou's gaze and looked down. He also didn't see anything. It was strange.

"It's nothing." Yi Xuan once again investigated with magic power, but didn't find anything, he shook his head, but then, Yi Xuan's eyes were once again fixed.

He quickly stepped forward, and then reached out, and a piece of paper floating in the air fell into his hand.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and unfolded the note.

Zhang Junyun also saw this scene, but he was the same as everyone else, and did not ask.

After a moment, Yi Chou put the note away, then held it in his hand, turned it into ashes, and drifted with the wind.

"Next." Zhang Junyun did not directly ask what was written on the note, but asked again.

"We stay." And Yi Chou made a decision before changing. The decision to stay on the train was to get in touch with the following people.

Obviously, some kind of information on the note changed Yi's judgment.

I just don’t know what the information is and how Yi Juo judges whether it is credible.

But there is Yi Chou here, these ordinary people want to hurt them, it is almost impossible, so Zhang Junyun is not worried at all.

After the car stopped, Zhang Junyun's claws stretched out five fingers, and then slammed the door of the cart. With a bang, the door flew out, and he took the lead in walking...


Hearing the words of Ichiro Nishijo, including Xuan Yeji, everyone was shocked and unable to speak. After a long time, Xuan Yeji hesitated and asked.

"If you also die... is it resurrected?"

The other graduate stepped forward and shook his head. "I don't remember. This memory is very vague. I just remember that she killed me."

She pointed at the surface of the black ball, and her finger fell on Tan Qing's head.

"She is fast, and many of us are too late to respond."

"Another..." Xuan Yeji's face is a little ugly. Are these guys all speed type aliens, if there are so many speed type aliens, they will not be opponents at all.

Even if it was a lucky victory in the end, it is possible that Team Gantz would have been killed or injured as much as Ichiro Nishijo said.

Even Xuan Yeji himself was not sure of surviving. After all... he didn’t want to be silly waiting for others to resurrect himself, and he... did not fulfill the promise with Kojima Duo Hui.

"No matter what the opponent is." Xuan Yeji's eyes gradually strengthened, "Just hit them!"

Several graduates glanced at each other. Although they restored their memories, they did not intend to compete for the position of captain. After all, this was just a nickname, and it didn’t make any sense. Besides, they were not familiar with the others in the team. But there is a firm captain who is very happy.

But... this is not the opponent of the next aliens.

Ichiro Ichiro's gaze moved slightly, and then he poured cold water into Xuanye Ji without hesitation. "Courage is commendable, but this is no different from death."

"What do you say?" Xuan Yeji can be considered to understand the character of Ichiro Nishijo and said angrily.

Ichiro Nishijo glanced at Xuan Yeji with disdainful eyes, and then looked at the newcomers who were confused and had no idea what was happening.

"Your equipment should be upgraded." He grumbled coldly.

"Equipment... Upgrade?" Middle-aged uncle Ryuji Suzuki was a little stunned, and several young people in the team also had bright eyes, obviously thinking of the effects in the game.

"Can the equipment be upgraded?" Xuan Yeji was also surprised.

Ichiro Nishizawa looked at Gennoki with a glance at the buns ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then continued, "You are here... there are still a hundred people."

Seeing no one talking, he sneered again, "Not even one is gone."

In order to resurrect Kato Sheng and others, Genyeji attracted many players, and many people also wanted to resurrect their dead friends. In addition, the rhythm of the battle became faster for some reason, so although many people arrived Percentage, but did not immediately choose to quit and leave.

Hearing the words, a person immediately stood up.

Ichiro Ichiro took him on the black ball for a while. After a while, with the sound of "呲——!", a part of the black ball popped up again, and a large black box lay quietly inside. .

Carrying out the huge square box, Ichiro Nishijo opened it, and inside it was neatly placed a set of tights in exactly the same style as they were wearing at this time.

But it is... GANTZ enhanced suit. (To be continued.)

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