High Magic Earth

Chapter 1015: 0 Demon Night (5)

If Momotaro's body of more than two meters only gives people the feeling of a little giant, then these two uninvited guests, who are nearly four meters tall, are completely like giants.

Compared with one, human beings are like small toys.

They are one after the other, and they fall on the left and right sides of Yi Yao and Zhang Junyun. Although there are only two, when they face the five or six people of Yi Huo, they seem to be the two of them, surrounding everyone here.

"This is what you have to wait for... people?" Zhang Junyun felt dry and could not even spit out the word "person".

After all, although these two things look like humans, they cannot be humans at all, a black-haired fluttering dog face, a ascetic monk with small wings, no matter how they look, they cannot be humans.

"It's them..." Yi Xuan's face seemed to have a smile. At this time, Feitou's head finally shrank back from a distance, and his good face was full of pain.

But Yi Xiao apparently has left her behind, and she just cried the crying flying head aside, and Yi Xiao looked at the giant dog beside him with great interest.

Hundred ghosts travel at night.

After Yi Biao extracted the memory from the meditation basin, all the plots about the killing city have been recalled.

Bai Gui Ye Xing is a piece of content in the comic book version of Killing City.

According to the essence of the golden hourglass, it did not project the world prototype in the form of comics, although it is said that the way artists will create the received information is not controlled.

But it is still possible to use implied methods to make them more inclined towards which kind of artistic expression situation.

Comics are not in the original choice.

Therefore, it is impossible for the second world to appear in the comic world, but after all, the second world is a real world. After the content of the movie is displayed, the world still has to run. The infinite world has unlimited possibilities, even if it happens to be. The content of the world is the same as the comics, and there is nothing strange.

Obviously, Yi Chou's luck is good.

Gantz vs. the Night of the Ghosts

Although much of the content before and after has been changed, but these hundred ghost stars who invaded the earth have not changed.

Unlike the legendary real ghosts, these creatures are aliens. Of course, Yi Biao instinctively intends to replace them with magical creatures, but I don’t know why. They have not shown magic so far. Some possible characteristics of living things.

This made Yi arrogantly whispered.

Because of the particularity of this world.

However, these things have nothing to do with the guys in front of them for the time being, and it is not something that needs to be considered now.

Because it is not a real hundred ghosts night walk, they are not so many types, nor like a real hundred ghosts night walk because there are many big demon with similar strength and will never be the leader.

At this time, the two standing at the right of the clamor are the two who are very high in the strength of the hundred ghost stars.

Although they are aliens, they also have their strengths and weaknesses. The one next to them is crying, with a delicate face, wearing only a kimono. The flying head is not much different from an ordinary Japanese woman. It's the bottom, probably only scaring ordinary people.

The giant dogs and tengu here can completely eliminate several elite teams.

Of course, they are not the top two and top three, though. . They are two people who follow the leader of the Hundred Ghosts, and they can be regarded as guards.

Looking at the giant dog with a white dog face with interest, Yi Xiao glanced at the same garb on his body. The light flashed in his hand, and his clothes changed a color from white to white. Black, at first glance, looks a bit like a domineering outfit.

"Well... What about the guy," Yi Biao asked, "I have something to find it and tell it to talk to me, you are not qualified."

Slipper is the leader of the Hundred Ghosts this time, that is, the guy who looked like a little old man before.

Although it is thin and thin, and looks like a weak wind, it is real, and it is recorded as 100 points in Gantz.

And no one knows its weaknesses.

Like all Boss, it has several forms, and one is stronger than one. Even if the Osaka team's strongest graduated seven times, Okachiro is not his opponent.

According to the settings in the comics, it is a heads-up invincible existence.

Because within the scope of its active consciousness discovery, all the attacks received are ineffective against it.

This kind of ability is very strong, and it can crush almost anything positively, because it is immune to all attacks, but if it is said to be weak, if possible, an ordinary person's sneak attack can kill it.

