High Magic Earth

Chapter 992: All parties


   "You found them... coordinates, or location, what's that anyway?" Yi Jun's indifference blocked the speech, and Zhang Junyun immediately shifted the topic.

   "Gantz's black **** moved quickly. They teleported them away. They almost missed it, but I still caught a tail."

   Yi Xuan closed his eyes, felt a little, and then said again.

   But his expression was a little strange. After hesitating for a while, he asked Zhang Junyun with a weird face, "How many Gantz?"

   "There must be more than one." Zhang Junyun thought for a while, "It seems that there are Gantz black ball spaces and teams around the world, what's wrong?"

   "I found it." Yi Xiao's expression was very serious, "at least one hundred."

  . . .

A dazzling azure color appeared. After the light disappeared, seven or eight people such as Xuan Yeji appeared on the spot. This is an empty house. Except for a huge floor-to-ceiling window and a locked door, there is only the middle. A black ball was placed in the place.

   This is Gantz black ball space.

Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the twinkling starry sky under the night, the starry sky reflects the city, and the city under the night is shrouded in darkness, only the lights that flicker one after another can't stop flashing, like a piece of music being played .

  The floor-to-ceiling windows of Gantz black ball space can see the whole city, it seems to be at the highest position of the city, because it can also see the Tokyo Tower.

  When there is no task, no one is trying to find the room where Gantz is.

   But after turning around the neighborhood several times, they couldn't find the room where the view of the window was located at this time. Over time, they gave up on this.

   After all, there are countless secrets of Gantz. Compared to these secrets, the hidden address is the most obscure one.

   Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Xuanye Ji couldn't help but feel a trance. What happened before, even gave him a moment that the world was no longer real.

   turned his head to look around, and sure enough, most of the players returned.

   But there are still a lot of people staying here forever, the battle in Gantz space is so cruel, and every mission will always be humane on the way.

   Even some people do not want to have a companion to resurrect themselves after death, because living, sometimes it is a painful struggle.

Xuan Yeji carefully looked at it. Although most of the dead are newcomers, there are still many old faces that have disappeared in front of his eyes forever. You must know that they have followed him for several missions, even dozens of games. Man on task.

   was silent for a moment, and the Gennoki burst out.

He shouted at the Gantz black ball, "What the **** is this mission! Why are there civilians involved? Who are those guys who come out later! Aliens! What the **** is going on? !"

  Xuan Ye Ji always has a bad hunch, because in recent days, Gantz has been adding new people, and the number is increasing, and even gradually to a somewhat crazy level.

And their points accumulated quickly. Originally, Mysterious Plan felt that he still needed several battles to save enough points to bring back the resurrection to bring Kato Sheng back, but did not expect to have experienced two games. One hundred points is enough Too.

   It's just that the difficulty of the battle they experienced has also become greater and greater, showing a leaping growth, such as this time the black star.

  Although they were lucky to win, it can be said that there are only Xuan Yeji and several other senior old people who can hardly resist the black star. Others are not opponents of the black star, and even need to fight one.

   But the problem is not that they are in large numbers, but that there are more black stars.

   If it weren’t the strange guys who appeared suddenly at last, I am afraid their casualties would be countless times heavy.

   It is for these reasons that Genojo's heart has always had a certain sense of urgency, resurrecting Kato Sheng, and even he will revive more people.

  He needs fighting power! More combatants!

   But when I think of the guys who popped up in the end, the heart of Xuan Yeji suddenly burst out, is it an alien, does not look like it.

   But if it is a human on earth, it is even more incredible.

   When did ordinary people on earth have such abilities, do legendary superpowers and abilities really exist?

   The previous battle was too fierce. Xuan Yeji hadn't reacted for a while. At this time, he calmed down and realized the details that he hadn't noticed before.

  The clothes of those guys are obviously different from ordinary people.

  Xuanye Ji often hangs out in Gantz space, but it does not mean that he is out of touch with the society of ordinary people. He still knows the dress of normal people very well, and it will never be like that.

   A voluptuous woman in kimono, two in samurai clothes. . Ronin? There is also an Onmyoji, only the remaining two guys are normal.

   Where did they come from?

  But no matter who they are, what really disturbs Genoji is their power. For example, the rogue, whose speed cannot even keep up with him.

   This is definitely the fastest speed I have ever seen.

  Juanye Ji was thinking about it, and the surrounding players also talked about it.

   "Who are those people, are they ours?"

   "I don't know...but they don't wear combat uniforms."

   "It looks like a power man."

   "What? Does superpower really exist."

   "I don't know if they have any organization or the like, it looks so cool."

  Whether it is a newcomer or an old man, there is a lot of discussion. Many newcomers think they are also people of this strange black ball, but only old people are alert to find that these people have no trace of protective clothing.

   While Gengenji was silent, Kato Sheng walked up silently.

  As a friend, Kato knows the heart chaos at this time. He patted the shoulder of Xuan Yeji and whispered to him, "Everything will pass."

   For Wan Jin oil-style comfort, Gennoki can only helplessly roll his eyes, but there is no way. After all, Kato Kasei just resurrected the last game and knew nothing.

   narrowed his eyes, Xuan Yeji looked up at the black ball again.

  Gantz Black Ball is still the same as usual, and will not give any kind of answer to any private questions of Gennoki and others.

but. . It's not just gantz black **** who know these things.

  If you remember correctly, there is still a person who seems to know a lot of secrets about the black ball space.

Thinking about this, a figure of a guy who likes to wear a high-necked hood appears in the head of Genojo, and if there are no miscalculations, after this battle is over, there should be a lot of people with scores of 100 points. Well, one hundred points can leave here.

   Or. . Resurrect a person.

