High Magic Earth

Chapter 1007: Shrine

"It's too shabby.???" Zhang Junyun gently moved a werewolf with a collapsed wooden wall holding him away, clearing the way for the people behind.

But these metamorphic black woods had already decayed. The claws of his half-man and half-wolf were crushed into mud-like residues with a light touch. Zhang Junyun frowned, holding his breath, not smelling the hardness of the wood. He smelled and said, "It looks like some years."

The smell of wood decay is definitely a torment for the werewolf's sensitive sense of smell at close range.

"Boom!" There was a slight tremor. Zhang Junyun had just put down the rotten wood in his hand, and the wooden wall next to him fell down again, showing a broken image.

"Be careful." The detective next to him pushed Zhang Junyun hard, and the latter showed a very innocent expression.

Yi Biao frowned impatiently, pulled out his wand, and flicked towards the ground. Suddenly, a little bright spot like starlight appeared at the feet of everyone, then floated up around their calf, and finally dissipated in the air. .

"Go ahead," he said concisely.

The result of the magic was quickly realized by the public. The most exaggerated performance was naturally Zhang Junyun. "Wow!" He looked down at his feet and cried, "I feel like I am stepping on cotton."

Yi Chao’s magic turned several people into flirting, leaving the trail and stepping into the area of ​​the shrine. The surrounding ground became more and more dirty, because the shrine has been deserted for unknown years. There is no reason for the witch to clean it.

The rotten and collapsed wooden buildings and various strange things are mixed together to form a colorful stain like a poisonous mushroom.

It's beautiful, but it's almost impossible to get down.

No one can open the way ahead, so naturally need the magic of clamor.

However, Yi Chou cannot float everyone with a floating mantra. The first floating mantra is not easy to control. Not everyone can immediately master the flight. It is impossible for Yi Chou to drag them one by one.

Moreover, the degree of the floating mantra is very slow. For more advanced floating and flying mantras, Yi Chou is afraid of what dangerous things are hidden inside the shrine.

So he used an optimal solution to lighten a few people, a perfect weight that can neither step into the sludge with one foot nor float to the sky.

In this way, they step on the muddy water just like they step on the cotton, and the mud that won't splash will not break away from the forward degree.

A few people walked vigorously on the ground, as if learning to step on the water and take the light, treating the ground as the surface of the water. "Why don't such interesting magic be used earlier." Zhang Junyun couldn't help complaining.

But his words didn't fall, and a large tree that collapsed suddenly appeared on the corner in front of him, as if it had just collapsed. The big tree had not yet completely rotted, and Zhang Junyun was too fast, and his body became light. For the sake of it, it was too late to react, and it was instantly stumbled by the surface of the hard tree.


After the body became lighter, not only the footsteps were much lighter, but also the body was also lightened. The heel that could have stopped after a fall, Zhang Junyun flew three or four meters away in one breath, almost all of them rubbed on the ground Yes, it's totally stopping with your face.

"...Because that will happen."

Yi Chou, who was following, stopped and said lightly that it was a response to Zhang Junyun's question.

Five meters away, Zhang Junyun struggled to support his body. Although his body became lighter, the substance did not escape from the ground. This five-meter glide could make Zhang Junyun miserable. His face was covered with blood and covered with blood. , All seem to be smoothed out.

Fortunately, he is a werewolf body, and it does not matter.

"Are you an idiot." Tan Qing jumped dexterously and helped him up.

"Somewhat unfit for the current weight." Zhang Junyun said with a smile, but did not feel embarrassed by this embarrassing look.

"You don't adapt to Tengu's ability?" Tan Qing rolled his eyes.

Other mermaids skipped the trunk, while Yi Chou passed Zhang Junyun, a touch of life energy paste on his face, instantly healing these small wounds.

With the power of the werewolf, these small wounds have stopped the blood for a long time, and Yi Chou is more about cleaning up the blood.

The blood that appeared in this episode interrupted the excitement of a group of people as if they were adventurous in a sense, because the deeper the road, the more dilapidated the surrounding buildings, but in a sense, There was a kind of more majestic breath.

Like a god.

