High Magic Earth

Chapter 1012: 0 Demon Night (2)

Zhang Junyun still worried about their current situation, as if the earth had turned into a small black spot that was invisible to the naked eye, and the upper dome was still endless.

From an ancient shrine suddenly moved to the sky, it is certainly impossible to say no panic.

Although they are protected by magical powers to protect them from high air currents and cold, from the point of view that there is no end to them, they are rarely said to be tens of thousands of meters above the ground.

Even with magical magic, Zhang Junyun and others worry that they will be broken into meatloaf.

However, in the face of Zhang Junyun's question, Yi Chou's answer was a consistent style. "What do you think?" he asked inversely.

"I don't really think of anything now." Unexpectedly, it was Miss Tan Qing who interjected. She was unremarkably normal and intervened in the conversation between Yi Xuan and Zhang Junyun.

Tan Qing embraced her arms with her legs crossed, and she seemed to be sitting in the air halfway. Of course, because there was no back-and-forth relationship, her whole body was often turned upside down, and even her long hair directly covered her eyes and face. She covered her head.

Even so, she still maintained this sitting posture and asked coldly, "I just want to know how long we have to land."

Zhang Junyun passed his surprised look, even Yi Yiao.

After a long while, Yi Xuan suddenly said, "You have fear of heights." Although it sounds like a question, Yi Xuan said it in a positive tone.

Detective Qing is not magical, and can't conceal the inner fluctuations. The strong ups and downs of emotional energy are like a searchlight in the night on her. Yi Xiao can feel the fluctuations with her eyes closed.

Then immediately, Yi Chou said again, "Don't you find that... we are not landing, but are we still in the air."

Tan Qing gave Yi Xuan a white look and turned his head. Sure enough, he was able to talk to Yi Xiao normally without being angry, only Zhang Junyun, a nerve-wracking fellow, was alone.

"I don't worry about this problem." Miss Tao, who had completed the task but did not leave, was not anxious.

She is a back-time bird. The back-time bird's body is naturally a bird. Although birds can't survive in the high altitude where oxygen is too thin, it is no problem to ensure their safety when the height is reduced.

A few people are obviously not stupid. Except for the two people who can't understand English, Nosuke Yoshinori, everyone's face is slightly drawn.

The atmosphere slowly calmed down, only a slight roar of wind around, the magic of Yi Chou isolated most of the human discomfort in the high altitude, otherwise a few people must not be so leisurely now.

Although everything is unknown now, it is still a novel experience to be able to continue to rise in the sky without borrowing power.

The feeling of weightlessness is intertwined with the endless blue sky around, and even for a time, people are calmed down to forget the strange experiences before.

Even Zhang Junyun stopped swallowing his own words again. He felt that Yi Xuan had concealed something. Yi Xuan apparently knew more than them, but he didn't say it.

But the same... Yi Chou has no obligation to tell them.

The height is constantly rising, because they lose the relationship of the reference object, they don’t know how fast the surroundings are, maybe Yi Biao dialed a protective spell to make them feel the wind to judge, but I think no one will make this choice. .

It's a pity that calm is always very short. Just when Zhang Junyun just felt a little impatient, he suddenly saw something appear above him.

Vaguely...like clouds.

However, should there be clouds in such a high place? Although I don't know how long they were comatose after being shot by the God Stone into the sky, I should have already flown out of the cloud.

"That's... something..." Zhang Junyun murmured.

At the next moment, the sense of weightlessness became stronger, and Zhang Junyun couldn't even control his body and began to spin in the air.

"Is this normal?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help shouting.

"of course."

As Yi Xiao's voice fell, they had plunged into the clouds in an instant. Everyone, including Yi Xiao, had begun to rotate like a gyro. Between the heavens and the earth, they did not know what was happening around them.

When they opened their eyes again to see clearly, they had already passed through the clouds. Although the surrounding situation was still a blue sky, Zhang Junyun was keenly aware of a little difference.

"We... finally fell?" he asked tentatively.

"Look down." Yi Xao reminded him.

Everyone looked around, and then they saw the long-lost land miniature in the direction of their feet, but... it seemed not quite the same as they believed.

"Is my eyes dazzled!?" Zhang Junyun wondered, "Why... there is a ghost image on the mainland."

Even Miss Tao was surprised. Presumably, in her boring time gyration, she would never see such a weird scene.

"This is the overlap of the world." Yi Xiao said, "After the **** stone was cut off, I expected that this might happen, so I took you into the sky."

"The world in the Edo era and time have a lot of differences in the modern world. The ground, the ocean, and more than two hundred years of time will make everything a sea of ​​turmoil."

"But the sky will not change much."

"It's still empty and boundless. Although it is no longer a restricted area for humans, it is also not a human back garden."

"So at high altitude we are least affected by the overlap of the world and safest."

"What effect will the world overlap have on us?" Miss Tao asked curiously, after each time when the bird left the time, the existing rotation would disappear like a bubble, except for the things that escaped before leaving or people.

But she didn't understand the concept of overlapping worlds, and even... this was Yi Yu's first experience.

"I don't know." Yi Biao shrugged. "Because I have never experienced it. If you are curious, maybe I can let you go ahead and experience it for yourself."

Wen Yan said, Miss Tao quickly turned into a dodo, and flew far to the side, unexpectedly her courage was so small.

But Zhang Junyun frowned, "Could it be that there is a magic stone in every world..."

Yi Huo froze for a moment, the smile on his face did not disappear, but it quickly became stiff. The stiff human eyes could not be distinguished, because the smile did not change at all, but... but it felt a little uncomfortable, It's as if humans feel natural when facing non-humans.

"Of course not." Yi Xiao smiled, and seemed to point out, "Shenshi can be used as a link in the world, but it is very powerful, similar magic items are very precious, maybe...this world is special."