  . . .

   "At least one hundred?" Zhang Junyun showed a shocked expression on his face, "Are you kidding me."

   "No." Yi Chou shook his head. "We are in this city, and there are black **** in the cities that are farther away."

   "The more it spreads to the coastal area, the denser the existence of black balls, but except for the continent under our feet, there are no traces of black **** on other continents."

   "Probably not the end of the world." Yi Chou sneered, "but the demise of this continent."

Zhang Junyun frowned, and many movie plots were mixed together, and he could not be 100% sure. Although the individual plots are still traceable, the mixing and handover parts, as well as the background changes, really make people Unable to grasp.

   "This feeling is really annoying..." Zhang Junyun breathed out a long breath.

   Then, he raised his eyebrows, feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something.

   At the next moment, he saw the string medium that was half his head in front of the broken glass window, and the eager probe looked out.

   "Should we reduce some speed." Zhang Junyun sighed again, then said to Yi Chou helplessly.

   "I use magic?" Yi Xiao raised an eyebrow.

   "Is it safe?" Zhang Junyun sniffed.

   "I will drive this kind of train."

   While the two were discussing non-nutritive nonsense, the detective next to them suddenly volunteered, and Yi Xuan and Zhang Junyun were at the same time stunned.

   "How can you..."

   "I will live an important life." Tan Qing looked at Zhang Junyun angrily and said, "I have worked in the subway for a while and received professional pre-employment training."

   "So that's it... I didn't really touch it..."

   "Is there anything worse than this situation." Tan Qing stared at Zhang Junyun again and whispered in a low voice, "Also pick out three."

   Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched again. After he found himself familiar with Tan Qing, her temper seemed to be more and more irritable.

   Yi Chou does not worry about these problems. Anyway, he still has his own magic. If he wants to stop a train safely, it can still be done. It does not need the effort of the little spider.

  But since Tan Tan wants to try it, let her try it.

   The next moment, everyone's figure disappeared in the car instantly.

  . . .


  Since Yi Chou left again, the Red Castle has fallen into silence.

   is like the scene after the sleeping spell, and even the surrounding plants and soil have become lifeless gray and white.

  Under this black and white, it hides the most terrible buildings on Neverland.

   There are countless magic items stored in the Red Castle, although some may not be very powerful, but without exception, almost all are rare things.

   Such as the armor body of the war knight, such as the sword of Marsala, the submarine Nautilus, the magic intelligence core of Oz and the unfinished half-plane world, and a large number of magic props from different worlds.

   It can be said that the whole of Diagon Alley and Overturning Alley are added together, and the types of magic items possessed may not be stored much in the Red Castle.

  In addition to a large number of magic items, the underground cliffs of the Red Castle contain many dangerous things.

   For example. . Vandal Savage in the crystal coffin.

   As a soy sauce villain in the dc world, Vandal Savage’s strength is very consistent with the style of their world, that is, the combat power is suddenly high and low.

   When high, even one person can destroy the multiverse, while when low, it can be killed by the fist of black canaries, street heroes whose output is entirely roared.

Uh. . The output of the black canary seems to be really roaring.

  Because of the chaos of the universe, each Vandal Savage's ability is different.

But this one who was put in the crystal coffin by Yi Xiao has little special in itself. He is an ancient sacrifice, because the person he loves loves others, and when they are killed, they just hit the meteorite sky. Descend, destroying his kingdom.

  The three people made a wish for the meteorite at the same time, so they began to entangle each other for life.

   Their reincarnation time and time again, the pair of men and women became eagle men and eagle women, and every time they were killed by Vandal Savage, Vandal Savage's ability would be increased by one point.

   But even so, after thousands of years, after killing the eagle male eagle female countless times, Vandal Savage still barely hit the green arrow that has been training on Purgatory Island for three years.

but. . However, he was deliberately presenting himself in the world of silver tongue.

   Obviously, he is very important.

  Because Yi Xiaosheng is afraid of any accidents after leaving the world of silver tongue, so that he can't summon him out, so in the world of silver tongue, Vandal Savage can't wait to manifest.

   Sure enough, Yi Chou succeeded.

   At this time, Vandal Savage lay quietly in the crystal coffin, as if he were asleep like a dead man.

  As an ancient sacrificial profession, Vandal Savage does some magic and magic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But if you want to get rid of the control of the arrogance, I am afraid it is not so easy.

  After all, this is not a matter of experience and time accumulation, but the gap between the two in the origin of magic.

The night gradually enveloped the Neverland, and the magic tower created by Yi Biao faithfully circulated its duties of rising and falling. Although there is no real moon and sun, it is that it can use the energy of the priceless treasure to simulate the light and temperature.

  The fantasy island in the dark seems to be exceptionally quiet. Those magical creatures seem to be already familiar with the new concept of time brought to them by Yi Chou, and begin to search for their own laws of life in the new time.

   And after having the magic tower to control the time and solar terms, the originally chaotic and irritable magic energy gradually calmed down.

   Darkness and other energies belong to the night, while the daytime is left to life and light.

  All in all, Neverland, which had been under chaos before, finally got a bit of what Dreamland should have after the intervention of Yi Huo.

   But at this time, the sky above Neverland seems to usher in an unexpected guest.

   Above the Black Valley.

  A black vortex suddenly appeared in the calm sky.

   An ashes-like shadow emerged from the inside, and then swooped down suddenly.

   It seemed to be aimless, wandering around the Black Valley, and then covered by darkness, its original appearance was not clear at all, only a group of shadows could be seen.

   And this unexpected guest soon attracted the attention of other magical creatures.

   For example, the largest group of magical creatures in the Black Valley, Dementors. (To be continued.)

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