High Magic Earth

Chapter 1013: 0 Demon Night (3)

It was strange to say that it was a human being by a non-human being who denied it as a human being. ?

Hiding behind Yi Chou, Zhang Junyun scratched his head in distress.

The two guys who stopped them, like the wooden samurai villains in the Japanese dolls, ugly faces like grimace masks, the open kimonos that almost fell off the shoulders, dressed up as if they were wandering in the wild mountains and wild mountains .

But the most significant difference is the size of the two.

If the dolls are only human toys, and they are not slapped, then for the two creatures in front of them, humans are their toys, or even only one point above their waists.

Huge things are always intimidating. This seems to be a human instinct. The high volume of more than two meters is just standing there. When people face them, a sense of powerlessness will emerge.

Zhang Junyun looked at Yi Chou with his eyes squinted. Sure enough, he was still a dead fish-faced expression staring at the two silly big guys in front of him, his eyes slightly jumped. In fact, even Zhang Junyun had already been fed up with Yi Chou on the way. Facial paralysis.

I hope that these two guys can also feel this silent tacit understanding.

It's a pity that the two monsters didn't seem to realize that Yi Biao's expression had some frivolous and provocative meanings in it, because they were also paralyzed.

In Zhang Junyun's eyes, although the two monsters should be the same thing, they are obviously not the same, as if humans are divided into men and women. If the monsters are also divided into genders, then the previous two... probably one male and one female?

The one on the left is higher. It seems to be a male with a humanoid appearance, slender limbs, very complete palms and soles, and even the facial features are roughly the same.

Um... maybe more like a Japanese doll.

Its mouth is square, the two sides of the corner of the mouth are greatly split, revealing a neat tooth, the hanging eyes are always scattered with fierce light, and there are two horns on the forehead.

The natural face is fierce, presumably it is such a thing.

The other one is obviously smoother, with the same style as its companions, but the lines are softer, the mouth and nose are exactly the same as humans, and the tendency of the eyes to hang is also very small. If it is not without brows, the position of the horns on the forehead appears Two red spots like Gouyu, the whole face is stiff and only smiles, just like a mask with a strange smile on the face, it is exactly the same as humans.

It's a pity that all the features are real in it.

Zhang Junyun didn't know the origin of these two guys, it seemed to be very strong, and judging from the rich Japanese style on them, it wasn't a strange monster in the mountains, or a monster in the word of mouth from folk people.

And it must be a Japanese monster.

Zhang Junyun now doesn't know why, he seems to have been surprised by these strange creatures that appear beside him, maybe he is used to it.

After all, this unexpected journey brought him too many surprises, and even Tan Qing and Daisy were both trained by Yi Biao to have a big heart.

Faced with the monster's questioning, Yi Chou flicked his head to the side, as if he was looking at something. "Ah... it turned out to be Momotaro." He said indifferently. What."

"Unexpectedly, we caught up with a hundred ghosts at night."

Yi Xiao looked around, a pair who didn't put the two Momotaro in front of him.

Sure enough, the two Momotaro immediately became angry. Momotaro, who had a wicked face, dangled his eyes fiercely, and the corners of his mouth also cracked larger and more terrifying. The original ugly face suddenly became horrible.

As if a very ordinary horror mask was suddenly rendered with blood, it became not only a horror, but also a real nightmare.

"Hehehehe, hehe hehe, idiot... idiot..."

Motaro, who was relatively smooth, also glared, and her eyes without eyelids instantly turned round and round, as if they were to pop out of the eye frame, which seemed extremely strange.

"Is there... a last word..."

The evil face Momotaro stared at Yi Chou, and his hand was already on the samurai sword around his waist.

A group of onmyojis and humans dressed up as samurai and ninjas meet monsters like Momotaro in folklore among the ruins of this completely modern city, accompanied by continuous gunfire in the surrounding cities and ruins Extraordinarily weird.

At the same time, more monsters have emerged from the ground, in the mud, in the shadows, and even in the dark gaps, and appear one by one in the ruins, walking again on this world.

Even with these ugly, insect-like monsters, non-influential monsters gradually appeared, and some larger and more fierce monsters slowly emerged.

A giant dog wearing the same yin and yang master's garb, but with a dog face, ashamed monk as dark as a Foshan god, with a twisted and ugly face, and a huge head with his hands behind his back, like a rich armor Old businessman-like little man.

There are more and more monsters, as if to reappear in the costumes once used by the night ghosts.

As the situation continued to expand, more police officers and real gantz squads also rushed over. They were like ants, under the command of the queen lurking behind them, and constantly gathered here.

Xuan Yeji mixed in the crowd, following a line of gantz warriors with different skins, leaping forward, holding a gravity gun tightly in his hand, and his eyes shone with a crazy luster.

Greater chaos... about to explode in this tragic ruin...

As if touched...

At a distance of about 800 meters from Yi Biao and others, a group of special police have expelled nearby civilians and then pulled up a posture of vigilance here.

Three snipers were lying on the roof, using the sniper mirror in their hands to observe the two weird guys in the distance.

Two monsters with a height close to three meters, they are obviously not human. The group of people confronting them are dressed in weird costumes. Maybe they can still think of 1y in peacetime, but at this time, obviously they are not. Ordinary people.

"Do you want to do it?" one of the snipers whispered to the captain beside him.

In the world of snipers, everything in sight is all his prey, and you only need to gently pull the trigger in your hand, whether it is those weird human beings or the monster that seems to be strong. He burst his head instantly and died on the spot.

