High Magic Earth

Chapter 989: Gantz(2)


Yi Xiao frowned, feeling that he had heard the name vaguely, but he did not think of the specific content, probably because it was classified into anime, and after learning the truth of the Second World, he threw the relevant memory into meditation. In the basin.

I did not expect that there will be an adapted version of the movie.

I did not expect them to come across.

But... this is really...

When Uenosuke played with the two black stars, Yi arrogantly touched the bench around him. The cold texture came from his fingers, and the hard iron train was very real.

"It's completely true..." Yi Chou murmured.

He finally knew what it meant for Sadako to walk through the forest and the plains, what it meant to ride on a steel river. It turned out to be the subway.

The river in the words is not a real river, but an allusion to subway tunnels. In addition, subway trains and rails are all made of metal, so it is not too much to call it a steel river.

"But who can think of this step." Yi arrogantly shook his head. If it was in the Edo period, there would be no trains or subways, nor any related trains, even if it happened by chance, I am afraid Subconscious denial.

Even he, after seeing the subway, instinctively walked up until this moment, only to realize the true meaning of this passage.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Junyun, who stared at Xuanzhijie and the black star intently, still didn't forget to pay attention to Yi Chou. He raised an ear and heard Yi Chou's self-talk.

Facing Zhang Junyun, who was full of curiosity, Yi Chou didn't explain much, but said lightly, "The river of steel..."

People who can enter the second world are themselves potential owners. Although it is impossible to say which one to choose from, it is at least far from the word stupid.

Zhang Junyun froze for a moment, thinking slightly, and wondered, "Are you referring to... this subway?"

Sure enough, if you jump out of the Edo era, it will be easy to think of the riddle of the riddle, but Zhang Junyun has not heard the complete clue. Even if you guessed it, you cannot understand the meaning of Yi Chao.

But he wanted to guess the origin of Yi Bao's words.

After all, the sentence break of a sentence, in the sentence structure, sounds like a kind of riddle or prophecy, then this is not surprising, isn't it? After all, the wizard always has something to do with prophecy.

Without denying, Yi Chou once again said to Zhang Junyun, "Tell me the story of the killing city."

Sadako’s second sentence has been confirmed, then the next clue is to arrive at the residence of the gods, where, under the guardian of countless people, open the real door.

Let’s not mention it for a moment, Yi Chou is completely unclear about where the gods live, but...it may be the terminal of this train, or it may be related to the so-called killing city.

Whether these two weird people who do not look like humans in front of them, or the following clues, Yi Xuan had to rush to clarify the plot of the killing city.

And it is unclear how they passed from the Edo era to the next generation in an instant that spanned three hundred years. Although it is still in the second world, it may only be due to a certain plot.

But time is still a very powerful concept.

Being able to touch and reverse the existence of time, both are very powerful.

Fortunately, there is a guy who knows the plot very well.

Hearing the problem of Yi Chou, Zhang Junyun's spirit was shocked, as if he had touched a certain switch, and the whole person's spirit was instantly radiant.

"If you kill the city...it's actually very similar to us." Zhang Junyun ignored Daisy's angry gaze and took a bag out of her pile of snacks. After tearing it open, she plopped into the mouth of the half werewolf. , "It is also somewhat similar to infinite flow, in a room called ganzt black ball."

"However, it has not grasped the essence of the infinite stream, cannot pass through the well-known world, and cannot exchange things in the black ball..."

Yi Huo was a little helpless. Looking at Zhang Junyun, who was spitting liquid, it was difficult to imagine that this calm young man would have such unreliable times.

He said that he was half a house, but if he looked at it now, he would be a fanatical otaku.

Yi Xiao grabbed his bag and grabbed it. "What time do you think it is now." He gestured to Zheng Huan who was playing with the two weirdos, and then continued to Zhang Junyun, "Let's focus."

"Okay." Zhang Junyun sucked his lips, it seemed that the meaning was still not general, but at the request of Yi Chou, he reduced the messy things.

"When gantz black ball first..."

