High Magic Earth

Chapter 1008: chase

Light, dazzling light, colorful light, and colorful light are intertwined, as if to form a rainbow bridge that can lead to the **** realm in legend.

But more, it is more like a colorful candy.

Delicious, full of temptation, but also contains undisguised danger.

"Have you noticed that there is one less behind."

Just when I thought all of this was still, one of the lights, or the sound suddenly came out of the light, even sounded a bit young.

It is really strange, when the light will make people feel younger.

This sentence is abrupt, I don't know who to tell it, because there seems to be no other creatures besides the colorful lights.

But the owner who wants to come to this sentence should know.

Sure enough, it seemed that when this word fell, another voice followed seamlessly, "Who knows, ghosts will pay attention to such things, and their colors are the same."

"Yeah yeah, mixed together, it looks like a dump!"

This voice seemed to open Pandora's box. Countless voices followed in a short time. It sounded thinly, but all came out of those lights.

The light itself will speak, or... what kind of creature is hidden in the light.

"That's needless to say, I don't want to be caught by those nasty things."

"Okay." The first voice sounded helpless. "Okay, okay." He said, "You guys know to run with your head down, and you really don't care about anything."

"Oh sorry, my answer is too early."

"You know."

"There will always be some minor problems in the transmission of sound. It will be a little early or a little late. It may feel like time is messy, but I think you should be used to it."

In the process of progress, because of the speed and power. "

When this sound appeared, a blue ray of light was passing the initial light quickly, and it rushed to the distance instantly, the end of the endless darkness.

But if you look closely, you will feel that this light has not moved at all, just like... they are arranged in this way.

"Not at all." The light that was left behind said with a blank expression, and even seemed to imagine a dead fish-like expression above a light. Obviously, he did not like the frivolous attitude of the former.

But... time is urgent.

As if they were always in motion.

All the lights shone madly, moving straight ahead, but their speed is fast and slow, but the slowest speed base is far greater than the relationship between the known speed measurements of humans. These lights seemed to shuttle back and forth.

The actual essence is that they are thrown away by the beam next to them and fall behind.

The transition from extreme stillness to extreme movement is very uncomfortable. For a time, this unknown space seemed to creep and roll up slowly as if to vomit.

At the next moment, countless silt-like things poured in from all corners of the unknown space, as if permeating towards these beams.

"No! It's them!"

"They are coming!"

"Isn't even the dead wizard able to stop it."

"It is estimated that he ran away long ago."

"Death Wizard? Isn't it the Master of Fantasy."

"I still remember that he has a name called Shadow Wizard, but I still think Death Wizard is the best for him."

"Enough! Now is not the time to discuss these things."

"Then what can we do, even the appearance can't stop these things."

"Of course it is running."

Listening to the non-nutritive nonsense next to me, the initial light was obviously ugly. If the light also has a face, "Leave here! Don't stop!" he said in a deep voice.

"Oh, this is our specialty."

With its order, the speed of countless rays of light was again a little faster, and in an instant, the entire space was still.

This is not surprising.

Because time is only relative, the time in everyone's eyes is different, and even the time of each time is not the same.

When the speed of extreme motion reaches the extreme, then the waiting at the end is eternal tranquility, and it is not impossible.

When all the beams were stationary and the entire unknown space was stationary, the speed of the initial ray of light was prominently highlighted. I saw that it quickly surpassed all the beams and came to the forefront.

No matter how fast they are.

Anyway, it's faster than all its companions is sure.

"Too much..." The voice under the beam murmured, it was originally going to find out where the black shadow in the mud that had run away had gone, but swarmed with countless black mud Cut off its thoughts in an instant.

At this level, even it is too busy to escape.

"Forget it...wherever it goes, I hope the guys who encounter it, ask for more blessings, and wish the unlucky bastard, good luck."

The beam sighed for a few minutes and then accelerated again in an instant.

At this time, the countless silt surging behind it instantly seemed as if the demons with open teeth and dancing claws followed. They were everywhere attached to the sky, to the ground, to all meaningful existence in this unknown space.

It spreads rapidly, grows indefinitely, wherever it goes, everything is turned into a rust-red rust sculpture.

Even the air can condense, and the abstraction can also be frozen.

Only the next moment, the leading light group's face changed, because it suddenly found that there were one less in the countless colored beams behind it.

"not good!"

It didn't realize when the light beam disappeared, which means that time has been changed. No wonder these things came in like crazy and chased them.

But soon he realized that he had no time to think about it.

The speed of the light beam slowed down instantly. Without the extreme speed, the hidden creature in the light beam was immediately revealed vaguely, which is a fuzzy human figure.

He took off a necklace from his neck like something, and then a little head, and a little necklace, quickly tossed outward.

I saw that the necklace continued to grow with the speed of light, and instantly broke the original chain. The body became a huge crystal ball with a human head.

It didn't stay, it turned like a fly back, and was swallowed by countless silt instantly, but then, as if it was not affected by the slightest influence, it broke the shackles again and rushed out suddenly, and disappeared in a smoky smoke. In this unknown space.

The human image was relieved. Fortunately, the chain was not dropped at a critical time.

He didn't dare to stay when he looked at the mud that was quickly approaching from behind. He reached out and touched his head. After doing a gesture like pressing a hat, the figure moved and instantly jumped forward again.

After all, his speed is not as fast as before, so there is a vaguely visible face.

A young man in his twenties is more mature and more responsible, but this face is still very familiar, he is...

Barry Allen! ...

The red crystal ball, bright red, makes people feel a kind of unforeseen hunch.

Looking at this weird thing, Zhang Junyun asked strangely, "What is this?"

