High Magic Earth

Chapter 1006: news

"Walk here." Miss Tao snuggled against the tree trunk with a strong waist, and suddenly stood up. She opened a weed near the big tree, and suddenly, the trail hidden behind the weed appeared in front of everyone.

"Hundreds of cycles." Zhang Junyun raised his eyebrows, but he didn't doubt it. The first one walked over, but when she passed by Miss Tao, she rolled her eyes lazily at her. The meaning is still unfinished, "This is really..."

"...Lightly familiar." Miss Tao smiled lightly, and completed the second half of the sentence for Zhang Junyun.

Zhang Junyun grinned, he always felt that Miss Tao was a little weird, because what she said really made Zhang Junyun unbelievable, she was trapped in a time loop, and has been looped hundreds of times? how can that be.

But being able to cross the world itself is already supernatural enough. Even if Zhang Junyun doesn't believe it, his reasoning keeps telling him not to blindly deny it.

Sure enough, this guy knew what he even wanted to say in the next sentence.

But wait...

Zhang Junyun suddenly reacted, looking at Miss Tao with twinkling eyes and asked, "Don't you say...he has disrupted the time maneuver, why do you still know what I'm going to say."

"Because I always want to tell you the truth." Miss Tao shrugged. "You should have said this before you came to this forest, but now it's just delayed."

"I just guessed it casually, saying... your mind is really good guess, oh, yes, in the original timeline, after you said this, you died in the next battle and were bombed. Shattered."

Zhang Junyun stared at Miss Tao angrily. Her Mandarin was more proficient than Zhang Junyun. If she didn't look, she wouldn't hear she would be a European.

Long time creatures will always practice a variety of skills to the top.

But I don't know why, Zhang Junyun just felt that she didn't like her, as if she was born with a boycott.

Miss Tao opened his hand innocently to Yi Chou, and then turned around and stepped into the path leading directly into the depths of the forest.

The secluded path is concealed and serene, like direct access to the depths of human souls, Zhang Junyun and others stepped on it with some anxiety. If it is not the sound of low birds and insects still ringing from time to time, they almost think they are walking In a vacuum.

But even the sounds of birds and insects are particularly strange, they are everywhere, hiding in the long weeds on both sides, but waiting for Yi Biao's eyes to look, they are like a piece of wheat cut off in a flash, fled To another place.

Seems to hide and seek.

"Strange place..."

It is already known that this road leads to a shrine, so it is not surprising that there are so many strange things in Yi Chou. The world itself is already strange enough, even strange to chaos.

But suddenly, Yi Biao's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head slightly, looking in a certain direction deep in the weeds.

"What are you looking at?" asked Miss Tao all the time beside him. Hearing the words, Zhang Junyun in the front stopped him.

"Nothing." Yi arrogant shook his head, and then moved away the weeds, and walked quickly.

Weeds have a half-waist height, even if they are separated by force, it takes a little effort to walk inside. Fortunately, Yi Chou did not go too deep into the inside. After only a few steps, he stopped.

In the doubtful eyes of Zhang Junyun and Tan Qing, Yi Xiao leaned down, and his figure was instantly covered by the long weed clusters.

While they looked at each other in a foggy face, a scream, like a soul-like scream, came out from behind the weed that covered Yi Huo, "Squeak!"

A piercing scream ran through the eardrum, Zhang Junyun and others suddenly lost their minds, but they soon reacted again, and their faces changed.

"Angkor! You didn't..."

The place where the voice came was the place where Yi Huo was covered up. It is difficult to make people not associate the two together. Although there is no doubt that there is something in this world that can threaten Yi Huo quietly, Zhang Junyun still Some worry.

He anxiously planned to go over to look at it, but before he left the trail, Yi Chou's figure appeared again in front of several people.

"It's okay." He stood up from behind the weeds and said to them, "Just found something interesting."

He stretched out his hand and made a pull-up motion, and then, as if he was pulling something up, he slowly dragged him out.

After Yi Chou completely broke free from the weeds and returned to the narrow path again, several talents could see exactly what he was holding in his hand.

"What is this play..." Zhang Junyun groaned his teeth, his expression strange.

