High Magic Earth

Chapter 1005: Maneuver

The whistling airflow set off by the explosion hit the Yi arrogantly like a gust of wind, and a huge wave of tumbling upwards accompanied by the scorching high temperature seemed to roast Yi arrogant into dried meat.

Slightly adjusted the angle on the single-handed aircraft, easy to avoid the hot air flow in the aisle.

These individual aircrafts were naturally seized by Yihou. The individual aircrafts of several graduates killed by him became unowned. They stayed in the air and did not need much effort.

As for the individual flying vehicles not far away who are desperately urging the double-strength repulsion to try to leave from here, Yi Chou was imprisoned by magic.

Their owner is not dead yet, running wildly in the center of the explosion.

But they want to be dead now.

The launch speed of the individual aircraft is very fast. At the moment of receiving the call, its speed was mentioned at the peak, and Yi Chou did not have time to stop it too much.

After all, they almost directly approached the sky above the explosion, and even the composite compressed plasma bombs did not even dare to shake their fronts.

Um... compound type, yes...


"Bang Bang Bang!"

The speed of the individual aircraft is still very impressive. Before the explosion reached these Gantz combat members, some of them jumped on the aircraft's cockpit, almost zero stagnation, and the individual aircraft took them crazy away This piece of spreading death.

From a distance, it looks as magnificent as a few small boats falling in the tsunami.


The continuous bangs and screams, and the scorching waves burst out of the hope that these people had just given birth.

A series of continuously triggered plasma bombs form a form of continuous push, which instantly pushes the power of the explosion to the peak, and even the speed is more than doubled, and within a blink of an eye, these are slightly distanced. The guy again swallowed into the explosion.

"Stop work..." Yi Xiao looked down at him plainly, and pulled out a diagonal crack in the sky, and began to carry the individual harvest of the individual aircraft into it.

Self-exploitation without saying a word has never been the exclusive of the United States. Ever since dozens of compressed models of plasma bombs were found on the Kadella colonial ship, Yi Chou has never given up his idea to fight it.

Things on the technology side naturally have the advantages of the technology side.

Maybe for Superman and Doomsday, the high-end combat power that specializes in restraining similar technological weapons may not exert much strength, but in the face of Gantz, the ability is not strong, but it is not weak, and there are a large number of guys They are very useful.

What's more, the threat level of compressed plasma bombs is actually not low. After all, there are several Superman-like existences, and whether it is even a problem in the world of new humans.

At least the existence of Iron Man and the like will also evaporate into gas under unprepared circumstances.

Sure enough, any civilization that has entered the interstellar age is absolutely not to be overlooked.

Even in the magical battlefield, even the dragon suit is not counted, and it can only serve as the background of the cloud star. After putting a layer of interstellar age settings, the weapons derived from it have reached a level that can threaten the clamor.

The continuous plasma bomb explosion instantly turned everything in the center into scorched earth, and even the air was burned out for a short time to form a short vacuum.

The same problem will not happen twice. If one plasma bomb does not work, then put a few more.

Yi Chou didn't have much thought to waste too much time with these Gantz.

The explosion is still spreading, but the black spots in the air have disappeared. The individual aircraft desperately fleeing here is swept in by the explosion and then cleared under the heat of the heat.

It is cleaner than Yi Chao's magic.

These Gantz have more than enough combat power, which can pose a threat to Yi Chou, but Yi Chong takes it seriously, but can also kill them one by one.

But instead of cleaning up Gantz like these ants a little bit, it's better to save the time and effort.

After exactly three minutes, the explosion caused by the compressed plasma bomb disappeared completely.

The inside of the third new Tokyo city, which has been ploughed hard at least three times by the hot heat, has turned into a wasteland. It seems that the end of the ravages has come. I can no longer see a living person and can’t hear a voice.

Yi Xiao finally squeezed all the individual aircraft into the shadow. He took a sigh of relief and then controlled the last individual aircraft, slowly falling towards the ground.

The scorching air wave rushed across the face and instantly set off a real tingling on Yi Chou's face, as if to evaporate all the water from his body. This was the aftermath of the eruption.

Waving his magic wand, easily arranging the air around him, I felt a lot better.

As the heat wave gradually recedes, the air in the large surface and the large surface vacuum is like a vortex in the sea water, crazy attracting gas from all directions to fill in.

These gases set off a violent wave, blowing the scorched earth and blowing it, bringing a trace of sorrow and desolation to this doomsday scene.

The surroundings are very quiet. I am afraid the world has never been so quiet. Even Yi Chou can feel the slight roar between his ears.

"It's all over..." Yi Huo sighed softly.

But... the things that should come did not come.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, turned around, and looked in several directions. There was the end of multiple explosions. Some cities and buildings were still intact, and the main body of Gantz's black ball.

It is still very quiet.

Forget it, let them go to Zhang Junyun.

Yi Xiao was about to leave here, but then his ear moved slightly, as if he heard something.

Finding a direction, Yi Huo quickly walked over, and then heard the sound coming from below, raised his hands, and the invisible power instantly flew these rubbles apart.


There was a faint sound from the gravel pile below, and the wind of magic instantly blasted away the dust, exposing the face of the precarious man buried underneath.

It's mysterious plan.

"You guy is not dead yet." Yi Biao shook his head with no sincerity. It is indeed the protagonist's existence. Almost everyone died, he still insisted that he was not dead.

But looking at him like this, I'm afraid it won't last long.


Xuan Yeji's half of his body was crushed into the mud, and the remaining half of his body had been stained with blood, and the heavy combat uniform had become damaged, revealing the bones inside.

He tried to raise his hand, and then grabbed Yi Xuan, but half of his body was crushed by the rubble, and the remaining half of his arm could not exert any strength.

