High Magic Earth

Chapter 1016: 0 Demon Night (6)

"I thought it was going to hit you in one breath." Yi Chou shook his shoulder. "If that's the case, it's useless to ask you."

It is probably a strange characteristic. The giant dog is very uncomfortable. It exhales a heavy breath from under its nose, forming two white smoke. After it snorted heavily, it slowly dissipated.

The tengu, who was quite hot-tempered, was completely suffocating, and he was always calm, but at this time the giant dog who was absent was completely opposite, as if the roles of the two guys were changed.

Slippers did not have much good looks, and he sighed heavily, as if an old man was watching his descendants.

"You guy... how is it like a human being, I don't know, what is politeness." It said slowly with a sharp and old voice.

"Politeness is there." Yi Huo still said plainly, "But it's a pity I don't know what etiquette you need, and now that the time is tight, can we say less nonsense."

Yi Biao already had a feeling, and those Gantz members who had been hiding in the distance had begun to move.

And they are about to be dispatched. Once they explode with all their strength, with the speed of heavy clothing, this distance of less than one kilometer may be a matter of a few blinks for them.

As the leader of the Hundred Ghosts, Slipper is obviously very neat.

"What do you want." It stomped his feet and put his hands in his pockets. It looked very cold. Its voice was still old and sharp, and it was very slow. It sounded very uncomfortable.

The level of wisdom of the slider is not low, but very high.

In the comics, it hardly has any communication with the Earth Gantz team. It is not that it has no wisdom, but that it has no opportunity to communicate, or that is necessary.

The Gantz squad is its enemy, it is an alien, and the earth is the home of humanity.

There is no right or wrong between the invaders and the invaded ones, only survival and destruction.

But in the face of Yi Huo, which is also not human, it is obviously not the same. Even the motivated guys of Momotaro can communicate with Yi Huo, not to mention the leader of Bai Guixing.

By the way, Sister Momotaro. .

"Ah... so boring, so boring... it's going to hurt..."

Well, it sounds good, full of energy.

"Well... it's Gantz's nest, of course." Yi Huo shrugged. "Aren't you always clamoring to clean up these bugs, why don't we join forces."

Essentially, the people behind Yi Biao, including Yi Biao, are indeed not humans, werewolves, half-day dogs, magic creature ninjas, back-time birds, and two wizards.

But from a theoretical point of view, they can be regarded as human beings, but they are barely okay, but they are obviously not members of this world's earth, and Gantz, as the earth's guardian system, directly defines them as aliens.


Ignoring Yi Chou's joint proposal, Slipper continued to ask, "Are you here for God?"

God? Yi Xiao frowned slightly. In the comics, Slipper seemed to have something to do with God, but Yi Xiao thought that it was just his god, who pretended to be a pretense.

After all, the more powerful bosses, the more they like to say something plausible, meaningless.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and he thought of something not so good.

Throughout the entire comic book of Killing City, the only thing that can be called God is the house of truth that appeared at the end of the comic book.

The powerful technology from another alien knows everything about the world, almost completely crushing the entire earth and humans.

Know everything, know everything and do everything.

That is God.

It is the House of Truth that has given Gantz related technology that humans now master. At the beginning, the planet where the aliens who created the House of Truth were located was stared at by a large and endless group of aliens, trying to force immigration and occupation.

But the creators of the House of Truth drove them all out.

After retreating, the earth became the selected immigration target.

The creators of the House of Truth did not sit back and watch the earth being invaded without knowing it. They used their own technology to convey the message to the earth, and at the same time transmitted the relevant resistance technology.

Gantz's black ball detection technology and the weapon protective clothing that Gantz members now possess are made by the technology passed on at that time.

However, it is worth noting that when the creators of the House of Truth passed information and technology over, the object of transmission was not humans, but the earth.

Human beings are only the current masters of the earth, and then they have intercepted relevant signals and responded.

The creator of the House of Truth is a completely different life form for human beings, a completely different biological type, and far exceeds human beings.

For them, humans can't even describe it with low-level creatures. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use a signal and a useless radio wave as a metaphor.

The life and death of human beings on the earth, the number of human beings, human thoughts, human gratitude and struggle are meaningless to them.

Even the meaning of human existence is as small as dust in their eyes.

Humans will not pay special attention to the sound of a certain electric wave, because humans cannot even hear the existence of electric waves.

For the creators of the House of Truth, human beings are probably like this.

Only human beings will feel that humans are special, that life is meaningful, and that life is meaningful, because humans themselves are small.

Because only a small existence will have such a small pattern and vision, and it will be very important to see oneself.

In the eyes of a higher level, human beings are the same as other creatures and things.


Everything is meaningless.

This is the **** in the killing city, the house of truth, and the only existence that can be called a god.

God is just a name, it represents a species that is completely different from humans, perhaps a higher level of life, or some kind of existence that humans cannot understand. People in this world already know this, and Yi Chou also knows that God It is no longer mysterious, but Yi Chou still has some fears about the house of truth.

To be precise, they are the creators behind the house of truth and the technology in their hands.

Far more than humans.

Whether it is science or magic, when one is more civilized than the other, the difference is no longer important, and it is natural to be strong.

The existence that can create a house of truth may not be a true so-called god. After all, life forms may be completely different, but it will definitely not be weak.

A glance at Yunxing's technology shows that any civilization that has entered the interstellar age has its own strength and uniqueness.

This is not to say that technology will be able to crush magic once it enters the interstellar age, but Yi Chao's magic has not kept up.