But all this is based on the premise of knowing its ability, and the sneak attack is successful.

If you do not know its weaknesses, I am afraid it is invincible.

However, even if this time came from the scoop, I am afraid that it will not be able to get benefits in the group of Gantz.

The existence of the Gatnz black ball is to protect humans from attacks by alien immigrants. Yi Biao and others clearly belong to foreigners in the record of the black ball. Previously Yi Biao caused so much damage. Sanxin Tokyo razed the ground, and surely activated all black ball warning systems.

This means that the Gatnz team of the entire world will be notified and enter the state of full alert.

Later, as Black Ball's judgment on the threat level continues to rise, it will send more teams to support, and even carry out graduate recall work.

Of course, the premise is this world. . There are really so many words from the Gantz team.

Yi Xuan doesn't know how much the black ball level has been improved, but the Gatnz squad of the whole of Japan has rushed over, certainly there is.

In the face of the Gantz team members who look like ants, if they are all graduates and one piece of heavy-duty clothing, even the clamor is a bit troublesome.

I can't even guarantee that I can protect Zhang Junyun, Daisy and Tan Qing from dying.

So in order to ensure that the next thing will be smoother, Yi Chou needs to draw some allies to find the way ahead, um. . Or, yes, cannon fodder.

"Hey, talk to you." Seeing the giant dog didn't seem to take care of herself, Yi Chou was a little dissatisfied and asked again with a raised voice.

"Hehehehe... dying, dying..."

The smooth-faced Momotaro lay on the ground, but still looking at it, the deadly joke.

Yi Biao was not polite. What he didn't look back at was a curse thrown back, and suddenly his front teeth began to grow violently, propping up his mouth, so that he could no longer hehe hehe.

Zhang Junyun, who was watching from afar, suddenly had a tearful urge.

How familiar he was with the spell, he finally found a familiar feeling again, and with Yi Chou, these strange and messy things he encountered all made him feel that the whole world had become unknown to him.

It seemed that Yi Chou's unremitting death finally had an effect. The giant dog grinned slightly and groaned his teeth, and finally realized that there was a little bit below that was still slamming.

The giant dogs have not made any mistakes, and humans are indeed small in their eyes.

Even if these creatures that are not humans can hit Momotaro, so that the giant dog still does not put them in their eyes, the appearance similar to humans means that they have defects, strength, speed, and resistance of human appearance.

The giant dog even felt that even if he didn't need to be huge, he could kill these things.

Not only did they not have humble surrender, but they dared to call the leader's name boldly. . Thinking of this, the giant dog's eyes narrowed with fierce eyes, slightly lowered its head, and looked at Yi Chou abruptly.

It's impossible for Yi Biao to feel the malice of the giant dog, but he hasn't realized that this is entirely caused by himself.

To say that in terms of communication with human beings, Yi Biao was able to communicate through logic and theoretical knowledge accumulated in books without misunderstanding even if there was no soul or emotion.

But in the face of these inhuman things. .

No one on earth has written this book about the correct way to communicate with aliens.

Yi Xiao has just found soul energy instead of soul, and temporarily has feelings. I am afraid he can't handle such a complicated relationship. Obviously, he didn't think that his own approach might be very rude and disrespectful in the eyes of aliens.

"Do I have to fight a game." Yi Huo wondered, "I remember you are wise, and the level of wisdom is not low, why is it so difficult to communicate."

In the distance, Zhang Junyun couldn't help covering his face, even Tan Qing and Daisy also covered their faces, and Miss Tao even covered her mouth with her hands and smiled.

As a captain, perhaps Yi Biao is absolutely qualified in terms of strength and can give them a sense of security, but in terms of diplomacy, I am afraid that even Daenerys's new era is not as good.

At this time, Zhang Junyun and others did not realize the abnormality in Yi Chou's body, but felt that he might be lacking in this aspect of communication.

After all, there are no perfect people, and this is not a fuss.