"Isn't it true that there is a god." Miss Tao never went deeper to this level. This was also her first visit. The more and more intense breath made her feel a little depressed, and she couldn't help but whisper. .

Of course, the gods she understands may not be the same as the gods understood by several people. Although she also knows the so-called eight million gods in Japan, after all, she did not have a deep understanding of the local customs and customs. That's it.

Maybe when Miss Tao wants to come, even if it is not 8 million Jesus, it is at least the level of 8 million Gabriel.

But if Yi Ao knew Miss Tao's thoughts, she would definitely tell her to think too much, even if it was the Angels, there would never be 8 million Gabriel.

To that extent, in a sense, it can already be transformed from quantity to quality, and the earth has long ceased to be a resting place for human beings.

Maybe, maybe... it will become a place to rest.

But then that might be the most desperate ending.

"Relax." Zhang Junyun, who healed his face, was still full of vitality, and he and Miss Tao were not quite dealing with it. At this time, they couldn't help showing off, "The man who leads us now, but the man who slaughtered God."

He pointed to Yi Huo and said, "And still a goddess..."

Yi Xiao did not know why he highlighted the words Goddess, but he did not deny it.

Upon seeing this, Miss Tao immediately looked at Yi Chou with a strange look. The name of the God Slayer is much larger than that of the King Slayer and Dragon Warrior. For Westerners, there is always an inexplicable meaning Hidden inside.

Perhaps it is fear, or perhaps yearning and worship.

"About to arrive."

The surrounding buildings are all in the same Japanese style. After advancing a few tens of meters again, everyone suddenly felt a sudden body weight, and returned to normal weight again, and an audible reminder came from his ear.

"How do you know..."

Before Zhang Junyun finished asking this idiot question, Yi Chou pointed to the front.

Through the corners at the end of the forest path, through the layers of mottled leaves, you can vaguely see in the light and shadow, a huge Japanese-style building is standing behind the forest.

It is a temple.

Surely it's here...Zhang Junyun put away the attitude of hippie smile and slowly became cautious. Yi Chou was very strong, but if he was overwhelmed or unable to get rid of it, if he was killed by something, then what? Not too wrong.

Besides, Zhang Junyun was originally a optimistic and serious person. Before Yi Chou came to this world, he always protected the two oil bottles of Tan Qing and Daisy, although the surface did not look very reliable, But it is a werewolf who can take the responsibility by accident.

At this time, Yi Chou had taken the lead in walking towards the shrine.

A thick green forest envelops this shrine, as if it is the territory of the **** of nature. After many years, the shrine is integrated with the forest. Some trees even grow into the shrine, climbing the walls, but also supporting this ancient building.

However, compared to the periphery, the buildings here are obviously better preserved.

There is no gloom and horror. Surrounded by the secluded forest and the sound of countless birds and insects, this abandoned shrine only brings an ethereal feeling to Yi Chou and others, as if the flexibility of the whole person has been sublimated.

Except Yi Chou, he has no soul at all.

Hmmm... maybe Zhang Junyun should be added, because he was tilting his head and looking at the shrine at this time, because a group of people had just stepped into the shrine and they were on the stone road in the middle of the gate.

At a glance, Zhang Junyun saw the most important symbol of a shrine, not a statue of a god, but... a money box.

The entire shrine has been ruined and old, and even the periphery has begun to collapse, but this money box only remains intact, and even a little bright.

This has to make Zhang Junyun think of a certain greedy witch, even unconsciously, the next moment, there will be a red and white object! Jumped out.

But soon Zhang Junyun's sanity told him that this should not be Fantasy Township, and the shrine there was not like this in terms of settings.

Wait... Why did you think of Fantasy Township again?

Zhang Junyun recalled the situation in front of Luo Shengmen. That illusion almost killed his life, or Yi Chou woke him up, otherwise he might never wake up.

It was also before the shrine... it happened to be a dwelling place for gods.

I wouldn't be another... Zhang Junyun suddenly thought of something bad.

"Slap!" He didn't hesitate and slapped his face heavily on his face. The slap was heavy enough, and even the thick skin of his werewolf quickly turned red.

But... there was no change around, except for the ethereal and silent shrine ruins, there was a clear echo suddenly.

