High Magic Earth

Chapter 1009: So-called **** stone

"Successful?" Zhang Junyun exclaimed.

Then at the same time, everyone, including Yi Huo, turned his face, "What's the success?" They looked at Zhang Junyun and asked.

"Uh..." Zhang Junyun's tone suddenly stopped, and he scratched his head. "I just said it casually. I already wanted to say this sentence. Don't you think it's well suited to the atmosphere at this time."

"Boring." Tan Qing on the side rolled his eyes.

Yi Xiao also withdrew his gaze, and then he shook the handle in his hand. The samurai sword was deeply submerged in the surface of the stone, and the handle was flicked lightly.

"Good knife." Miss Tao raised an eyebrow and asked gracefully, "And then?"

To be honest, Yi Chou is not quite sure what to do next. Deviating from the derivative development of the known plot, the most unfavorable point is that the advantage of familiar plot disappears.

Yi Xiao can only speculate on the basis of known clues, from Zhenzi, from Fujiang, and Miss Tao.

The first half of Sadako’s speech has already been realized, and the dwelling of the gods is obviously a shrine, which is also worthy, then the remaining half of the sentence..." There, open in the guard of countless people The real door." What would it mean.

Everything can only be guessed.

It's like a perfect puzzle game.

But for Yi Biao, he has another option, that is to destroy all this. In fact, this is the real purpose of Yi Biao coming to this world.

No matter what is interfering with the normal operation of the world, as the guardian of Neverland, Yi Chou has to clean up the parasites.

So if you change someone else, you may need to follow the guidance step by step and finally find the real answer.

Yi Chou intends to immediately strangle the thing that hides in the dark as soon as it emerges.

This is also the reason why he can destroy the so-called **** stone without any care. Anyway, his ultimate goal is to destroy the **** stone, no matter what he does, it doesn't matter.

Fortunately, while Yi Huo was at a loss, Shen Shi itself gave the answer to this question.

"Look." It was Daisy who first discovered the anomaly. She seemed very curious about such magic items. Ever since Yi Xao had just penetrated the stone with a samurai sword, she had been staring intently.

It is said that everyone turned around, fourteen eyes staring at the handle of the samurai sword, which is the surface of the **** stone, the so-called wound.

The blood of Pobo is slowly flowing out. The thick, red-like juice is thick and viscous, spreading slowly along the rough surface of Shenshi, and then slowly dripping down.

"Isn't it..." Zhang Junyun sucked his tongue, "What is there in the **** stone..."

Tan Qing shoved him abruptly, seeming to be annoyed why he said things so horrible. Of course, Yi Xiao and Daisy and Miss Tao were seriously thinking about the possibility.

Both Kanosuke and Yangyan still act as transparent people.

At the next moment, "Kaka!" The sound of cracked stones came from under the eyelids of several people. Just in front of them, the surface of the Shenshi slowly cracked, and so open-eyed, The cracks expanded rapidly, breaking apart and scattered in an unstoppable trend.

"It's about to break." Zhang Junyun shrugged, his words sloppy, but pulled Tanqin cautiously, and took her back a little bit, "I have a bad feeling."

This sense of sight as if the oss was about to appear made everyone involuntarily take a few steps back, and then slowly and carefully back away to watch.

The cracks of the Divine Stone are getting bigger and bigger, and then at the next moment, with a crisp sound, the whole Divine Stone suddenly split in two from the middle part.

Under all the gaze, the inside of the Shenshi exposed, then... still stone.

"Hah?" Zhang Junyun made an incredible voice.

After all, Shenshi made such a big movement and had such a big name, but in the end, nothing strange was revealed in it at all.

Of course, it is the most normal thing to have a stone in it, but...it is a **** stone.

"We seem..." Zhang Junyun gave a laugh and tried to break the frozen atmosphere.

But at this time, Yi Xuan raised his hand and directly stopped Zhang Junyun's next words. The rest of Zhang Junyun was swallowed back, and his face also showed a puzzled expression, "What's going on?"