"Mandela grass." Yi Chou threw the human-shaped root-like plant on the ground, clapped indifferently, "A little gift from an old friend."

Zhang Junyun looked at the Mandela grass thrown on the ground by Yi Chou, raised his eyebrows, this thing was indeed somewhat similar to the legendary creature in his impression, exactly like the body of a baby, and the crumpled villain His face, if it wasn't for the sudden bursts from before, almost screamed and their root-colored appearance, and he thought it was a ginseng fruit.

But this poor little guy was obviously not easy to toss about Yi Yiao all the way, his two eyes circled, almost turned into star eyes.

"Is it alright..." Zhang Junyun didn't speak, but Tan Qing stepped forward, looking at this strange little fellow pitifully.

That's because Mandela grass didn't know what was wrong, the appearance began to change, and gradually transformed into a cone shaped like a radish, with a thick upper and a thinner shape, and the appearance was much smoother. The big green leaves are still much more sprout than before.

If it looks like the crumpled baby-like human figure before, it would have been a good feeling even if it was Tan Qing.

"Good?" Yi Tan said with no sincerity after hearing Tan Qing's concern, "How could it be good, this thing is destined not to be good from a lifetime."

Originally, Yi Heo did not hesitate to kill those policemen without mercy. The detectives who were not dealing with him immediately glared at him. Zhang Junyun twitched his mouth and was somewhat helplessly prepared to extinguish the two at any time.

Tan Qing glared at Yi Chou and seemed to intend to tell Yi Chou’s lack of humanity, but Yi Chou turned a blind eye to this vision and said to himself, "This is the mandala that was spawned, and it has been living for a long time. Short, even if no one finds it, it will die within a few days."

"It doesn't have its own mind and psyche, and soul, and its only role is to convey commands to the king of Mandela."

"The king of Mandela..." Zhang Junyun's expression was very tangled, "You shouldn't mean..."

"Yes, Miss Mandela Tree, it should be the strongest incarnation of the magical creature Mandela Grass, and it is their king."

"...Miss!?" Zhang Junyun's eyes lit up, and immediately forgotten the strange name of magical creature and Mandela can also evolve, etc., his eyes glowed at Yi Chou.

Tan Qing immediately shifted his gaze to Zhang Junyun, staring at him fiercely, but for a time Zhang Junyun didn't even notice it.

"Her temper is pretty good." Yi Xiao shrugged. "It's also a rare, magical creature in the magical creatures, and even her IQ is higher than humans."

"Miss Mandela is currently in my territory. Are you interested in meeting her?"

"Territory...?" Zhang Junyun's expression was more tangled. He remembered Yi Xuan said that the world he went to before was a song of ice and fire, but there was such a thing as Mandela in it, " The world of a song of ice and fire?"

"No..." Yi Biao shrugged. "In another place, if you are really interested, I need to remind you that Miss Mandela is more friendly, but her neighbors are not necessarily, dementors. , You should also be familiar with this thing."

Zhang Junyun teased his lips, "It's still forget..." he said.

Finally, he noticed Tan Qing's seemingly cannibalistic gaze, so he quickly laughed and explained to her.

Mandela grass, whose leaves were caught by Yi Chou, became more and more languid, looking sleepy, and its appearance was getting dry and yellow, and finally turned into dusty ashes in a wave of shaking, dissipating in the air among.

While Tan Qing and Zhang Junyun were in a hurry, they finally pulled the problem back to the topic again.

"You said before, the real role of that thing is to deliver a message, what kind of news is that, of course, if it is not convenient..."

"It's really inconvenient." Although Zhang Junyun is just a polite one, Yi Chou is not polite.

Zhang Junyun twitched his mouth, Yi Yi's speech was still as direct as usual.

"Of course, it doesn't hurt to talk about it." Yi Huo's expression remained the same. "It's just that it brought me a bad news. An uninvited guest appeared in my territory."

"The identity is very mysterious. Miss Mandela Grass does not recognize it. The main thing is... it seems very strong, but fortunately it has not shown hostility for a while, well, so much."