When Yi Biao and the giant dog unilaterally felt friendly exchanges, the Gantz squads in the distance were still monitoring the movements here through the surveying equipment, and the degree of seriousness, almost no frame fell.

After a short period of chaos through multiple contacts and encounters with special combat police, the Gantz team recommended a total of three temporary leaders, namely the guy with a strong voice who hid himself under heavy clothing, and a black bald head, and A man who looks young and unsmiling.

The players behind them, except for a few unlucky newcomers who just joined, almost all of them are heavy-duty clothes and tights with two hands, but the gravity gun is not all.

But Rao is so. It is still countless times more powerful than Xuan Yeji's previous heavy-duty clothing.

Watching Yi arrogantly disabling Momotaro, then Tengu and the giant dog descended from the sky, then Yi arrogant seemed to have contact with the giant dog again. The three captains were still suffocated, but finally some players couldn't bear it.

"Shimagi, those guys seem to be joining forces."

The person speaking was on the bald head of a black man, with a cigarette in his mouth, which did not look like the yellow hair of a good person.

"Are we going to destroy it?"

He spit out the cigarette from his mouth, and then flicked it suddenly. The fingers of the heavy clothes instantly turned the cigarette butts into ashes, and even no powder remained.

"Wait a second." The black man's bald head, Shimagi, was very calm, not anxious at all because of the enemy's cooperation.

As the captains of Gantz, they may not have anything else, but the breathless aspect is absolutely first-class. Even the other two captains did not move even as if they were wood, watching the distance.

Forced by the momentum of this group of Gantz, those special combat policemen did not dare to riot, they secretly swallowed saliva, even the atmosphere did not dare to produce one.

Sure enough, not long after Shimagi's voice fell, the situation in the distance changed again.

The tall giant dog suddenly waved his fist and slammed down the humanoid below.

. . .

It seems that the little one below is a bit noisy, or that he has understood the command of the boss. The giant dog is simply too lazy to talk to Yi Chou much, and he just hit it with a punch, and wants to smash Yi Chou directly into a patty.

Its fist crossed a residual image in the air, like lightning, and instantly came to Yi Chou, even the sound of breaking the air, and even a trace of air vibration did not cause it.

Yi Biao's movements are even more weird. His body seems to have lost weight at this moment. With the heavy fist of the giant dog, it seems to borrow some power of the fist. The ground shifted, letting the giant dog's attack pass.

Yi Xiao shook his body, and then stood firm again.

"Are you really going to do it, this is not only a waste of time, but also..." Yi Chou set his eyes not far away on the two Momotaro waiters who were still humming, "I already said that before, they didn't Listen, and the consequences..."

With suspicious eyes falling on the giant dog's face, Yi Chou asked with some uncertainty, "You... can you see it?"

He doubted the giant dog's pair of squinting eyes.

As a friend of human beings, most of the dogs are very docile, but apparently this is not the only thing in front of Yi Chou, perhaps because he has become a fine person.

The constant provocation has brought its patience to the limit, its horror breath is more intense, and the frequency of waved attacks is faster and faster, but fortunately, it still maintains the elegance of the surface.

Yi Biao didn't make a counterattack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just kept dodge, but after the successive attacks failed, the giant dog began to become more irritable.

The giant dog suddenly stopped, and then the body trembles slightly, as if the surface is broken, and countless muscles are coming out.

But at the next moment, a sound suddenly interrupted it.

"Stop it," said the old, raspy voice. "Neither of you is its opponent."

The giant dog immediately stopped, and the madness and viciousness that seemed to be vaguely broken on his face disappeared, and the rising muscles disappeared again, regaining elegance.

It jumped suddenly with the tengu that was serving as a statue next to it, and the wide sleeve robe spread like a big bird, and quietly jumped behind the comer.

The leader of a hundred ghost stars.

The scoop is here.

Yi Chou crooked his head, looking at the guy who was slowly approaching, with a big head and a little old man's appearance, "You finally appeared." He said. (To be continued.)

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