High Magic Earth

Chapter 1014: 0 Demon Night (4)

Feeling the fear of breaking the pot in Yi Chou's hands, the eyes of the two Momotaro Shizuo copper coins shrank sharply, and then they were round again.

This magical look that changed his face looked very funny, and Zhang Junyun standing behind was stunned.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The wicked face gave a low laugh, "First of all your nose."

It seemed to feel the horror of the thing in Yi Piao's hand. It stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Yi Piao. This guy had already lost his ability to break this fear.

"Hee hee hee..." Another Momotaro also narrowed his eyes again, and then walked over with a knife handle in hand, and surrounded Yi Chouyi in the center.

Zhang Junyun in the back frowned, trying to share the pressure, but was stopped by Yi Chou.

Thinking of Yi Yao's strength, Zhang Junyun also retreated very simply, and even took Tan Qian and others back a few steps to leave enough space for Yi Chao.

The Momotaro waiters didn't seem to take other people's eyes into consideration, they only had Yi Chou, because only this guy could make them feel stressed.

"Hee hee hee... nose!"

The first shot was the smooth face Momotaro. At the moment of a low drink, the hand holding the handle suddenly came out, and instantly cut diagonally to Yi Chou’s body. If this one is practical, then Yi Chou will definitely be able to escape and be cut into the waist. The consequences of the two paragraphs.

But Yi Chou's reaction is faster!

There was a burst of greenish luster suddenly around his body, like fireflies in the middle of the night. The difference was that this light flowed on the surface of his body like a protective shield.

The light exudes a beautiful emerald green, which makes people instantly think of a series of green and beautiful things in the forests of vitality and nature, but they are also very fragile, and the fragility seems to be broken.

Momotaro's shot was quick, and even Zhang Junyun and Kanosuke, who stood behind to watch the battle, shrank their pupils, and these speedy representatives did not even see the knives from the two Momotaro in front.

This means that if the knife was thrown at them, they are now dead.

However, Yi Xiao hid in the past, as if at this moment Yi Xiao was possessed by the Flash, his reaction nerve was strengthened by more than ten times and hundreds of times. When the attack came, it seemed to be dangerous and dangerous, elegant hiding In the past.

On the slight side of the body, Yi Chou retired slightly elegantly, and the sharp blade cut across Yi Chou's abdomen, but he didn't even cut the corners of the Yin Yang Master's clothing.

This indifference apparently angered another Momotaro, who was facing away at this time. The mask-like face of the evil face suddenly became cruel, and the dangling eyes exuded a fierce light. When it was wiped with its right hand, a white light instantly followed the trend Down.

"Nose!" it cried strangely.

Yi Xiao still did not panic, as if he had long eyes behind his back, and turned sideways again, just to avoid the sneak attack from the rear.

The two successive misses obviously made Momotaro's attendants angry and angry. The evil-faced Momotaro made a fierce scream, and the sword fluttered in his hand.

"Look! Look!"

The sharp samurai sword is airtight by its waving, and the knife is faster than the knife, slashing, sloping, side cutting, arc cutting!

Because it is a monster, its strong physique gives it power that ordinary humans do not have. Many of the moves that needed to take advantage of the rotation of the body in order to achieve the real effect in the hands of humans are like not using money in its hands.

Any ordinary attack carries a force that can cut a person into two pieces, and its wrist and arm strength are simply amazing.

The back-and-forth attacks directly blocked Yi Chou's retreat, leaving him nowhere to hide.


At this time, the attack from another Momotaro servant also followed, it used a quick cut like a sword draw, and instantly hit the weakest part of Yi Chou's defense, which was also blocked by the evil face Momotaro. After retreating to death, the defense cannot reach the inestimable part.




The sharp samurai sword exudes cold light, and instantly reaches Yi's nose, he can even feel the coolness of the blade.

Kannosuke, who was watching from the side, has been cold and sweating for a long time. Perhaps it seems to Zhang Junyun and Tan Qing who are not proficient in martial arts and only use the speed of Tengu’s super speed, they just can’t see the action of Momotaro, they are faster. .