If it is said that whether a planet has entered the interstellar age is a scientific watershed, then such a watershed naturally exists in magic.

If ordinary magic is equivalent to the technology representing the earth, then energy magic can be regarded as the highest technology in the earth, and the silver tongue power Yi Yi has just obtained is barely in magic, and it has taken the footsteps of the interstellar age.

Then Yi Chao is naturally unwilling to confront a powerful interstellar civilization that can create a house of truth.

But the words of Slippers directly pointed out that the house of truth is real, God. . It exists.

I originally thought that this thing would not exist, because the story would not extend to that extent, but the sliding scoop directly dispelled the idea of ​​Yi Chao, leaving no trace of chance.

"God...what." Yi He asked calmly with a last hope.

"Almighty, Almighty, Huh... Almighty, Huh... Almighty, Huh..." Huatiao panted, "You can't imagine... a powerful disaster."

It sounds familiar and desperate.

"No..." Yi Chou shook his head. "I didn't come for that thing."

"I just want to find the old nest of those things on the earth, don't talk so much nonsense." Yi Chou tilted his head and looked to the left of the pedestrian. "There is not so much time, let's cooperate."

I don’t know what Yi Biao said, he wasn’t looking for God, or even if Yi Biao was looking for the house of truth, he did not put him in his eyes because of the scoop, and the scoop didn’t struggle with this issue for too long. .

Hearing Yi Chou’s proposal, he skipped the question about God and continued.

"Cooperation...huh...hehehe, what are you doing."

"Rely...I am strong?"

"Hehehehe...I know you are great, but you only have one."

Slipper scooped his gaze behind Yi Chou, "they are very weak, so ridiculously weak."

"It seems that you are all very powerful." Yi arrogantly said coldly.

"But we, a lot." An unusually weird smile appeared on the face of "Shudou". "A lot, a lot, far more than you in number."

"So... I don't think we can cooperate."

"Then what do you think you want." Yi Chou's voice is still very flat. No matter what the scoop wants to do, even if it wants anything, Yi Chou doesn't care.

He just wanted to achieve his purpose, then. . Finding anomalies is the most critical thing.

Regarding anomalies, Yi Chou probably already has clues and ideas. With the continuous fusion of the two worlds, many things have disappeared under the erosion of time, and the most prominent existence that remains is Gantz.

Yi Chou will naturally use it for surgery.

So he needs a lot of cannon fodder, and he needs to reach a consensus with the people who are under the slide.

"Hehehe..." Slippery smile low, "In our case, this is not called cooperation, but... surrender and shelter."

Hearing the harsh words of Yipiao, Yi Xuan didn't have much angry expression on his face. He crooked his head again, and his eyes fell to their right side.

"Ah... whatever you say," Yi Biao said, "It doesn't matter if it is asylum, provided that you really shelter us and block their attack."

With that, Yi Chou suddenly pointed to the right.

As he expected, the black-pressed Gantz players, like a storm in the desert, formed a rolling black wolf on the horizon, riding a Gantz solo motorcycle, and was madly galloping.

. . .

Half a minute ago, shortly after the appearance of the slider, the young men of the three captains shook their necks and shoulders, making a series of bones clicking.

"The leaders of the two sides have met." The surface of his huge heavy coat began to creep, as if the human muscles were bulging, and began to bulge slightly. The whole person has entered a state of preparation. "If you don't do it, we will accept the score. Now."

He was obviously worried that the combination of the two aliens would become more difficult, but when it came to his mouth, it became like everything in his pocket.

The black bald head and another captain naturally knew that the aliens could not be united. A 100-point alien leader was hard enough to deal with. Even they weren’t sure if they could beat them. On another guy with an unknown score, this time they will definitely be killed and injured.

Originally intended to stop them, now that the young man has made an opinion, the two will naturally not be more hypocritical.

"OK!" The black bald Shimaaki turned his head and decided to ask his team members a few words, but at this moment, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, as if seeing the rear, something was coming quickly.

"Alert!" he shouted loudly.

Then immediately, these uninvited guests quickly came to them.

It is also a combat team affiliated with Gantz, it is Xugeno Ji and others.

Without even looking at the people below, the Gantz combat squad headed by Mysterious Power quickly swept past Shimagi and set off a gust of wind and flying sand.

After knowing that Xuan Yeji had turned into a back, a middle-aged man who hung slowly and slowly in the back was put on the heavy clothes, and he shouted at these people heartily.

"Ahaha, sorry, let's go one step first!"

As the voice fell, his slow speed quickly disappeared in front of Shimadaki and others.

Everyone looked at each other, and the unscrupulous gangster behind Shimagi who had smoked again was the first to take a sip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a group of scum to grab points. "Then took a deep breath and suddenly rushed out one step at a time."


There is no need to even remind the three captains. The unhealthy movements are like a kind of signal, and almost everyone rushes out like an arrow off the string.

Instantly followed behind those of Genye Ji and mixed with them. Among the ruins of this city, a black wave that could not be seen was formed.

. . .

In the face of the large number of Gantz combat teams, even the skater could not help but change a little.

It is a head-to-head invincible existence, but it is also most afraid of sneak attacks and group fights.

Because in a group fight, it can't take care of every enemy. Once an attack outside of its active consciousness occurs, it will be really injured or even killed.

In the face of some discoloration, Yi Biao continued without hesitation, saying, "How is it, for you, is there no problem at all." (To be continued.)

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