There are always a lot of weird existences in the hands of the wizard, and the crystal ball is the standard match of the wizard and magic, so it is not surprising that Zhang Junyun really holds Yi Yibiao holding a crystal ball. What he is really curious about is that the crystal ball is Used for what.

Used for what.

Yi Xiao is very clear, so he inevitably brought a little bit of happiness.

Before starting from the other side of the earth, the land of England, Yi Chou once made a pair of glasses, trying to find the anomalies of this world.

That pair of glasses finally led him to this continent, Japan.

When Gantz appeared, Zhang Junyun once said that Gantz's black ball did not seem to be the only one, so Yi Chou thought of the method of using the crystal ball.

Similar to the principle of glasses, but with a more perfect carrier.

But this one in Yi Chou's hands was not used to find Gantz, but to detect his original and original purpose, the anomalies and errors in this world.

The bright red full of crystals has explained one thing. He is not far from the truth, or he may be standing in front of the truth at this time.

"You don't care what it is, you just need to know...the thing in front of you may really be the one we are looking for."

I was looking for it all the time, and Yi Chou added a sentence in his heart.

"Huh?" Zhang Junyun understood this and said it bluntly, which means that this thing can help people judge the chant of Shenshi, but then Zhang Junyun's face changed. He looked at the stone in front of him with a bitter face, and said frustratedly, "You It doesn’t mean that the ugly, slabstone stone platform in front of us... is what we are looking for, the legendary **** stone."

"Aren't you very smart." Yi Xuan didn't answer, even didn't even look back at Zhang Junyun, but stared at the stone intently, then walked forward.

Zhang Junyun frowned and immediately followed carefully to avoid any changes, but his mouth continued to grumble, "What we are looking for is such an ugly stone."

"Is it useful?"

Miss Peach gave him a white look, playing the elegance of the Victorian ladies, without leaving him behind.

Yi Xiao came to the so-called God Stone and looked carefully.

There are no obstacles around, no fences to prevent visitors from entering or visiting, no decorations, and no gaps are left even when repairing the floor, it is integrated with the ground and grows directly from the ground Came out, or drummed up.

"Existing shrine, some **** stones in the future?" Yi Bust whispered strangely, turning his doubtful eyes to Miss Tao.

And Miss Tao just shrugged, showing an expression that she couldn't help but knew nothing about.

The Shenshi is very calm, and Yi Chou has not noticed the slightest breath, magic breath, or even the most ordinary breath on his body. Of course, if it is not the latter, it is a little weird.

Any object, or creature, has more or less a little energy. Energy is the foundation of everything in this world, and magic is based on these energies.

Yi Chou can feel more or less, but there is nothing on this stone.

As if it didn't exist in this world at all.

If it wasn't for Yi Biao's own eyes, he didn't even think there should be something here, energy was empty, like a big piece of air.

No, it's not right, not even air, because there is a lot of energy mixed in the air, but now this **** stone is stuck here like a nail, it is like digging a piece out of it, leaving a conspicuous energy blank area.

"This is really strange..." Yi Xiao leaned down and touched the surface of the stone with some unconfirmed hands. It was cold and hard. It was real, not an illusion.

"What did you find?" Zhang Junyun next to him lowered his voice and asked.

"Not yet." Yi Xiao was still staring at the stone intently, and at the next moment, his right hand snapped suddenly, a black mist burst out of the palm of his hand, and a sharp samurai sword was drawn out of it, and then he said, "Not too fast."

Before Zhang Junyun responded, Yi Chou instantly waved his sword to the center of Shenshi.

He held the handle of the knife with his backhand, pointed the sharp tip of the knife at the surface of Shenshi, and then pressed hard.

"Boom! Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

A series of crisp sounds appeared in Yi Chou's ears. Under his great strength, the katana forged by Tengu were easily crushed by him and broken into sections, but the surface of the **** stone was not damaged at all. .

Xian Zhijie's gaze at the side was fixed, and Zhang Junyun also twitched his mouth. The sharpness of this knife, but the two experienced it, they could even cut the existence of flames, etc., but I didn't expect it to penetrate into a stone.

But knowing this time, Miss Tao only reacted from the movements Yi Yi made in a moment. She was slightly stunned, and then asked worriedly, "It's not good to do this."

"Then do you know what to do?"

Miss Tao shook her head suddenly, no longer speaking, of course, she still felt that Yi Huo's violent destruction of the Shenshi really lost the gentleman's demeanor.

"Perhaps... this thing is not used this way." Daisy, who had no sense of existence along the way, also said, after all, the Shenshi looks like a magic item, and it is also a wizard's field. It seems there is no way to see Yi Chou. , Daisy will no longer be a little transparent.

Seriously, her sense of existence is too low, sometimes she forgets herself.

"Your teacher taught you?" Yi Huo asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Daisy under the cloak nodded. "The teacher is very good at these things."

"What a coincidence, I am also good at it." Yi Huo said, "Maybe we can communicate with each other sometime~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But despite this, his movements did not stop at all, he took it out again. A samurai sword, holding a sword flower in his hand, then stood on his chest.

Although others do not know why Yi Chao did the seemingly useless things again, they did not blindly stop them.

Yi Xiao stood in front of him with a long magic sword, and then a line of magic words that only he could see appeared in front of him in flames.

"Coentana..." Yi Huo translated into an unknown language and whispered it, but in the ears of Zhang Junyun and others, such a very similar pronunciation.

At the next moment, the long knife in Yi Xuan's hand suddenly lighted up, as if he had regenerated. Yi Xuan's mouth seemed to show a slight smile, and then, without hesitation, he immediately pressed the long knife back again suddenly. .


As if there was a kind of piercing sound, the blade of the long knife suddenly submerged in the **** stone. (To be continued.)


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