"Please me." Yi Huo asked quietly, "Save you alive?"

Xuan Yeji spit blood in his mouth, and the expression in his eyes was quickly receding into a ray of despair and death.

"No... Kojima... Kojima... she... yes..."

He was about to die. The breath of Xuanzano was slowly fading. The buffer liquid overflowing from the heavy combat uniform and the blood mixed together, exuding an unpleasant smell, like mud, staining Xuanzano.


Yi Xiao grabbed Xuan Yeji's collar and dragged him out of the gravel pile in an instant. His two legs had disappeared and all turned into black blood. "You don't know anything!" Yi Xuan told him Growled, "you guys who think you are right."

"Please... please... Kojima..."

Yi Xiao suddenly let go, allowing Xuan Yeji's broken body to fall to the ground, "Relax." His voice suddenly calmed down, "Although you don't understand, it should be done, it will still be done."

"Kyoshima Duohui will be fine, she will recover, everything will recover."

Xuan Yeji's eyes suddenly exploded with an expression called hope, and then, instantly, this ray of vitality quickly declined again.

He was silent.

"...Including you."

Looking at the dead body of Xuan Yeji, Yi Huo silently added a sentence in his heart.

Turning around, a crack opened instantly, engulfing Yi Biao's figure, and with a violent airflow, this black crack instantly shattered like a virtual image.

The figure of Yi Chou dissipated in the air.

But at the moment when Yi Biao left, the mysterious plan that had been judged to be dead by him also exuded a faint blue luster, which was transformed into countless light spots in a burst like a teleportation, and then disappeared in place. ...

"All the targets leave, the mission is over"

"mission failed"

"Number of survivors"


Darkness disappears, and light follows.

Moist air rushed across the face in an instant, blowing away the dry sensation that scorched by the explosion and raging on Yi Chou's face.

It should be... forest.

Listening to the faint sounds of birds and insects and the unique sweet fragrance of plants, Yi Chou could not help guessing.

At the next moment, just as the light reappeared, Zhang Junyun's ever energetic voice came from his ear, "You are finally back!" he said happily.

The surrounding scenery caught Yi Yi's eyes. Sure enough, this is a forest.

"Are you back?" Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and found Miss Tao who was standing next to her, "Does the door open in this place?"

"Did I say that, our next goal is Shenshi."

Miss Tao, who was standing bored, yawned, covered her mouth with a slender jade hand wearing a black net, and then said indifferently.

For her, the scenery here has been experienced countless times, and even if it is beautiful, it is not attractive to her at all.

But this time, it was obviously different from any other one, which made her raise a lot of interest.

"Is the history correct?" Yi Chou asked more curiously when he thought of this relationship.

"It's been messed up for a long time." Miss Tao also frowned. "It was originally here that there should be a cross-world chase from the black ball of Gantz, but they are obviously gone."

"Our people were wiped out here by the Gantz squad. Although they also suffered heavy casualties, we could not finally activate the shrine in the shrine."

"Now... we just need to reach the Shenshi."

"Then?" Yi Xuan continued to ask.

"Then I don't know." Miss Tao shrugged. "I never saw what happened next, because every time we were destroyed by the regiment, I would restart the time maneuver."

Yi Chou stunned, "Can you restart now?"

"Of course." Miss Tao didn't hesitate. "The beginning of the time round is just the minute we first met. As long as I want, I can turn the time back to that moment."

"But I certainly wouldn't do it now, and it was finally... only changed."

Yi Xiao grabbed his head, and when he recalled the memory about the killing city from the meditation basin, Yi Xiao also brought back the memory about the Huishi bird.

If he remembers correctly, although the back-time bird created a time round, it is only relatively still.

Although it is not known how the henshi bird distinguishes or controls according to its own wishes, the time gyration really only acts on the people within the gyration.

In other words, the time outside the time gyration still flows all the time.

Suppose a bird in time finds that a villa is unoccupied within the next twenty-four hours, then she can set this time as a safe time.

She can live in it at will, and when the time comes and the owner of the villa comes back, she can immediately reverse the time of 24 hours. The time in the villa, including the entire world outside the villa, will be reversed. Time Bird's memory will not disappear.

But there is still a main timeline.

It exists outside the safe time created by the back-time bird, and connects the different roundabouts and the world outside the roundabout through various hidden space-time doors.

So at the moment when the bird was found, he often just walked through a cave, but found that as if he had experienced the time change of the sea and the mulberry field, everything around him changed.

Twenty-four hours from the time when the bird was intercepted is a time whirl, just like the entire world can be engraved again, repeating what happened in these twenty-four hours indefinitely until someone breaks into the time whirl In order to bring a touch of change to breaking the unchanging daily life here.

In other words... here is a time maneuver, and he is the intruder, breaking the infinite repetition of the time maneuver.


Yi Xiao looked at Zhang Junyun and others who were still unaware of the surroundings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If so, Zhang Junyun and others were the protagonists of the time maneuver, and the entire maneuver revolved around them all the time. In the line, the original Yi Chou should not be able to see them, because they simply do not exist in the main timeline.

It was not until Yi Chou broke into the roundabout that Zhang Junyun and others should meet Yi Chou for the first time.

But the fact is that before meeting Miss Niaotao, Yi Chou first met Zhang Junyun and others...

Unable to explain the logic of Tong, it seems to conflict with the existence of Huishi Birds, probably because the force that reversed local time directly rushed them from the Edo era into the mysterious power of modern Japan, or it may be because of this world It is very chaotic in itself.

But only Yi Chou knows that the real reason is not because of these.

"Okay." Yi Biao suddenly said, "Since we have come here, let's take a look at what God Stone is." (To be continued.)

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