High Magic Earth

Chapter 1011: 0 Demon Night

Xuan Yeji's pupil shrank fiercely, "Sixty-seven.???" He felt his throat dry and his mouth dry for a while.

Although there is a muddled piece in his head at this time, he still knows what this sentence means. The average person is six or seven times, not the highest six or seven times.

Although the group of rookies carried by Xuan Yeji was barely considered a graduate, it was evenly distributed, and even everyone could not even graduate once.

Even the mysterious plan with the highest number of graduations is only twice.

Ichiro Ichiro, together with the couple, almost beat up the terrible alien directly, but only graduated four times.

And it was only the highest, Ichiro Ichiro arrived four times.

Thinking of the seemingly dragging, very annoying guy, who had just been resurrected and died in a brutal battle, Xuan Ye Ji suddenly felt powerless.

Maybe this is their destiny...

"Boy! That's not enough, cheer up." The middle-aged uncle patted Xuan Yeji's shoulder full of vitality, looking full of energy.

But Xuan Yeji was exhausted, and he didn't even bother to squeeze out an extra expression.

Of course, not everyone is suitable for this style. Even the middle-aged uncle’s teammates are, a young woman with sunglasses on her head helplessly covers her head and sighs.

"I said, uncle, it's not the time to promote your knighthood. The black ball didn't announce it, and even dragged us in without even giving the reaction time. Obviously it was a big deal, you didn't do anything at all. Are you worried?"

"Haha." The decision-making heartily smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, the explosion in 1991... didn't we all break through, huh, that was really miserable..."

Seeing that the decision had to be run away, Sunglasses quickly stopped, "Qiqi, is there any useful news."

A girl who looked like an elementary school student raised her head and stared at the sunglasses woman with an idiot, then turned the screen on her wrist in the corner of her twitching mouth.


"Osaka Radio reports for you..."

The woman in sunglasses whispered, covered her mouth with tight gloves, and most of the people around her reacted the same. She even frowned deeply at the decision.

"It's more serious than that explosion." The woman in sunglasses frowned, "The explosion... is over, but these are, aliens, are we our enemies this time."

Talking, the Sunglasses girl's expression became colder, which is a kind of arrogance of absolute confidence in herself.

But just here, a burst of teleportation sounded again, and with the faint blue light, everyone's eyes were focused.

After a long while, a man with naked upper body appeared on the spot. He scratched his head in distress, looked around, and said lazily, "Ahhhhh... I'm back here again, so annoying."

"Damn it, *man!" The woman in sunglasses lowered her head, pushed her glasses, secretly sipped, and cursed silently.

The half-naked man didn't care. He licked the corner of his mouth and flirted at the sunglasses girl, but it seemed that he had heard of this perverted name. The very strong sunglasses girl didn't even act on the spot.

Of course, the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Fortunately, at this time, a guy who had been silent for a long time suddenly broke out, and he broke the sense of solidification, "gantz black ball...can be resurrected..."

"Of course." Xuanye once patted Xuan Yeji's shoulder again. "You don't even know this, you are not..."

"Anyone other than the gantz squad... what about people..." Gennoji asked dryly.

The decision immediately frowned, and his voice fell, "This...I don't know..."

"Yes." The woman in sunglasses said suddenly, "I tried."

"Whee?" The decision was stunned. "When did you try Gaga, I don't know..." He made an exaggerated expression that his captain was no longer trusted.

But Gamma Gamma in sunglasses ignored him directly.

Xuanye Jiwen Yan's eyes suddenly brightened, and there seemed to be a fire-like light in his eyes, as if he could burn everything.

"I... got it!" Xuan Yeji suddenly raised his head.

Everyone, including half-naked men and choices and Gamma, was shocked, because they not only saw the crazy light in the eyes of Xuan Ye Ji, but also shone a kind of moving mind, making them unable to name a feeling of.

This is actually...

The protagonist's aura...

"Urgent task"

"Urgent task"

"The world is under threat!"

"Clear! Clear!"

"Task cloth"


"Zi-Zi -"

"Incorrect data"

"Hundred Ghost Star Man"


"Features: Looks like a stone"

"Mantra: Hundred Ghosts-Nocturnal, Hundred Ghosts-Nocturnal"

"Protect everything you see"

"Otherwise everything you really love will be destroyed"

At the same time, the mission cloth from the black ball gantz space is surrounded by the whole world and around the earth. It seems that all gantz team members around the world have received this mission.

Of course, if you elaborate, there are actually only a few cities near the third new Tokyo city.

"What the **** is going on." Countless people grabbed their heads and their memories flashed back instantly, allowing them to pick up all the fighting experience from the black ball space again.

Before they could digest these memories, new questions flooded up again.

Black Ball was so anxious that he didn't even give time for preparation, so he dragged them in directly. What was it?

Although they have also experienced several emergency missions, but never before so many people, one after another from the black ball gantz combat personnel were sent out of thin air.

The faint blue light is everywhere in the third new Tokyo city, most of them are not under the vision of those monsters. It seems that the black ball also knows that this mission seems very dangerous.

Even more, it has no cover up, and under the eyes of everyone, it throws them out of thin air.

"what is that!"

"...Is this, monster?"

Some police officers responsible for the emergency deployment quickly took out their pistols and directed them at the people who were sent by the faint blue light, and the surrounding crowd began to panic, but more, in this area that has not yet been affected by the monsters Instead, they took out their phones to take pictures instead of running away immediately.

Several of their graduates were sent off. They ignored the police officers and looked around. "This mission looks very dangerous." They have learned the whole story through the TV reports everywhere.

