High Magic Earth

Chapter 990: Black star

"Boom! Boom!"


Zhang Junyun is right, the train at this time has already reached a limit speed. In the dark tunnel, it is almost fleeting. Even between the rails and the runner, there is a spark that means danger. .

Fortunately, the tunnel that has not diverged for the time being, as long as you follow the rails straight ahead.


"The third new Tokyo city has arrived, please get off the passengers to the right..."

The sound of the train's intelligent recording faithfully reported the name of the station, but unfortunately few people have paid attention to this train, and even the living people are very pitiful.

The remaining living people had been crowded all the way, hiding in the middle two carriages, and no matter whether it was the front or the carriage near the rear, there was no one left at this time, only a dead body was left, and blood was flowing into the river.

At the next moment, an unrelenting train roared past the third new Tokyo City Station, leaving behind a backstage exclamation and a low-pitched scream.

"What's wrong with this train!"

"Damn, my date is going to be late."

"You... have you seen that there is a lot of blood on the window."

"There seem to be many dead people..."

"Call now!"

There is no need to call the passengers on the platform. The staff near the train and other backstage have noticed the abnormality of this train. They immediately ran to the console and consulted the main station.

"Console! An emergency in train 404! An emergency!"

"Here is the console, please wait... we will inquire now..."


At the next moment, after seeing the blurry picture on the screen, the person in charge of the phone had pressed the phone and then ran to find his person in charge.

"Sir Ohno! Sir Ohno! Please look at this!"

The bald middle-aged man with a spring face came impatiently, but after seeing the blur on the screen, he immediately turned pale.

"This... is this true..."

The console and dispatch room of the 404 train are not large, and the people who have heard about it are crowded here. The countless small screens that have been split on the large screen have made them see clearly and hear. In the words of Ono, the room was immediately silent, even deadly silent.

After a moment, I remembered the person in charge of Ohno screaming like a roar, "Hurry up and notify the guard! Hospital! Disaster rescue staff! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

After he froze for a moment, he pushed away the operator sitting in front of the screen, and then asked in a hurry, "The train conductor 404, you..."

After stunned for a while, he searched again on other screens, "Vice Trainer, please..."

Ohno's voice came to an abrupt halt again. There were many small screens on the big screen that were darkened, and many of the remaining screens were blurry.

After searching carefully, Ohno slammed the console, got up, and shouted, "Isn't there a staff member alive!"...


The driver had been dead for a long time, he was quietly lying on the dashboard, there was a torn wound behind him, as if it was penetrated by a sharp weapon, and the mooring blood flowed out from it, soaking the components of the electronic instrument in it. .

An expressionless black man in black is standing in the blind spot of the invisible monitoring of the cab, and the sharp samurai sword in his hand is still dripping with blood.

Zhang Junyun felt that the train was flying, but it was not without reason.

There seems to be some kind of induction between the stars in black and the surrounding environment. He has realized that his companion is not going well, and... there seem to be other nasty guys also on this train. .

The samurai sword was held in his hand, the tip of the blade shook slightly, and the black star turned and walked towards the middle of the carriage.

At the same time, Yi Chou and others are also moving in this direction.

Yi Chou walked at the forefront, and Zhang Junyun and others were in turn, so that even if any danger was encountered, Yi Chou would be enough to respond and protect the people behind.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Junyun briefly introduced them to the plot at this time.

Because it is adapted from a comic, the plot is very jumpy. It may seem a bit confusing to people who do not understand the original book, but the overall plot is still understandable.

This scene on the train is a battle between the black star and the gantz squad.

Gantz sent subordinate squads to hunt aliens. In fact, the aliens' backlash has long been aroused. Many aliens knew about the existence of gantz, but they never found it.

The black man belongs to this kind.

And their behavior is even more radical, and they have put hatred into action, even if it is aimed at ordinary people, it is also revenge against the people of the earth.

And if it is ordinary people, it may be better. After all, many of the aliens hunted by gantz are peace-loving or non-dangerous races.

But this cannot be said that gantz is wrong. After all, there are indeed aliens investigating and spying on the earth, and the final apocalypse also reveals a little.

It can only be said that the positions of the two are different, and the correctness of things is also diametrically opposed.

This is why there are so many civilians on the train and ordinary people are affected, because this was originally a revenge action by the Black Stars, and it also hides other conspiracies.

And here, what are the consequences of encountering the gantz team.

There is obviously no room for relaxation.

However, according to Zhang Junyun's memories, in this battle in the movie, the number of black stars is not much, only about four or five.

And the combat strength of the gantz squad is also surprisingly low. There is no elite squad style that has come down from the boundary of dozens of life and death wrestling. It is still at the stage of outputting all roars and hitting all feelings.

The black stars who came to the carriage where Yi Biao and others were in are completely strangers. Zhang Junyun doesn't remember seeing their faces in the movie.

It seems that either the arrival of oneself or others unintentionally changed the original plot, or an extension of the original plot appeared.

I don’t know how many black stars these people have to face. I hope they can give them some strength. Otherwise, I’m afraid they can’t carry them.

While Zhang Junyun was thinking wildly, he found that he and others did not know when they had reached the middle of the carriage.

There are still a lot of survivors here. The remaining passengers are trembling and crowded here. A whole of four or five train passengers are squeezed in two cars, filling all the space.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, as everyone shook the door open with one foot, almost everyone shivered in shock, squatting on the ground with their heads dared not to speak, but only snorted in a low voice, no matter Is it a man or a woman.

Zhang Junyun noticed that the door of this carriage was also broken, and traces of violence were left on it.

