High Magic Earth

Chapter 991: Quick battle

"Who are you? Who are you?!" Xuan Yeji hasn't gotten out of combat, instinctively lay the knife in front of him, and then asked.


Yi Xuan didn't speak, but Zhang Junyun and Tan Qing looked at each other, but it was Kanesuke. He seemed to have a good sense of the Xuan Ye Ji who also used the samurai sword, and replied softly, "Don't be nervous, we are not aliens... ."


Along the way, Kanosuke also heard a lot of information from the conversations of several people. At least he already had a knowledge of the various chaotic relationships. The aliens are the common enemy of both parties, although they do not understand the aliens. The true meaning of this word does not prevent him from thinking so.


  Maybe Kanosuke just regarded them as a common name.


   "Hmm..." Xuan Yeji obviously didn't quite believe it, he was still watching Yi Biao and others with vigilance.


   Many aliens have the ability to transform and camouflage. This is the lesson they have exchanged for life and blood in countless battles.


   "Uh..." Susanosuke was a little embarrassed in the face of the mysterious plan of not trusting himself.


   Fortunately, the fighting situation on that side became more and more intense.


   "Zhongmingjun! Be careful!"


   The sound of a fierce fighting came from the other side of the car, instantly making Genoki's face change. "Not good!" he said anxiously.


   His eyes swept from following several people, seeing that they really didn't seem to have any movements, he no longer hesitated, turned and rushed back, after all, the battle over there really couldn't be dragged.


   as the captain is also one of the gantz squad's highest fighting power, every minute Xugeno plans to leave, his partners are more dangerous.


  The combat uniform on Xuan Yeji's body once again swelled with a fleshy vein. With a bang, he slammed on the ground, his body seemed to be a shell, and he flew back again.


   "I don't like him." Yi Xuan said lightly after seeing the figure of Xuan Yeji disappearing in the door of the carriage.


   Zhang Junyun showed a stern smile. He couldn’t talk about the male characters in the movie, how much he hated it, most of them were attitudes between insensitivity and hate.


   He was obviously indifferent to Gennoki, so he didn't say good things, but there were no bad words.


   "The world they are in... is more cruel than ours." Zhang Junyun said with some direction, "If we are the space of the Lord God, I am afraid that we will behave even worse."


   Faced with Zhang Junyun's intention, Yi Biao didn't pay attention, "Go." He said, "Look if these guys will bring any surprises."


After    finished, his figure flashed a few times, and had disappeared into the carriage.


  . . .






  Samurai swords collided continuously in the air, and there was a clear sound. The interior of the carriage had become chaotic. There were corpses and blood everywhere. There were black stars and members of the gantz squad.


  Although more of them are in black, the members of the gantz squad are not many, so they are in the middle of the battle at this time, almost beaten by the black people.


   Yimeng opened the door stuck in the carriage and walked in calmly.


   Put a simple neglect spell on yourself, and no one noticed Yi Chou.


   This chaotic battle does not have any technical content in Yi Biao's eyes. Although both the gantz squad and the black stars have better physical qualities than ordinary people, they do not have any skills, but simply rely on the body to fight.


   Their moves are very suitable for life and death fighting, but it is not a strange thing, even the song of ice and fire, those ancient knights, fighting better than they are.


   However, the combat uniform Zhang Junyun puts forward is indeed very conspicuous. The flesh and veins on the combat uniform can make the physical fitness of ordinary people soar several times.


   For the collection of technology items, Yi Chou only has a colonial ship and the wreckage of the Jagged Warrior. Although both of the technology trees have entered the interstellar age, the displayed things are not so comprehensive.


  The technical content of combat uniforms is not so high, but it makes up for the shortcomings in this respect.


   Watching the gantz squad members falling on the ground with the black stars, Yi Chou's fingers moved slightly, and the shadow spread silently, swallowing the body in instantly.


  Although these people were already dead, their combat uniforms were not completely damaged.


   And this gantz black ball does not seem to have plans to recover the body, so it is cheap and easy.