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart. What kind of enemy was it and what was going on in the territory? Yi Chou didn't explain anything, but it didn't make any difference.

But Zhang Junyun also knows that these are private matters of Yi Chao. They can't ask for anything. They would like to tell them that their personal wishes are entirely from Yi Chao. They can't force them, so Zhang Junyun didn't say much.

"Hopefully not a tough guy." Zhang Junyun sighed and shook his head helplessly.

He found that since he encountered Yi Huo, the troublesome things were one after another, and he could not solve any of them, and it seemed that he appeared and proceeded around Yi Huo, which is really strange.

But unexpectedly, Yi Chou shook his head.

"Mandela grass looks very weak, and the name seems to be a threat that can be killed by screaming for death, but Miss Mandela’s strength is definitely not what you think, if she wants to kill you "" Yi Ao's eyes glanced at Miss Tao and Zhang Junyun on them, making them feel a kind of maliciousness from the world.

"There is absolutely no need to scream a second time."

Isn't that still screaming! Zhang Junyun growled silently in his heart.

"She has a record of people who once screamed in New York and directly killed half of the Hell's Kitchen, including a whole team of New York SWATs. In short, her combat effectiveness is definitely not low."

"It's not at the same level as the so-called Jiahe." Yi Chou's eyes fell on both Kanosuke and Yangyan.

However, Zhang Junyun did not notice these details, because he felt his world view was refreshed again. New York's Hell's Kitchen, Miss Mandela Tree, these are all things. Zhang Junyun only felt a chaos in his head.

Suginosuke they do not understand Chinese, but they can also hear the words Jiahe, but under the threat of Yi Biao's powerful force, they dare not have the slightest disrespect.

This is their traditional advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

"Okay." Yi Biao quickly put the episode brought by Mandela Grass behind her, followed Miss Tao, and continued to go deep into the trail.

After all, this is what happened on Neverland, and it will not affect them for a while. Yi Chou does not plan to return to deal with Neverland now, so it is easy to fall short.

Besides, the defense magic of the Red Castle is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Maybe it will usually be broken into by some small magic creatures, but if you really want to forcibly break through the defense of the Red Castle and cause damage to it, it is absolutely not It will be easier.

With the deepening of this secluded path, the sound of birds and insects around has also become lower and lower, and even began to become closer to no more tranquility and silence.

And not only that, the original beautiful scenery at the beginning also has a somewhat desolate ancient and worn feeling.

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by two loud bells, a form of sound waves that was visible to the naked eye gradually came from the end of the path, where the shrine might be, and then gradually spread and echoed into the air.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, this is the bell, obviously there is no such thing in the Japanese-style shrine, is this a temple or something else.

Thinking about it this way, Yi Xiaobian dropped his gaze to Miss Tao, but unexpectedly, when he looked sideways, they saw Zhang Junyun and they all looked in one direction with dumbfounded eyes.

Looking around, they were surprised by Miss Tao.

I saw that she was flying behind a broken stone monument at a speed that seemed to fly. Although the stone monument looked a bit shabby and old, it was still very thick. The wide stone slab completely blocked Miss Tao behind It is estimated that it is difficult for any attack to hit her.

Of course, Miss Tao is still on the side of Yi Huo, and the stele is blocking the front in the distance.

Yi Xiao looked at the narrow road where he couldn't see in the distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He didn't even have a figure.

"You are..."

"I'm sorry, sorry." Miss Tao also seemed to realize that her reaction was a little too intense, and stood up again. "It's used to, and when I heard the response, I hid reflexively."

"The most dangerous interception occurred here, every time after the echo sounded."

"How much conditioned reflex can you have?" Yi Chou also asked with a little helplessness.

"It's gone." Miss Tao opened her hand. "This is also the last interception. We were wiped out by the regiment. Then I restarted the time maneuver, which means that on the way down, I'm afraid I have no experience to help you. Now." She turned her eyes to Yi Chou. "Is it okay?"

"Enough is enough." Yi Xuan was not much surprised, and said lightly, he set his eyes on the distance. At the end of this secluded path, it was already vaguely visible, and a large building appeared. (To be continued.)

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