High Magic Earth

Chapter 1010: broken

"Why am I here?" Shan Ping asked himself in his heart. He thought about it more than once, but the pace at his feet did not stop for a moment.

As if the answer to the question was deliberately ignored, although he realized it, he instinctively ignored the importance of the answer to the question.

No one noticed Shanping, the disaster of the big bang came suddenly, and at this time after the disaster, everyone was busy rescuing the survivors in the rubble, and naturally no one noticed the existence of the park on the opposite edge.

There are not many people in the park itself, and the cry for help is naturally small. This shrine is very old. No one came to visit it. As Shanping continued to deepen, his figure gradually deviated from the vision of the large army. Came to the desolate park with no one else.

"Boom! Boom Boom!"

That's it.

Shanping stared at the ruins in front of him, his heart was clear.

Unlike the ruins in other locations, the ruins here are not debris and other debris, but some broken wood piles and wood chips.

Obviously, the building here used to be wooden.

Only the wooden building complex will be so sturdy, and even there are many wooden piles around, you can vaguely see the appearance of the house before the air wave hit the place.

It is exactly what the foundation of the shrine looks like.

"Why did I come here?" Shan Ping seemed to wake up suddenly, suddenly awakened, a trace of panic and anxiety crossed his eyes. This is instinctive when human beings face the unknown and the things they do not understand. Frightened.

"Boom! Jump!"

The strange sound was still ringing tirelessly, and Shan Ping immediately thought of leaving, because he didn't know what this was, and he didn't know why he was so confused that he would come here.

He immediately thought of the bizarre legends that circulated between the city and the shrine, the monsters, the monsters, and the horror legends.

Although Shanping didn't believe in such things, he couldn't help making this strange situation at this time, making him not associate with this story.

With a swallow of saliva, Shan Ping decided to leave, but he didn't know why, and he couldn't move his feet in one step.

"Boom! Jump!"

But this life-threatening voice was still like the ghost of the Soul Locker, wrapped around Shanping's ear, so that he could not easily walk away.

"If it weren't for those weird legends." Shan Ping asked himself, "If it's an individual!"

Relative to these sudden thoughts in his head, he scared himself. Obviously, there is a greater possibility of burying a living person under the ruins.

After all, this sudden explosion buried most of the people under the rubble, and if you just walked away like this, you might have a life, or even a few live lives forever.

"Boom! Boom Boom!"

At this moment, the strange sound seemed to be mixed with Shan Ping's heartbeat, and kept beating with his heartbeat.

He decided to dig up the rubble to see if someone was knocking something to transmit the sound, but the shouting below could not be transmitted because of the burial.

"Waiting for me." Shan Ping whispered. He gritted his teeth, and because he was not injured, he began to move all the broken wood debris on the surface.

It is a pity that his long life in the house has already made his body weak and weak. After only a few minutes, he was tired and panting.

"Anyone below?"

The ruins were slightly removed, and at this time Shanping couldn't care too much, so he knelt down and shouted down.

No answer, even that voice was gone.

Shanping was anxious, and before he could rest, he threw it down desperately again, "Anyone?" he shouted, and chopped off large pieces of gravel. "Anyone!?" he snarled wildly.

Pieces of rubble and wood were thrown away by him, slowly rolling down the ruins, and the soil was pulled to the side by him, even touching his hands with blood.

And there is still no response below.

Shan Ping became more anxious, but the next moment, he suddenly froze.

Because under the ruins, an ugly rock was buried.

"Did I dig into the earth's center." Shanping looked dumbfounded, and felt that his digging speed did not seem so fast, so why did he dig into the rock layer.

But soon, Shanping realized that the ruins were just removed from the surface by him. This is not under the soil, but should belong to the shrine.

So... "Why is there a big rock in the shrine." Yamaping thought strangely, "Is it a place for something?"

But the next moment, he doesn't need to think about it.

Because the surface of the rock suddenly cracked a deep gap, as if the eyes opened suddenly, "Boom!" It made a huge crisp sound.

Shan Ping was trembling in shock, instinctively fell backwards, and sat on the ground.

However, the cracks on the rock surface did not stop expanding, and the gap became larger and larger, eventually resembling a huge mouth that spread and did not break apart, exuding a cold chill.

Numerous small cracks spread along the large cracks and extend to the entire rock surface in an instant.

"Click! Click!"

The rock made a burst of crisp sound, the surface cracked instantly, and then... broke into pieces.

Shan Ping looked at this scene with a stunned expression. He didn't understand why he was like this. After all, there were not a few things that were crushed by the impact of the disaster, just a stone.

But at the next moment, Shanping felt a sudden chill.

"Giggle! Giggle!"

"What voice?! What... who." Shanping said incoherently.

Along with his panic voice, a tall, thin and slender figure appeared in front of him, "Giggle!" He grinned back to Shanping with a smile.

He wore a kimono that looked like pajamas, with flowers and stripes, like silk, and he continued to rise and fall with the breeze.

Shan Ping felt that no other clothes were worn under his kimono.

This is a man and a woman. Shanping looked at his thin figure, and the thought came out of his head involuntarily.

Then he turned around and Shanping's thought immediately dissipated.

Because it is not human at all.

Its face seemed to be a melted mask, rigid and stiff, boxy, as if the muscles were stiff and could not even express an expression.

Shanping felt that he had seen it there.

Yes, he remembered that at the event of the shrine event, there was a mask very similar to Tengu.

It giggled and looked at Shanping as if it had no focus, and then moved away carelessly, and Shanping only noticed that it was unusually tall, almost as tall as two people.