Yi Xiao is also unclear, or he does not know, there is no abnormal magical change, and there is no danger in the surrounding vision, but he is instinctive and feels a wrong breath.

Then it was abrupt, without any signs, as if it was turned over instantly between heaven and earth.

The world is cracking.

Space is broken. ...

"Woo, mom! I'm looking for mom!"

"My leg! My leg is broken!!!"

"Come here, someone here is suppressed! Come here!"

"Save me! Come and save me!"

Between the ruins, there is pain and wailing, and there is a desperate scream and death everywhere. This is the third new Tokyo city, once the most prosperous center, at this time has become a ruin and blood slough.

The worst place in the whole city is not the center of the explosion, but the edge of the circle close to the center of the explosion.

After all, the explosion cannot be limited to only within the effective range, and the explosion immediately loses its effect when it reaches the end, and does not affect the marginal area.

In the fringe areas affected by the explosion, the damage they suffered was actually more serious than inside.

After all, everything in the center of the explosion has been wiped out, but the broken area on the edge still exists.

This is where the disaster is most miserable, a human **** that exists on the ground.

At the moment of the disaster, the most central buildings and all creatures were undoubtedly wiped out. Except for those members of the team wearing Gantz black **** wearing protective clothing, no one can face a compressed electricity from the civilization of the interstellar age. The power of a bullet.

At the same time, the area on the verge of disaster was shattered, shattered, and even the people inside the building were directly killed by the aftermath of the explosion.

Although the horrible thing about the plasma bomb is that it can melt all the high temperatures, it does not mean that it cannot cause the slightest explosion.

Even if the plasma bomb itself does not contain blasting material, a series of chain reactions caused by high temperature are enough to launch a fatal attack on humans on the edge.

The air waves instantly smashed a circle of buildings on the edge of the explosion into ruins. The collapsed building could not be directly pressed by the people who fled in the future. Countless lives were buried under the broken ruins, young, old, and even in their prime. of.

It seems to be like a meteorite descending from the sky. Apart from leaving its own deep pit on the ground, it is also like an artist. It is squirted out, and the overflowing gas is carved on the surrounding buildings. Carefully carried out a death-like reshaping.

Everything is destroyed.

It's as if the end has come.

The explosion cannot continue indefinitely. When it turns all the buildings a few kilometers away into powder and ruins, the power gradually disappears, but at this moment, it has already taken at least hundreds of thousands of lives.

And now, life is still going on.

"What! What are you talking about!"

"how can that be!"

"Damn it! Who did it, is it a nuclear bomb! Is it a nuclear bomb!!"

At the same time, countless departments of the current government received relevant information. Such a big thing can be clearly felt even by the blind.

Unfortunately, apart from knowing that an explosion occurred, they knew nothing about it.

Everyone who knows the relevant news has disappeared, and what they don't know has turned to ashes, and the only parties, Gantz and Yi Chou, are obviously impossible to explain.

Because no matter who the two sides are, I am afraid that this organization, which is equivalent to a behemoth for ordinary people, has not been taken into account.

Even the Gantz, what they want to protect is human beings.

Therefore, although the various departments have been aware of the big explosion in the third new Tokyo city, they can not get anything really valuable except to order to investigate all related news.

No progress has been made in investigating the cause of the explosion, but rescue work is still to be done.

A continuous rescue team was dispatched, and rescuers in several surrounding cities were immediately on the road. The few helicopters that had survived the explosion also began to hover in the sky. As a country with frequent disasters in the earthquake zone, Japan is here Obviously, there is already preparedness.

Although the rescue team is already on the road, as the initial stage after the disaster broke out, there is still life continually passing and disappearing, every minute and every second.



Difficult to push away the crushed stone, a somewhat embarrassed figure, difficult to stand up from the ruins full of gravel and cement slabs.


