High Magic Earth

Chapter 993: All parties (2)

Three or three dementors wandered out of the corner and wandered, as if the wandering souls that had nowhere to return generally approached the errant. %

And as if he hadn't noticed it, he still floated over the Black Valley with a degree of slackness.

In addition to a few rare magical creatures in the Black Valley, Dementors are already the more terrible kind, plus they often act in groups, so basically as long as they appear, even the Black Valley will be quiet for a while.

The Black Valley was quiet, as if the darkness around it had stopped its restlessness.

Soon, the dementors reduced the enclosure and looked from the ground to the sky, like a group of **** sharks.

At present, the dementors are not hesitating, adding instantly, and then rushed up in one fell swoop.

Then at the next moment, all the dementors were frozen in the air, as if time was still.

Without causing the slightest waves, the dementors turned to ashes and disappeared silently, as if they had never existed in this world.

The mysterious visitor was still unresponsive. He didn't pay any attention to the dementor's movements. It was like a person's sole accidentally hit an ant.

It may be that there is not what it is looking for here. Soon, the shadow is pulling up again.

The calm sky rolled over again, a huge black vortex appeared, and the smoke condensed into a walking time clock.

Didi, there is even a pointer on this dial.

After waiting for a moment, the black shadow plunged into it, and in a flash, the dial formed by clouds disappeared again, and the mysterious black shadow disappeared with it.

The sky was calm again.

The vast night sky seems to hide countless secrets, but still so intriguing.

The disappearing clock vortices and dementors did not cause the slightest waves. In the Black Valley, the number of dementors is not a few hundred but also dozens, and occasionally a few drops are very normal.

Black Valley is full of negative energy, and Dementors are born very quickly, so they are added quickly.

You know, Yi Biao only brought a team of dementors, even only six.

Just a long time after the Black Valley returned to calm again, a sudden wave of shaking appeared in the chaotic plant trees in the valley, and then a slender figure came out of it.

This area is the only active plant area in the Black Valley, with vines and weeds and a variety of trees. Except for this area, the Black Valley is all independent, with strange and terrible dry trunks.

The entangled plants are Miss Mandela's territory and her home.

"It seems necessary to notify the annoying ghost..." She looked up at the sky and then murmured, "But a terrible guy came..."...

Yi Xuan is not clear for the time being, Miss Mandela, who is far away in the world, is thinking of herself as a hard worker like a forest ranger.

It’s like Shanmu Jun who didn’t know why the 4o4 subway line suddenly had a serious accident today.

And from the people who are constantly coming over, it seems that it is not just an accident, because the accident does not require the police and the guard to be dispatched, and Shan Mujun feels that this is the pursuit of an important fugitive.

But even if arresting a prisoner, there is no need to mobilize so many people.

Shan Mujun thought about the policeman in the car that he had glimpsed before.

Those policemen were obviously staying in the car, waiting for orders. They were well-dressed, and all of them were accompanied by seemingly very sophisticated equipment. They obviously belonged to the most high-end riot police, and so many were dispatched at once. Can't figure out what the task will be.

Still do your own thing, Shan Mujun sighed.

As an ambulance worker, he is not very optimistic about the survival rate after the subway accident, especially in such a large scene, few people on a whole train will survive.

But what are the people in charge on site... waiting for the train to come? !

Just kidding, it is impossible to have a trailer to tow it out, obviously it should be the first-aid personnel and the personnel who ruled out the safety hazards, and how many people can be stolen.

A group of unreasonable guys!

Shan Mujun was still a very responsible rescuer, and when he secretly slandered, Shan Mujun suddenly felt a tremor from the ground under his feet.

As a native of the island country, he immediately determined that this was not an earthquake, how could it be so... the movement of the train!

Sure enough, when Shan Mujun realized, a strange train gradually appeared at the end of the tunnel, and then slowly reflected in the eyes of the people present.

The reason why it is strange is that the original train is very quiet and slow, and there is no mention of it, nor is it a kind of reduction when entering the station.

It's more like feeling like sighing in a breath, marching forward.

And there was no sound on the train, no station sound, it seemed that even the vitality inside disappeared, and there was only a slight low noise when the train was running in the entire tunnel.

And when Shan Mujun had not yet responded, the silent scene suddenly burst like a pan. Countless site leaders began to organize their own staff, and then greeted and began to arrange.

Soon, Shan Mujun's rescue team also moved.

This is naturally the operation of the subway station against the train where Yihou was located. After reporting the information, it immediately attracted the attention of almost all departments.

In fact, the existence of the gantz space has been noticed for a long time, but I have been suffering from no clues. Even if it is like tracking, there is no clue to find, and it cannot be traced.

But now, they finally caught gantz in front of him.

Soon, the subway station was completely taken over, the original staff was squeezed aside, and then filled with police, even the guards, the original staff can only assist them.

Although the camera on the train has been damaged a lot, there are still many useful ones. From the window, you can see that the train captain and driver were all killed, and the co-pilot and staff were mostly killed.

Fortunately, although the casualties of passengers were also very heavy, most people still hid in the rear cars without much harm.

After knowing the situation of the innocent, Director Ono Mushiren immediately set his sights on a few people who were clamoring, that is, these strange people in the cab.