The crisp applause scared Yi Chou and a few people jumped. Miss Tao immediately hid behind Yi Chou, and Kanosuke also pulled out the Tengu samurai sword that Yi Chou gave him in front of him, protecting Yang Yan behind him.

As for Daisy, um... she disappeared from the place.

Even Yi Chou was slightly stunned. The wand appeared in his hand instantly, then turned around and pointed to Zhang Junyun, "What's going on, what happened?"

"Uh..." Zhang Junyun said in a stopper.

"Is it an illusion?" Yi Xao frowned at Zhang Junyun's slap on his face. "What did you see in the illusion?"


It's easy to understand, everyone may see different things in the illusion, don't want to say, and it's not strange, "Be careful yourself, I don't feel any trace of magic, maybe it's another unknown magic."

Only Tan Qing, because she was the closest to Zhang Junyun, saw his movements clearly. Although he didn’t have the overwhelming reaction like Kannosuke, they were also shocked.

"What are you crazy about?" Tan Qing looked closely and felt that Zhang Junyun didn't have any abnormalities, so he sneered.

"It's nothing, nothing." Zhang Junyun smiled slightly.

He glanced at him again, and Yi Chou returned his gaze.

The shrine gave him a familiar feeling, but he made sure that he had never been here. Fortunately, this is not the time when the bird's time gyration is playing tricks.

Because it wasn't that Yi Chou also got caught in the maneuver, but Yi Chou did see this shrine.

But it was in that Luo Shengmen's Sen Luo Long Street.

At the end of the long street at the time was a shrine. Looking back, it is almost exactly the same as this one, except that one is brand new and the other is old and ruined.

But it doesn't mean much. After all, in a natural world, it is simply too simple to copy a building perfectly.

This only proves that the two shrines may indeed be extraordinary. Unlike buildings like Koga, which are ordinary, there is nothing special at all.

The former shrine was just looking away, but now it is getting closer, and there are only a lot of collapsed small stone pillars around the lamppost. There is no flame in it, it is full of cobwebs and messy.

Yi Biao skipped at a glance, and quickly entered the main hall of the shrine.

This is a typical Japanese-style building. The main hall is very easy to find, and it is not big. Turning over the cash box, the main entrance of the shrine is behind.


Yi Xiao pushed the door open, and others followed immediately.

Unsurprisingly, there was no one behind the gate, and it was still a rundown scene.

"What about Shenshi?" Now that the sound of opening the door has broken the silence, Zhang Junyun will no longer be quiet and asked in a grumble.

There is nothing in the shrine, there is no idol, no candlestick, and there is no decent altar or the like, only a stone platform is placed at the end of the middle, but there is nothing on it, it seems that there is nothing It has been taken away, of course, if you count the rotten tatami wreckage and rats on the ground, the room is still very rich.

"How do I know." Tao Tao, "I said long ago, I am only responsible for taking you to find the God Stone, but I have never seen what it looks like."

"Maybe it has been taken away." Zhang Junyun touched his chin and stared at the stone platform in front of him, posing as if there was only one truth.

Uganosuke and Yangyan expressed their silence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have a natural fear of the shrine, walking in the dark, ninjas covered in blood and killing don’t like to enter such a place very much, thanks to this Abandoned, they were forced to restrain their disgust at Yi Yi's surrender, and came in silently.

But it seems to be deliberately the same as Zhang Junyun's counter-singing. Miss Tao obviously has a different opinion. "I don't think so." She chuckled and stared back at Zhang Junyun's staring eyes. Tao Tao said, "Maybe This stone is the **** stone."

"What?" Zhang Junyun froze, "You mean...this stone platform itself?"

He turned his head again, but now the detective and Daisy, who did not know when they were, were looking at themselves with a pity.

Zhang Junyun twitched his mouth and decided to ask the omniscient conch... Ah no, it was Yi Chou.

But at the next moment, he realized that Yi Chou didn't notice the situation here, but he held a strange crystal ball in his hands, which was a bit stunned.

The color of the crystal ball is very strange, because the entire surface is scattered with the dazzling bright red like an alarm. (To be continued.) 8

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