   Both parties in the melee have not noticed that the corpses on the ground are constantly disappearing. After all, Yi Xuan only took away the corpses with the gantz combat uniform, and the black stars remained in place.


   Until. .




   A black star was kicked by a member of the gantz squad, and it just hit Yi Yi's body. Ignoring the effect of the spell can make people ignore the target, but if it happens to hit, then the spell will lose its effect.


  After all, except for magics such as Soul Charm and Forgetting Everything, it is difficult for other magic to directly reverse human cognition.


   When I saw Yi Chou, even the expressionless numb face of the black star seemed to show a trace of surprise. I wonder if there was an ordinary person here or was surprised that there was a person who didn't notice it.


  But no matter what the situation, the star in black didn't care much. His other empty hand turned upwards, and a black mud appeared in the palm of his hand. In an instant, a sharp samurai sword formed in his hand.


   didn't look back, he stabbed directly behind him.


   The gantz squad member who had fought him had already killed red eyes. He didn't seem to be a newcomer, but an old man in the black ball space. He didn't miss any chance between life and death.


   Seeing that the black star made mistakes here, he simply ignored the arrogance next to him, and directly rushed up with a knife.




Huge muscle lumps were rising from his arms, and his power surged more than five times in an instant. Almost all of his body's protective clothing impulses were concentrated on his arms. The direction he was good at was power-type. The chariot split in half.


   For this passenger who appeared suddenly, he didn't pay attention, maybe just the lucky guy hiding in a corner.


   But in this case, the only thing he can do is to kill the black star as soon as possible. If the black star dies, Yi Chou will be rescued naturally, and if the black star cannot be killed, then there is no other way to save him.


   It is a pity that Yi Chou is not the train passenger they imagined.




   At the next moment, the two samurai swords were suddenly stuck in the air, but they did not come to the intense collision they expected.


   The star in black and the member of the gantz squad were stunned at the same time. Where their eyes met, Yi Xiao was grabbing their samurai sword lightly, blocking their attack at the same time.


   Maybe. . It cannot be called seizing, but the katana is suspended in the distance of Yi Xao's palm half finger, and can no longer move forward.


   "Now I have begun to hate all of you." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice.


At the next moment, a loud noise of "Bang!", the black star in front of Yi Chou suddenly exploded, and his whole body was blown into pieces, like an inflated balloon, blood and minced meat were scattered. Everywhere, even half of the cars were dyed red.


   is like a blood rain.


   The sudden change instantly attracted everyone's attention to the past.


  Xuan Ye Ji originally thought it was the effect caused by the x-gun pistol, but he did not hear the aiming sound made when the combat pistol was positioned, and then immediately, he saw Yi Biao's figure.


   After all, a white yin and yang master's garb is really too obvious.


and many more. . Onmyoji.


  Xuan Ye Ji narrowed his eyes.


   He did not kill aliens with earth characteristics, sculptural styles, or even completely aliens like the legendary dinosaurs.


   But kill each other. . It is rare.


This guy. . Will it be an alien?


   Xuan Yeji is not sure. After all, the black ball does not show an easy face, and the black ball will never be wrong for the goal, but it may not be mentioned, maybe it is a variant of the black star.


   Just from the destructive power of the other party. . Very difficult to deal with.


  Yi Xuan didn't even notice the series of changes in Xueno's mind. Even if he noticed it, he wouldn't care. After all, he already had the idea of ​​quick battle and quick decision.


   happens to be, at this time Zhang Junyun and Yusuke Nosuke, and others, also followed Yi Biao to break through the door.


   glanced at the seemingly sluggish battlefield, and Yi Chou whispered to Uenosuke softly, "Clean the battlefield, make a quick decision."


  機之介 was amazed, but without asking why, he turned around and disappeared.


   This is the benefit of ninjas. They are born for missions, complete missions, and even surpass their own lives. The meaning of ninjas originally existed.


  Usanosuke broke out with full force, and few people on the scene could keep up with his speed.


   Even Yi Chao, only to see a few obscure figures, Susuke came from the door of the car and instantly came to the door at the other end.