After all...they are the main goal this time.

The chief commander in charge of this operation is the Ono Mushiren. In fact, there are already many unsolvable headless cases in the police station. Their final truths all point to a clue, but no one can believe it.

Because it actually points to a group of natural humans.

Even Ohno couldn't believe it, or even couldn't believe it.

Because how to tell reporters and citizens at the cloth meeting, should we tell them that all the recent cases are done by capable people, they are fighting aliens, in order to maintain world peace?

Ohno dare to guarantee that if he said so, he would be thrown to TV Tokyo the next day.

Because there is a need for talent like yourself.

At one time he thought that his men were lying, perfunctory, or had some other problems, until he personally participated in a similar case investigation.

Then he believed.

Because of what he saw in his eyes, he had to believe it.

The corpses on the ground and the strangely shaped creatures are completely unlike those possessed on earth. He can only tell himself that these things are indeed aliens.

And the guy who fought with the aliens, although not sure if he was capable, was indeed stronger than ordinary people, and indeed existed.

Although Ohno finally found the truth.

But it made him more and more collapsed.

Because it is still impossible to give an answer to citizens and reporters.

Originally, before he saw it with his own eyes, he also hoped that one day he would reveal the true truth. After the truth was revealed, he would regain the honor of the police station.

But now, I am afraid there will not be such a day.

The most depressing thing is that he has clearly found the truth, but he cannot tell anyone.

Because the corpses disappeared strangely shortly after they were there, and even disappeared a little under their eyelids, as if invisible.

Even the clues and photos left as evidence disappeared.

Without evidence, Ohno knew nothing he said would be believed by anyone, and would only make the prestige of the police station fall again and again.

After all, a police chief who pushes the murderer to an alien is hard to convince.

Even continuing to report will have no effect, because without evidence, no one will believe that there may be one or two crazy scientists interested, but it does not make any sense.

So Ohno has been waiting.

He searched and waited for more than two years, and finally caught a glimmer of hope.

Even once during this time he wanted to give up, the prestige of the police station was lowered again and again, the temple was destroyed for no reason, the zoo was like trying to fight a war, etc., and all were born overnight. Do the policemen eat dry food?

These remarks are attacking the police station every day, almost drowning him.

Ono Mushiren even felt that he was not far away, and he would not find the truth and clues before leaving.

But I didn't expect... that he really caught the clue!

At this moment, Ohno never felt that success was so close to himself.

Over the past two years, the dark clouds and broken words on the head of the police station, the first honors of aliens and abilities, will come to themselves, and then wipe away all those useless things.

At this moment, Ono Mushi was so excited that even he could feel his blood rolling.

In fact, in addition to this, Ono Mushiren also noticed some other things. After all, he is the chief of a police station. No matter what the truth is about him, the most basic quality is Ono Mushiren.

Over the past few months, the mysterious squad's fighting frequency has become higher and higher, and the battle damage has also increased.

As if chasing something in a hurry, sometimes, even the fight has been divided regardless of time and occasion, regardless of whether there are innocent citizens around, or even too lazy to cover up, or too late to do so.

The instinct of the police officer was telling Ono Mushiren that something bad was going to happen.

And it is a very important event.

So after receiving the relevant news, he immediately pulled over all the personnel he could mobilize and contacted several special police teams.

Sure enough, after coming to the subway station, he immediately saw the amazing scene on the train through the surviving monitor.

In addition to his excitement, he did not forget to let the staff around him calculate where the subway would eventually stop or where it would explode.

And the guys in charge of calculation did not disappoint him, they gave a valuation, as expected, he waited for the train here...

"I am dead?"

Three minutes ago.

After a short period of confusion after the resurrection of Ichiro Ichiro, he quickly regained his habit and once again became the arrogant and cold-hearted S2.

But after seeing those familiar faces, he couldn't calm down immediately.

Just before the battle of the train, Genoki’s gantz team entered many newcomers as usual, but in fact there are a lot of gantz graduates, that is, they have accumulated enough points, left the black ball space, and then they are called back by the black ball. Come guys.

But they did not recognize Ichiro Ichiro for the time being, because they had not recovered their memories.

After the graduate's return and the description of Xuan Ye Ji, he learned that Gantz had recently intensified the time interval between tasks, and Ichiro Nishijo immediately thought of some familiar possibility.

However, after several enquiries from Genyeji, he said it with appetite.

Gantz is running out of power. UU reading www. uukansshu. com

According to Ichiro Nishijo, gantz uses bio batteries. There is a person in the black ball in every region. The person inside is the energy of gantz. After human death, gantz will naturally stop running.

What is the consequence of stopping the operation, Ichiro Ichiro does not know, but want to come... Maybe these people, they will probably disappear completely.

But when a group of people was overwhelmed by the news revealed by Ichiro Nishijo, the gantz black sphere suddenly shook.

Then in the eyes that everyone couldn't believe, he sang slowly the familiar, not too bad, but definitely not a good song.

"A brand new morning has arrived, a morning full of hope, open your chest to welcome joy, look up to the endless sky, open your chest to welcome joy, look up to the endless sky, listen to the sound of the radio, take a deep breath, and bring that healthy heart toward you... …"

New tasks have arrived. (To be continued.)

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