Zhang Junyun nodded slightly, not knowing what he had thought of, and did not continue to question him.

Their rate of descent is very fast, far exceeding their rate of rise. Although there is the premise of gravity blessing, it is still a bit fast and incredible.

In just a few breaths, they have already passed through the clouds in one breath, and they can even vaguely see the blurry buildings and forests on the ground.

But everything displayed on the land below made everyone stunned.

"That's..." Kusanosuke, who has always been very personable, pointed out, yelling in disbelief in Japanese, and even Yang Yan next to him clenched his fists with his hands, his face tense.

"As you can see, this is the overlap of the world."

Those who can speak such calm words are probably only Yi Chou at this time. I am afraid that only Yi Chou, the guy who knows the most insider, can still keep calm when he sees such a weird situation below.

The lower part has turned into a grayish white, like a weathered sand table. There is not much change in one world, but the other world seems to have become a kind of mollusk, twisting its white body as if it will be in the wind at the next moment. The middle dissipated, and slowly spread towards the complete world.

It seems to be permeable, its movement is very slow, but it is very serious, a little bit of engulfing the past, the green forest and the steel city are integrated, just like the entire background is refreshed in a flash, the forest has no conflict It merged in and spread out all over the city.

But the weird thing is that no one finds the slightest anomaly. Even at the previous moment, a person was still a large open space. At the next moment, the thick trees appeared out of thin air, letting him back up instantly, he did not notice it. Own changes.

It seems to be the case.

The place that Kanosuke refers to is where Koga Ninja Village is located. The shrine where the God Stone is located does not seem to be far from Koga Ninja Village. When Miss Tao took them out of the time node, a group of people came to Koga Next to He.

At this time, ascending into the sky, it just happened to shrink the map of Koga into the eyes.

In the Edo era where Koga-Ninja Village was located, it was the world that turned white, as if soaked in an old movie, showing a dark reddish brown, and also a mollusk that eroded another complete modern world.

But the strange thing is that the main world left after the final fusion actually relies on the modernity where the Gantz black ball is located.

Although the mollusks incarnate into the world in the Edo period seemed to be aggression, as if they were to devour the other world, they did not expect that they would be the object of the invasion in the end.

As a member of the Edo period, Koga is naturally the subject of embezzlement.

The entire Ninja Village looks distorted, like crazy faces, like sand washed by the waves, which is impacting the modern world again and again, and there are urban forests of steel and cement.

In the end, these ancient villages appeared on a fringe location on the outskirts of the city, and became dilapidated, old, and exuded a rotten atmosphere.

Time has eroded everything, turning the hard wood into holes and sharp blades.

Even... Let countless lives pass to the end of death.

There are no living people.

There are no longer any living people in the entire Kahe Ninja Village.

"No!" Kanosuke let out a frantic and low growl from his throat. He didn't know what all of the following meant, but the empty and ruined Ninja Village also gave him an ominous hunch from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, as the two who were taken away from the original world by the time of Edo and Yi Tao and Miss Tao, and entered into the time gyration, Yang Yan and the two had a deep relationship with the previous world.

Even in a time gyration, this kind of involvement is hard to break.

They will instinctively feel a panic from the bottom of their hearts. This is the feeling that all creatures in this world will appear before the world is destroyed.

Yi Xiao calmly pasted a pure and calm energy on the face of Kanosuke, watching him and Yang Yan calm down, and Yi Xiao began to control the falling speed of several people.

Zhang Junyun and Ms. Tao don’t have as much sentimentality as Kanosuke, after all, they don’t have the same feeling as when Jiahe Rencun was destroyed.

"That was... the city we were in before?!" The ground gradually approached, and Zhang Junyun and others saw the big pit caused by Yi Chao.

They stared at the ground in disbelief, "Is that what you caused?"

Immediately before the iron-blooded spacecraft was about to crash, Yi Chou procrastinated for a long time, and then asked Miss Tao to use the energy of the returning bird to send everyone away from here.

Therefore, Zhang Junyun and others did not see the battle process between Yi Biao and the Gantz fighters, and did not know that Yi Biao caused such great damage.

"I didn't do it." Yi Xiao looked at the ground, looking for a suitable landing point, "but an ultimate weapon that entered the civilization of the interstellar age."


Yi Biao ignored Zhang Junyun's murmur, but landed slowly in a forest near the edge of the giant pit.

It was originally the ruins of the city, but with the overlap of the world, a large forest was scattered and transplanted without exception, standing on the wreckage of the city, which seemed to be extremely uncoordinated.

Yi Xiao waved his wand gently, several floating charms wound up, and the speed of descent immediately became very slow.

Seizing the two of Suginosuke and Yangyan who are still in a divine state and in a sluggish state, Yi Chou directly uses the phantom shift to roll them all to the ground.

Everyone feels that the surface of the body seems to be brushed by an invisible energy, which represents their formal entry into this overlapping world.

Although the world has not yet synthesized completely ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Yi Xuan has found the goal he wants.


Or the shrine in this world, where the stone is located.

In a park not far from where they landed, the park has been turned into ruins, and the shrine seems to have been abandoned for many years.

But...Although Yi Chou easily targeted, it seems that some guys with short eyes saw them.

"Hey, hey, so strange, so strange, you guys are so strange."

A weird voice came from behind. Yi Biao and others slowly turned their heads and saw two tall, thin and slender figures slowly approaching, while Zhang Junyun and others were instinctive and took the katana from Tengu in their hands. Half lifted up.

"Slow..." But one of the guys stopped several people's movements, and it raised a hand, "Wait a minute, you... are not humans, you are not humans."

"You... are...what sacred..." (to be continued.)

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