   But several high-level gantz squads, including Gengenori, had their eyes narrowed.


  Combat uniforms brought them great strength and extreme speed, but they could not strengthen their reaction ability, and the nerves could not be affected.


   So the speed of the gantz combat uniform is not too fast, and it has not exceeded the limits of human beings.


  This is why there is often no advantage when facing speed-type aliens.


  Nanasuke is completely different.


   He is a ninja, a type of magical creature whose speed belongs to supernatural power, which has long exceeded the limit that humans can reach and react to.


  In the eyes of Xugeno Ji and others, don't say that he can clearly see his movements, even his figure can't be captured at all. In the battle experience of Geno Jiji.


   Such a speed can already be classified as aliens of the boss level.


  Xuan Yeji licked the corner of his mouth and glanced unnaturally at Yi Chou's side. He did not expect that the fighting power of this group of unknown personnel was so horrible. He wanted to take the opportunity to make a few.


after all. . They don't seem to be vigilant at this time.


  Xuan Yeji's eyes flowed on the women of Yang Yan and Tan Qing. Although Yi Chou said quick battle and quick decision, in fact, only Sunosuke had action alone.


   According to Zhang Junyun, ganzt's combat pistols are still very dangerous.


   First locate, and then use the satellite to lock, directly press the air into the target point, and blast from the inside of the target point. It can be said that it cannot be avoided if it is locked.


   Except for the speed of Suginosuke, which has the ability to protect itself, no one else is enough to protect themselves against such things.


   Xuan Yeji seemed to glance at his prey, glancing at Yang Yan and others, immediately alerting Zhang Junyun, his eyes slightly yellowed, and then stared back unceremoniously.


  Zhang Junyun knew what was going on.


   Xuan Ye Ji is belligerent. For a time, he fanatically wanted to fight to prove himself, even to a certain extent.


Although    finally returned to normal, this fanaticism was still deeply imprinted in his blood.


   However, the confrontation between Zhang Junyun and Xuan Yeji didn't last long, because Kanosuke was too fast.


  In less than three breaths, he drew several knives on all the stars in black, and then returned to where he was.


  With the knife in his sheath, he silently saluted Yi Chou silently, then retreated silently.


   At the next moment, all the black stars spewed black blood from all their limbs and throats, and the blood from the park rose under the huge pressure of the arteries, dyeing the whole car red.


   seems to bloom a **** feast.


   "There should be no star in black." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and said to himself.


  Xuan Yeji's voice was a bit dry, but there was a hint of fanaticism that he might not have noticed in his voice, "Who the **** are you." He asked hoarsely.


   "I believe you will know soon." Facing the question of Xuan Yeji, Yi Chou did not answer, but turned his head slightly.


  If there is no accident, after all the black stars die, the black ball gantz will send them back. This is a great opportunity to find the black ball.


   Sure enough, just when Yi Biao's voice just fell, Xuan Yeji and others immediately began to gradually disappear, starting from the feet, as if disappeared by some kind of light, just like a 3D printer, and then gradually spread to the top of the head.


   Yi Xuan's face showed a smile, and the magic book appeared in his hand out of thin air. Then, Yi Xiao chanted in a low voice.


   "Following the trail of the pioneers, the magic gradually spread to the unknown zone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It opened a new door and brought us..."


  It's just that his words haven't fallen yet, and the unknown gantz black ball is as if he had predicted something, and the speed of sending Gennogi and others suddenly increased countless times.


   The bright blue light flashed.


   The next moment, Xugeno Ji and others had disappeared.


  The empty train was still roaring forward, and there was nothing left except the corpses everywhere. There was no sound in the silence, as if it had fallen into death.


   Yi arrogant holding a magic book, but the voice has stopped abruptly.


  Zhang Junyun felt a little bit angry, he grabbed his head, and then looked to the left and right, "Is this over?" he asked incredulously.


   "So what do you say." Yi Biao glared at him angrily, "How long do you want to fight a group of aliens fighting with five slags."


   heard the words, Zhang Junyun once again twitched his mouth. (To be continued.)

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