However, in the light of the original skill of the sword, the two Momotaro's swordsmanship has already surpassed himself, and even in a few rounds, he can easily cut off his head.

Even if you use faster speeds.

Yi Xiao is not lacking potions for the treatment of injuries. Fantasy Island is rich in resources. He has refined a lot of strange and strange potions when he is okay. You know, Yi Xiao’s favorite is to be alone in the Red Castle. Create all kinds of weird things, spells, magic items, or potions.

It can be said that as long as it is not an immediate death, the broken hands and feet can grow up quickly, even if the head is gone, Yi Chou also has magic to temporarily retain his consciousness.

After all, for the technology side, the injury is too serious, and it may be difficult for the biological organism to resurrect after death.

But for the mysterious side, the body is not unique, and the existence of other abstractions such as flexibility and vitality are the really important factors.

And Yi Chou has no soul. In a sense, he also lacks a fatal weakness.

But despite what he said, Yi Huo was not interested in cos and no nose Tom.

When Yi Biao found this little guy on Neverland, he also mentioned to him that he should not take this road in the future, and did not know if he hadn't seen it in so many years. Did Tom go down the old road?

In the face of the cold light, Yi Chou took a deep breath, his body suddenly emptied, suspended at an impossible angle, and every part of the body escaped all the knife lights dangerously and dangerously.

Impossible to complete, certainly refers to normal circumstances.

And magic is obviously not normal.

Although Momotaro is a monster, his physical fitness is far beyond the limits of humans, and his sword skills are also amazing, but after all, it is a physical attack in the monster. Except for the long hunting singularity, it seems to have no supernatural power. .

It didn't expect Yi Chou to play this hand with it. After all the attacks failed, he didn't have the first time to pursue it again.

But Yi Chou has played enough.

In the face of such a small existence, if it is not useful, you need to use them to open a relatively friendly situation. Yi Biao sent them into the Fengyao pot in a sentence with the army of the case mountain.

He didn't want to waste more time.

The endless crimson smoke, like two tentacles, instantly spread out from under the cuffs of Yixiao Garment.

The smoke condensed into a fuzzy arm shape, and immediately crossed a distance of several meters and came directly to Momotaro.

With a "bang!", the smooth Momotaro was too late to react, and was instantly caught in the air by the smoke as if the entity condensed.

"Hee hee hee, so cool, so cool!"

The knife light forms brilliant flowers in its hands, constantly cutting the smoke, but it can't touch the entity at all.

The evil-faced Momotaro is obviously more powerful. Before the smoke arrived, it had already raised the katana in his hand to try to resist, but it still didn't help.

"Drink! Oh!"

The dense blade of light almost formed a wind wall in front of it, but still couldn't stop the penetration of crimson energy.

Crimson Energy held it with one hand, just like the other Momotaro. The energy sent them to the air, and Yi Yi watched coldly.

"This is not fun," he said.

At the next moment, the huge crimson energy was like a tornado, and the violent wind slammed them into the ground with ruthless power, fiercely, once and again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As if a loud noise like a pile driver kept coming, the vibrations on the ground seemed to be reflected directly in people's hearts.

Looking at the Gantz members from afar with the observation equipment equipped in the heavy combat uniform, the faces of the Gantz members looked grim, and the three sniper special teams that had been watching here were dull.

"This...what the **** is that..." They moaned weakly.

The enemies are far more powerful than they imagined. Such aliens, even the Gantz graduates who have gone through many battles, have not seen them a few times.

The man wearing the largest heavy combat uniform, who appeared to be the new leader of Gantz, also put away a laugh, and said with a serious face, "It must be a guy worth 100 points."

It was heard that another black man wearing a heavy combat uniform stepped forward. He gestured back, and immediately a woman also wearing a heavy coat stepped forward, holding a miniature personal terminal in her hand, aiming at Yi in the distance Arrogant pedestrians.

"Momotaro, 18 points."

"Ninja Ninja, 9 points."

"... The information is unknown!" she immediately screamed in surprise when she saw the people in Yi Chou.