Yi Xiao kicked it away with little effort or even magic. This door was just put there behind, and there seemed to be some debris behind it, so that it would not fall.

"There are other black stars." Zhang Junyun whispered to Yi arrogant, "It seems that they have a lot of numbers."

Although I don’t know what caused the Black Stars to let these ordinary people go, but now, they are much more than the movies show.

Yi Huo nodded silently. The next moment, the noise of the noise and the collision of steel came from not far away.

It seems...Xuan Yeji and others have already dealt with the black star.

And in the car next to these survivors, these survivors hid here trembling, but did not know that the rear of the train had become a safe area.

But looking at the corpses and blood everywhere in this continuous car, it is also expected that ordinary people will not dare to dabble.

But at this moment, Zhang Junyun's eyes suddenly looked certain, "It's a small island, and many benefits." He said to Yi Chou unabashedly.

"Who?" Yi Xuan stopped, the name sounded strange.

Dohui, an island among the crowd, also heard Zhang Junyun's words. Although it was not in Japanese, she could not understand it, but the pronunciation of the four words of her name could be understood.

She raised her head to look at several people, then immediately lowered her head in fright.

There seemed to be people around who noticed the situation, but none dared to come up to help.

Only not far away, a middle-aged man who looked a little sloppy, after seeing this, silently touched his waist from behind.

Although his movements are very covert, they are still too large for werewolves with dynamic vision far exceeding ordinary people.

Zhang Junyun just turned his head slightly, so he saw him clearly.

"It's the policeman." He said to Yi Chou again.

This time, he changed to Japanese.

So the policeman could understand, seeing that his identity had been exposed, he did not hesitate, almost subconsciously and instinctively, he pulled out the pistol in his waist and then aimed at Yi Huo and others.

"No movement!" he shouted loudly.

It's a pity that no one took care of him.

Even Kanosuke and Yangyan, after seeing the miniature submachine guns in the hands of the two black stars, did not feel that this weapon would hurt themselves.

"Who are they!?" Yi arrogantly said to Zhang Junyun.

With a grin, Zhang Junyun pointed to Kojima Dohui and explained, "This is Kojima Dohui, Xuan Yeji's girlfriend."

"That's Shigeda... what." Zhang Junyun shook his head, and some of his memories were unclear. For such supporting roles, he couldn't remember the name of each one, and it was not easy to know the face.

"It was a policeman who found Gantz's clue and followed the star to the train."

As Zhang Junyun said, Shigeda Zhengguang found a series of unusual clues, and finally pointed to the gantz of the black sphere. Following the only clues, he found the train all the way and then encountered the black star and gantz. Squad battle.

But unfortunately, because of the change in the original plot, the number of black stars on the train at this time is several times more than the original, and everyone has a small submachine gun as a fire support.

Even if Chong Tian Zhengguang's courage is so great, he dare not expose his identity with so many guns, but hides in the crowd of ordinary people, ready to move.

In the same way, because he did not keep up, he did not witness the battle between the black star and the Xuan Yeji and others, and he did not find the truth of some mysterious events.

Now, when he sees that Yi Biao and others seem to want to threaten a young girl, he finally can't help it.

After all, Yi Biao these people look better than those in black stars with micro submachine guns... maybe, maybe...

"Put down the gun!" He could not help shouting again when he saw a group of people ignoring himself directly.

Kojima Taehy also heard the name of Xuan Yeji. Out of concern and concern for her boyfriend, she resisted the huge fear in her heart and couldn't help but tremble and asked, "Xuan Ye Jun... Xuan Ye Jun he what happened."

At the same time, Yi Huo also asked a bit frantically, "Which star, who is that star?"

Zhang Junyun had just told it very briefly before, and he couldn't recall all the details without reminding him.

"Shut up!" Hearing their confusion, Yi Chou directly used magic to imprison the two, and then said to Zhang Junyun, "Long story short."

"That big star is a graduate of Gantz, she will be re-recruited, but it does not make much sense to us, because she will not appear in this battle on the train, we may not touch her."

"As for Xiaodao Duohui..." Zhang Junyun paused before continuing, "Uh... she is the girlfriend of Xuan Yeji, that is, the heroine."

"So?" Yi Chou was very strange.

Seeing Zhang Junyun a little stunned, Yi Chou couldn't help but say, "You wouldn't think it, but we all have to contact everyone who has a relationship with the protagonist."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yi Chou didn't care about the small island Duohui underneath. "Come on, you don't mean that the number of black stars is too much. I don't know if the gantz squad is persistent."

After talking about it, Yi Chou walked directly to the other side of the carriage.

Kanosuke and others immediately followed, and after hesitating for a while, Zhang Junyun whispered to the stunned Shigeda Masahiro, "Quickly take them out of here, and the rear carriages are safe. Maybe there will be a big battle. If you stay here, you will be affected."

He didn't know how Shigeda Masahiro would choose ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he couldn't delay it anymore. Not far away, the battle between the gantz squad and the Black Stars grew louder, but he didn't know who was falling.

Following Yi Chou, a group of pedestrians passed through two compartments filled with surviving passengers, and then passed an empty compartment again, the sound of fighting became more and more intense.

next moment.


A guy in a black tights was suddenly smashed in from the side door. He was flying in mid-air, spinning constantly, trying to adjust the angle, but it was a pity.

Just before he was about to hit the ground, Yi Xiao raised his hand and he suddenly stagnate.

And this guy responded quickly, immediately fell sideways, after a few steps, turned over, turned his head and stared at Yi Chou and other people with doubtful eyes, "You are..."

"He is Xuanye Ji." Zhang Junyun whispered in Yi Chou's ear. (To be continued.)

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