"Click, click."


"Why did you eat it yourself!" Zhang Junyun roared as watching Daisy and Qing Yi sat in a row, and there was Yang Yan at the other end...

Zhang Junyun's story is very similar to Xuan Yeji's experience, but it is not exactly the same. After all, a person's life cannot be revealed in just ten minutes in the movie.

Moreover, Zhang Junyun is not a player in the game of Xuan Yeji, the perspective of seeing things is clearer, and the secrets he knows are more.

Yi Xiao focused on the setting of gantz, which is similar to the existence of the main **** in the killing urban world.

Gantz exists to hunt aliens. It is completely different from the main god. First, it seems to be man-made. Second, it cannot be transmitted across the plane. Almost all battles occur on the earth, but they are covered up. That's it.

This means that it is not a true "god" in a certain sense. It cannot create a world out of nothing, but just send its teams over and over again, letting them go through the killing time after time.

Similarly, this also means that the strength of the gantz squad cannot be improved through combat. Their strength has been fixed at the beginning. Even if they squeeze their potential, they will not increase much. After all, they are still humans and cannot exceed their own limits.

In the later period, the gantz squad often faces enemies that are several times stronger than themselves. Every battle is struggling on the verge of life and death, and even fatal injuries.

This is the consequence of not keeping up with the equipment.

In addition, the gantz squad cannot exchange gantz for items as rich as the main god. The gantz black ball only provides protective clothing and several upgraded protective clothing, and then there are two weapons: x-gantz combat pistol series and gantz katana.

Of course, there are some other things such as single-vehicle vehicles, but compared to the main god, it is really worth noting.

Gantz is only very similar in concept to the main god, and its strength is completely disproportionate.

"You'd better not underestimate Gantz's standard equipment." Seemingly see Yi Yi's disapproval, Zhang Junyun emphasized to remind, "Their weapons are different from what we conventionally know, even if you... I am afraid it will be very troublesome. ."

"What weapon?" Wen Yan Yi Chou immediately froze and asked again.

"X-gun and x-fire air pistol." Zhang Junyun tilted his head, thought for a moment, and immediately said two names accurately, "their principle is different from the firearms we are familiar with..."

"Focus." Yi Xuan interrupted Zhang Junyun concisely.

"This air pistol first locks the target, and then uses satellite positioning, using cold rays, high-speed quantum to directly transmit the air into the target, causing the target point to expand and explode."

"It can't be avoided. Once locked, it will be attacked."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, "...Are you sure you are not a senior mansion?" he asked strangely.

Zhang Junyun smirked, and then shouted angrily, "You pay attention to whether the next point is good or not, your ability is very strong, but if you are killed in an instant, you can't react."

But Yi Chou obviously doesn't think so.

"There is a delay in that gun," he said abruptly.

"Wh... what?" Zhang Junyun froze.

"I'm asking, is there any delay in shooting the x-gun air pistol."

"Yes..." It seems that he didn't come around for a while, and he just hesitated a little before Zhang Junyun nodded his head hard. "After the x-gun fired, there was a short delay for some time. During this period, the target was still not attacked. ."

"That's it." Yi Bao's expression was calm. "Since it is located by satellite, then there must be a delay. The technology of this gun seems to be still in a rudimentary stage. Then I am completely enough to react before the delay."

"Believe...you understand what I mean."

"Okay..." Zhang Junyun nodded discouragedly.

The x-gun combat pistol is gantz's conventional weapon, but it is not so easy to use. Although the power is huge, the defect is also obvious. That is the problem of delay.

In the later period, many aliens can even use their own speed to avoid the aiming of the x-gun pistol. Once empty, the target point will fall to the open ground, and then the air will explode without causing any harm.

Although the x-gun pistol can be fired continuously, it is meaningless. Most of the time, gantz players still need to rely on combat uniforms to engage in close combat with their opponents.

And the cavity period after the x-gun pistol is launched is unavoidable, and the gantz players often cause similar deaths and injuries during this period.