The black man's bald head glanced at the nearby people, and the dignity in his eyes was greater.

. . .

After a violent hammering down, the two Momotaro clearly breathed in and out, and at the same time dying, they were more honest.

Withdrawing the scarlet energy, the two injured guys immediately fell to the ground, and then rolled down in front of Yi Chou.

The smooth-faced Momotaro looks better, but is only seriously injured, and the guy with the evil face is the most fierce because he resists the most, which is also the focus of Yi Chao's more attention.

It seems that there is no good flesh on the whole body. The smooth and pale skin has become flesh and blood. The various branches and parts of the body are also strangely folded back in different directions. Obviously, all the bones are broken, and there is no complete one.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooizingizing on on it."Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like likechingtingly so"

The two guys are still nagging about their lives.

The evil face must have no strength to resist, Yi Chong, who had converged the crimson energy, walked to his side and then kicked it gently with his foot.

"Look, what I said, your opponent is not me, uh... you are not my opponent."


Momotaro hummed twice without moving.

Not far away, three giant monsters stood on a billboard balcony on the second floor of a mahjong restaurant and restaurant. They looked at the ruins of the city from afar, a look that was not easy to mess with.

On the far left is a sturdy man, wearing a roaming ascetic monk's clothes running through the mountains. His nose is very tall and looks like Pinocchio.

Seen from a distance, the sturdy body looks like a mountain god.

On the right is a giant dog, wearing the Onmyoji garb of the same style as Yi Chou, with a high crown, hands in the long sleeves, squinting eyes, I don’t know if it is watching Where.

As for the middle one, because it is too short, most of the body is blocked by the balcony guardrail, leaving only a big head exposed.


It bounced upwards, wearing the clogs of the clogs, stepping on the stone with a crackling and clear sound.

The clogs full of Japanese style instantly responded with echoes, constantly echoing in this empty street, but no one responded, but just let the living creatures here, all shuddered and hid their heads to hide.

The little guy with his head on his back, as if he was a wise old man, looked far away, and it was the place where Yi Chou met with Momotarou and Gatnz members.

"There... it seems a little quiet." It whispered, as though muttering to itself.

At the same time as his words fell, the mountain gods and giant dogs at the left and right looked at each other at the same time, then suddenly stood up.

The tall body of more than four meters disappeared in place at an incredible speed, even the fast speed did not completely leave the residual image, and it is even more impossible that their huge bodies do not seem to have a little weight, just like a dragonfly. After jumping vertically, he stepped on the top of the tall building and disappeared at the end of the world.

Yi Xiao still stayed beside Momotaro, and even squatted down. From time to time he poked his bruised broken body with a very interested look.

Of course, Motaro, the evil face, didn't respond, and the sleek guy was a powerless, muttering look.

"It hurts... it hurts... it hates it... it hates it..."

Behind Zhang Junyun and others grinned, it seemed that they could not look down, although the other party was not human at all. . There is no need to torture like this, just kill it.

However, perhaps Yi Chao has a reason to do so.

"Uh... shall we not leave, stay here... what is it for?" Zhang Junyun asked tentatively.

Yi Biao thought about it for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His head was crooked, "Naturally he is waiting for someone." He said.

When the voice hadn't fallen, Yi Chou suddenly froze, crimson energy spewed out, and instantly spanned a distance of tens of meters into a big hand, grabbing the distant ruins.

At the next moment, a young woman wearing only a thin kimono was caught by him, but it seemed that it was too fast. She was caught by Yi Chou, and her head had not yet come.

Ok. . This is not a metaphor, but true.

Her neck was pulled into a very long thin line, and her head remained in place, while her body was directly captured by Yi Chong's crimson energy, and she was constantly panicking and tapping the surrounding energy entities.

"Feitou is pretty..." Yi Huo murmured, "Not this thing..."

It seems that the whisper of Yi arrogant played a role. Two black shadows suddenly enveloped Yi claus and others. Looking up, the giant dog and the mountain **** had appeared above them.

In an instant, accompanied by a loud noise of "Boom!", the ground fell between the gravel splashes. (To be continued.)

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