Shanping swallowed a spit, feeling his feet trembling unconsciously, a stream of heat flowing down, and Shanping felt unsteady standing.

"Smelly! Smelly!"

Its one that always smiles with its upturned mouth, covers his nose, and then looks at Shan Ping and says.

Shanping felt a tremor from the ground behind him, accompanied by the vibrations of gravel and wood, an equally tall figure came out from behind him.

It is very similar to the guy in front of him, wearing a kimono and opening his chest to reveal the almost pale skin under the clothes.

But unlike its companions, it has a face of evil spirits. It is not the guy next to it. The corner of his mouth is always grinning and uplifting, but a greasy expression, as if always suffering and hating.

"Hahahaha...here...awesome...Momotaro...awesome..." he said hahaha.

"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

Another Momotaro smiled and put his hand on the handle of his waist. "Interesting, interesting... Hehehehehahahaha."

"So weak, so weak."

The two Momotaro surrounded Shanping, and their eyes seemed to radiate bad intentions.

"Hehehehehe... do you have any last words?" Momotaro, whose muscles have stiffened into a mask of a ghost, asked with a stiff brow and smiled.

Momotaro... Shanping just felt his head blank, Momotaro... Isn't it a little guy who is only the size of a peach and looks cute.

Why is there such a strange look, more than two meters high, and the presence of a samurai sword.

Wait, the point is... Isn’t this just myth and legend, why does it really appear in front of me.

But as if he smelled death, under the threat of death, Shan Ping's thinking was unprecedentedly clear. He asked tremblingly, "Can I...Can I surrender?"

"Um..." Momotaro in the evil spirit mask groaned a little, "Good last words." He said.

"Ha ha ha ha! Hey hey hey..." Motaro grinned a burst of laughter, then shook his shoulders, turned and left here.

Another Momotaro was not embarrassed by Yamaping. He shrugged his shoulders and followed the footsteps of his companions, walking down the ruins staggeringly.

Shan Pingzhi felt that his body was soaked with cold sweat, and he completely recovered his life on the death line.

But... finally survived.

What did you send out?

It was only then that Shanping realized that what he did seemed to have caused some very terrible consequences. After all, many comics mentioned that an ordinary person had entered a place by mistake and then opened the seal. Caused a terrible monster out of print.

When I read the comics and saw this place, Shan Ping often vomited badly. The seal with such a terrible thing would be opened by an ordinary person.

But now, unexpectedly, he actually played the role of that ordinary person.

At this moment, Shanping suddenly felt a sudden tremor from the ground behind him, and the sudden shaking even made him stand unsteadily, almost planted from the ruins.

Shanping turned instinctively, and...


His eyes were dark, and this was the last memory of his short life.

A huge man with a height of more than five meters, like a bullfrog, but with a monkey face and a low crown on his head raised his foot, accompanied by a flurry of flesh and blood, it doubted Glanced at the vague flesh glued to the sole of the foot, then rubbed on the ground and continued walking forward.

And such a scene happened at the same time in all areas within tens of kilometers near the park.

A huge monster with a horse face, a samurai sword around his waist, and a slash of survivor Momotaro, there are things like ghosts in hell.

"Ah! Monster, monster."

"What monster is this!"

They screamed slowly out of the ground under the exclamation of the survivors, and then raged and destroyed everything they saw in front of them.

The world overlaps, and the ghosts travel at night.

The real disaster is coming now...

At the same time, the third new Tokyo city is on an unknown high-rise building.

Time is flowing.

The electronic countdown on the black sphere is constantly being deducted. As the number jumps, a sharp blurry tremor will appear on the surface of the black sphere's light screen.

And in this empty black ball room, on the floor, a man in tights was lying quietly...


I don't know how long after that, Xuan Yeji only felt a tingling spread all over his body, and the severe pain instantly awakened him from the coma and let the soul return.

"I...I'm not dead..."

Before opening his eyes, Xuan Yeji thought blankly, feeling that his body was intact. Except for tiredness and pain that swept the body, his condition seemed very good.

At least it's much better than the ones that have been scorched by intense heat, crushed bones, and even the whole body has been melted.

"Not dead... Why didn't I die..." Xuan Yeji still paralyzed himself, murmured in his mouth.

There was a scene before his eyes, the death of his companion, that seemed unmatched, not an explosion that humans could stop, Kato sacrificed himself to save himself, and... Kojima.

Xuan Yeji felt a tingle in his heart.

"Why am I still alive..." he whispered, as if to ask himself.

"Of course... To save the people to be saved!"

At this moment, Xuan Yeji suddenly froze, a sound filled with air came from his ear, and then, a big hand fell heavily on his lying shoulder.

"Have... people?"

Xuan Yeji opened his eyes in surprise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how could it be..."

What I saw was still the inferior dazzling light in the black ball space, but under the light, there was a circle of tight-fitting guys in his field of vision, and then stared at his face.

"Wake up?" one of the middle-aged men grinned, his voice full of breath, the one who had just spoken.

"It seems that your condition is not very good." He dragged the Xuan Yeji from the ground. "The teammates were destroyed by the regiment? Then they lost their motivation. That would not work."

"Look at us." He pointed to the people around him. "We have failed countless times. There are only one person left in countless times, but we are still alive."

Xuan Yeji seemed to realize the meaning of his words, and his voice was dumb. He asked in a low voice, "You... graduated a few times."

The middle-aged man pondered his head, shrugged, and said, "Everyone... six or seven times on average." (To be continued.)

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