However, since there is a delay, then this is meaningless to Yi Huo. As long as there is a reaction time, Yi Huo can use his power to re-create a goal to replace himself. To do this is just a sentence for Yi Huo. Things.

"This kind of gun... does have some meaning." Yi Chou thought and said, "But instead of worrying about me, you should be more careful of such weapons yourself."

This weapon that uses satellite fixed-point attacks has never been touched by Yi Noo, but it requires a complete set of satellite equipment, which is not so easy to copy and implement, and although the power is huge, the shortcomings are also obvious. It’s not really powerful.

But... Yi Chou thought that the most interesting thing was gantz. When he had time, he must extract this memory from the meditation basin again.

Listen to Zhang Junyun, there are many gantz, they are distributed around the world, almost every region has a gantz combat team.

And at a critical juncture, gantz can also add strength by re-recruiting those who have graduated, that is, leaving the gantz space.

According to the wars in the comics, in the final battle of the end of the world, gantz teams around the world have emerged with countless strong men.

Although humans are subject to the limits of the human body, after all, humans have a huge base, and it is inevitable that there will be a genius in two battles, and even vaguely break this limit.

However, this section of the train battle happened in the movie, and probably no such big scene will appear.

"Shuttle time... Could it be Gantz's ghost..." Yi Chou was not sure.

It’s not that the supernatural power on the mysterious side of magic, etc. must be higher than that of technology, nor that technology is inferior to the mysterious side. Although the humans of the last era did not use the power of technology to defeat the Legion of Angels, it may also be a technology climb The reason is not high enough.

Moreover, between magic and technology, the two paths inevitably overlap. Traveling through time is not only possible with magic, but also with technology.

Although whether it is magic or technology, at present, the two may not actually pass through time in essence, but just break the barrier of space.

"Don't play." Yi Xuan said to Ganosuke, "Quickly solve them."

According to the plot in Zhang Junyunkou, at this time, the protagonist of the killing city, Xuanyeji and his party are also on the train. Since the new clues have not found the clue, they will be good for a while. They may be good. Maybe the new clues are just falling. It's on Gantz.

Hearing Yi Xuan's speech, Kanosuke's face immediately became serious, only to see him nod slightly, and at the next moment, he had returned to the side of several people again, and then put his knife into the sheath.

After a while.


Not far away, a large amount of black blood was suddenly sprayed from various parts of the two black-stars. They struggled twice, and they seemed to want to raise the katana, but they were soft and weak on the ground.

Kanosuke nodded silently at Yi Huo, then backed away.

At the same time, from the rear of the car, that is, the location of Yi Chou and other people, the people in black who have moved toward the center of the car compartment, such as Xuan Yeji, have gradually gathered.

Although they were intercepted by Yihou and they stopped two of the last two carriages, they still gathered more than a dozen people. Even if they were roughly counted, they would face more than Xuan Yeji.

While the two were also dead, the movements of some black stars seemed to pause, and then one of them, whispered intermittently, "Finally... the two... did not arrive... sacrifice..."

"Leave it alone...remember... the purpose..."

After listening to a black star, he didn't even listen to his footsteps~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just said lightly, and when he heard his words, all the black stars were expressionless again, acting like a machine.


And the face of this leading star in black is exactly the one that Genye Ji and others saw on the gantz black ball...

The carriage where Yi Chou's few people were was empty, and the last two aliens were also cut into pieces by Kanosuke, leaving only a corpse and blood.

The train drove forward swiftly, with a slight sway, and it didn't look so stable.

Yi Xiao frowned, thinking about how to find gantz, but at this time, Zhang Junyun seemed to have discovered the New World and exclaimed, "Do you feel that the speed of the train has become faster."

The interrupted Yi Chou was stunned, and then looked out, looking at the dark tunnel passing by. He nodded and said indifferently, "Yes, and it is still getting faster."

Zhang Junyun twitched his mouth. Such a speed made him feel very insecure. "Oh, my dear Davari, we are flying." He was powerless. (To be continued.)

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