Hairen Shanping coughed up the sand again, struggling to support the fragments on the nearby ruins, and then slowly stood up, Hairen Shanping was obviously very lucky, although the collapsed ruins buried him underneath, But fortunately, he did not hurt him too much.

Compared to those who were buried under the rubble, broken their legs and feet, or even directly killed their lives, he was already too lucky.

"What the **** is..." Shan Ping looked around in a daze, unclear what happened.

As a dead man, he had been staying at home and was watching the live streaming of idols on the Internet, and suddenly, he suddenly felt a shaking in the world.

He thought there was an earthquake again. Although he didn't know why he didn't warn him in advance this time, he was panicking and ran out without even having time to clean up.

But before waiting for Shanping to leave his house, he collapsed his hut with a violent shaking, and then instantly, Shanping's eyes were dark, and he fell heavily on the ground.

Recalling the memories before the coma, Shan Ping's blank eyes finally got a little focus.

"How long has it passed..." He thought dimly, "What the **** happened..." Shan Ping's eyes were completely out of focus, and he looked around indifferently.

There are wailings everywhere, and like him, countless people crushed under the ruins desperately for help, but not everyone has his good luck, broken hands, broken feet, even people who have long lost their voices. It's all.

Shanping slowly walked down from the ruins, and immediately someone in good condition greeted him, and then shouted at him loudly, but Shanping only felt a buzz in both ears, and could not hear the sound of communication. The messy sounds entered his ears as if they had not passed through the brain, and were immediately filtered out.

It seems that Shanping was lucky to have suffered no serious injuries. The man soon gave up on Shanping and then went to rescue the more seriously wounded who were buried.

Shanping stumbled down the ruins, then came to the ruins beside a park, and slowly squatted down.

He felt a mess in his head, he needed to think about it.

"This kind of disaster... this kind of disaster..." Shanping felt as if the end of the world had arrived in an instant. He was standing above the ruins of the city, surrounding it, and the surviving humans were like ants entrenched on the mountain, extremely small.

After a long time, Shanping finally felt better.

During this period, he was not disturbed. After all, he was also covered with dust, and apparently had just crawled out of the dirt.

This sudden explosion caused countless people to lose their lives, lost their loved ones, or he was one of them.

More and more people with relatively minor injuries climbed out of the rubble, and then began to help others spontaneously. The wailing noise on the ruin gradually decreased, and the sound of rescue became louder.

Shan Ping finally felt that his soul had returned to his body again. He stood up silently and decided to dedicate his strength to this disaster.

"This **** disaster..." As Shanping stood up, he suddenly saw the end of the sky and earth in the distance. There was the center of the explosion. The violent explosion instantly melted the ground into a big crater, as if the meteorite had fallen. Doomsday scene.

"Oh my god..." Shanping moaned weakly, "What the **** is this..."


"Boom! Boom!"

But before waiting for him to express too much emotion, the next moment, he suddenly moved his ear slightly, turning around and looking back as if hearing something.


"Boom! Boom!"

A strange voice, Shan Ping's curiosity seemed to be picked up, his attention instantly shifted from the sky to his back, as if he couldn't control his body, he turned and walked to the park ruins behind him.

"Boom! Boom!"

This strange sound is still ringing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and getting closer and closer to him.

Shanping carefully stepped into the park step by step. I heard that the park used to be a shrine, but later it was transformed into a park, and many old people and children often come here.

The original landscape inside the garden was unintentionally turned into a ruin at this time, but fortunately, because there are no high-rise buildings in the park, its damage is not as serious as other places.

However, it was still buried by gravel dregs, and the whole ground was completely turned over by the blast caused by the explosion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound continued to attract Shanping, and he slowly walked into the park, as if he could naturally find the source of the sound accurately.

As Shanping gradually progressed, the largest building ruin in the park also appeared in front of him.

It was the existence of a shrine in Shanping's memory that no one had gone to. (To be continued.)

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