After all, the black ball threw them directly to the edge of the explosion center. Although it has not yet been affected, countless radio stations and police have begun to organize the retreat.

With the gravity gun on them, they have directly ignored the poor pistol in the hands of the police. After all, if the mask is put down, the pistol can't even break their defense.

But at this time, a suffocating sense of danger came from behind, making them instantly suffocated.

"this is……"

A graduate looked back in horror and watched a tall humanoid armor come out of the blue light.


He whispered in a low voice.

The strongest man from the Osaka team...

"I...we...how..." Zhang Junyunqiang asked openly with his eyes open and vaguely asked.

He couldn't open his mouth at all, because with one open mouth, countless gusts of wind would dig into his throat, stuffing everything he wanted to say back.

"Where are we...where?!!!" He snarled at last.

"in the sky."

Then immediately, Yi Huo's faint voice came from his side.

"Wh...what...!" Zhang Junyun said with difficulty, "Why...what...you would be so easy." But at the end, Zhang Junyun suddenly became fluent, and the resistance around him disappeared.

"Because I forgot to add magic to you." Yi Biao put away his wand with no sincerity and shrugged at him.

Zhang Junyun's eyelids jumped, but there was no way out, without the hindrance of the wind, he could finally see the environment around him.

The sky is still the sky, under the endless blue sky.

"Why are we in such a strange place every time!" he said frantically, "and... why are we still in the air!"

Zhang Junyun was really puzzled at this time, because with his poor magic knowledge, he could not understand what was born in the moment.

He only saw Yi Chou stabbing the samurai sword into the **** stone, and then...they exploded? ! Ah no, it's flying.

"Shenshi is the bond." Yi Xiao said with narrowed eyes.

A group of people were flying in the air. Although they were protected by Yi Chao’s magic, humans were, after all, a kind of 6-land animal. After leaving their feet on the ground, they were not pragmatic. The following.

"What bond?" In desperation, Zhang Junyun could only continue to ask.

"The bond of the world." Yi Chou's voice was still faint.

After a while, Zhang Junyun sniffed, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, if you want to say it, say it quickly!" He made a vicious look.

But Yi Chou is still a calm dead face. He organized the language slightly, "We have traveled through two worlds before, or... two time periods of the same world."

"I used to suspect that it was an illusion, or some kind of means to travel through time, but then I realized that this is not the case."

"It is simply two worlds."

"Shenshi is the link that connects them."

"How do you..." Zhang Junyun looked at Yi Chou with his amazed eyes. These things can't be inferred from this clue alone.

But if it is completely guessed, then how big his brain needs to be.

"I've had this doubt for a long time." It seems that I already knew the potential meaning of Zhang Junyun's words, and Yi Xiao said that he didn't intend to hide their tone.

"Remember Sadako and Fujiang."

"Of course I remember." How could Zhang Junyun forget these two guys, although the former appeared for a short time, or even just a moment was kicked into prison by Yi Xuan.

However, Sadako’s name is also unknown, and her potential is also almost unlimited. If you let it grow up, it is not impossible to completely destroy the humanity of a world.

As for the latter...

As a source of terror, Fu Jiang, I am afraid that Zhang Junyun will not forget her existence for a long time in the future.

"Sadako's videotape...I was present in that Fujiang hut. I have seen that thing before. I didn't expect that the hut would come after you."

"The active movement of the hut and the successive appearance of Sadako and Fujiang made me realize that this might not have been an accidental incident, and then, both Fujiang and Sadako contacted me one after another."

"There is definitely a meaning in their words."

"Come here."

Tan Qing and Daisy's eyes were blank, including Zhang Junyun's words, Yi Yi shrugged, "Well, maybe you haven't contacted Sadako, but I didn't lie to you."

"So you guess..." Zhang Junyun's uncertain voice sounded.

"No." Yi Xiao shook his head again. "I doubt their purpose, but I'm not worried, so I decided to follow their guidance. Anyway, no matter what it is, I have to face myself in the end."

Although Yi Xiao did not explain, Zhang Junyun heard strong self-confidence from his words.

No matter what stuff is hiding behind it, at the moment when the conspiracy is finally revealed, it will have to face Yi Chou himself, and Yi Chou is confident and has this strength, so that all the tricks are smashed in front of him.

Of course, before that, Yi Chou shut off the two uncertainties of Zhen Zi and Fu Jiang. Having confidence is a good thing, but if you are too confident, it seems a bit stupid.

"We don't know what is hiding behind them, maybe it's gantz, maybe it's about time..." Yi Xiao gestured to Miss Tao, and when he returned, the bird had its own natural enemies.

"But in any case, they have divided the two worlds into two. One of the worlds flows much faster. Maybe they were originally one, maybe not."

"But now...they are going to merge."

"Shenshi is the link between the two."

Zhang Junyun understands about it. Although I don’t know why Yi Biao knows so many things, his instinctive feeling seems to be that Yi Biao has nothing to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he is a little puzzled.

"Then why are you doing this." He asked in doubt.

"Naturally is for myself." Yi Huo did not hide much.

"In addition to my original task, I obviously need more things to enhance my own strength. Whether it is Koga-nen Village or Tengu in Tengu Forest, I can't enhance my strength."

"So I need more exploration. God Ji, the gantz combat uniform in the black ball space, these things are really useful to me."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, "You don't mind."

Zhang Junyun showed a far-fetched smile, not to say that Yi Biao rescued them several times, okay, although it was also caused by the increasing difficulty of Yi Biao, but with his strength, Zhang Junyun didn’t think he and others had much refutation Room.

He only smiled a little, and then pointed weakly at the rising height around him, "So now, how will the fusion of the world... have any effect on us?" (To be continued.) 8

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