"No... wait..."

A SWAT leaning in the shadow whispered.

From the perspective of human beings, he can only see people in the distance indistinctly, and even more clearly they are not real. Although their mission is to wipe out all enemies, he is not an idiot policeman. What the **** is going on before you start.

Instead of coming to the scene, he started directly, "Monster! Monster!" so yelling.

Although... he didn't understand it, and he couldn't even accept it. There are monsters in this world. Where did they come from?

With the fall of the third new Tokyo city, in addition to all the police who were still fully dispatched, special combat teams from various surrounding cities also came.

As a riot-proof team, their fighting power is obviously more than that of ordinary policemen, and they think so to the captain.

Sniper No. 3 heard his head slightly, indicating that he knew it. He tapped his finger lightly and pressed down all his thoughts of penetrating his sniper mirror.

Then the next moment, they all heard a loud noise from behind.



Everyone was on alert, including the three snipers. They gave up the bulky but powerful sniper rifle and took out the pistol they used to defend themselves.

All the special combat team members know one thing. The people who come may be humans, but it is more likely that the monsters are wandering around.

Because only they can make such a big movement.

But I didn't expect that a crisp and sound, but behind the rising smoke and dust, came out from it.

"Please wait... we are not enemies."

With the sky covered, a beautiful face appeared behind the smoke and dust. She was a female combat member of the gnatz combat squad. She was wearing a black tights, and the ordinary thin single tights were tightly attached to her. The dexterous curve makes these special combat members look dry.

But their captain still did not relax his guard.

"Who are you! Don't go any further! Are you human?"

Three consecutive imperative shouts immediately stopped her, and another female gantz member came out from the back and stood beside her. Hearing the words, they immediately explained in a panic.

"No... we are not aliens, we are humans."

Humans... The captain of the special combat team narrowed his eyes. At this time, the people who appeared here in this fancy costume were either coincidentally passing by, or were originally involved in it.

He did not believe in coincidence, so it must be the latter, and the two women must know what.

"Say! What the **** are you!" he shouted again.

Originally, there was such a big movement here, coupled with his constant roar, a black shadow wandering in the distance seemed to suddenly notice the situation here, it slowly turned its direction, and then the figure flashed quickly, and it was already close Here.

The confrontation here is still not over.

The people who can enter the special combat team are basically elites. What their captain thinks is obviously they also thought of, and looking at the tights on the two female gantz members, some of the special combat team members' eyes are even more exposed. Obscene light.

"Head." One of them said, "They are definitely not good people, this strange guy catches it, maybe he can ask something."

Special combat teams are actually very good at torture...

The captain frowned, and instinctively felt a little inappropriate. He naturally understood the meaning of his men. Although the appearance of these two strange women was outstanding, they were not the kind of rare beautiful women, not to mention, this is the time... …

Before he could make a decision, a black figure seemed to pull out afterimages in the air, bursting out of a loud noise with a burst of laughter.

He came to the captain in an instant, and he halfway stopped a guy who could not wait and wanted to step forward to catch two female gantz players and punched back.

But by the time the captain saw him, he had been pinched by the neck and lifted it up, and he even had a reaction in the future.

At the next moment, the members of the special combat team who responded raised their guns, pointed the muzzle at the huge stranger in the middle, and roared.

"Leave him down!"

"Quickly put him down!"

A bald head wearing a huge gantz heavy combat uniform, standing in the center of the siege, smiled indifferently, "If I want to kill them, they are dead now."

His words fell, and the unscrupulous guy who was beaten by him had stood up again, "You..."

The bald head raised his hand again, and there was a person who was as thick as a man, and a huge two-track gravity gun with a half body was lifted by him, and then shot lightly.


The force of gravity slammed into a sneaky monster that was attracted by the sound, and it instantly squashed. It screamed vaguely and sternly. Without even revealing its face, it was crushed into a pool of flesh and blood. .

The remaining members of the special combat team swallowed saliva together, and even the guy who had just got up and was still disgruntled closed his mouth.

No one wants to use the flesh and blood to try the power of that unknown firearm.

"Look." The big bald head slowly lowered the captain. He used the heavy and heavy combat uniform gloves to smooth out the pleated collar he grabbed and continued. "We are not malicious."

He pointed to the distance, the direction that the three snipers were staring at, and said again, "They... are our real enemies."

As his words fell, one after another gantz members from various cities came out of the rubble buried behind him.

There are dozens of gantz combat members wearing heavy combat uniforms alone...

The two Momotaro stared at Yi Chou fiercely, Zhang Junyun and others unconsciously raised their katana and short blades. The pressure from these tall guys was too strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Yi Chou seemed to have not Feeling the same tit-for-tat atmosphere, he tilted his head and suddenly said, "Actually we should not be the enemy."

"But I think... we should have a common enemy."

Momotaro obviously didn’t buy Yihuo’s account, “Hey, hey, hey.” It chuckled, “It’s so, it’s so... Is this your last word...”

"Hehehehe, interesting, interesting, interesting."

This kind of speaking habit sounds interesting, but Kanosuke doesn't think so. As a swordsman's intuition, he instinctively feels the danger that the two Momotaro in front of him brings to him.

As if he had shot, he would be chopped off by the knife at the next moment.

"Communicating...it seems a little difficult." Yi Chou whispered, "Perhaps letting the same kind communicate with you can calm you down."

Stretching out his hand and turning it out, an old pot with a simple appearance appeared in his hand. (To be continued.) 8

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